Twist and Dance (Complete)

Mystic Angels Under Two Moons Apply One-shots [Closed]



I looked out the window at the falling snow.

"Look, Shin!" I exclaimed. "It's snowing!"

My twenty-three year old brother who was keeping himself busy on his laptop looked up at me and out the window. "Oh, it is?"

I nodded quickly. "Can I go outside?"

"Not now, it's already late out," he said.

I pouted and drew back from the window sadly. 

"You can always go tomorrow," Shin smiled reassuringly. "You can ask Eunhyuk if he wants to come over,"

I grinned and jumped in place excitedly. "Really?? I can't wait!!!"

Eunhyuk is one of my closest friends. Actually, he's like my best friend, like a brother to me. We had similar interests, mostly and especially dancing.

He and I met through dance class in high school where we had so many competitions and events all over the country for dance shows and all of that fun stuff. Eunhyuk and I are still close friends today.

I made my way to the kitchen and started to cook and prepare dinner for the two of us.

Shin and I lived alone in a small townhouse, just me and him. Our parents passed away a while ago in an aero-accident. They were only in their mid-40s when they did. 

My dad, Daesung Lee, was a representative for a company that he worked for. He met my mother, April Lee, who was a receptionist for that company coincidentally. I'm half Caucasian, half Asian; Ka ul Lee.

So it's just me and my bro living by ourselves in the small town of a big city.

"Dinner's ready~" I announced into the living room for my brother to hear and prepare to eat.

"I'll be right there, Ka ul," he called back.

I nodded and placed everything that I cooked onto the table.

"Did you call all of this?" Shin chuckled, washing his hands in the kitchen sink. "My little sister is so awesome~ I'm proud of you!"

I giggled. "I'm proud of myself, too! For cooking all of this just for the two of us... Every day... Every night..."

Shin laughed. "I'll learn to cook like you one day, alright? Or I could just take us out for dinner,"

I smiled. "As much as I love cooking, I wouldn't mind taking a break from it one day and going out to eat,"

He smiled and patted my head. "Keep smiling, alright? My little sister is so cute and pretty!" 

"That's my motto!" I grinned cheerfully. "Keep smiling and good things are bound to happen!"

Shin laughed and sat down. "Then I guess many good things will happen to you, Ka ul."

I shrugged. "We'll never know!" I sat across from him at the table and we ate our dinner with chill conversations and laughs.





(Lee Chi Hoon as Lee Shin, Ka ul's older brother ;D kekeke.)




The next morning, another day of break from college, I pulled on a knit sweater and my jeans and a pair of boots to prepare for the cold weather outside. 

"Don't forget your jacket," Shin reminded me as he walked by the front door towards the kitchen. 

I laughed and nodded. "I know already! I don't wanna catch a cold before the competition on Monday,"

"Have you been practicing well?" he asked from the kitchen.

"Of course!" I said. "Every night, every morning by myself and sometimes with Eunhyuk."

Ah right, I forgot to mention that I'm in college. I'm 20, but people say I look younger for my age. 

That's good, right? I mean 20 isn't even that old anyway. I don't think it's an old age at all.

Eunhyuk and I attended different colleges. We both majored in dance, though, so we were attending most of the similar state competitions including the one this upcoming Monday.

When it comes to competitions, Eunhyuk and I do our best and still compete against each other even though we are friends. Whoever wins will win, whoever loses will lose.

Whatever happens, happens. I'm still going to smile and nothing will bring me down! Even if I lose, it's not the end of the world.

"Where are you off to?" my brother asked, walking up to me with a warm cup of coffee in his hand. 

"I'm gonna visit Eunhyuk. Maybe make a snowman," I added with a giggle. "If there's enough snow."

He nodded. "Alright, be careful okay?"

I laughed. "Shin, don't worry! I'll be fine,"

My brother can be overprotective of me sometimes, but that's just him.

I headed outside into the cold but bright sunny weather and looked around. I frowned when I saw that there wasn't enough on the ground to make a snowman, but it was enough to jump and roll around in.

I giggled and jumped for joy as I ran down the street quickly and turned the corner to knock on Eunhyuk's door.

"What do you want??" Eunhyuk opened the door immediately as if he knew I was already coming, a crooked smile with his sarcastic facial expression when he saw me.

See, we're best friends like that. We know when we're expecting each other.

I threw my arms around my best friend and squealed. "Look at all the pretty snow!"

"I can see that!" he laughed and picked me up a little bit before setting me down. "You're eyes look bluer than ever!"

Apparently in very bright areas such as snow everywhere on a sunny day my eyes, originally blue, become very blue. According to Eunhyuk and some of my other friends, that is. 

I pulled Eunhyuk out of his doorway. "Let's go!"

"Can't you wait?? I need to change out of my pajamas first!" he pouted and crossed his arms.

I looked down at his attire and did not notice that he still had his cute matching red plaid pajamas on. I giggled.

He glared at me and pouted cutely. I pouted back at him and stuck my tongue out.

"Well, go change already!" I laughed.

He laughed as well and opened his front door wider. "Alright, wait inside. I'll go change in my room,"

I nodded and grinned. "Ne!"







It took about ten to twenty minutes for Eunhyuk to come back out of his room all ready. His nice parents offered me a lot of food while I waited and I accepted most of it since I kinda skipped breakfast this morning....

Eunhyuk lived with both of his parents. Being a college student, he had to raise his own money and pay his parents for the rent. 

Anyway, his parents' food was delicious. What a good breakfast!

"Ready?" Eunhyuk asked.

"I should be asking you that," I laughed.

"Eunhyukkie, have something to eat first before you go!" his mom said.

"I'm fine Mom..." he mumbled bashfully at his insisting but caring mother. 

"You'll get hungry later," she spoke in such a motherly tone towards her son. 

I couldn't help but giggle a little.

Eunhyuk stuck his tongue at me and had to accept his mom's prepared breakfast meal for him.

I waited patiently for him to eat it.

Finally, we headed outside back into the cold snow under the bright sunny sky with many white clouds. 

"I'm so full," Eunhyuk groaned. "Mom's food is delicious but it's way too much sometimes..."

I shrugged and smiled. "Either way we got some breakfast! The best from your parents!"

We walked across the snowy ground towards an open field by the lake- our field by the lake- where only we and only we hung out. It was our chilling place, where we relax and....chill. Chillax, yeah.

Eunhyuk and I do homework and dance freestyle out here in the open. When there was no snow or it was bad weather, of course. It was just in the middle of the small forest next to Eunhyuk's house. 

The lake was frozen from the winter season. In the spring there would be many ducks wandering about it, bathing and dipping their heads into the clear lake water as they swam through it. Now they were in the South. 

I sat down by a tree and leaned against its trunk, making an indent of my body into the snowy ground underneath me. The snow wasn't that deep, but it was deep enough for me to sink into when I leaned back.

Eunhyuk sat next to me and made weird noises as he sat. He groaned and exhaled deeply.

I laughed a little. "You sound like you're getting old,"

"I am old," he said, groaning again.  "My mom needs to remember that I'm a diet and that I'm working on keeping my body fit...."

"Tell her again," I shrugged and looked up at the sky as I lay back into the snow. It felt so good and so refreshing to be sitting in this cold snow under a bright sunny sky. "And you're not old," I added.

He laughed and looked up at the sky with me.

I took my phone out and put the camera on, pointing it towards my face and part of Eunhyuk's next to me. "Say cheese!"

Eunhyuk had a surprised look on his face with his mouth halfway opened when I snapped the picture. "Whaa--?" he was trying to say before I hit the button.

I laughed aloud, throwing my head back at his face in the picture.

Eunhyuk rolled his eyes and pushed me playfully. "Give me that!" he took my phone out of my hand and snapped another picture of the two of us. 

This time I was the derp looking one, laughing like a maniac next to him in the snapshot.

I laughed again and took my phone back, pushing Eunhyuk back playfully. "Okay, okay, one more..." I smiled and couldn't stop laughing a little as we took a new one.

He laughed and stuck his tongue out for the next picture. I smiled and hit the button, capturing our moment in the snow. 

"I like this one," I commented when I viewed the recent picture that we just snapped. 

"Take another one," Eunhyuk said. "My tongue looks weird,"

I rolled my eyes. "No one cares what you're tongue looks like!"

"Just take another one!" he laughed and took my phone to take one more picture. Both of us smiled for this one. 

He handed my phone back to me. "There, that picture is better."

I laughed. "Alright, alright," 

After looking through the pictures we took a few more times, we each took our own selcas with the snow of the ground as our background. 

I laid back and took a selca with my phone above me. Eunhyuk stood up and got the frozen lake along with other plants covered with snow as his background.

Then we sat back and relaxed once again. I played some music from my phone as I rolled around a little.

Eunhyuk laughed. "What a snow pig,"

"Snow pig??" I cocked my eyebrows and laughed a little. 

"Yeah!" Eunhyuk said. "A pig who rolls in snow instead of mud,"

I shoved him playfully. "Who's the pig?"

He smirked and tossed a ball of snow towards my face. "You are, Ka ul~"

I pursed my lips into a smile and peered at him through the snow that slid down my forehead and cheeks and then down to where my scarf was. "Oh no you didn't," I said through gritted teeth.

I grabbed a handful of snow in both of my hands and stood up in front of him. 

Eunhyuk jumped back from his position on the snowy ground floor and looked up at me. "Oh, Ka ul, you wouldn't want to do that, would you?"

I grinned with an innocent eye smile as I neared him. "I would!"

He helped and tried to stand and prepare to run, but I threw the two snowballs towards his arm and accidentally the lower part of his back. 

He turned around scoffed in surprise. "You hit me in the !"

I stuck my tongue out at him and turned to run away.

"Get back here!" he shouted and we laughed and started a wild goose chase around the frozen lake. 

I squealed and ran as fast as I could through the snow. It was slowing me down; I could run faster than this. 

"Be careful of the lake," Eunhyuk warned when we got closer to the lake's edge. 

I stopped and looked at the frozen water. "It looks so cool..."

Eunhyuk walked up next to me and casually dropped a snowball on top of my head. "It makes me want to go ice skating,"

I pursed my lips again and smiled, pushing him softly. He laughed and threw his arm around me. 

"This lake probably isn't safe for ice skating," I said. "Let's go somewhere else that isn't near frozen water,"

Eunhyuk nodded. "Wouldn't want to fall in,"







We made our way back to where the trees were and walked towards the thinner ones. We shook them so that snow flew off their branches and sprinkled over our heads.

I laughed gleefully and smiled as I held my hands out in front of me to catch the falling snow. 

From the corner of my eye, I could see something shiny and bright. When I turned to look, there was nothing but a forest floor of snow.

I blinked in confusion and went back to catching the snow with Eunhyuk. 

But then I saw it again, across the open field in the woods. 

"Did you see that?" I asked Eunhyuk. 

He blinked, turning to where I was looking and shook his head. The light has suddenly disappeared. 
"Nope," he tossed a snowball towards me unexpectedly. "But I saw that,"

I tried to catch it quickly but it melted through my hands. I glared at him with a smirk on my face.

