Sorting things out.



Kris stormed out of the room and into the hallway. What the heck? All around him were.. boys. About five or six of them. She lives with these many boys?

"Junghee ah, why are you screaming?" A tall guy with dorky specs cooed. 

Chanyeol, Kris remembered from last night. Another boy with fair skin came running up to him. 

"Noonaaaa!!! Why are you screaming? Are you sick? Are you sad? Sehunnie will take care of you noona!!" The boy, whom Kris assumed was the maknae, dragged him to the couch and sat him down. He reminds me so much of Tao. 

On the couch was another boy. He was small sized and had an innocent face. "Jungie, waeguraeyo?" the boy leaned closer to Kris and put his head on the stunned Chinese boy's lap. 

"Baekhyun hyung! Don't steal noona from me!!" the Sehunnie dude whined. 

"Go away Sehun, she's not yours!" Baekhyun tickled Sehun, causing him to burst in fits of laughter. Even Kris couldn't control himself this time, and he stifled a chuckle. 

"Guys, quit it. I think Junghee's having a hard time, so don't make her worse." a short guy who looked the most mature walked out of the kitchen carrying plates of pancakes. "Guess what, I made breakfast!!" he grinned. The two boys on the couch immediately jumped up and ran to take their places at the dining table.

"Yay!! Suho hyung made breakfast!!" Chanyeol's face lit up. A boy with wide eyes exited the kitchen together with another boy whom Kris recognised as Kai, Junghee's twin.

"Hyung, don't take all the credit. D.O and I were helping too!" Kai grinned.

Suho set the plates on the table. "Oh yeah, you helped a great lot, Kai, by setting the pancakes on the plate and taking the syrup out of the fridge." he sarcastically commented, and D.O burst into laughter.

"Hyung!! Sehun's trying to eat already!!" Baekhyun whined.

D.O glared at the maknae. "You're supposed to let Junghee eat first!" he snapped, slapping Sehun's hand away from the plate.

"Noona!! Quickly come and eat!! Or else they won't let me eat!!" Sehun whined, pouting at Kris.

"Uhh.." Kris slowly stood up and ehaded for the door. "You know what.. I think I'm gonna skip breakfast today. I'm not hungry. Go ahead guys, I have somewhere to go." And with that, he left the apartment.

"Weird, Junghee's never skipped breakfast before, unless she's sick." Kai mumbled.

Sehun pointed a fork at him. "See! I told you she's sick!! I told you I'd take care of her!" he shouted.

"Um, we never said that she wasn't sick." Chanyeol said, his mouth stuffed with pancake.

"Whatever." Sehun grumbled, stabbing his fork into his breakfast. 



Junghee shrieked, running out of the bathroom. What the heck is happening to me? Why am I like this? Kim Junghee, this is all a dream. This is all a dream. She found the door in the huge room and opened it, to find five boys staring at her quizically. 

"Duizhang, are you okay?" a baby faced boy asked. 

Oh my gosh. This is all real. Wha- what duizhang? Isn't that leader in Mandarin or something? AARGHHH!!! Okay, Junghee, see that doorframe beside you? You're just gonna bang your head against it once, and you'll wake up. Okay. One, two-   

"OWW!!" Junghee shouted as she felt a pang of pain shoot up her head and into her brain. Immediately, the five boys gripped onto some part of her body. She felt uncomfortable. But it's Kris' body, not mine, so there's no need to feel-

A boy with a bun-like face hit Junghee's chest. She was about to wince when she realized that it didn't hurt. She hit her own chest, harder. Woah, it feels good not to have.. you know. But.. I'm still not used to it. 

"Why so glum, dude? Did you bring home a girl last night and find her gone this morning or something?" 

"Shut up, Xiumin!" the baby faced boy scolded. 

"What? It would be cool. Shut yourself up, Luhan." Xiumin grumbled. 

"Only you think that way, baozi." a small-sized boy rolled his eyes. Reminds me of Baekhyun, Junghee thought. 

"Gege, Lay hyung made breakfast today, so if you have any problems we could talk about it over breakfast." A boy with panda-like eyes smiled innocently at Junghee. Aww, so cute.. Like Sehun. But.. who's Lay? 

