The Switch.


Junghee hurriedly changed into her bar uniform. , I'm late. It's almost seven! Why does the cafe have so many customers on Fridays? Chanyeol oppa, please make up some excuses for me! She habitually reached to touch her necklace. Oh yeah, it broke this morning. Junghee blew a raspberry as her fingers grazed against her bare collarbone. 

The subway was crowded today, and it wasn't until ten minutes later that Junghee reached the bar. Blue Dragon. She sighed as she stepped into the crowded, noisy environment. I haven't even had dinner yet. Please let the bagel that I ate an hour ago last until I finish my shift. 

"Hey oppa! Sorry I'm late!" Junghee shouted over the noise at the bar's second-in-command. 

The tall boy with brown curly hair grinned. "Yeah yeah, I made up an excuse. Said you were sick, and had to see the doctor urgently." he said in a deep voice, in contrary to his babyface.

Junghee smiled gratefully. "Thank you oppa!! I love you forever, and you know that!!" she grabbed a tray and stacked it with bottles of beer. 

"You owe me one. No wait. Let's see.. you owe me.. one.. two.. five.. hmm.." Chanyeol chuckled. Junghee laughed at her brother's silly friend, who winked at her and helped her to stack the bottles. She stuck out her tongue at the babyfaced giant, and proceeded to promote the drinks to the customers.


"Kris, I still don't think you should go to the bar." Luhan rested his hand on his duizhang's shoulder. Kris ignored him, and grabbed his coat. 

"Duizhang, you know what happened the last time you went to a bar." Luhan warned. 

Kris tried to laugh the matter off. Yeah, that drunken bastard almost beat me up just because I bumped into him. I said sorry already! 

Luhan looked worriedly at his duizhang. "I know you're good at fighting and stuff, but you have no idea what might happen." 

Kris just walked to the door and unlocked it. "I just need to get my mind off stuff, Luhan. It's okay, I'll take care of myself." 

The wide-eyed boy just stared after his duizhang. Duizhang, I salute you for being tough, but you don't have to torture yourself. I know you hate alcohol. Just.. be wise. 


"Hey, y babe!" a stocky guy with tattoos and piercings grabbed Junghee's hand as she walked by, serving drinks. Junghee didn't look at him, and just wriggled her wrist out of his grasp. 

"Ey, fiesty huh? I like!" the guy laughed grotesquely, and wrapped another hand around Junghee's waist, pulling her towards him. Junghee squirmed. 

"Let me go!" she scowled. 

"Fat chance, baby." the man and his friends guffawed, and his hands were making its way into Junghee's skirt when a stranger slapped his hand away. 

"Hands off." Kris growled. 

"K-Kris?" Junghee stared at the tall, handsome boy in bewilderment. 

"Aye, who you think you are, eh?" the stocky man grunted. 

He sounds like a damn pig. No, he sounds worse than a damn pig. Junghee rolled her eyes. 

Kris closed the gap between himself and the man, looking down at him. "Doesn't matter who I am, but this girl is mine." he hissed. 

Junghee's eye twitched. "W-whaddya say?" Kris just put a finger on her lip, shutting her up. 

The stocky man guffawed. "Oh, I didn't know you could buy the girls here! Aye!! Boss! I wanna buy this hot chick here!!" 

Kris clenched his fist. "She cannot be bought." he pulled Junghee out of the man's grasp. He took her hand gently but firmly, and led her away. 

"EY YOU!" the man swung his balled fist at Kris' face. 


Junghee winced at the sound of the man's knuckles against Kris' cheek. She tiptoed to look worriedly at his face, and saw blood dripping down. 

The stocky man's friend held him down. "Hey, boss, there are plenty other girls here. Just get one of them. She's not worth fighting for."

The man grunted, and sat down in his seat. 

Kris took the oppurtunity to lead Junghee out of the bar. On the way out, they passed the counter. Junghee signalled an apology to Chanyeol. 

It's okay, I saw what happened. Just go home early. I'll make an excuse. He mouthed to her, and tossed her backpack over the counter. Junghee caught it with her free hand and smiled thankfully. 


Kris came to a halt when they reached a park near the bar. He sat down on one of the benches, causing Junghee to sit down as well. 

"Um.. Kris.. my hand.." she whispered. 

Kris looked down at his white knuckles. Oh crap, I gripped her hand too tightly! Did I hurt her? He quickly let go of her hand. "Sorry." 

Junghee forced a smile. She looked at his bloodied lips. "It must hurt, isn't it?" she asked, worriedly. Kris turned to face her. 

"I'm fine." he wiped the blood off with the back of his hand. "Are you okay?" he looked her up and down. What a skimpy uniform. She shouldn't be working in these kinds of places. 

"I'm fine," Junghee chuckled. "It happens a lot. Usually Chanyeol oppa takes care of me, but today I guess he was too busy." 

"C-Chan..yeol?" Kris asked.

Junghee smiled. It was the second time today, in fact the second time since they met, that Kris had seen her smile genuinely. "Chanyeol's like my second brother. He's my brother's friend, actually. Oppa's really goofy, and friendly. I knew him since, like, elementary school. So we're sort of like family."