"You wanna go?" I cocked my eyebrows at him and grabbed a handful of snow again.

He giggled with a gummy smile on his face and started to run. 

I laughed and ran after him.

As I ran through the forest, the light appeared again out of the corner of my eye. 

I looked at it quickly and stopped running. I stood where I was and stared.

What is that light? I thought, stepping towards it. It's almost as if it's calling me... 

Eunhyuk was still running through the woods further away from me, his guffawing laugh slowly fainting away.

I glanced at him and looked back at the light. "Eh, I'll get him later,"

The light was getting brighter and brighter as I stepped towards it through the thin snowy forest floor. When I was close enough, I could see someone standing in the middle of it. 

I blinked in confusion. "What? A person?" I said to myself. 

They reached out to me, I could see one of their arms extending towards me. For some reason, I was supposed to come to them so I kept walking.

"Ka ul!" I heard Eunhyuk's voice then. 

My ears perked at his voice but I couldn't turn to face him. I couldn't even stop myself from walking. 

What is this?? I furrowed my eyebrows. I can't move!

Well, I'm moving but I can't control myself. I can't stop walking!

"What are you doing, Ka ul?!?" Eunhyuk yelled, and I could hear his footsteps behind trying to catch up to me. 

"This isn't me!!" I yelled back. "I can't---!"

The light got closer and closer as I got closer and closer; There was a boy standing in the middle of it.

"Ka ul, there's someone there!" Eunhyuk yelled again. 

"I can see that!" I groaned and tried to fight against whatever was controlling me. Why couldn't I move myself?! I'm walking towards some stranger in the middle of the forest!

"I'll be back." 

I blinked and peered at the figure whose mouth opened a little at those words.

"Huh?" I tilted my head. 

Did someone say that?..... 

That person?

How creepy...

"Ka ul!!" Eunhyuk was a few feet behind me now. He stepped over a large branch and shouted my name in a louder voice.

I flinched and turned quickly to look at him. "Eunhyuk!" 

"Watch out!!!" he ran towards me at the same time I turned around to see what I was just about to step on. 

I jumped back quickly when I stepped onto the frozen lake, but I jumped a little too vigorously and slipped with my leg twisted towards the side across the ice.

I screamed in pain and collapsed into the snow next to the edge of the lake. 

By the time I looked up at the bright light with the figure in it, they had disappeared.

What had just happened?







"Are you okay?" Eunhyuk asked. My arm was around his shoulder as we slowly made our way through the snowy field back towards the neighborhood.

I nodded, wincing in pain a little when I tried to place my leg on the ground. 

"Keep it up," he said. "You sprained it, that's all. We'll just put a bag of ice on it when we get home,"

"Will it heal by Monday??" I asked worriedly, remembering the competition.

Eunhyuk didn't respond. I frowned and sighed deeply, knowing that my leg wouldn't heal in just two days for the competition. 

"What was I thinking?" I said out loud to myself. "I was following that light... And I slipped..."

"I know it's not your fault," Eunhyuk said. "But... How were you not controlling yourself? Were you drunk?"

I shoved him playfully. "No, I wasn't drunk."

He smiled. "I was just kidding,"

I limped towards the door of my house with my arm still around Eunhyuk. I sighed when I remembered Shin.

"My brother is going to kill me..." I muttered. "He even warned me not to injure myself before Monday's competition."

Eunhyuk frowned sadly and helped me up the porch. 

"I can still go," I said. "Two days is enough for my leg,"

He blinked. "No it's not! Ka ul, you need to rest."

I sighed. "I'll persuade my brother,"

"KA UL!!!!!!"

I flinched at my brother's voice and cringed behind Eunhyuk who flinched as well. He gaped at me frantically and jerked his head towards my brother telling me to talk to him.

"Ka ul," Shin sighed and repeated my name calmly. "Didn't I warn you not to hurt yourself before the competition on Monday?"

I pursed my lips and limped from behind Eunhyuk with my sprained leg. "Well... I warned myself not to get sick before the competition on Monday..." 

My brother crossed his arms and shook his head at me. "I should t have let you gone outside,"

"Shin, I'll be fine!" I said. "My leg will be alright in no time,"

"No," he said. "You're not going,"

"Yes I am!" I raised my voice and shouted back. "I have to, and you can't stop me!"

Shin rolled his eyes and nodded to Eunhyuk for him to leave.

"See you later..." Eunhyuk leaned towards me and whispered before turning to head out the door.

My older brother walked towards me and picked me up over his shoulder, carrying me up the stairs.

"Shin!!" I exclaimed in surprise. "I could walk upstairs by myself---"

"No, you can't." he interrupted.

I pursed my lips and pouted in silence as Shin continued to carry me into my room and tuck me into bed.

"I'll bring your lunch and dinner later," he said. "Until then, rest your leg. Alright?"

I couldn't help but smile at my overprotective brother. "Thank you, Shin Oppa."

He smiled softly in return and left my room.

I sighed and stretched my legs out in front of me, squishing my cheeks into the palms of my hands. 

"This is all my fault..." I said out loud to myself. "I shouldn't have... Ugh that wasn't preventable. I had to go out into the pretty white snow with my best friend, Eunhyuk!"

I pouted at the sight of my red ankle. Yet I got myself hurt from following that weird light...

But... What the heck was that light?







Later on, Shin brought dinner to my room and sat next to me while I ate. 

I blinked. "You cooked?"

He laughed a little and shook his head. "No, I just warmed up some of the leftovers from last night's dinner."

"Oh," I laughed and looked over the meal I cooked on my own one night ago.

"How are you?" Shin asked me as he placed a cold bag of ice on my injured ankle. 

I picked up a spoonful of macaroni  and stuffed it into my mouth, wincing slightly at the pressure on my leg. I nodded at him. "I'm okay,"

Shin laughed. "Don't talk with your mouth full, Ka ul." 

I pouted and swallowed. "Who are you, my mom?"

There was an awkward silence between us then. 

Shin sighed. "I'm just trying my best to take care of you."

"I know," I said. "Thank you," 

"Mom and dad aren't here right now," he pursed his lips and sighed again. "So I'll be here for you,"

I smiled at him. "I know you will, Shin. But mom and dad are always here,"

He smiled and nodded, pointing to my chest where my beating heart was. "I know, in there."

I grinned. "Yeah!"

Shin chuckled and patted me on the head. "You're still a little kid," 

I shook my head and stuffed another spoonful of food into my mouth. "No, I'm all grown up now,"

"But you're still my little sister, okay? My adorable little sister." he smiled again and stood up from my bed, taking my empty dinner plate with him towards the door. "Rest well tonight, alright?"

I nodded. "Ne!"

Yes, I eat dinner fast okay.

That night, I tried my best to get into a comfortable position to fall asleep in. 

Thanks to my injured ankle, however, I wasn't progressing.

I sighed and stretched out flat on my back and looked up at the dark ceiling of my room. I clasped my hands together and brought them close to my lips.

Please... Please let me be okay for this Monday's dance competition... I prayed. I can't miss a dance competition... Ever... I love dancing...

As if waiting for something to happen, I sat still on my bed silently and remained as still as I could.

Then I sighed. Can a miracle even happen in one night?

I rolled over slightly but as not to move my legs and blinked a few times to try and fall asleep.

Time passed and my eyes slowly became heavy and I felt drowsy. The lids of my eyes slowly closed over just as a dimming light appeared in the corner of my room.

I couldn't tell exactly if it was a dream or if there was a weird light in my room.

The light was nearing my sprained leg and there was some sort of a rejuvenating feeling that I felt as the light touched it.

I peered slightly at the light, at the shadow of a unicorn, before my eyes shut tightly into deep sleep.

And from that day on, although I was unsure whether or not the weird light in my room was a dream, I was sure of one thing.

Unicorns are real.








Okay, maybe unicorns aren't real. I mean they could be...........

But that light sure was real. The light from last night in the shape of a unicorn was probably a random figmentation of my imagination.

It is now the next morning, and a miracle had occurred overnight.

Because my leg was fully healed.

I stood up from my bed and looked down at my leg where I had injured it yesterday. 

There was no red mark, no awkward looking bone that looked dislocated, no sign at all that I had sprained it.

I bent down to put a little pressure into it, and there was no pain. 

Then I stood on it with my other leg raised from the ground to balance on the healed leg.

I blinked. I can walk... I can balance...

I took the ice pack from my bed and walked towards the door of my room slowly and carefully. 

I grinned to myself and spun gleefully, adding a small body roll afterwards. 

I can dance again!

As confused as I was, I was happy. 

A unicor--- a light--- had healed my leg!

And I saw it happen. Maybe. Well it might've been a dream...

Wait a minute... I stopped in the middle of the hallway and thought. That light... Isn't that the same light from the forest yesterday?

"Ka ul! What are you doing! Why are you standing??" Shin exclaimed in horror with a tray in his hands that had a plate of eggs with toast on the side.

I blinked at him and smiled. "Morning, Shin! My leg is healed,"

"Oh, will you cut the act and go back to bed?" Shin sighed and pushed the tray against me a little to turn me back towards my room. "I'm not letting you go anywhere until you're leg is healed!"

"But it is!" I said and started to jump in place. "See?"

"Oh my Jinki's!" he shrieked a little. "Ka ul, stop that! You'll hurt yourself!"

I laughed loudly. "'Jinki's'?? What kind of a word is that?"

Shin blinked and cleared his throat. "I have no idea."

"It sounds like a name," I commented. "Someone's name..."

"Anyway, get back into bed!" he said to me, "I have breakfast for you already,"

"Seriously, Shin," I said. "It's healed!" I pulled my leg upwards in front of me using the flexibility of a dancer, and pulled my ankle in front of his face.

"Put your foot down!" Shin gasped frantically and looked at my foot. He studied it carefully and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"See?" I grinned innocently. "It doesn't even look like I sprained it at all!"

My older brother's mouth dropped, and so did the breakfast tray in front of him. He took my leg and looked around for any injury from yesterday.

"What the..." he whispered. "How the heck did this happen?"

I shrugged. "I saw a unicorn last night. I think it had some sort of healing power and it had light surrounding it, too!"

The same light... From yesterday that led me to injure my leg...

Shin peered at me and tilted his head as if I were crazy. "Ka ul, I don't know how this happened..."

"So can I go to Monday's competition??" I asked excitedly.

He sighed and crossed his arms. "You got lucky this time,"

"Hooray!" I cheered and threw my arms around him, laughing with joy and excitement.

"A light, you said?" Shin asked. "A unicorn.... And a light?"

I shrugged and smiled a little. 

What exactly was that light though?

He chuckled a little and bent down to pick up the spilled breakfast on the floor. "Maybe it was just an angel who liked your smile and healed your leg,"

"My smile??" I laughed and grinned widely. "That couldn't have been it,"

"You'll never know," Shin smiled and stood up. "Now did you still want breakfast in bed or make your own?"

I giggled and ran down the stairs happily towards the kitchen to make me and my older brother am awesome breakfast.

I'm going to find out more about this weird light I've seen around a lot.

