A Cold Snap

That Will Never Happen


The air outside was turning chilly and the benches near the lamp posts were covered in sleet. Small white flakes rained gently on the city of Seoul. Jiyong tossed and his king-sized bed, before snuggling up under the comforters.

“Wake up Jiyong! Its time for school! Oh look, its snowing my dear” Jiyong’s maid Suzy said before leaving the door ajar and into the kitchen where the sounds of pots clanging together could be heard.


Jiyong rubbed his eyes and scrambled to the window. It was so cold outside and with the air-conditioner in his room , he breathed hot air onto the window. He smiled as he drew some patterns with his fingers on the misted surface. He traced the trees and house opposite and shivered as he hugged his knees to his chest.

If only I could be that 5 year old boy again, building snowmen and rolling snowballs with his once-always-there-for-him parents…

“Yay! Its finally snowing! Gonna ask Dara if she wants to go the playground with me after school.”

“Aish, how old are you already! You’re 19 for your information!” remarked Suzy.

“There’s nothing wrong with being a child at heart so, go away and make my breakfast! ”


He switches on his phone only to form a frown.

To: Jiyonghaswag

From: Dara Applehead

JI! DID YOU LOOK OUTSIDE?! ITS SNOWING. FINALLY~ Well, I’m sorry but can’t go to school with you today. I am bringing Doongie and my meowmeow to the park for some fun. I’m so happy^^ Seeyah later :D


Can you bring me along to the park with you? I wanna have fun too… Jiyong thought as his slips curved to form a pout.


Jiyong pushed his closet doors to the left, and a whole range of different winter coats appeared. From a plain coloured coats to those with fur, he had every coat anybody would ever want or wish to have. I will just take this then- a brown coat with a orange collar, he mused.  The colours kind of clashed but come on, Jiyong was one of a kind!

He pulled on a red beanie and stood infront of the mirror. “ Near Perfection but just a little touch-up.” He mumbled to himself. Jiyong smirked at his reflection, grabbed his comb to straightened his bangs. Oh Yeah. Perfection.


“ Ready to leave for school?”his chauffeur asked.

“ Yep. Wait. Your jacket isn’t straight. “ Jiyong frowned and his eyebrows curved up. “ How am I going to school if you are not dressed properly? The impression wouldn’t be too good.”

Jiyong’s chauffeur sighed and straightened his jacket, combed his hair and stared at Jiyong through the rear-view mirror. “Is this up to your standard Madame Ji?

“Haha. Yes. Perfect. Okay. Move along.”

“It’s not even your first day of school…” mumbled the chauffeur.

“I heard what you said there.”

The chauffeur took in a deep breath, said a few keep-calms to himself and turned the steering wheel.


Jiyong walked into his classroom and immediately gathered some chattering and high-pitched giggles. Disturbing ones.

 “ OPPA! You’re looking very handsome today.”

Jiyong just flashed back his trademarked smile which sent that girl racing around the room.

Oh . Are you trying to imply that I’m not handsome everyday? Today is the start of winter so don’t make me freeze you alive. (I wished I could) I want to spend the rest of my day well. WAE???

Just then, a boy wearing thick-rimmed spectacles walked in. He held some books in his hand and he was rather tall. Okay, wait. He wasn’t just another ordinary classmate walking in, it was Him.

Choi Seunghyun, the gorgeous long legs boy.

Jiyong’s heart started to beat faster. He gripped onto his coat. Oh man. What on earth is happening?! This Choi Seunghyun guy, I only saw him like yesterday, and he’s causing me to become like that? I only saw this guy’s back and spectacles. He’s going to be some ugly nerd. Yep. Really ugly.  Jiyong, you’re straight, straight, straight. You only like girls, you know, female, women. So why is your heart beating like that??


Jiyong pushed his chair back, got up and walked towards Seunghyun’s table infront. AHHH WHERE IS MY BODY BRINGING ME TO?

“Hi. My name is Jiyong. Kwon Jiyong.” His hand automatically stretched out and he expected it to be shaken. DID I , KWON JIYONG, SON OF XX CAR’ COMPANY’S CEO JUST INTRODUCE MYSELF TO CHOI SEUNGHYUN, THE SCHOOL NERD?!


Seunghyun looked up from his book. Oh my gawd. Those black orbs. Ah. Those eyebrows… so bushy so y.


 “Erm. Good morning? Oh and you came yesterday right? “He noticed me! Jiyong was blushing slighty.

“You were in class yesterday so I suppose I do not need to tell you my name. Unless you weren’t listening to the teacher. I do remember you were the one that the class was spazzing about.” He inspected me from head to toe. “ and I don’t see why.” with that, he pushed up those black frames higher up his nose and went back to his book.

KILL ME NOW. I AM SERIOUS. JUST KILL ME. I HAVE JUST EMBARRASSED MYSELF INFRONT OF CHOI SEUNGHYUN. Well, it’s not like he’s the president or someone really important but… the first impression.. BOOM. Just gone like that.

. This is all your fault. I am seriously going to freeze you alive.

To: Dara Applehead

From: Jiyongwantstodie





Heloo. Thanks for subscribing! ^^ Dont worry, Jiyong wont commit suicde. He's just exaggerating. 

Finally uploaded my 2nd chapter. Hope you like it. TOP's so cold :(

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Chapter 3: I love the thought of geeky Seunghyun, so cute ^_^
Pinkblusoul #2
Chapter 3: Jiyong just ing around again... But nerd seunghyun... Looking forward..
youngforever #3
Chapter 2: Seunghyun the cocky nerd lmao XD I'm looking forward for this!! Update soon juseyo~ ^^
guriasob #4
Chapter 2: Is jiong some girly ....I dont know .... He himself looks like or at least behaves like a spazzin b*ch... Sorry but its true and I dont like him at all TT-TT
Chapter 2: Fjdukgdjtfktg this chapter was so perfect xD LOVING Seunghyun's character!
Jimakesmesmile #6
Chapter 2: Oh TOP...we all know youre just hiding what you really feel for Ji and toure just acting like a____cuz u dont wanna show it :P hope u do a chappie from Top's POV ;)
Chapter 1: Jiyong's like,dayummmmm he so fineeee XDD