The Rings


"Okay class, let's welcome our new transfer student from China, Wu Fan!" Miss Jung gestured to the tall, slender boy with a sharp face and light brown hair. Whispers immediately filled the room. 

"Oh my gosh, I never knew that such a hot guy existed!" girls were giggling among their cliques and glancing flirtatiously at the new student. Boys looked him up and down, trying to figure this new boy out. 

"Hi, I'm Wu Yi Fan, from China. Nice to meet you." the boy spoke. The girls' giggles became louder, as they tried to catch his attention. He wouldn't look at any of them. 

The commotion caused Kim Junghee to lift her head up from her desk. She worked until late last night, and she was trying to catch up on as much beauty sleep as possible. She glanced to her right, glaring at the girls who were huddled together and whispering. Junghee rolled her eyes and averted her gaze to the tall boy standing beside the teacher's desk. Her eyes met his. 

His eyes are so.. bewitching. 

Junghee quickly looked away. She glanced at her only friend in her class, Victoria Chu. The fierce-looking girl with a heart of gold turned around to smirk at Junghee. It was an unspoken message. How could these girls  go so crazy over a boy like him? Pfft. Typical high school girls. 

Junghee chuckled and rested her head on the table again. She was just dozing off when she heard a soft thud beside her. She looked up. "Muh?" Junghee's eyebrows furrowed together as she saw a tall shadow above her. The shadow moved. 

Junghee sat up. "Who are you?" 

The stranger gave a small smile. "I'm Wu Fan. Nice to meet you." he held out his hand. 

"Uh, no thank you, Wu Fan." Junghee turned her head to face the other side and lay down again. 

"You don't like me sitting here?" Wu Fan asked. 

"I don't care. It's just.. my friend sits there. He just didn't come to school today. That bastard." she grumbled.

Wu Fan stood up. "Oh, I'm sorry. If you like, I could move to another seat." 

Junghee sat up and mumbled groggily. "It's okay. You can sit there for today. Just.. don't sit here when my friend comes back." she let her head drop back to the table with a thud. 

Wu Fan chuckled. Guess she had a long night. Better not disturb her. "Oh, one more thing. You can call me Kris." he grinned. 

Junghee managed to smile a little. Kris. 


Two weeks passed. Wu Fan made some new friends, and he no longer bothered Junghee. Junghee almost forgot that he existed, if not for his noticable height whenever he walked into the classroom. 

The bell rang for morning break. Junghee sauntered out of the classroom, slinging her custom designer backpack over her shoulder. Her new electric blue Converses squeaked as she walked across the hallway. The door to classroom 3B opened. 

"Finally. I thought your teacher would never let you out." she grumbled as her other best friend skipped out. 

"Hey Jung!!! I'm sorry!!" Sandara Park hugged Junghee's arm. "Where's Vic?"

"She went to grab some lunch for us first. She's waiting at the cafeteria." Junghee grinned. "Anyway, was it Kai who did something to make your teacher mad again?" 

"Um.. I guess. He kinda stole the teacher's record book so that he wouldn't know if your brother passed up his previous assignment yet." she played with her hair. 

Junghee rolled her eyes. "Yah, Dara, I don't get how you could like my idiotic brother. Sometimes i think God gave him the bigger portion of looks and me the bigger portion of brains." she scrunched her nose at the thought of her fraternal twin brother, Kim Jongin. 

"I-i d-don't like him, Jung!!!" Dara squealed. Junghee gave her a 'oh really?' look. Dara refused to look into her friend's eyes. "Fine.. i used to. Not anymore. Sheesh. But your brother isn't stupid. He's actually quite smart." 

"Yeah, he's a genius who purposely doesn't use his brains. Geez. I don't get why he's so rebellious. He can be smart if he wants to. He's an ." Junghee walked ahead as Dara jogged to catch up with her. 


Meanwhile, Kris was lounging in the school's cafe with five of his friends. Three of them came with him from China, and two were old friends from his previous visits to Korea. 

"Duizhang, I still don't get why you want to stay in Korea." Lay asked, for the millionth time. 

"Lay hyung, you've already asked gege so many times!!!" a boy who looked like a panda whined. 