The light that led me to injure myself..... But then right afterwards came back in the middle of the night to heal it.

Something fishy is going on around here.






"Did you feed the fish?" Shin asked me as I pulled on a jacket for the cold weather outside. 

It's going to be a long trip. I have a competition today! 

I nodded at him. "Yeah, I fed him! This morning right when I woke up,"

"I'm sorry I can't go to your competition," Shin said sadly with a frown. "I would've gone if I didn't have all of these exams on the same day."

"It's alright!" I pinched both of his cheeks and shook them slightly. "Your exams are more important. Why do you even have so many exams right after winter break?"

He shrugged. "Oh well. They won't be that bad, I hope. I studied a lot these past few days,"

I smiled. "I noticed!"

My older brother always attended my dance competitions anyway. Missing one is not that big of a deal.

I pulled on my shoes and stretched my leg up against the wall next to me to tie my shoelaces.

The benefit of being so flexible: you don't have to bend down to tie your shoes.

"I still don't get how your leg healed so quickly though," he said, leaning against the wall with a cup of coffee in his hand. He looked down at my leg. "Are you sure it's better?"

I nodded quickly. "Yes, Oppa. I'm perfectly fine! It's as if nothing even happened to it!"

Shin continued to peer in suspicion at my leg and sipped at his coffee. Then he looked up at me. "Be careful out there, okay?"

I ran up to him and embraced him, pecking a soft kiss on his cheek. "See you later, big bro,"

Eunhyuk blinked in confusion at me when I ran up to him where he waited at the bus stop with a few others.

Since we were going to the same competition, riding the bus of the same universities doesn't matter.

"Who are you?" he laughed a little and looked down at my leg. "Where is my crippled best friend who clumsily slipped into the frozen lake just a few days ago?"

"I was not crippled!" I pouted and punched him playfully in the shoulder. "And I was not clumsy. I had a reason!"

"What happened?" he frowned. "Don't tell me you're faking this. You've got to stay home and rest!"

I shook my head. "I'm perfectly fine!"

"Are you sure?" Eunhyuk asked, a little doubtful.

I nodded. "Yes! Why? Do you not want me to go?"

"No, that's not what I meant," he laughed a little and peered at me suspiciously. "That's weird, though. How did it heal so quickly?"

I shrugged but leaned in towards him to whisper, "I have something to tell you on the bus,"

Eunhyuk blinked. "Why not now?"

"Shhh!" I pressed one of my fingers to his lips and looked around. "Because we'll never know who's listening..."

He laughed. "It's not like some unicorn magically appeared in your room and---"

"That's exactly what happened!" I exclaimed before he finished his sentence.

"Wait, what?" he jumped back slightly with a puzzled expression on his face. "Seriously?"

The bus arrived and we allowed the others at the stop to board it before Eunhyuk and I did.

When we found our seats on the bus, Eunhyuk looked around nervously for anyone who could be listening. Then he leaned towards me and whispered.

"Tell me about that...unicorn...." he said.

I laughed a little. "It wasn't exactly a unicorn, just a really bright light in the shape of one."

"Oh." Eunhyuk blinked. 

"Maybe I was just imagining a unicorn there since I was half asleep..." I shrugged. "But there was really some sort of light by my bed...and I felt it on my leg."

Eunhyuk tilted his head in thought. "Maybe it was an angel........"

"I don't know," I shrugged again and sighed. "But you know, that was the same light that I saw in the forest the other day."

"The one you were following and slipped into the frozen lake?" he asked.

"Yeah, that." I said. "See, I did have a reason for not paying attention. It was as if I was...not on Earth anymore, as if someone was calling me to them."

"And this light who led you to injure yourself," Eunhyuk suggested, "Comes back in the middle of the same night to heal you?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, could be."

"A-a-are you sure you just didn't get a quick surgery on that?" Eunhyuk asked, still very confused.






"I'm serious," I told him.

He sighed and looked out the window next to him.

"Did you see that someone was in that light?" he asked without making eye contact with me.

I blinked. "Was there?" I couldn't remember exactly what I had seen in the snowy forest that day other than a very bright light.

He nodded. "How could you not see them?" 

"Well, I did hear a voice.." I tilted my head into thought. "But why me, I wonder?"

It was silent between us for the rest of the ride. 

The bus continued its way to our destination where there would be many other talented dancers from other universities. 

When we arrived, Eunhyuk and I stepped off of the bus and walked in with the other students into the large building. 

This was another university at the end of town, where the dance competition was being held at.

People from all over have come to compete.

"You sure you're okay?" Eunhyuk asked me as we entered the large stadium. 

I nodded. "Yes, Hyuk, I'll be fine,"

He sighed. "Well thank goodness you're alright." 

We looked around the wide stage in front of us where dancers would perform in front of judges and get ranked based on their performance and how they do. 

Once every few months, students who took dance in many different universities sign up, if they are interested, to compete in this dance competition to test their performance out of the whole state. 

Of course, I always took the opportunities to compete in these kinds of things. 

Problem is, I'm always either ranked 4th, 3rd, or 2nd, which was a pretty high rank. But I could never get first rank, and there was a certain reason why.

I noticed a blonde-haired girl nearby who walked out from the locker room.

Oh, great... It's her. My rival.

Hyoyeon was so beautiful and she is such an awesome dancer. I look up to her like an idol. One day I just want to beat her in the competition and show her that I can be the dancer like she is and reach her level.

The number one ranked dancer, Kim Hyoyeon, who always gets ranked first place in these dance competition of the whole state.

"She's so hot," Eunhyuk sighed and stared dreamily as Hyoyeon walked past us to the other side of the auditorium stage, seeming to be preparing quickly and busily for her performance.

I smacked him playfully and shushed him to be quiet. "You're so embarrassing!"

Eunhyuk knew Hyoyeon since all the way back in elementary school. They weren't close, but Eunhyuk said that she was really talented...and all of that talent has paid off from since then to today.

There were a few times when Hyukkie had some feelings for Hyoyeon. I would roll my eyes and tell him to just go for it, but later on he would get upset because he can't reach her level of dancing. 

Eunhyuk always got either 2nd or 3rd place in rank. Sometimes I would rank higher than him, sometimes lower. 

I felt that way about Hyoyeon, too, about not being able to reach her level of dancing. I admire her. I admired everything about her; I could never become enemies with her. 

Making enemies isn't my thing anyway. 

The announcements came on and the loud booming voice sounded through the speakers that surrounded the large auditorium. "The competition will now begin!"






"Time to go," Eunhyuk smiled and patted me on the back. "Good luck, Ka ul." 

"You, too!" I smiled at him and quickly made my way to the girls' locker room to change into my performance outfit.
"And now," the announcing voice boomed loudly through the speakers, "We have Ka ul Lee!"
I took a deep breath before walking out onto the stage, looking around at the large number of people in the audience.
During my first times at a dancing competition, I always got nervous in front of people. It wasn't actually stage fright, it was all of those eyes just staring.
Let's do this.
I exhaled quietly, relaxed my body, and stood in my starting position. I waited for the music to start. 
Then I began my performance with a chest pop. 
As I performed, I totally forgot about everything around me and found myself smiling when I tossed out some moves such as spins and high kicks and body rolls. 
The rhythm of the music became my heartbeat and I spun around, threw my arms in the air as I did whenever I practice dancing, kicked my legs and jumped around, and the world was perfect. 
No accidents, no mistakes. Whenever I dance, the world around me is perfect and I am careless about my surroundings.
All I've got to do is do my best, to put my all into it as if my life in this perfect world depended on it.
And when the song ended, I posed in my final position and smiled at the crowd, panting heavily when they applauded at my performance.
Once again, successful.
I ran off of the stage with a smile on my face flashed towards the audience, bowing many times in thanks.
"Great job as always, Ka ul!" some of my colleagues from my dance class congratulated me. 
I nodded gratefully and twisted open a water bottle, chugging it down my throat as it dripped refreshingly against my neck. "Thanks!"
"Just a few more dancers and then we'll hear the results!" someone else said. I was overwhelmed by the energy I put into my dancing on the stage that I couldn't tell who exactly was talking to me. 
I heard Eunhyuk's name over the announcements and he was next to perform. 
I cheered and screamed loudly that instant, letting my voice drown throughout backstage where everyone else was also cheering. 
"Go Eunhyuk!!!" I yelled, adding a woop. 
We got this! 





