Time Control (teaser 2)

Mystic Angels Under Two Moons Apply One-shots [Closed]
"Are you ready yet?" Hyunseung whined, standing in front of my lawn as I pulled on my jogging shoes. "I could've been sleeping this whole time, Yeonnie."
"It's only six in the morning, Hyunseung," I chuckled. " it up, I'm coming."
"Yeah, you better," he laughed, stretching and gazing at the top of the trees towards the morning sunrise. 
I ran up to him and patted him on the back. "Alright, let's go. We got work at the company later,"
Hyunseung smiled. "Yeah yeah, I know. I'll race you!" 
Before I could finish stretching, he raced off down the sidewalk ahead of me.
"We're jogging, not running!" I rolled my eyes and sighed, mumbling to myself. "Geez, that Hyunseung..."
Hyunseung and I work at the Seoul National University Hospital medical company. We have been friends since middle school and finished our full education with a medical degree not too long ago.
I know that medical school is supposed to be longer than four years, but I can understand and learn things quickly.  
I recently moved back to live with my parents, who are judo and kendo instructors. I had a dorm at Seoul University where I attended for college. 
Life is good so far, I'm good with it. 
I finished stretching and ran to catch up to Hyunseung.
"Hurry up, slowpoke Choi Sooyeon!" he laughed.
I rolled my eyes and jogged next to him. "Cut it out and jog properly,"
He pouted. "Come on, let's race one more time! I'll even let you win!" 
"This is why I don't jog with you..." I laughed and sighed. "I'm jogging to exercise, not to race,"  
"Racing is exercising!" Hyunseung whined. 
I sighed and laughed, "Fine! Let's go!" I started to speed up and run ahead of him.
The problem is, though, is that I don't have time for unnecessary drama with people; flirts, erts, boys, liars... 
The only people I really care about in my life are Hyunseung and my parents. 
I don't even mind being single. If I really need some sort of partner in my life, that time will come one day.
"Hey! Wait! No fair!" he laughed and started to run after me.
I turned my head to stick my tongue out at him and continued to race down the sidewalk. 
I may seem mean on the outside, but on the inside I really do care. I love Hyunseung like a brother. I love my parents. 
When I caught sight of a stop sign, I slowed to a stop and decided to wait for Hyunseung to catch up. 
"Who's the slowpoke now??" I teased Hyunseung again who was a few feet away.
"Oh shush!" he laughed. "I'm com---!"
I had turned my attention away from Hyunseung and glanced at the ground where I felt like I stepped on something. 
I bent down to pick it up; a glowing ring. It was glowing so brightly that it looked like a star that had fallen and got left behind by the night sky. 
"I'm sorry, that's mine..." a voice spoke. I looked up at a tall boy whose eyes reminded me of a panda. 
I nodded and held the ring out to him. "Here you go,"
He smiled, a sweet smile that could make someone melt, and held his hand out for it. "Thank you," 
I noticed the ring dim a little when I released it into his palm. I glanced at Hyunseung whom I remembered was right next to me and saw that he was frozen in place.
I blinked. "Hyunseung?"
He stood frozen in the pose of a running man with his mouth partly open. 
I looked back at the panda boy with a puzzled expression. 
The tall boy blinked. "Errr... Thank you again!" and he ran off into the woods across the road. I noticed a car had frozen in place as well, even though the stoplight was on a green signal. 
Wait, what?
I blinked quickly, so confused. "Wait!" then I turned back to Hyunseung and took his shoulders. "Hyunseung, what's wrong??"
Suddenly, as if life came back to him, he fell forward onto me. "--ing!" 
"Whaa-- Ouch!" I gasped in surprise and fell backwards. He caught me quickly and laughed. 
"I said I'm coming!" Hyunseung chuckled, pulling me back on my feet. "What's wrong? Was I running too fast for you?"
I furrowed my eyebrows, my mouth parted open a little. I was VERY confused. "Wait, did you not see that boy next to me?" I asked.
"What boy?" he tilted his head. "I was the only one next to you this whole time. And fix your face; flies can go into your mouth." 
"That's not the point right now," I said calmly, trying to get my mind straight. "What exactly just happened?"
"I just ran to you, that's it..." Hyunseung patted my head. "Sooyeonnie, are you okay? Maybe we should go back,"
I shook my head. "No, let's keep going..." 
Maybe I was daydreaming while waiting for Hyunseung. I thought. But then again, I could swear that I DID step on a ring and it belonged to a boy who was passing by...
Who was that boy?
All of these questions are stressing me out. I want to know what's going on. 
"Alright," Hyunseung frowned, a worried expression on his face. "Come on, we'll jog this time," 
I snapped out of my thoughts. Just focus on reality right now... "Weren't we already supposed to?" I asked.
He laughed and took my hand as we jogged across the road where the stoplight turned red and the driver in the car had a confused expression on her face.
Update #2


I pulled my car into reverse and started to back out of the driveway. 