Kris just chuckled. "Yeah Lay, listen to Tao. Korea is nice. It's more peaceful than China. I prefer it here. My uncle and aunt don't mind where I live, as long as I study to take over my dad's business in the future." 

Xiumin stuffed his face with a bagel. "But duizhang, you.. don't want to take over the family business, so why are you still listening to your unc- MMFFHHH!!" 

Luhan stuffed another bagel into Xiumin's mouth. "Keep eating, and retain your baozi image." he patted his friend's back. 

Luhan glanced worriedly at Kris. Only Luhan knew the reason why his duizhang had moved to Korea. To forget. To be distracted. To start a new life on his own. Just three months ago, Kris had lost both his parents in a car accident. His father owned a huge company, and Kris was its' heir. Kris' parents loved him a lot, but they also loved the company. As Kris' father sat in the hospital ward, dying, he had asked his son to take over the company once he finished studying. He left the company in his son's hands. While Kris is still studying, his uncle, who was the vice chairman of the company, would be temprorarily in charge. Kris' uncle was a good and responsible man, and he loved his nephew like his own son. 

"Sorry, duizhang." Xiumin apologized, as soon as he finished the bagel. 

"It's okay, I can't keep running from situations like this. I'll just have to face it." Kris smiled and turned to Luhan. "Thanks for you consideration, egghead." he grinned. 

Luhan smiled, happy to see his duizhang trying his best not to be sad. 


Junghee stood in front of the mirror in the girls' washroom. It was like a five-star hotel washroom in there. "Ugh, stupid rich people stuff!" she cursed as she pulled off her branded earrings and messed up her hair. Being in a rich kid school was hard. She had to act rich as to not be constantly criticized by the 'upper class'. Geez, I hate rich people stuff. Can't people just be normal? 

Junghee and her brother had gotten into the school by recieving full scholarships. While Junghee aced in most subjects, Kai got on the teachers' nerves when he doesn't bother doing his homework yet gets high marks during tests. Junghee spent most of her afternoons working part-time at the cafe about five minutes from the school, and most nights as a waitress at a bar. And what did she do with her money? Make herself look rich. 

Dad, mum, why did you want me to be in this school? I know, you guys went to this school and met each other, but doesn't mean that i'll meet my future husband here. But, since it's one of your last wishes, I'll do it. Junghee forced back tears. 

Junghee and Kai's parents died in a fire when the twins were four, fourteen years ago. Due to that, they lost all their possesions; their beautiful house, their money that they kept in a safe at home. Whatever leftover in the bank was only to be inherited by the twins when they turned nineteen. Since then, nobody was allowed to touch the inheritance. Mr and Mrs Kim's rich close friends took care of the twins like their own children, lending them a spare apartment and paying their bills when they turned fifteen and knew how to take care of themselves. Junghee and Kai were forever indebted to them. 

Ugh, I have to go to the cafe later. I feel like just ditching work for today, but boss wil kill me. Junghee sighed as she gritted her teeth. 

Suddenly, familiar figure strode in. Click, clack, click, clack. Junghee didn't have to look up to recognize that sound. Miss and her Jimmy Choo heels again? she rolled her eyes. 

Jo Gyuri strutted in with her Gucci bag strapped over her shoulder. "Oh, hi Kim Junghee." Gyuri stood beside Junghee and applied some lipstick. 

"Oh hi, Miss ." Junghee put on her earrings again. Gyuri glared at her reflection in the mirror. 

"What did you just say?" she said, with gritted teeth. 

Junghee turned to face Gyuri. "You heard me, Miss .

Gyuri's face turned scarlet. "You... UGH!! I hate you!!!" 

"I return the favour, Jo Gyuri." Junghee smirked, and turned to walk away.

"Wait," Gyuri snarled. "You.. stay away from Kris. You've already got Minhyuk, and I won't let you steal Kris from me this time." she smacked her lips.

Junghee tensed up. "I have no intention of stealing Kris from you. He isn't even yours. ." she walked out of the washroom, leaving a flustered Jo Gyuri fanning herself in front of the mirror. 