"And now!!!" the announcer yelled over the speakers. "It is time for the results!! Who will be our champion of the All-State Dance tournament?!?!?"
"Here we go!" I squealed excitedly. 
"You know you're going to get a high rank, Ka ul!" Eunhyuk laughed. 
"I know you will too, Hyukjae!" I smiled at him and laughed. "Your performance was as y as ever!"
"Why, thank you, Ka ul." he smirked and rubbed his lips with one of his fingers. "I know I'm y~"
"The winners will get trophies along with a special gift!" the announcer said. 
"For third place," he continued, "We have Lee Eunhyuk!"
There was a loud round of applause with screams and woops and yells and whistles, shouting Eunhyuk's name.
"Yeah!" I pumped a fist and smacked my best friend on the back. "Congrats, man!"
He laughed. "Thanks!"
"Now go get your trophy and gift!!!" I said.
"OH RIGHT!" Eunhyuk jumped in surprise and ran up the stage.  
"Congratulations, Lee Eunhyuk!" a lady in a beautiful sparkly pink dress presented a bronze trophy to Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk smiled, shook the lady's hand and took the trophy. "Along with this trophy, you get 1000 US dollars donated to the university you attend!"
"That's awesome!" I laughed and cheered loudly. "Yay, Eunhyuk!!!! Way to go!!"
Eunhyuk made his way backstage next to me with a smile on his face.
"Congratulations, Hyukkie!" I grinned and gave him a hug. 
"Thanks, Ka ul!!" he held the trophy above his head. "Third place! Wooh! Now go get your second place trophy!"
"Wait, they haven't announced it ye---"
"For second place," the announcer interrupted my statement. "Ka ul Lee!!!"
"Oh!" I blinked in surprise and gasped. "I'm second place!"
"Yeah!" Eunhyuk laughed. "Now go get your trophy!" 
I nodded quickly and ran across the stage with excitement. A tall handsome young boy presented a silver trophy to me. I smiled and shook his hand. 
"Along with your silver trophy, Ka ul Lee," the announcer said, "You get $2000 in cash for you and your family!" 
He smiled back and leaned in to whisper in my ear, "Congratulations," 
I nodded my head in thanks, feeling myself blush a little, and took the silver trophy. Then I made my way back to Eunhyuk.
"Well, that guy is something, huh?" Eunhyuk smirked and nudged me in the elbow.
"So what!" I laughed. "He's cute, but I'm not attracted to him or anything,"
"But you think he's cute," he said.
"Oh shush," I smacked Eunhyuk playfully in the shoulder.
"And now for our first place champion!!" the announcer's voice boomed over the speakers, his voice dragging over each word, "DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!!" 
The sound of a drumroll echoed the whole stadium and then there was an awkward silence.
"I think I know who it is..." I whispered to Eunhyuk.
"KIM HYOYEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The crowd got wild and the whole audience stood and cheered and yelled and screamed for the most talented dancer ever. 
"I knew it!!!" I laughed and cheered loudly for the beautiful blonde-haired girl who strutted across the stage. 
"She's like a model, oh my goodness," Eunhyuk heaved a sigh of awe. 
The same guy who presented my silver trophy presented a gold trophy to Hyoyeon. They shook hands and Hyoyeon took her trophy with a smile on her face. The guy leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
"So much for your date," Eunhyuk laughed.
"Who said I wanted to date him??" I pouted and smacked him again.
"Along with the gold trophy," the announcer said, "Kim Hyoyeon wins two tickets to any dance theater of her choice in Russia! The trip would of course, be free with a private jet and free air service!"
"Goodness, she is so talented!" I smiled and hugged the silver trophy in my hands. "Some day I want to be as talented as her!!"
Hyoyeon made her way backstage towards where Eunhyuk and I were standing. 
I blinked. "Is she coming over here?"
"She's coming over here," Eunhyuk started to breath quickly. "Ohmaigawd Ka ul how do I look am I sweating do I look hot I mean not hot as in burning hot but like y and---"
"Calm down, fanboy! You guys are friends! Act like it!" I smacked him in the back and turned to Hyoyeon with an eye smile on my face.
She held out her hand to me. I took it and she shook my hand.
"I'm looking forward to the next competition," she smiled.
I smiled back and my heart couldn't help but burst with joy inside of me, to be shaking the hand of the girl whom I look up to. 
"One day," I said to her, "I'm going to reach your level!"
Hyoyeon laughed with her beautiful eye smile. "Then I encourage you to work hard. I know someone like you will be able to outdance me one day if you keep trying! Especially when you're runner up, right next to me!"
Someone called her name and she bid me a see you later, leaving me dumbfounded with happiness next to Eunhyuk. 
"I'll see you soon, Ka ul Lee!" she waved to me and disappeared somewhere backstage behind all of the competitors. 
"Sh-she is so cool~" I sighed dreamily. 
One day, I will beat her!
Eunhyuk smacked me playfully. "You're so embarrassing, Ka ul!"
I glared at him and stuck my tongue out. "Whatever,"
He and I laughed and made our way through the crowd towards the locker rooms to change out of our attire.
"Did you feed Memo?" Shin asked.
"I'm about to," I said.
Memo is our pet fishy. I forgot to mention before.
A few days went by after the competition and Shin was very happy when I came home with 2000 US Dollars for the two of us.
I grabbed two pieces of toast when they popped out of the oven, grabbed my bags and headed out. "I'm leaving, Shin!"
"Alright!" he called back from the living room. "Be safe!"
I ran down the driveway where Eunhyuk was waiting in his car. I opened the door and stepped in.
"Ready?" he asked.
I nodded. "Of course! Let's go!"
Although Eunhyuk and I didn't attend the same university, sometimes we would stop by places for coffee and a little bit of breakfast. Eunhyuk would then drop me off at my university and then head towards his.
"What's the point of eating breakfast when you have two pieces of toast?" Eunhyuk asked as we found a table to sit at in the breakfast lounge.
I opened a small box of jelly to spread across my toast. "To get different spreading flavors for them!" 
He laughed and munched on a small bagel and sipped on some orange juice.
A group of giggling girls walked by, and I couldn't help but overhear their conversations when they mentioned the dance competition.
"Did you hear about that mysterious person at the dance competition?" 
"No, why?"
"He was in the audience watching the dancers get their prizes, I took notice of him and I wanted to talk to him but when I walked over to him he disappeared!"
"I saw him! He literally flashed into a ball of light and woosh! he's gone!" 
"I wonder who he was? Maybe a ghost or an angel."
"I'll tell you about a ghost! A couple weeks ago this figure kept appearing in front of different kinds of girls as if he's stalking them!"
"Maybe he was looking for one specific girl!"
"Still, that's a bit erted and creepy don't you think? What if he appears in someone's bathroom..."
"Have you seen him though? He's hot!" 
"He appeared in front of you?"
"Yeah! He was so cute and his hair was full of iness!"
"He could've been dead for how many years!"
Eunhyuk laughed and snapped my ears' attention back to him.
"What?" I asked.
"People these days don't know what they're talking about," he said.
"Well, I don't know," I shrugged. "It could be true, there are ghosts who need to complete a mission in order to move on."
"As in finding a girl that they want?" Eunhyuk laughed.
"What's so funny about that?" I pouted. "Maybe ghosts want some love, too. I bet you wish you were one to creep on Hyoyeon in her bedroom."
"Yaaaaa," Eunhyuk kicked me playfully in the legs under the table. "Not even,"
"Yes, you do," I stuck my tongue at him, "Don't deny it," 
Another conversation from another table caught my attention. 
"One time a bright light appeared in front of a grandpa who fell down the stairs," a little boy spoke excitedly, "and the light healed him! I saw!"
I turned a little to see his mother nodding carelessly at her son mumbling "That's nice, sweetie," every once in a while after each of his stories.
"Mommy," the boy asked, "What if there's an angel around here who can help heal people?"
I blinked. A bright light... An angel who heals....
"Maybe he can heal daddy!" the boy exclaimed loudly. 
"Not here, son!" his mother scolded him quickly and pulled him out of the cafe. 
I frowned at the little boy and his mother. Is something wrong with his dad? I wondered. 
Then I immediately thought of my sprained ankle and the bright light in the forest and the same night before I had fallen asleep.
I blinked in confusion and mumbled to myself, "That's weird." Is it really an angel?
Eunhyuk nudged me with his leg under the table. "Could it be that light you were talking about before the competition that healed your leg? It really was an angel!"
I laughed nervously and shook my head. "Probably not. It's just a rumor. We'll never know,"
"Then what about that light we saw in the forest?" he asked. "The one who made you sprain your leg? They're the same person!"
"And healed it right after...." I shrugged. "I don't know what that light is, but I'm sure he's just..."
"What? Is he a ghost, too?" Eunhyuk poked the sides of a napkin dispenser. "Like that stalked dude appearing in front of different girls..."
I laughed nervously again and poked the dispenser with him which turned into some kind of a mini table hockey game across the table. "Maybe."



I entered the empty dance room quietly and placed my school bag down in the corner. 
It's late in the afternoon in college and I don't have class right now, so I decided to practice dancing for a while. 
Thankfully, there was no one else in the dance room so I had it all to myself. 
I turned the radio on to some music and began stretching for a couple of minutes. Then I thought of some dance moves to put together for upcoming competitions. 
Along with the music, I jumped around and tried to free-style to see if I could get any extra moves out to use. 
I stood on my tiptoes, I rolled my body, I jumped here and there, I tossed my hands into the air and leaped forward.
I landed gracefully on my feet and started to spin in the opposite direction to spot towards the wall straight ahead. Then I turned back towards the dance mirrors to tap my feet and move my legs in front of each other, walking a little and then back.
I stopped and paused a few times inbetween the music to think of any other moves. It's free-style, anyway.
I kicked my right foot forward and stepped to the left for a spin and then placed my hands on my knees to push myself up and crouch and then immediately stand into next position on the other side.
All kinds of these dance moves were great for my next dance performance. I just have to put them all together and make sure they flow with each other.
I slid towards the left and stepped back quickly, adding a little spin on my toe like a ballerina. 
Not thinking about how fast I was spinning, I kept myself spinning a little too long and quickly stopped myself for another leap. 
The spin was too fast to keep up with the leap and caused me to continue spinning in the air as I leapt and turned towards my side to land smack onto the floor. 
What's better is that my foot tried to land first but had to twist on it's own.
Crap... I thought. That was the foot with the injured ankle from falling into the frozen lake!
I shut my eyes tightly as my left shoulder hit the floor first, following the rest of my body. 
My head was still spinning and when I opened my eyes, the room was also spinning. I groaned and held my head and shoulder, curling slowly into a ball.
Maybe that spin was...too much. I thought. 
I caught my breath and laid still in the middle of the dance floor. I looked at the dance mirrors in front of me and continued to cringe in pain at my injuries. 
Then I sat up slowly to cross my legs and continue looking at my reflection. 
"They're just minor..." I whispered to myself for motivation. "Professional dancers probably suffer more than this..."
I tried to stand but my head was pounding and it felt like I was being dragged back down to the floor. I lay down into a crouching position again.
I groaned again and clenched my fists into the ground to push myself back up, but I felt like I need to be still for a while.
So I kept laying there in the middle of the dance practice room, waiting for my head to clear and stop pounding. 
I looked at my reflection in the dance mirrors again. 
... I wonder what other dance moves I could add.
My eyelids felt heavy and everything went dark.
Was the spin that major to knock me unconscious?
I felt the pain in my head go away, and then my shoulder. A huge heat pack was surrounding me. 
I opened my eyes a little to see that I was surrounded by a bright light, and I felt my whole body restoring and getting its energy back instantly.
There was a figure, a boy not much older than I was, who had his hand reached out towards me.
The light from the forest... I thought, moving faintly. I wanted to see the figure. 
"Are you..." I tried to say, "An angel?" 
He smiled and took my hand to pull me up into a sitting position, and then disappeared into the bright light. 
I rubbed my eyes and yawned, clearing my blurry sight from just waking up. I stretched my arms out and rubbed my body in places I thought would ache due to falling asleep on a wooden dance floor.
I looked around the dance room and smacked my lips slowly, my eyes slowly closing back into slumber.
Then they shot open into realization that the bright light had appeared to me once again.
"It's a boy..." I gasped.




Did someone give birth? I meant that the figure in the light is a handsome boy in his twenties who may or may not be an angel or some type of ghost with magical healing powers.

I sighed as I walked through our place in the forest, the open field next to the lake where Eunhyuk and I always hung out. 

"You're going there again?" Eunhyuk had asked me earlier. "After injuring yourself?"

"It's still our place," I told him. "Not even a blood stain on one of the trees could stop me," 

Eunhyuk had somewhere to go today with his parents, so I was by myself. 

The lake had melted into cold rushing water from the last time we've been here. The winter season was almost over.

I reached for my left shoulder and rubbed it, remembering that it was supposed to hurt from that spin the other day in the dance room. 

But that bright light had healed me again.. I thought, So I wasn't in pain anymore.

Speaking of bright light. I looked up at the sky towards the dim sunlight that peeked from behind the clouds. There wasn't a lot of sun to see today due to cloudy weather.

Either that, or it's really foggy out here.

I turned quickly when I heard a sudden noise nearby. 

What was that?

I followed the sound into the forest behind the lake and caught sight of the bright light. 

Immediately, I ran towards it.

Wait, Ka ul Lee, what are you doing? What if it gets you hurt again??

I shook my head and stopped myself, but the light started to fly away somewhere else.

I gasped and continued after it. "Wait!!"

I could get hurt again... I thought, fighting with myself mentally.

But the light healed me... Twice now.

And I saw him in the dance room... There's someone in that light.

I want to know who exactly it is. Angel or not, there's something about the light somehow reaching my instincts and call on me...

