Bad Kwangmin!

Our Misunderstood Love || Haitus ||


-3 days later-

When we got to our dorm Youngmin and I sat down on the couch and watched KBS, I looked at Youngmin, who looked really upset. I guess it's because he has to break up with Eunmi which means yay for me haha but I'm annoyed he still hasn't done it in the past 3 days, we already debuted so he should have just did it. I looked at him again and this time he was staring at his phone.

Kwangmin: "Yo bro, what's wrong?"

Youngmin: "I don't want to break up with Eunmi..."

Kwangmin: "Well too bad, I thought you wanted this. You should just end it right now"

Youngmin: "Wait I have a better plan!"

! What did he think of?

Kwangmin: "Well what is it?"

Youngmin: "Secret dating!"

Kwangmin: "Are you serious?"

Youngmin: "100%"

Kwangmin: "Fine do what ever you want, also can I see your phone"

Youngmin: "Yeah, sure, here you go"

He handed me his phone and I thanked him. If Youngmin isn't going to break up with Eunmi then I should be the one to make it happen. I went to his contacts and started texting Eunmi.

Text messages

Eunmi bunny.. I have to tell you something...

What is it oppa?

Having a girlfriend would be bad for my career, let's break up


Pretend we don't know each other arasso?

Youngmin oppa, wae?




Fine! Arasso...who ever you are

Good :) Remember we don't know each other

Who is this? I don't know a Youngmin...

Well that's done, I erased the messages and gave the phone back to Youngmin. I noticed he tried calling Eunmi but she wouldn't pick up, I guess my little plan worked, I don't think that was a mean thing to do. It's also a way.

Youngmin: "Why does it keep saying the number doesn't exists?"

Kwangmin: "Eunmi wanted me to tell you something..."

Youngmin: "What is it?"

Kwangmin: "She wanted to break up with you.."

Youngmin: "Mwo? Wae?!"

Kwangmin: "She said having a idol boyfriend would be too much for her since you're always going to be busy and plus the crazy fans and she said pretend you guys don't know each other"

Youngmin: "But that doesn't sound like her..."

Kwangmin: "Well believe it"

Youngmin: "If that makes her happy..I guess I could do that.."

Wow they both believed me but I'm really surprised Youngmin believes me, I guess I'm a good actor haha I really should do acting some day.


I broke my phone after that text message, I didn't mean to. I threw it at the wall and it cracked then fell into a cup of water. I walked into the phone store and walked over to the counter, I noticed Boyfriend poster everywhere. I hated it.

Clerk: "Have you heard about our special sale?"

Eunmi: "Excuse me?"

Clerk: "If you're a fan of boyfriend then you get any color Samsung galaxy s3 for 80% off"

OMG that's a HUGE sale

Eunmi: "Uh of course I'm boyfriend's fan"

I lied

Clerk: "Pick a number 1-6"

Eunmi: "Um 4?"

Clerk: "What are the names of the 2 twins in Boyfriend?"

Omg I actually know this one, thank god I picked this number.

Eunmi: "Jo Kwangmin and Jo Young..min"

Clerk: "Correct!"

She took out 3 boxes and asked which color I wanted so I choose the red one and I got a red S3. I paid for the phone then left the store. I was so happy I got kinda lucky today. When I got home I went online and immediately messaged Hyorim my number and I randomly got a text message. I guess from Hyorim and it was.


I wonder why Eunmi got a new phone. She usual tries to save her money, I felt my phone vibrate Eunmi texted.

Text Messages

I bet you're wondering why I got a new phone, hmm?

O.O How did you know? Lol, So why did you get a new phone?

I broke my other phone...

How? and wae?

Because I threw it at the wall and it fell into a cup of water..


Because I was angry....

And why were you angry?

Because Youngmin broke up with me...

Wae? Wae!?

He said having a girlfriend would be bad for his career


Let's pretend we don't know him okay...


Please Hyorim...

Okay, i gotta go text you later


i couldn't believe Youngmin would do that, he was always the sweet innocent twin. I could picture Kwangmin doing that but not Youngmin. I knew Eunmi was crying now, she always loved him even though Kwangmin is his twin. She didn't care about the looks she cared about his personality and their personality was completely different. I don't know why but Kwangmin seems to attract me I guess it's also his personality, hehe I go for bad boys. I laid down just thinking why does Kwangmin hate me? He's always rude to me but when Eunmi talks to him he is completely nice to her. Does he like her?

I shook my head, no way Kwangmin wouldn't like his brother's girlfriend or should I say ex-girlfriend. Now that I think about it, I wonder what kind of girl Kwangmin likes, cute and bubbly or y and rude? Aigoo so much thinking just for one guy who ignores me. I started getting sleepy, even though I had homework. i felt too tired to get up and do it, I hope Eunmi lets me copy.


 I got up and went into my room, I was too upset to watch Kwangmin's and my favorite drama. I could hear him laughing but instead I was crying. I cried silently so the others wouldn't hear me and worry about me. I didn't like worrying people. It hurt me so much that Eunmi would want this, I made a fist and punched the bed.

Youngmin: "Eunmi...Wae...Saranghae...

I heard the door open and saw Minwoo walk in,

Minwoo: "Youngmin dinn-"

He walked over to me with a worried face.

Minwoo: "Youngmin, what's wrong?"

Youngmin: "Nothing, come on lets go eat"

He stopped me.

Minwoo: "Youngmin, I'm your best friend, please tell me"

Youngmin: "..Arasso..My girlfriend broke up with me..."

Minwoo: "That girl you dated for 11 months?"

Youngmin: "Yeah..."

Minwoo: "Come on Youngmin, we made your favorite food"

Youngmin: "Are you trying to cheer me up? haha"

Minwoo: "I guess haha, it's working"

I laughed, Minwoo always knew how to cheer me up. Nothing would ever break our friendship.

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Chapter 5: Omona! I feel bad for youngmin oppa. :(
Sorry minwoo but eunmi is rightfully youngmin's.
They should talk to each other! No one should ruin this chance! Gaaah!
Chapter 5: This wasn't boring at all :D
Omg are they going to talk to each other again?
Gah cliff hanger >.<
Update soon please~
Chapter 4: Whaa I have a admit Eunmi and Minwoo are cute >u<
I can't wait to see what happens at the concert.
Please update soon :D
Chapter 3: I really feel bad for their relationship. I can't imagine kwangmin oppa doing that. And not to mention, minwoo is youngmin's best friend but he'll be with his ex-girlfriend whome he love so much and he didn't even really broke up with her. Aish. T_T
Chapter 3: Aww I almost cried :(
Don't tell me Minwoo is going to be another obstacle for Youngmin and Eunmi...
Pabo Kwangmin look what you did!
Update soon~ :) <3
Chapter 2: I like it!!!
Chapter 2: Wah!! Why is Kwangmin the bad one!! The is the opposite of the Jo Twins!! But it's a nice story. So, keep going, girl!! :D Update soon, ok. ;)
Chapter 2: I'm hating Kwangmin :/
Aww Poor Eunmi and Youngmin..... :(

Update soon :) I really like how your starting your story <3