` ( ♡order list )

` ♡ ( koko-berry café ¦ closed forever )

request list

[done | pending]


batch 1 → closed

DBaozi - My Girl, Our Photographer | chibixchibi

joker891912 - In Love With My K.E.Y.C.H.A.I.N | chibixchibi

electricroyal - Miss Popular Nerd | Butterfly_

MiNSTAL_SHiPPER - Paradise; Seven Springs | Butterfly_

SujuRyeosomnia1999 - Finding The Light Again | colorfulsky

short_crazygurl - My Fairytale Fantasy | friedtofu

x-sweetlessmints - I'm Zelo's Wifey! | chibixchibi

CookieCake - Are you my Slave or Lover? | friedtofu

FlowerPowerAcademyRP - Flower Power Academy RP; 3rd P.O.V AFF Roleplay | colorfulsky

LoveyDovey13 - These Three Identity | chibixchibi

JingWen - My Boyfriend Is A Vampire | aravis223

MystiCreaturesRP - ✩ 신비 생물 (Mystic Creatures) Aff 3rd P.O.V Roleplay | colorfulsky

Vietnamese - I'm Here For You | colorfulsky

DaeJieee - A Perfect Score | aravis223

chantoki - Love's Melody 2 : The Sequel | aravis223

moonlightviolet - I Don't Need a Superhero


batch 2 → open

---Haemin - Dangerous Distance | graphic | aravis223

mikachannie - A Little Too Deep For You | review | makiko

theace | graphic review | hyungsoos

AmySuju - I love him, but he... | review | KindergartenGirl

Luhansperf - My Life as Luhan's Fiance | graphic | aravis223

Creamysmiles | graphic review | hyungsoos

lovelywonderful - The life of an ordinary pretty boy, Kim Jaejoong | graphic | chibixchibi

seoldream_eunjung - The Dark Secret | graphic | friedtofu

shineecrazed | graphic review | hyungsoos

Xjie23 | graphic review | hyungsoos

KpopLifeMusic - I'll remember you | review | KindergartenGirl

ZorroHadad - Never Let Me Go | review | theeveranonymouseone

scorpio- | graphic review | Hiirah

Smartest - My vampire boyfriend? | graphic | colorfulsky



[username | reason]

none atm. or maybe none forever



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Chapter 1: Applied as a Designer! ^_^
Chapter 2: Applied as a reviewer <3
applied as graphic designer ^^
spplied as a graphic designer~^^
uniqueeee #6
I applied as a graphic review and graphic designer :3
I'm not a professional graphic designer, but I'll try my best to provide presentable graphics :)
I hope you'll accept me :D
Just to let you know I've already applied as a reviewer. :)
Chapter 1: i've just applied for being a (graphic) reviewer & graphic designer
I would like to know if my shop could be on your affiliation list.

Cloudy Seoul Graphics
Chapter 1: I applied as a story reviewer :D