I turned a corner which led me out of the forest into another open field where there were still some trees and scattered leaves on the ground. The light was heading up a hill.

I ran after it, my eyes set on the light straight ahead of me.

Too focused on it that I didn't realize the ground suddenly disappear beneath my feet.

There were a pile of leaves that I was running through, and then I couldn't feel the ground anymore. 

I shrieked and screamed in surprise and slid through the leaves into the ground underneath them, about twelve to thirteen feet down.

I landed on my bottom with a thud.

I stood up and brushed dirt off of me, looking up at the entrance of the pit I had fallen through. 

"Why do things happen when all I'm doing is going after that light?!" I asked myself, sitting down in frustration with a pout on my face.

I looked up at the sky again where a couple of leaves were flying down to hit me softly in the face. The sky was a dark blue color, signaling evening soon. 

There was a cool breeze that got stronger and I heard footsteps nearby.

I stood up quickly and looked up. "Help!" I called. "I'm down here!"

A figure stood over the hole and looked down at me.

"Heyyy!" I shouted up. "A little help here??"

They threw down a rope which I grabbed so that they can pull me up.

The rope pulled me upwards towards the earth's surface. I climbed my way out and caught my breath next to the pit. Then I stood up to thank my rescuer.

He was a boy, a good-looking one, tall and slim with short brown soft looking hair flipped to one side.

"Thank you so much," I exhaled sharply in relief and bowed a little. "I didn't even see that huge hole there..."

He smiled and nodded. "Your welcome," 

I looked up the hill for any sign of the bright light and sighed in disappointment when I couldn't find any.

I turned to the boy. "Have you seen a really bright light around here?" I asked him.

The boy stared at me for a moment before shaking his head. "I haven't."

I peered at him. I'm sure the light had gone this way, and he was bound to see it before he rescued me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Yixing." he said. "Yours?"

"My name's Ka ul," I smiled and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you, too, Ka ul," Yixing grinned back.

I looked around at our surroundings. "Just wondering but, why are you here in the middle of the hill at this time?" 

He looked around as well and smiled.

"It makes me feel comfortable." he said, sitting down where he was standing. "To be surrounded by nature and wide open space, doesn't it make you feel free?" 

I sat down next to him and looked straight across, surprised to see a sunset right before my eyes which I hadn't notice before.

It's already late? I wondered. How long had I been out...

"It's where I usually hang out," he said. 

"I hang out with my friend nearby as well," I spoke, "But he wasn't here today..." 

I glanced at Yixing. For some reason, this guy seems really familiar. It makes me feel comfortable around him.

He looked at me so that we made eye contact. I looked away quickly and smiled.

"Why do you seem so familiar?" I asked.

... Why did I randomly ask that.

I looked at him from the corner of my eyes to see him blinking and looking back at me. 

Then he laughed. "I have no idea, but you're funny, Ka ul," 

I tilted my head at him with a puzzled expression. "Thanks, Yixing.." 

He stood up. "Shall I take you home then?"

"Huh?" I blinked. "Oh, you don't have to..." 

"It's alright," Yixing smiled. "It's getting late, anyway," he reached one of his hands out to me.

I looked up at him and took his hand so that he pulled me on my feet. 

"You live nearby?" he asked.

I nodded. "How did you know?"

"Oh, uh--" he laughed nervously, "I do, too,"

"That's cool!" I said, "Maybe we can hang out again soon,"

Yixing smiled. "That would be great, Ka ul," 

We continued our way in, out, and around the forest until we arrived in front of my house.

"Thank you again, Yixing," I bowed a little. 

He chuckled. "Just call me Lay, and you don't have to be formal with me. I'm close to your age remember?"

I blinked and nodded. "Oh, yeah! Alright, see you around, Lay."

Lay grinned and waved. "See you, Ka ul," 

I turned to open the front door of my house and stepped inside. "Shin oppa! I'm home~!"

I decided to let Lay in for a bit to introduce him to my brother. "Hey Lay, would you like to---"

When I turned back to him, he was already gone. 

I frowned. "Maybe he was in a hurry to get home..." 

Shin came in from the kitchen. "Hey, Ka ul," he said, "You coming in?"

I looked at him. "Yeah, I am,"

"Hurry and cook cuz I'm hungry..." he pouted and ruffled my hair out of place.

I laughed and sighed. "Yeah yeah, go cook for yourself," 





I sat in my room on the bed, getting ready to sleep. I pulled my phone out when it started to ring.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Ka ul!" Eunhyuk exclaimed. "Did anything happen? What'd you do all day?"

I laughed. "How about yours? What did you do with your parents?"

"I asked you about your day first.." he mumbled. "But if you really want to know, my parents took me out for some Korean BBQ with a couple of their other friends. Pretty chill day,"

"Sounds like fun!" I grinned. 

"And you?" Eunhyuk asked. 

"Well," I spoke, "I was by the lake again---"

"Did you fall in?!" he gasped.

"Let me finish, geez!" I laughed. "I didn't exactly get hurt, but I saw the light again and---"

"You got hurt!!" Eunhyuk gasped again. "Ka ul I told you---"

"Eunhyuk." I said.

"Alright, alright," he mumbled. 

"I followed it," I continued, "And I ran into this guy who looks like he's around our age," 

"I'm close to your age, remember?" Lay had said.

Wait... I thought. How did he know how old I was?...

"Weird..." I whispered. 

"And?" Eunhyuk asked. "What happened?"

"Oh, we should invite him to hang out with us!" I suggested. "His name is Lay. I think he's new in the area,"

"Really? Alright," he said. "Maybe sometime this week or next week. But what about that light?"

I blinked. "If I see the light again, I will catch it.."

"I'll help!" Eunhyuk spoke enthusiastically. "Let's go light hunting... Or is it angel hunting? But the word 'hunting' sounds a little harsh..."

I laughed. "I'm off to bed now. You should get some sleep, too, Hyukkie,"

"Yeah, yeah," he chuckled. "Good night~" 

I hung up and pulled the bed covers up to my chin.

I kept thinking about that boy, the one named Yixing...

If I call him "boy," it makes him seem too young. What should I call him?

"Lay, the handsome guy who rescued me from the pit?" I laughed softly to myself as I prepared the table. "Like, a savior maybe?"

An angel...

I shook my head at the thought of Lay being an angel. That couldn't be...

I sighed and stared at the ceiling until my eyes slowly shut and fell into darkness.




The hangout with Lay had to wait; Eunhyuk and I had a last minute dance competition which we had to attend according to our classes at our universities. 


I sighed and looked out at the stage. "We're just performing what we had last time right?"


Eunhyuk nodded. "I mean, there was no time to choreograph a new set of moves in just a few weeks..."


"Ah, alright," I sighed again and prepared or my performance. Hyoyeon walked by at one point and waved to us. We waved back.


After our performances, the ranks were being announced. There was no prize for this tournament, since schools required that their dance students attend. 


"Wait," the MC suddenly said, "It seems that we have one more perfomer!" 


For some reason I felt my heart beat, and I quickly turned to the stage where a new face appeared in the spotlight.


I blinked and my eyes widened in shock when I recognized the familiar face. It even had me biting my nails. 


Eunhyuk furrowed his eyebrows and nudged  me. "Why are you so nervous?" he asked. "It's just a new competitor,"


He's not just any new competitor... I thought.


The crowd suddenly went wild and everyone started to scream and shout as Lay started his performance with a powerful spin at the beat of the rap music playing in the background. He spun back to face the audience and suddenly split onto the floor.


And then he went all out on all kinds of dance moves. Dance moves I didn't even think of


I glanced over at Eunhyuk nervously to see his mouth dropped open through the whole thing. Hyoyeon ran up to us.


"Who is that guy?" she asked. "I have never seen him before!"


I sighed and smacked myself in the head.


What is he DOING here??? I thought. I didn't know he could dance!!


"His name is Yixing," I mumbled, loud enough for them to hear over the music, "Or Lay,"


"Tha-- that's him??" Eunhyuk asked. I nodded.


When Lay ended his performance with a y-looking pose, his back facing the audience with his head turned towards them staring intensely, the MC continued announcing the ranks.


"Wow!!!" he yelled with excitement, "That was an EPIC performance for a new face! Ranks have been arranged and our new competitor has reached first in rank!!!"


"WHAT?!?" Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon shrieked.


Hyoyeon was ranked second, I was ranked third, and Eunhyuk was kicked out of the ranks.


Now it was my mouth's turn to drop and stare in horror at Lay on the stage. We just met not long ago... And he appears at this time?!


"We didn't even hang out yet and I already lost my trust in him..." Eunhyuk mumbled, storming away silent with anger.


I continued to stare dumbfoundedly at Lay on the stage. He was smiling and waving to the audience, going wild for his outstanding performance. We made eye contact and I shook my head in confusion at him. 


He bowed slightly and winked before looking away. I scoffed a little and crossed my arms. 


What the--!


I shook my head slightly and stomped off backstage.


Eunhyuk came out of nowhere and took me by the arm. "Let's go," he said.


I let him pull me through the crowd of people backstage until we reached the exit.



He drove me home and the car ride was silent the whole time. 


I looked up at the sky to see that the clouds were building together to get darker.


Great... I groaned quiety. The weather's gonna get bad soon. I hate this... On a bad day too!


When we arrived in front of my house, I stepped out of Eunhyuk's car and said that I'd talk to him later. He waved back carelessly and drove off.


I sighed. He's still upset about getting kicked down out of ranks...


I started to walk through my lawn to the front door when all of a sudden there was a bright flash of lightning nearby and a loud clap of thunder.


And of course it starts pouring rain.


"Just my luck..." I groaned and glanced up at the sky where raindrops were hitting me in the face before running quickly to get inside my house.





I stomped into the dance room the next night and turned the music up loud to a metal and screaming song.


I placed my bags and books down in the corner of the room before slumping slowly towards the middle in front of the mirrors.


Then I stomped again in place and threw my arms around vigorously, swaying my body back and forth to make it look like a dance move.


The radio was suddenly turned off and I heard laughing.


"Why do you look so mad?" Lay chuckled and changed the music to a softer pop song. He started to walk towards me.


I rolled my eyes and caught my breath on my knees from swaying too hard.


"What do you want?" I asked, walking towards my belongings for a drink of water from my bottle.


"I'm just practicing," he smiled.


I walked back to the center of the room and danced to the pop song he changed it to. "You didn't tell me you could dance," I said.


"Was I supposed to?" Lay smirked and shrugged.


I smacked myself in the head and continued to dance, spinning a little bit. Why does this guy seem like he's just teasing? Is he making fun of me?


He stood next to me and imitated the same spin. I stopped to glare at him while he grinned back.


I jumped forward and leapt left then right. He also imitated the moves.


I stood in place and started to move my feet, starting with my right foot sliding back behind my left foot. And then I did a mini plié before straightening and swinging my foot back to the front and kick forward.


Again, Lay did the same. Except he added a little kick to the back to turn around.


I peered at him.


I'll show him that I can be as talented and 'teasing' as he can.


The music went into an instrumental part of the song where I was able to move my feet in and out while tutting a little bit in my hands.


