a) “Ever After”



After getting the tickets, you both went into Hall 4 to watch this movie. You both were just in time as the advertisements just ended. You indulged in your popcorn in secret delight when you realized that you have actually picked a movie that the genre based on romance. At least, you thought so. The beginning was actually about a girl who was supposed to begin another mediocre year in high school when she meets a new transfer student. Obviously, the boy and girl had chemistry right away. You looked to YongHwa to see that he was absent-mindedly taking the popcorn to eat.


“I’m better-looking than him any day,” remarked YongHwa under his breath. You rolled your eyes at his confidence but that pride of his sure did him good. Not only YongHwa was good-looking, he had musical talents as well. Anyhow, you diverted your attention back to the screen. It was slowly revealed later that the boy in the story was torn as if was keeping a painful secret. He smiled whenever he saw her and dreaded taking his eyes off her. The story then developed and it turned out that the girl had taken a romantic interest towards the boy. But this movie didn’t let the boy and girl end up together right away. The boy admitted that he loved her, but he just can’t be with her. At this point of the movie you were about to pull your hair out.


“Why don’t you be with her if you love her?” you thought in frustration. YongHwa just glanced at you and smiled at your exaggerated behaviour. “So much feeling for a movie huh,” laughed YongHwa to himself. Later on, the girl got kidnapped by a group of gangsters, holding the girl for ransom. Unfortunately, the parents could not be contacted and the gangsters planned to push the girl off a high building. The girl could spread news about them if she wasn’t dead. Your heart began to break when you saw the boy dashing up the high building through the stairs. “Please don’t tell me it’s a sad ending,” you mumbled to yourself. You couldn’t bear sad movies.


You stifled a yell when the girl was pushed off by the gangsters. However, the next part was unexpected. The boy broke open the rooftop door that had been locked and he jumped off the building after the girl. “…I think this is going to spoil the movie,” you thought bluntly. Then it got weirder. Suddenly everything stopped except for both the boy and the girl. The boy looked at the girl with sad eyes. “I’ve wanted to tell you this,” said the boy. “But I didn’t have the chance. And I guess this time is all I have left.” The boy then explained to the girl his side of the story.

He said that he had come from the past to prevent her from dying again. In the past, she had saved him from death but sacrificed herself in doing so. Ever since then, he had wanted to repay the deed and to cherish life together. As he had sought help to travel in the future to meet the girl again, the person had warned that the fact that death has occurred will never be changed. It was irreversible. The girl’s eyes had widened to the truth as she noticed that the things around her were beginning to move again. “So what are you going to do?” whispered the girl. “If death cannot be avoided even in this life?”


The boy wrapped his arms around the girl securely and then told the girl to close her eyes. The boy took one more look of his surroundings and then at her. “Back then, you saved me,” whispered the boy. “This time around, I’ll save you.” Then time allowed things to move again and they both plunged to the ground at a high speed. Just as they were about to hit the ground, the cinema screen went black. Your heart began to thump rapidly. “Surely a miracle would occur?” you hoped. The word ‘epilogue’ then showed up on the screen. It turned out to be the girl’s past when she was a little girl. She was tugging at her mother’s sleeve.


“Mommy,” said the little girl with innocent, round eyes. “Will life end happily ever after like those fairy tales?” The mother smiled at her daughter’s question. “Only if you believe in ever after,” replied the mother. The movie then ended like that. Though ashamed, you began to sob. You were always weak for sad and tragic love stories. Even if they’re impossible to begin with. Though you had a blurred vision you could hear people leaving. Worse still, lights were being . You were frowning in frustration when you suddenly felt your head leaning on someone’s shoulder.


You tried to get up when a firm hand just made your head lean on the shoulder. You looked up to see YongHwa trying to pretend you weren’t crying by avoiding eye contact with you. You smiled a little. Though YongHwa was confusing sometimes, he was quite a nice guy. You both sat there in silence until your tears dried up. “Ready to go?” mused YongHwa after a while. You answered his question by getting up. You both walked out of Hall 4 and you let your thoughts trail off to what was going to happen next for today.


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Chapter 86: Loved it a lot!! It's amazing, you're amazing :")
yuffieh #2
Chapter 38: I love this! It was fun doing everything! haha I got Yonghwa the first time my heart just knew! x'DDDD
MinHoYessi #3
Chapter 86: Super awesome. Gonna go back and read the others.
seoyuna #4
Chapter 86: of course i loved your story i hope i got a time to read all your other stories.
Chapter 86: I loved the story too <3 Am I the only person that got Taeyang?!
Chapter 86: That was amaaaazzzziiiiinnng~ ♥_♥
Chapter 86: I loved the story. I am inspired of creating my own, even tho it looks like a lot of work. But I'll do it later on! ♥ this was awesome. Yonghwa and I, oh yes! I love youu~ I love youu~ Ooooh~ ooh~ Oooh~ ooh~ oh~, Yonghwa lol!
Chapter 86: what! that's it :/ ... well you could of at least put more chapters into Minho's scenario :/
mkiss-aisb2st #9
Chapter 86: What?! This is it?! T_T aweee. it was cute tho :D Thanks for creating this!!! Your the best!^^
Chapter 86: Woohoo! Finished the story! :> I ended up with YongHwa! Now, is there anyway this can happen for real? haha :D