Gyuri couldn't take it any more. She rushed out of the washroom and pushed Junghee to the wall. "You. Stay. Away. From. Kris." 

"Why should I?" Junghee asked, ignorantly. Geez. This girl is desperate. 

"Because.. you're an selfish who flirts with the best guys and keeps them for herself." Gyuri glared at Junghee. 

"Oh, are you talking about yourself? Anyways. The reason why you can't keep the boys for yourself is cause you're an evil, convinning ." Junghee straightened up to walk away. People in the hallway were watching now. 

Gyuri caught Junghee by the shoulder and grabbed the nearest thing she could think of. Junghee's necklace. Gyuri ripped the necklace off Junghee's neck and stormed off. Junghee stared after her in shock. 

What the heck.. That was the necklace my parents gave to me a couple months before they.. you know. Junghee quickly picked up the white gold necklace, her most valuable possesion, from the floor and inspected the ring that was hanging from it. She read the inscription on the inside of the ring. Kim Junghee. Fate. Destiny. Love. She still never figured out the meaning of the inscription. Junghee stood up to put the necklace around her neck, but the clasp was broken.


"!" Kris shouted as he inspected his necklace. The clasp was broken. "Ugh!" He picked up the ring which was strung onto the thin, white gold chain. It was his most valuable possesion. Kris' parents gave it to him when he was young. 

"Find the owner of the other ring, and get ready for a magical experience." A four-year-old Kris' mother had told him as she tucked him in to bed. 

Kris inspected the engraved words on the inside of the ring. Wu Yi Fan. Fate. Destiny. Love. He had a rough idea of what it meant, but he still wasn't sure. Maybe it meant that the owner of the other ring would be his first and last love. Maybe the owner of the other ring was related to him in some manner. He wasn't sure. Kris' lip curved up into a tiny smile as he stood up and set the necklace on his file. 

"I'm so sorry gege!!! I didn't mean to break it!! It just got entangled with the other necklace and when you asked me for it i tried to unentangle it I kinda.. broke it." Tao pouted. 

Kris waved the matter off. "It's okay. I should just keep in mind, never place delicate objects in the hands of the KungFu Panda." he cracked a joke. The boys laughed. It had been a long time since all of them laughed so genuinely. Kris stood up to leave the cafe. He picked up his file, careful not to let the necklace drop, and headed for class.


Students shoved their way into class 3A. Junghee bumped into a sturdy figure. Her necklace dropped.

"Oh, mianhae." she apologized. 

"It's okay." 

Junghee looked up and saw Kris smiling at her. She managed to crack a tiny smile as well. "Hey. Haven't talked to you in a while." 

"Yeah, apparently your friend is back so I can't really sit at his place anymore." Kris chuckled. He bent down beside Junghee. 

Hmm.. he dropped something too? Ah, never mind. As long as I find my necklace. 

"So.. I heard you have a twin brother in the next class?" Kris attempted at small talk.

Junghee felt around the floor for her necklace, not taking her eyes off Kris as he talked. Her fingers grazed something that felt like her necklace. 

"Yeah. Kim Jongin. He's a lazy , though." she huffed. Junghee's fingers grasped around the necklace and she glanced at it to check that it was her ring. Seeing that it was, she stood up. Kris was still squatting down, picking up something shiny in his hands. 

Hmm.. That looks a bit like my necklace, too. But.. can't be. I've already checked the one that i picked up, and it's mine. His is probably just a random necklace. 

Kris got what he wanted, glanced at it for a second and stood up. Yep, it's my ring. "So, ladies first?" he gestured to the door, and held it open for Junghee. 

Junghee hoped that he wouldn't see her blushing face. .. nobody has ever made me feel this way.. except for Minhyuk. But.. Minhyuk is different. He's special. Junghee smiled to herself, and walked in, mumbling a quick 'thank you' to Kris. Kris chuckled and followed her in. 

As they went to their respective seats, Kris and Junghee played around with their necklaces, feeling it with their fingers. Little did they know, magic was working its way between both of them. 

Wu Yi Fan. Kim Junghee. Fate. Destiny. Love.



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Chapter 3: How is baekhyun so smart to almost instantly come up with that?! lol xD