For hours as the radio continued to play various songs of different musical genres I threw my best dance moves out in front of Lay while he showed off some of his own. It turned into some sort of a dance battle.


After what felt like hours of nonstop practicing, I fell back onto the floor and caught my breath as if I had gotten out of a race. 


Lay collapsed next to me and caught his breath as well. He groaned and sighed in relief. "Well, that felt nice,"


I stared up at the ceiling in silence for a few moments. He stared with me.


"Where did you come from?" I spoke, panting heavily.


"Not from your planet," he said rather quickly. I laughed a little and took that as a joke.


"How did you know that this was my school..." I asked through heavy breaths. "You knew where the dance room was, too..."


"I guess I did some research," he shrugged. "Kinda through a college visit...?"


More like stalking... a random thought popped in my head.


I shook the thought off and continued to stare at the ceiling.


"Do you like unicorns?" Lay suddenly asked.


I made a face. Random.........


"Uhh... Yeah, sure," I said. "But I don't have one. I have a pet fish named Memo!"


At the word 'unicorn' I suddenly remembered the snowy winter night where I fell into the frozen lake and broke my ankle.


A unicorn healed it the same night.. I thought. I still have to find that light... The light who injured me and then right afterwards healed me.


He laughed. "I like unicorns, too."


I tilted my head. Speaking of which, the light hasn't appeared for a while. Where did it go?


"Hey, Lay..." I spoke.


"Yeah?" he asked.


"You don't...know any sort of ghost or angel rumors going around do you?" I asked.


He chuckled. "Actually, I do know."


I blinked. "Are they true?"


Lay shrugged. "Who knows,"


I furrowed my eyebrows. Something is weird about this kid... Not to mention that we JUST met not too long ago, and now we're talking as if we're best friends.


"Well, I should get going now," Lay sat up and stood, reaching a hand down to me to help me up. I took it and stood next to him.


"Do you know your way out?" I asked.


He laughed a little and shrugged. "I'll find my way,"


I pursed my lips and nodded as he bid me a small wave and left the room.


I ran to the window to look for his figure exiting the building. It didn't take him long to find the exit.


He was walking out and looked around and looked up where I was staring down at him. I quickly hid myself behind the walls by the windows.


I peeked through the corner of the window to continue watching him. Suddenly, a light emitted from him. His figure went bright and transformed into the shape of a unicorn.


And then he disappeared.


I blinked a few times before my eyes widened in horror.


"Was he the light all along?" I asked myself.


It's him!


I gasped and face palmed myself. I knew he looked familiar! He appeared to me in this very dance room before, when I got hurt!


He appeared in the winter forest as the light I felt I wanted to follow, but instead injure myself...and he healed me.


It's him! I found the light! The unicorn!







I found my angel.







The next day, I opened the doors of my windows and looked out into a bright sunny day.


I sighed and looked up at the sky, leaning an elbow against the windowsill.


Lay could not have been a ghost. I thought. He's too real to be one.


So it must mean that he really is an angel.


I tilted my head in thought and sighed again, turning to my cabinet and drawers for new clothes and a towel.


I headed out of my room and down the hall towards the bathroom for a morning shower.




When I stepped out after I was done, I wrapped myself in a towel and took a mini towel to wrap my hair.


All of a sudden, a circle of thin black air appeared before me and two figures stepped out, one female and one male.


I blinked in confusion before I realized what was going on.


A girl- a bit shorter than me- and a tall boy had appeared out of nowhere in my own bathroom. 


We exchanged glances and blinked at each other.


The boy blinked dumbfoundedly in surprise when he saw the state I was in and quickly disappeared into a black cloud of air. 


The girl widened her eyes at the boy who was no longer there. "Kai!" she groaned and started to panic.


I stood where I was, frozen in shock. 


Should I yell out for my brother or not?


The girl jumped in place looking around and continued to panic, rocking on her feet.


Wait, are they ghosts? Weren't there rumors going around about a ghost popping out of nowhere in front of people?....


But I don't remember there being two ghosts.


The girl looked at me and smiled nervously. 


"Hi, unnie..." she spoke.


And I let out a scream. 







"Ka ul! Ka ul!!" Shin banged on the bathroom door and yelled my name. "Are you okay?? What's going on in there?!"


"I- I-- uh---" I stammered; glancing at the girl in front of me. She signaled her hand towards her neck and shook her head as for me not to say anything. "I-- I saw a bug and it ran away."


Shin's knocking paused. "Oh. Are you sure? Do you want me to get it for you?"


"I'm fine now," I said. "I'll be down for breakfast soon,"


I heard him sigh in relief and walk away. "Alright, then,"


When his footsteps disappeared down the hallway, I looked at the girl in front of me again and blinked.


"Who are you?" I asked.


She smiled nervously and waved. "I'm Han Lae Na...but call me Raina!"


I blinked again. "Hi, Raina. Are you a ghost?"


"No!" she laughed, "Kai-- that guy here earlier-- wait, have you met Lay yet?"


She knows Lay?

I nodded slowly, clutching my towel. "Why?"

"Lay is one of Kai's brothers..." Raina said.


"He has brothers?" I asked.

She nodded. "So you've probably seen Lay's powers already, haven't you?"

"Lay has powers??" I made a face. "Um, who are you?"

"Let me finish," Raina pouted. "These guys have special powers, alright? Kai can teleport, and Lay can heal."

Lay's power is healing... I gasped a little and realized. Of course!! It all makes sense now! He's been healing me with that light this whole time!

"People are spreading rumors about these ghosts..." I said. "I assume it's you two?" 


She laughed. "Yeah! I guess... We don't mean to scare people though. Did you hear about the rumor of the angel?"


I nodded. "Is Lay the angel?"

Raina nodded. "Yeah, but he's not really an angel... He and his brothers are sort of alien dudes with cool powers."


Out of thin black air next to us, the boy appeared again and pushed Raina playfully.


"If you say it like that it makes us sound like we're not human..." he laughed nervously.


I blinked at him and hugged myself quickly, remembering that I was only in a towel.


"You are humans from another planet." Raina rolled her eyes and pushed him back. "Now go away, Kai,"


"Sorry," the boy named Kai bowed to me with his eyes shut closed and disappeared into air.


Raina turned back to me. "Anyway,"


"Wait, Lay mentioned that he's not from our planet..." I said, remembering the time in the dance room when he said that. "He wasn't kidding?!" 


Raina blinked and shook her head. "It's true. You can say that he and his brothers are some sort of sorcerers from another planet called EXO planet who need to find their lovers on Earth."


I froze. "Lovers?" 


She nodded. "Their missions on Earth!"


I felt my heart skip a beat and I looked down at the bathroom floor. 


Why...... am I Lay's… “lover”…………..


Why me?


I pursed my lips and raised my eyebrows in surprise, shaking the thought off. "No wonder he seemed so...different. As in, magically but not weirdly different...."


"There were his other brothers who had fire power, too!" Raina said, explaining more about Lay and Kai's brothers. "And another with thunder or lightning. These EXO Planet brothers are just so cool."


I blinked. "So I'm really... Lay's lover?"


She nodded and grinned. "That's right! And we're the first two out of twelve to be found apparently."


"How many brothers are on Earth from EXO planet?" I asked.

"Twelve in total!" Raina said. "So only ten more to go,"


"Really?" I nodded and grinned. "Then, can I help?"


She took my hand and smiled. "Of course, unnie! But, I think you should change out of the towel first..."


I blushed. "Right..." I laughed nervously in embarassment.








The next day I sprang up from bed and got changed quickly to prepare breakfast.


"What's the hurry?" Shin asked when I ran past him down the stairs into the kitchen.


"I gotta talk to Eunhyuk," I said.


"About what? Just call him," he said, sipping a cup of coffee. 


I didn't answer but continued to prepare scrambled eggs on the stove for him. I placed them on a plate and headed out the door with a piece of toast in my mouth. "See you!"


I ran out across the neighborhood towards Eunhyuk's house around the corner as fast as I could.


Why do I feel so excited? I thought to myself. Is it because all this time, ever since the incident with me falling into the frozen lake last time, it was Lay all along?


"Eunhyuk!!" I yelled. Coincidentally, he was just heading out of his house.


"Ka ul!" he glanced at me nervously. "What's wrong?" 


"Are you alright?" I asked, saving a piece of toast for him. I held it out to him. "Do you want some?"


He sighed. "I'm fine. What's up? What are you doing here?"


"We've got to talk," I said, swallowing the rest of the toast. "It's about Lay---"


"I don't want to hear any more about that guy," Eunhyuk interrupted and turned away.


"Wait, just listen to me!" I pulled him back towards me. He's still not over the fact that he got kicked out of ranks. "He's the light! The one always around me!"


He turned slowly to look me in the eye and furrow his eyebrows. "What?"


"Lay is the light," I repeated. "The one who I followed through the forest and then slipped into the forest lake... The one I keep seeing around, the angel everyone's talking about... It's Lay!"


I grinned and started to twirl around. "Lay is my angel~" I sang.


Eunhyuk made a face and scoffed. "You just met him. How could you be so sure?"


"I saw him!" I said. "It was right after we were practicing together in the dance room---"


"Why was he at your college?" Hyukkie asked.


"Um," I paused and thought about that. "Maybe it was a college visit? Anyway, I can't believe all this time it was him..."


Eunhyuk turned away to look up at the sky and laughed flatly. "Is he all that special to you?"


I blinked at him. "I mean, I guess you could say that... I want to get to know him better. He's beautiful, too," I laughed. "Like an angel,"


"How could you like someone you just met?!" Eunhyuk turned sharply at me and raised his voice. "He's just a dancer who dances better than all of us! He's just some guy who turns into a light or unicorn or whatever and heals people like an angel, so what?! How could you like HIM?!"


I gazed at Eunhyuk in surprise. "Hey... What's wrong?"


He sighed and looked away towards the ground. "I'm the one by your side all the time..." he brought his voice down and said. "I'm your best friend, we know each other more than anyone else does."






....Oh no. I thought. Eunhyuk, you------?!


"I'm the only one," he mumbled, "Who knows about your heart and bunny head tattoos on your lower hip."


"That's because we went to the beach together that one time... " I sighed and looked away from him. "And it just slipped off a little... What about Hyoyeon?"


"Ka ul," Eunhyuk said, ignoring my last question. "I've liked you more than a friend for a while... You can't fall for someone else. Not with someone who randomly appears in your life as unicorn light who injures and then heals you...and then danced his way into your life."


"Not for someone who's trying to kick me out of your life..." he added.


My expression turned into shock when I turned back to look at him. "'Out of my life'?? It was only ranks based on the judges!"


"Being at the top ranks with you is like always being by your side..." Eunhyuk said. "If I had to get kicked down, it's like removing myself from you."


That's a bit...overdramatic isn't it?...


"You can get yourself higher," I spoke. "You can work harder and---"


He took my hands and looked into my eyes. "Ka ul, I like you. Please, accept my feelings."


I shut my eyes tightly and looked down at the ground.