After I had finished my morning jog with Hyunseung, I headed back home and prepared to go to work at the medical company which is where I'm going now.

As I said before, Hyunseung and I work at the Seoul University medical company.

I'm only twenty one years old, but again I can learn and understand things quickly.

To others, apparently I look mean and I'm always quiet. Hyunseung doesn't think that I'm quiet though. 

It's just that I don't like to talk that much; it's unnecessary. When I have to, I'm not afraid to speak my mind.

Well, of course, because we're best friends.

I have a sister, too, I forgot to mention before. Her name is Seungyeon, she's still a student in her last year of high school. 

I parked my car and stepped out, gathered my belongings and then locked the car. I pulled my bag over my shoulder and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"I got here first~" Hyunseung sang. I looked over at him leaning on his car which was parked next to me.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Let's go," 

He smiled and nodded, pulling the strap of his bag over his shoulder and walked with me to the entrance of the building. 

"Are you feeling better now?" he asked.
"Yeah," I said. "I think I just had too much caffeine last night..." 

"Or was it a hangover?" Hyunseung smirked. "I mean, you said you saw some guy appear out of nowhere but I didn't see him." 

I peered at him. "No," I laughed. 

"Choi Sooyeon!" a familiar voice called from behind. I heard heels rapidly clicking the floor and turned to see Seohyun walking up to us with a handful of books and papers in her arms. She had a shoulder bag strapped over her shoulder as well.

"Hey," I smiled. "What's up?"

"Oh the queens of the hospital are walking in together!" Hyunseung chuckled, hugging Seohyun into our group. "With an addition of handsome looking me,"

I scoffed jokingly at his self-comment. 

"Not exactly queens," Seohyun giggled. 

Seohyun and I are, yes what Hyunseung just sort of said, the top two in the company. The boss appreciates how intelligent and hard-working we are. 

I consider Seohyun my rival. We don't realize it, but the both of us compete to be at the top of the company. Other than the bosses and managers and all of those other higher higher positions.

Seohyun and I aren't the rivals who hate on each other, though. We're friends, so there's only a friendly competition between us.
"Choi Sooyeon! Seo Joo-hyun!" our names were suddenly called by one of the  hospital managers. "Hyungseung, you too! Get to work!"
"Sorry!!" Seohyun and I apologized and bowed. 
Hyunseung made his way to his office while Seohyun and I headed to the front desk for paper work to fill out for incoming patients.
"So what's been up with you?" Seohyun asked. 
"Nothing much," I said. "Just a casual go-with-the-flow life,"
"No boyfriend yet?" she giggled.
"I don't need one..." I laughed nervously. "I'll focus on work right now," 
Later on that evening, I headed home to cook dinner for myself and get ready for bed, which took only couple of hours to do.
I switched the lights off and opened my window to look up at the night sky.
The stars are brighter tonight... I thought.
I stared at the sky deep in thought and replayed my whole day today, specifically the boy I had run into this morning.
He had dropped a glowing ring, I remembered. And I picked it up for him.
But then when I turned to Hyunseung, he was just standing there... Nothing around me was moving at all.
It was as if... I tilted my head, tucking my hair behind my ears. 
...as if time had stopped.
I paused for a second before laughing to myself. "I'm going crazy," I sighed and shut the window closed. I jumped into the bed and hugged my teddy bear, snuggling under my covers.
But really... I stared up at the ceiling and hugged teddy bear close to my chest, my eyes slowly falling into darkness. Who was that guy?


-To be continued!!-

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Mystic Angels- Breath of Fire UPDATED!


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JjangJoo #1
Chapter 5: I don't know if I commented on the other two (?) updates, but wow! Kris, wow, nothing better to do I guess. Lol.
hey reina!!
just wanted to let you know that i no longer go by LuminousStardust!
it's "seaofstars" now!! =]
Chapter 5: Bahahahahahahaha! The fire dragon ghost who go around creeping people out. Lololol
Chapter 5: whooo did Kris creep up behind her at the end? lol
or is that someone else?
but i love how Kris came out in the fire and messing with Seunghyun and his buddies!
he wants her back... he can't stand that she's not with him! lol
Chapter 6: Hello! :D
I don't know when you updated part 2 because I found it today, BUT loved it. <3
Freaking adorable Hyunseung and Seohyun is amazing. <3
Even mentioned Seungyeon. :)
Nice. ^^
Chapter 6: *silently creepy creepy around*
Chapter 6: yeah, who was that guy?
and freaking Hyunseung is just~ lol
hmm, young hospital worker eh~
wonder if she'll be treating Tao soon.
Chapter 5: freaking kris.
you're a creeper!!
mocha better sic him!!
wonder if mocha will still bark or bare down and accept him. XD
JjangJoo #9
Chapter 6: Was wondering if you would update on Sooyeon chapter.
Chapter 6: I thought Tao would follow her to work.
Why is it only that dragon creeping his lover out. Lol