Junghee's eyes scanned the five boys, and saw a pretty handsome boy in an apron. Must be him. 

"Um.. Look.. I.. think I'm gonna skip breakfast today, I gotta go do something. Heh." Junghee said, trying to sound casual, hoping that the boys wouldn't find something weird about her. 

"But hyung, you never skip Lay's breakfasts!" the small sized boy protested. 

Luhan cocked his head to the side for a moment. "Yeah, to think of it, Chen's right." 

"Yeah, I'm sorry Lay, but I have something really important to do. I really appreciate it, but sorry dude. Gotta go." Junghee pushed past the boys and rushed out of the condominuim, her head throbbing with unanswered questions.


Kris, Kris, Kris, where are you?!? Junghee rushed to her apartment, which was about ten minutes' walk away from Kris' condo. She scanned the busy morning streets for a familiar face, but it was impossible to find anyone in this crowd.

Junghee picked up her pace, and soon she was running. Got.. to.. find.. Kris!! She was panting, and the chilly wind was biting through her -well, Kris'- thin shirt. She skidded to a stop in front of her apartment faster than she imagined. Hey, this giant's long legs actually come in handy. Junghee quickly pushed the thought to the back of her head when she saw Kris -or rather, her- rush out of the apartment. "What the heck? He goes out of the house without even bothering to comb my hair? Gosh, if anyone from school sees my body in that state, my reputation is gone forever." she mumbled to herself as she jogged up to Kris. 

Kris caught a glimpse of himself -or rather, his body- from the corner of his eye. So we did switch bodies, huh, Kim Junghee? he groaned mentally and waited for Junghee to jog up to him. 


They shouted at the same time. Junghee cleared and Kris looked away. 

"Um.. why.. what the heck is going on?" Junghee said, her voice small.

Kris huffed. "You think I know any more than you do?" he scowled.

Junghee plopped down on the ground right in the middle of the carpark. She groaned. It was a pretty hard drop, judging by the distance of Kris' from the ground. Kris got a little worried seeing Junghee like this. He sat down next to her. They both sighed in unison. 

"I am so confused. I thought these stuff only happens in dramas. Could you like, tell me to wake up and that this is all a bad dream?" Junghee rubbed her temples, and Kris bent down to take a look at Junghee's face. Oh wait, he didn't have to bend down anymore. He was shourter than Junghee now. 

"Hm. Wake up, and this is all a bad dream." Kris shrugged casually.

Junghee raised an eyebrow and looked at Kris. "You know, for someone who got switched into a girl's body, you seem to be taking all this quite well." 

Kris shrugged, again. Junghee was starting to get annoyed by his overly laid back attitude. 

"You know, stuff happens." he said. 

"What?! Stuff happens?! Something that is impossible has just happened to us and you say stuff happens?!? Kris Wu, you're too much!" Junghee shouted, getting to her feet. Man, his shouting voice is deep. 

"There's always a first time for everything." Kris said, and got up. Junghee groaned and shook her pounding head. Suddenly, she felt a pair of hands holding her head, stopping her from shaking it. She saw Kris tiptoeing in front of her. Man, am I really that short compared to this giant? she scrunched her nose, looking at Kris who was struggling in her body. He finally gave up and dropped his hands from her head. 

"Don't do that. It only makes the pain worse. Trust me, I've been through it many a time before." Kris sighed, thinking of the emotional pain he was going through when he lost his parents. 

Junghee blushed a little, and cleared . "Uhm. Anyways.. so.. what happens next?" 

Honestly, Kris didn't know either. "Um.. I have no idea. Well.. since we're like this.." he pointed at both their bodies. "..we should probably just live as each other, while we figure this out." 

Junghee's eyes were about to pop out of her head. "W-WHAT? Are you crazy? Do you mean we're gonna have to keep this a secret? Look, giant dude, I know zero about your life and you know zilch about mine!! And how am I supposed to live with five crazy boys in your house?!? They'll know that this isn't you immediately!" 