"Eunhyuk, I know we've known each other for the longest time," I spoke. "I know that we know each other better than anyone else, and I-- I just see you as my older brother next to Shin..."


I only see Eunhyuk as a part of my family, nothing more than the best of dancing friends.


I felt him freeze in place and slowly release his grip around my hands. I continued to stare at the ground as I watched him take a few steps back and turn to walk away.


"I'm so sorry, Eunhyuk..." I whispered and stared at the ground with misty eyes. 







For a couple days, I hadn't seen Eunhyuk. We didn't go together for breakfast before school, or go together to any dance competitions.
Once again, I was by myself walking through our forest; the forest where Eunhyuk and I always hang out. 
The forest where I first met Lay in a ball of light...
"Are you always leaving yourself open like this?" Lay asked.
I sighed and glanced at him behind a tree. "Not always, Eunhyuk just isn't with me today."
"Did something happen?" Lay walked towards me and kicked the ground casually.
I was silent for a moment. "Nothing serious,"
He looked up at the sky at the clouds. 
"I know." I said.
Lay turned to me. "Know what?"
I looked him in the eyes and stared with my eyebrows raised and crossed my arms. 
He blinked. "Jong In and Lae Na didn't... Did they?"
I nodded and looked at the ground. "Yup. I met the ghosts," 
Lay was quiet for a while. "I see..."
"And I saw you from the window when you left my college a few days ago," I added.
He chuckled. "I kinda figured. I thought you would either freak out or be smart and realize it,"
Realize that I'm your lover? I thought. I blushed and shook my head. 
"At night, you can see two moons," Lay said, pointing to the sky at a dimly lit moon, "One is the Earth's moon, and the other is EXO Planet,"
"Your planet?" I asked.
He nodded. "That's right,"
I looked up at the sky with him and gazed at the dim moon in the evening sky. 
"Eunhyuk and I always stare at the sky," I said. "But I don't think we've ever noticed another moon next to the original one."
"It's better to see at night," Lay glanced at me. "How is he?"
I shrugged softly. "I haven't seen him for a while,"
We were silent for a while as we listened to the chirping birds and animal critters around us.
"He... confessed to me," I finally said. "But I don't have those kinds of feelings for Eunhyuk..."
"What about that other girl?" Lay asked. "The really talented one?"
"Oh, Hyoyeon!" I gasped. "Ah, she is my rival. I look up to her like a role model though, I have so much respect for her!"
"Is Eunhyuk interested in her?" Lay suggested.
I thought about that. "He did mention that he was a bit interested, but he never actually went up to flirt with her or anything."

Now that I think about it.... Why didn't he just talk to Hyoyeon?
I tilted my head in confusion. "I don't know what's been going on with that guy..."
Lay stared at me. Then he ruffled my hair out of place.
I blinked and looked up at him. "What?"
"Go talk to him," he smiled.
I stared back at him.
What if Eunhyuk won't talk to me anymore... Because I rejected him...
"You guys are best friends, aren't you?" Lay asked. "True friends don't break apart over one little thing,"
He pointed to his cheeks. "And smile; you haven't smiled for a while. Remember good things are bound to happen if you do,"
I laughed and smiled a little. "Thanks, Lay..."
Lay looked up at the sky. "Maybe not tonight, it's getting a bit late,"
"I can't smile tonight?" I blinked.
He facepalmed himself. "I mean talk to your friend later," he laughed.
I laughed with him. "Right... I knew that!"





"Pssssst," someone whispered into my ear. 
"Five more minutes, Shin..." I mumbled, cushioning my face into my pillow.
"Psssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst," he continued to whisper so that it tickled my ear.
I shrugged it off and smiled, pushing him away from me.
"WAKE UP!!" a female voice yelled.
What the? Do I have a big brother or a big sister or did Shin's voice get higher???
I peered through my eyes and squinted at the figures in front of my bed.
"Ka ul! Your friend is here!" Shin knocked on the ledge of my door and entered my room. "She says you just met a few days ago?"
Raina stood at the foot of my bed and waved with a grin on her face. "Wake up, unnie~!"
"Oh, Lae Na..." I yawned and stretched across my bed, throwing my covers back on me to go back to sleep. "Good morning,"
I felt the bed start shaking and then I was bouncing towards the edge. 
"Wake up! Wake up!" she chanted excitedly and pounced on top of my legs. "Come on, Ka ul unnie! You can do it!"
"Huh?" I gazed at her and rubbed my eyes. "Why? What's today?"
"We're going shopping! Me and you~!" Raina smiled. "Come on! Breakfast is ready!"
"Go on, Ka ul!" Shin chuckled. "I haven't seen you with any female friends for a while,"
I groaned and sat up on my bed, staring at Raina with droopy eyes.
She laughed and poked underneath eyes. "You look like a panda,"
"I'll be downstairs; breakfast is waiting!" Shin waved and made his way downstairs.
When I heard his footsteps go down the stairs, I asked Raina, "Did you appear in here or use the door?"
"Of course the door," she said, sliding off of my bed. "Kai's busy today. That's weird, you never wake up this late. You're not usually tired, right?"
I yawned again and pulled the covers off of me. "I guess I couldn't sleep last night--- wait how do you know?"
She laughed. "Lay's been watching you!"
I blinked, turning to make my bed. "Oh, that's right,"
That isn't creepy, I guess...
"Now remember to smile today, okay?" Raina said as we went downstairs into the kitchen for breakfast.
I furrowed my eyebrows and smiled a little. "You're not here for---"
"Huh?" she blinked, glancing at Shin.
He sat across the table sipping coffee and quietly reading the newspaper.
I laughed a little and sat down. 
Lay sent her, didn't he... I thought.
Well, not send her as in like she's some kind of messenger, but...
Maybe Lay wants me to keep smiling, and be happy; don't let anyone down just because of one thing.
Raina looked away and sat down as well, eating as if nothing had happened.
I stuffed eggs into my mouth and stared at her. 
How nice of her, this lover of that Kai boy...
I wonder what the other girls will be like.
Raina and I had walked around half of the mall, both floors first and second, with only two shopping bags in our hands.
"I don't really shop that much," I explained to Raina, laughing a little.
"That's alright, I don't either... when I don't have a lot of cash on me..." she laughed. "My older brother didn't give me enough,"
I smiled. "We both have older brothers!" 
"Yeah!" she nodded.
"What shall we do now?" I asked.
"Let's go to the arcade downstairs and dance!!" she said excitedly. "Dance Dance Revolution is so fun!!"
I laughed. "I love dancing!!! Let's go~!"
We were about to head down the escalators until I recognized a familiar face across the mall.
I stopped Raina before she stepped into the moving stairs. "Wait,"
She looked at me. "What is it?"
I peered at the familiar face and took notice of another person next to him blocking my view. When he moved out of the way, I knew instantly who it was.
"It's Eunhyuk!" I gasped. 
"What?" Raina glanced at the two figures across the mall. "He looks like he's in trouble..."
I ran over to them to see what was up.
"Eunhyuk!" I called. 
He looked up, widening his eyes and sighed in relief. "Ka ul!"
"Who's she?" the guy next to Eunhyuk asked. "Some other guy's chic?"
I made a face, already not liking this rude person. "Sorry, but who are you?"
Raina ran up to me and caught her breath. "What's going on?"
"This guy," he pointed and stabbed into Eunhyuk's chest with his finger, "He's been fooling around with my girl,"
"Huh?" I blinked at Eunhyuk in confusion. "Who?"
"My Princess Fiona," the guy said, glaring into Eunhyuk's eyes.
"What?? I think you have the wrong guy," I said, pushing Eunhyuk away from him. "Eunhyuk doesn't know anyone by that name,"
"Uh, actually---" Eunhyuk spoke.
"Yeah, see!" the guy pointed at him, "He knows who I'm talking about,"
I stepped in between him and Eunhyuk. Raina joined next to me. 
"If you want my best friend," I said, "You'll have to get through me,"
The guy raised an eyebrow and looked down at us in amusement. 
"Well, unnie..." Raina whispered to me. "This isn't turning out well," 
I glanced at her and pursed my lips. 



I pushed Eunhyuk behind me and blocked the guy's way to him.


Raina took our shopping bags and placed them behind us next to Eunhyuk. 


"I'm just going to leave them there for a second," she said to him and turned back to face the tall guy.


Eunhyuk blinked at her in confusion and tried to speak to me. "Ka ul, I---"


I ignored him and stood up tall, looking the tall guy straight in the eyes with confidence.


He scoffed. "Move out of the way," 


"No!" Raina yelled. Her high pitched tone of voice matching with her height made her look like a little kid.


I turned to her with warning eyes. "Raina..."


He couldn't help but laugh. "I said move, short midgets!"


I looked back at him. "Did he just call us midgets!" 


Raina jumped back and clenched her fists in front of her, tossing her leg sharply upwards towards the guy's face.


"Wait, Raina---!!" I tried to stop her.


He grabbed her leg quickly and then he was still.


Raina struggled to get her leg out of his grasp. "What the---?"


I looked at her, then at Eunhyuk who was also frozen in place.


"Eunhyuk?" I went up to him and tried to shake him, tears suddenly falling out of my eyes. "It's me, your best friend..."


He was still.


Is he... Dead?


Wait. He's just standing there. Why would he be dead?


I stared at him and wiped my tears. "What's going on?"


I looked around the mall and noticed that everyone else was frozen, too. 




"Little help here, Ka ul unnie?..." Raina spoke, pulling at her leg in between the guy's arms when she tried to kick him. 


I glanced at her. "Why are you and I the only ones moving?"


Suddenly a cloud of black air and a ball of light appeared in front of us, and two figures stepped out of them.


I recognized Lay and felt my heart skip a beat.


"Hey, Raina," Lay waved. "What are you doing?"


She facepalmed herself. "Oh, you know, just stretching my legs..."


He looked at me and waved. I smiled and waved back to him.


"We found another lover," he said. "Two of them,"


"You did??" Raina gasped happily and continued to pull at her leg in the guy's grasp. 


Kai scoffed and walked up to the guy. "So stupid.." he mumbled. He pulled at the belt of his pants so that they fell off onto the floor beneath him. Then he pulled at the guy's arm to release Raina's leg.


Raina sighed in relief and put her leg back down. She smacked Kai in the head and said, "Don't call me stupid,"


He scrunched his face at the pain and pouted. "I was calling the guy stupid..."


I blinked at her. "Were you really going to kick him in the face?"


She shrugged. "It's a habit, I guess..." she turned to Lay. "Who found their lovers?"


"Well, one froze time just now," Kai said. "The other is just scaring his and appearing in her dreams and other random places,"


"Oh!" Raina gasped. "Already?? I can't wait to meet them!"


"Froze time?" I asked.


"Another one of their brothers can freeze time," Raina explained to me.


"Ohhh!" I nodded, understanding. "That makes perfect sense now,"


Lay tossed his arm around my shoulder. "And only we, and our lovers can move when time is frozen like this,"


I smiled at him and laughed. "How sweet of you,"


"Can he unfreeze time now?" Raina asked, pointing to Eunhyuk behind us.