"Hm." Kris felt a weird sensation. Is it.. relief? But.. no.. I can't actually be relieved that she only thinks of Chanyeol as a brother, right? Her life has nothing to do with me, so why do I care? 

The awkward silence was broken by the sound of Junghee's stomach growling. Oh , please don't let Kris have heard that. Junghee winced. 

"You hungry? Have you had dinner yet?" Kris asked. 

Junghee nodded, then shook her head. "Yeah, but I'll be fine. I'll probably have dinner with my brother later." Kai probably hasn't eaten yet. 

Kris just nodded his head. Junghee shifted uncomfortably. "Um.. just now.. about you saying I was your girl and stuff.." he voice trailed off.

"Oh, that was the only thing i could think of saying back there. Why? do you want to be my girl? I really wouldn't mind." Kris grinned playfully. 

Junghee chuckled. "You y!" she joked, and they burst into laughter. "Thanks for defending me, anyway." she smiled. 

It's the third time she's smiling. She's really pretty when she smiles. Kris cleared his throat. "So.. I'll be leaving first." he stood up and held out a hand to Junghee. "Unless you need me to walk you home?"

Junghee looked at Kris in surprise. "N-nah.. I'll be fine. I've walked home by myself tons of times before." 

"Okay then," Kris turned to walk away. "Take care!" he raised a hand in a curt wave as he strode away. Like a model on a runway, Junghee smiled unconciously. 


"KAI!! OPEN THE FREAKING DOOR, YOU !!" Junghee shouted from outside her apartment door. She banged her fists on the door. It opened a crack, the chain still latched on. Kai had his arms crossed, smirking. 

"Call me oppa." he winked at his sister. 

"Why the heck should I call you that?!?" Junghee screamed. 

"Then what are you going to do for me, so that I'll let you in, my dearest sister?" Kai had that annoyingly flirty tone in his voice, as usual. 

"You freaking took my keys this morning because you didn't bring your set to school." Junghee growled. "So I don't have to do anything for you." she crossed her arms. The twins stood face to face, arms crossed, with only a door separating them. 

"Don't copy me!" Kai whined. 

"Stop acting like an overgrown baby and just open the door, you . You're older than me, but you act like a five year old." Junghee was getting impatient. 

"All the more reason for you to call me oppa. It's not that hard. Just say.. 'Jongin oppa.. open the door please!' And you're in." Kai smirked. 

"I tell you, the moment I step into the house, I will rip you to pieces." she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. 

"All the more reason for me not to let you in." Kai stuck out his tongue. Junghee threw her hands in the air in desperation. 

"I give up." she sighed. 

Kai pouted mockingly at his sister. "Aw, how cute. I'll give you one last chance. Just say 'Oppa, let me in,' and we can continue our lives like normal." 

"Fine," Junghee grumbled. I'll be cute with him just this once, after all, he's my brother. 

"Wait a sec, lemme get my phone. I have to show this to your boyfriend next time." Kai chuckled as he slipped his phone out of his pocket. Junghee scowled at him. She put her hands to her cheeks and widened her eyes. 

"Oppa... please open the door!" Junghee said in a high-pitched voice. Kai burst out in laughter. 

"This," he looked lovingly at his phone screen, "I'm gonna treasure forever. Admit one." Kai unchained the door and Junghee came tubling on top of him. 

"You. Little. !!!!!" Junghee shouted as she pummled her brother to the floor, trying to strangle his neck. 

"Ahjunma!! Ahjunma!!! My crazy delusional sister is trying to kill me!!" Kai shouted for his neighbour's help. Junghee kicked the door shut.

"You.. annoying.. bastard!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, grabbing at her brother's phone. Kai's long hands held the phone out of Junghee's reach. 

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, sis. We're siblings, right? No need to hold grudges." Kai grinned, as Junghee scrambled off him and sat next to him on the floor, tired out from their little squabble. 

"Anyway, why are you home so early tonight? Lemme guess.. you got fired?" Kai grinned. 

Junghee rolled her eyes and told Kai about the incident, leaving out Kris' name. "Anyway, why are you so happy if I'm fired?" 

"Cos then I'd get to spend more quality time with my sis!" Kai inched closer to his sister and teasingly her jawline. Junghee slapped his hand away. "Was the guy who saved you more handsome than me?" he asked. 

"Anyone's more handsome than you." Junghee mumbled. Yes, he's very handsome. More handsome than.. No, Minhyuk is still the most handsome to me. Junghee thoguht to herself

Kai pouted. 

"Hey, Kai, could you help me boil the water first? I'm gonna go take a quick shower then I'll come out and make us some hot chocolate. We could watch a movie, since it's still early." Junghee said, as she got up from her place on the floor. "Oh yeah," she remembered the packets of ramen that she had bought on the way home. "Go choose what you want. Put them on the kitchen top, I'll cook for you when I'm done showering." Junghee glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. 8.30. Hmm.


"I told you not to go to the bar!" Luhan shotued as Kris told him what happened. "You got punched because of a girl!" 