"We can't go around telling people, 'Oh hey, we switched bodies so Kris is Junghee and Junghee is Kris.' They'll think we're crazy. And I'm sure you can handle my boys since you have six other equally crazy boys living in your house." Kris tapped his foot on the ground and stared blankly at you. 

"Um.. they don't live with me. They just spend most of their time at my place, because of my bro. And, I'm used to them because we grew up together. But your boys? I have no idea who they are so how do you expect me to control them?" Junghee was going absolutely crazy. 

"You think-" Kris stepped closer to Junghee, which didn't really have the effect that he expected since he was now the shorter one. "- you think it will be easy for me to handle your boys then?" he asked. 

Junghee gave in. "Fine. Whatever. Ugh. But I know nothing about you and vice versa, so how exactly are we gonna become each other without other people finding out?" 

"That-" Kris smirked. "-will be easy." 


Junghee unlocked the front door to her apartment. "I can't believe you actually talked me into doing this." she rolled her eyes at Kris, who stood beside her, grinning. 

"Just put up with it, honey." he cooed. Junghee felt grossed out and made a face. 


The door opened, and immediately six boys came rushing out to greet Junghee. Or in this case, Kris. Man, it to see them getting all cozy with him and totally ignoring me. She sighed. Hearing her, the six boys immediately turned to face Junghee and sent daggers at her. 

"Junghee ah, who is this?" Suho was the only one smiling. Kris cleared his throat. 

"He's.. my boyfriend." he gulped. 


"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD A BOYFRIENDDDDD?!?!?" Sehun whined, clinging onto Kris' arm. Kris was sending a 'Help me' look to Junghee, who just ignored him. 

Kai came out of the kitchen and set down -more like slammed- a can of Coke in front of Junghee. Geez. First time in our house, and when we offer him water, he asks for Coke. Tsk tsk. So impolite. 

Kai's brotherly instincts kicked in. "Ahem, Mr.. Wu Yi Fan, I see?" 

Junghee wanted to roll her eyes and punch Kai in the face so badly. 

"Since when exactly have you been dating my dear sister over here?" he asked, trying to sound professional. 

Junghee almost choked on her Coke. "Since.. uh.. yesterday." 

"Yesterday.. Hmm.." Kai nodded his head slowly. 

Chanyeol suddenly jumped onto the couch beside Junghee. "You look familiar... Are you the guy at the bar last night?" 

Junghee shrugged. "Yeah." 

Chanyeol's eyes lit up. He put an arm around Junghee. "Kai, this man is a good man. He got beaten up for your sister." Chanyeol grinned creepily. Junghee glanced at Kris. 

Hmm, so she takes all the credit, huh? he scoffed on the inside. 

Kai, however, was still suspicious about Kris. "But you make yourself too comfortable for someone who just started dating my sister." 

Junghee rolled her eyes for the upteenth time. She took her legs off the coffee table -Oh gosh, Kris' amazing long legs- and sat up straight. "Happy now?" she asked Kai, raising an eyebrow. 

"Hm. Whatever." Kai shrugged. "But.. there's something.. familiar about you.. I just can't place it." he thought out aloud. 

Junghee glanced nervously at kris and gulped. "Uh.. what?" her eyes darted from Kris to Kai. Kris to Kai. 

Baekhyun snapped his fingers and scrambled across the rug, sitting at Kai's feet. "I know! They talk the same." 

"Yeah. I guess that's it. You two are very alike." Kai nodded his head, and Baekhyun was smiling from cheek to cheek. 

"Hehee! It's like in the movies, where the guy and the girl switch bodies, and nobody else knows, and everyone is thinking why they're acting so weird." Baekhyun clapped his hands together like a little child. Then he turned to Kris, who was quietly letting Sehun cling onto him the whole time. "But that couldn't have happened to you guys, right? Because it's all just made up." he smiled innocently. Kris scratched the back of his neck. 

"Um.. uh.. I guess. Hahah." he said, nervous. 

Kai narrowed his eyes at Kris, then at Junghee. You two are hiding something. Weird people. 



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Chapter 3: How is baekhyun so smart to almost instantly come up with that?! lol xD