"Oh, I'll go tell Tao," Kai said. 


Lay nodded. "I'll stay here,"


"Raina, do you want to come?" Kai asked.


"I want to stay with Ka ul unnie," she said, turning to me. "Should we perhaps move Eunhyuk somewhere else?" 


I glanced at Eunhyuk and the tall guy. "Oh yeah. Yeah!!"


Kai laughed. "Alright, see you later. Raina, give me a hug,"


"You're gonna take me away from Ka ul!" she pouted.


"No goodbye then?" he smirked.


"Bye!" she waved to him. 


He rolled his eyes and disappeared.


I looked at her. "You know you didn't have to stay here with me!" I laughed.


She smiled. "Why don't you smile like that often?" she poked my cheeks.


"She does," Lay smiled and looked at me. "Her smile brings her a happy life,"


I blushed a little and smiled at him.


"Let's move Eunhyuk downstairs!" Raina suggested. "That way this guy won't bother him anymore,


"Or we can just take him home?" I asked. 


"That's too much work," she pouted. "We should at least move him downstairs and he can get home by himself,"


A cloud of air suddenly appeared next to Raina and pulled her into it.


I blinked and exchanged expressions with Lay.


The cloud reappeared and brought Raina back in front of us. She was wiping and blushing.


I laughed. "What did he do to you?"


She blushed harder. "Lay will show you later!" 


I smacked myself in the head mentally. Great. Thank you, Han Lae Na. 


"Shall we?" Lay asked.


I turned to him quickly. "Huh??"


"Move your friend..." he added, his lips curving into an amusing smile.






Now it was my turn to blush. I turned to Raina and ruffled her hair out of place.


"Hey!" she pouted and fixed it quickly.


I grinned. "Alright, let's move this guy!!!"






That night, I took my phone out when it buzzed saying that I had received a text message.


"Hey," Eunhyuk sent. 


"Hyukkie!" I replied. "How have you been?"


"Good," he sent back. "Can I call?" 


I chuckled and hit the green button. "Not if I call first!"


The phone rang and he picked up immediately. 


"I asked if I could call, not you call me!" Eunhyuk laughed.


"Too bad," I laughed and stuck my tongue out at him even though I knew he wasn't going to see it. 


"Hey, Ka ul..." he spoke.


"Yeah?" I asked.


"I'm sorry, I was being childish..." Eunhyuk said. "It's just that you were my childhood crush, but now we're all grown now and even going on our own paths,"


"Wait, you said Hyoyeon was your childhood crush," I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.


"Well..." he laughed. "You can have two crushes can't you?"


I laughed with him. "No way, both of us??"


"Well you were pretty and talented dancers!" he said.


"You're a weird kid!!" I smiled, "But Hyoyeon is the one for you. You and I, we're friends, like family,"


He sighed. "I am forever friend-zoned..." 


"Way to say that out loud and make me feel bad!" I laughed, "Geez, Eunhyuk!"


"Well, true friends can tell each other anything, right?" he chuckled. 


I smiled. "I love you, bro~!"


"Yeah yeah I love you, too, sister," Eunhyuk laughed.


"So who is this 'Princess Fiona' you took away from that tall guy earlier?" I asked teasingly.


"Oh, uh....." he laughed nervously. "What about me? How in the world did I suddenly end up on the first floor of the mall before your friend almost kicked tall guy in the face?"


I laughed and replied to him, "If I told you, you'll call me crazy again. But hey! I asked you first!"


"Try me!" he responded. "I bet my answer to your question is more shocking than yours!"


I laughed. "Wanna bet?! Fine, I'll go first but you better listen carefully!"


"I'm listening!" he chuckled.


"So remember the rumors of the 'ghosts' and the 'angel'?" I started. "Well the ghosts aren't actually ghosts one of them can just teleport like disappear and appear in other places and his girlfriend tags along with him and the angel is Lay he isn't really an angel but I still see him as one and he has healing powers so like teleporting boy and him are brothers from another planet, there are more brothers and one of them can freeze time so when he froze time you were frozen so we moved you away from tall guy downstairs and he never found you,"


Eunhyuk was silent.


"...Are you still there?..." I asked.


"Okay, you win," Eunhyuk laughed. "My answer cannot beat that. Why is it that only you could move when time is frozen?"


Uh... Because I'm apparently Lay's lover....


"Because..." I paused. "I was a chosen one?..."


"'Chosen one'??" he laughed harder. "Okay, seriously---"


"So who is 'Princess Fiona'?" I asked quickly to change the subject.


He stopped laughing. 


All was quiet for a moment.


"Do you remember that girl's nickname from elementary school?" Eunhyuk asked. "The other girl, not you, that I had a crush on?"


My mouth dropped and I couldn't help but squeal. "Eunhyuk!! You and Hyoyeon?!?!"


Hyoyeon is Princess Fiona!!


I had totally forgotten that nickname for my own role model! The one I look up to!


"Hyoyeon left her boyfriend...?" I asked.


"No, he left her," Eunhyuk said. "So I hung out with her for a while then he sees us and argues with Hyoyeon and she leaves so tall guy argues with me then you guys come and... Yeah,"


I was silent.


"... Are you still there?..." Eunhyuk asked.


I laughed. "You're right, your answer cannot beat mine."


"Hey!!" he scoffed. "Hyoyeon said she was glad I kept her company. I finally talked to get after all these years..."


I smiled. "I'm happy for you, Eunhyuk!"


"I'm happy for you, too, Ka ul," he said, and I could tell that he was smiling.







The next day Shin and I went out for dinner at an Italian restaurant, just for sibling bonding.
"You can take a break from cooking dinner tonight," Shin chuckled, wrapping a fork of spaghetti and stuffing it into his mouth. 
"Yeah!" I grinned, chewing on a meatball. "This food is great, I've gotta learn how to make this all in one night,"
After dinner, Shin took my hand and led me down the the streets. 
"Where are we going?" I asked him.
"Dancing, of course," he smiled, entering a nightclub.
I gaped at him. "Wait, what? Dancing in a nightclub??" 
"Go have fun!" Shin ruffled my hair out of place and made his way through the dimmed room towards the bar where a group of girls were.
I shook my head and laughed. "That brother of mine trying to get a girlfriend,"
I looked around the place and stared at the flashing colorful lights on the ceiling and the floor, the music pounding loudly into my ears.
The music changed into a hip hop song which made me want to pump my body and move to its catchy beat.
I felt someone's shoulder lock into mine next to me and I looked up with a smirk on my face.
Lay chuckled and started to pop his body to the beat as well. 
The music got louder and I tossed myself forward, throwing out the best moves that I've got. Lay did the same. 
A circle of people formed around us who cheered and clapped as we danced. 
When the song ended, Lay laughed and caught his breath. The audience around us applauded loudly and shouted and whistled at our performance.
"I'm so thirsty!" I laughed, wiping the sweat on my forehead. "I'll go get drinks,"
"I'll come with you," Lay said, following me as we made our way through the crowd of people who started to dance to the next song playing. 
We walked past the bar where Shin was chatting with some girl he just met.
I laughed and nudged him in the shoulder. He stuck his tongue out and shoved me back, then continued talking to the girl.
I got drinks for both me and Lay. He took my hand and led me towards the back of the room where there was a place outside for people to sit around and chill.
I sipped at my water and looked around, then looked away quickly. Lay took me to a quiet place far away from other couples displaying public affection.
"This place looks alright," he said, sitting next to a small garden. He sipped at his soda.
I sat down next to him and looked up at the night sky. I noticed the shadow of another moon in the shape of a hexagon next to Earth's moon.
"I don't think we've gotten to know each other that well," Lay spoke, looking up with me.
I shrugged. "I feel like I know you enough already," I said and chuckled, "Seeing that you have so much history and mysteries in your life that I know most of," I pointed at the moons.
He smiled. "There is still time,"
I nodded. "Yup,"
"And you probably aren't ready yet after that..." he paused. "...incident with your friend," 
I pursed my lips and thought about Eunhyuk. Everything is okay with him now... Then I thought of Lay and smiled. "Maybe..."
Lay chuckled. "Still, I have to let you know you're my lover,"
I looked at him and felt my heart skip a beat.
"Ka ul," he took my hands and looked me in the eyes. "You're my one and on---"
"Hold up, hold up," Kai appeared out of his black air cloud and walked up to us. "Those are my words, use something else buddy,"
The couples nearby stared at Kai in shock. Some of them screamed and ran back inside the club.
"Go. Away." Lay mumbled under his breath to him.
He chuckled and disappeared.
I laughed a little. 
"Well that just ruined the moment," Lay rolled his eyes. "Fine then. Ka ul, let me dance my way into your life~" 
"You already did," I giggled. "In the form of a creepy light in the forest,"
He sighed and laughed to himself. "Just let me confess before I forget!" 
I ruffled his hair out of place. "It's alright, you don't have to right now---"
Lay leaned forward and his lips met with mine. 
Alright then!
I closed my eyes and kissed him back. He cupped my face in his hands and said,
"Ka ul Lee, I..." he spoke, then shut his eyes and started to sputter and laugh.
I pursed my lips and tried not to laugh. 
Lay shook his head. "Sorry, I had what I was going to say but I forgot."
I started to laugh and stood up from my seat. I reached my hand out to him. "Let's just go dance, alright?"
He looked up at me and smiled, taking my hand. Then we walked back inside the nightclub together to dance the rest of our night away.
And that was Autumn's, aka Ka ul Lee's dancing love life with Lay!
I felt like the ending was a little awkward but I meant to make Lay a forgetful person heheh. All applicants will appear later on in one chapter so stay tuned! 





Onto the next lover!
Which EXO brother will find theirs next??? (;  


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Mystic Angels- Breath of Fire UPDATED!


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JjangJoo #1
Chapter 5: I don't know if I commented on the other two (?) updates, but wow! Kris, wow, nothing better to do I guess. Lol.
hey reina!!
just wanted to let you know that i no longer go by LuminousStardust!
it's "seaofstars" now!! =]
Chapter 5: Bahahahahahahaha! The fire dragon ghost who go around creeping people out. Lololol
Chapter 5: whooo did Kris creep up behind her at the end? lol
or is that someone else?
but i love how Kris came out in the fire and messing with Seunghyun and his buddies!
he wants her back... he can't stand that she's not with him! lol
Chapter 6: Hello! :D
I don't know when you updated part 2 because I found it today, BUT loved it. <3
Freaking adorable Hyunseung and Seohyun is amazing. <3
Even mentioned Seungyeon. :)
Nice. ^^
Chapter 6: *silently creepy creepy around*
Chapter 6: yeah, who was that guy?
and freaking Hyunseung is just~ lol
hmm, young hospital worker eh~
wonder if she'll be treating Tao soon.
Chapter 5: freaking kris.
you're a creeper!!
mocha better sic him!!
wonder if mocha will still bark or bare down and accept him. XD
JjangJoo #9
Chapter 6: Was wondering if you would update on Sooyeon chapter.
Chapter 6: I thought Tao would follow her to work.
Why is it only that dragon creeping his lover out. Lol