"She's a girl from school you say? What's her name?" Xiumin asked, curiosity getting the better of him. 

Luhan shot a glare at the baozi. "You shouldn't be asking this to a guy who just got punched in the face!" 

"I have to find out the name ofthis girl! Us guys won't simply get punched in the face for any random girl!" he whined. 

Luhan glared at him again. "That's just you, Xiumin." He turned back to Kris, who was putting an ice pack on his rapidly swelling cheek. 

Kris was deep in thought. Why.. why did I feel like it was my job to defend her? It's not like we have any special relationship or anything.. I just.. Argh. Screw this. 

Lay came out of the kitchen with a tray full of ramen for the six of them. "Dinner's ready!!" Chen shouted, struggling to hold six cans of Coke.

"DIG IN!!!" Xiumin shouted, and Tao immediately grabbed the biggest bowl for himself.

Throughout dinner, the six boys were laughing and chatting, but Kris just couldn't get Junghee out of his mind. 


Junghee came out of her bedroom in loose pants and a t-shirt. 

"Hey! Those are my dancing pants! WHy are you wearing my dancing pants as pyjamas?!?" Kai whined. 

Junghee rolled her eyes. "C'mon, all my long pants are still not washed, and besides, these are one of your old pairs. Doesn't hurt to lend your needy sister a pair of pants." 

Kai pouted. "Fine. Hmph. Since I'm nice." he came out of the kitchen carrying two bowls of steaming hot ramen and set them on the coffee table in the living room. 

"Kai..." Junghee was touched that her brother had cooked for her. 

"What?" Kai looked at her. "It's your favourite flavour." he grinned. Junghee gave him a thankful smile and hugged her brother. 

"Thanks!" she dug in. 

"Aigoo.. look at this starved girl." Kai chuckled as he the television. 


Hours later, Kris was getting ready for bed. It's only eleven thirty, but why am I so tired today? Argh. He slipped on a thin, translucent long-sleeved shirt and some gym pants. 

"Hyung! Sleep well tonight!" Chen shouted as he passed by Kris' room, which was the master bedroom in the apartment. Kris chuckled to himself, thankful for such caring friends. Crazy, but caring. 

He slipped under the duvets, and fell asleep the moment his head touched the pillow. 


"You idiot, falling asleep when we're watching my favourite movie. How rude!" Kai whispered, as he carried his sister into her room. He set her down on her bed and tucked the blanket over her. He gently her forehead. 

"Sometimes.. I absolutely hate you, but you're the best sister anyone could ever have. I love you, little sis." Kai grinned at Junghee's peaceful face, shining under the moonlight. 

He tiptoed to the door, and softly closed it as he left the room. 


"Mmfh!" Junghee grunted, as a pillow was thrown at her face. "KIM JONGIN!!!!" she shouted, still half asleep. 

"Gege, who's that?" an unfamiliar voice asked. Junghee just grunted and went back to sleep. Who's this calling me gege? Is it one of Kai's friends? Isn't gege 'older brother' in Mandarin? Man, this dude has to get his Mandarin checked up. 

"Hyung! Wake up already!! Breakfast is ready!" another voice shouted from a distance. 

What the heck?!? Hyung? What's with Kai's friends and their Mandarin/Korean? And since when does Kai cook breakfast? Junghee grunted and heard the door close. SHe was left in silence. Good. At least they get it that I'm not waking up this early. Hmm.. why do the sheets smell so unfamiliar? And.. did I forget to wear my bra to sleep last night? Junghee felt uncomfortable at the absence of her bra. She groggily sat up in bed, eyes half open. SHe headed to the bathroom. 

"Muh? Why is the bathroom not where it usually is?" she scratched her head and yawned. Meh, whatever. She stood at the sink and felt around for her toothbrush. Her hand knocked into a weird object, and it clattered to the floor. She bent down to pick it up. Ugh! Kim Jongin left his shaver in my bathroom again! Why doesn't he use his own bathroom?!? Junghee looked at the mirror in front of her. Everything looked blurry because ofthe brightness of the bathroom. Why.. do I look taller? And with short hair? And... muh? It looks like Kris.

Junghee couldn't register what she was seeing. "K-Kris? What are you doing he-" Junghee turned around, but there was no Kris behind her. In fact, there is nobody. Geez. My mind is playing tricks on me. She pried her eyes open and turned back to look at the mirror. 

Junghee's eyes widened. The image in the mirror was not hers, it was Kris. 


Ugh, since when was my blanket so freaking thin? Kris groaned as he tossed around in his bed. He aggresively turned over to bury his face in the pillow, but a pang of pain shot up his chest. What the heck? he grunted in pain. Kris sat up impatiently in his bed. "AARGH!" he shouted as he flailed his arms around. 

Wait.. Whose room is this? Kris wondered as he took in his surroundings. It was obviously a girl's room. What the..? Kris made his way to the bathroom. My legs feel.. shorter. He was about to walk over to take a pee when he caught his reflection in the mirror. 

No, not his reflection. Junghee's reflection. 

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Chapter 3: How is baekhyun so smart to almost instantly come up with that?! lol xD