Carne Asada~

Internet Friends.

I pulled up to a house two blocks over, to children running around on the front lawn, the smell of grilling meat, and lively Mexican music.

"It smells so good!" Stevie exclaimed. I smiled. We walked towards the front door and knocked, only to be greeted by a a short friendly looking woman with an apron on. 

"Come in! You must be Junior's friends!" She said and gestured for us to walk further in. "Everyone's in the back." She said opening a sliding glass door. 

"Thank you!" I said smiling. Stevie just smiled and gave a small thanks. We walked into the backyard which had a fabulous garden, and a little cement section with several tables and chairs set up. Off to the side was grass, and a little rock pathway that led to a fireplace. Perfect for bonfires. 

"Elva! Stevie!" Junior said as five other boys looked up. I guessing this must be his dance crew. When Jay and I started talking, it had been a few months after his little "spat" in Korea. After the whole thing Jay was holed up in his room. He spent a lot of time playing COD which, is how he met me. He has so much talent, and finding out what happened with the anti fans automatically infuriated me. I became a fan after he told me who he was, but I probably would never admit that outloud. This boy doesn't need to know that. He's my best friend. Which I think he needs more than another fangirl. 

They all greeted me and Stevie warmly and gestured for us to sit next to them. My seat being next to Jay and Stevie, with ChaCha sitting across from me. It was a brisk winter day and my signature Comme Des DOWN beanie sat still on my head. The wind blew my hair around everywhere, tickling Jay's and Stevie's face.

"Sorry." I said smoothing out my hair. 

"So how do you guys like the Middle if Nowhere, California?" Stevie started.

"Ahh its not bad." DialTone chided.

"Yeah its really chill here." Hep chimed.

"A little too chill." ChaCha added.

Everyone started laughing. We all hit off after that. The guys were just as I had expected. Lively, funny, and energetic. It was nonstop laughter especially with Stevie's added remarks. It wasn't hard for me to be myself around them. They were definately Jay's friends.

"FOODS READY!" Junior said from the grill. Stevie shot up along with ChaCha. They practically ran to the food table. 

"You guys act you haven't ate in years!" I giggled and made my way calmly to the food table. Jay followed me and we were the last ones in line with Stevie and ChaCha in the front, piling food on their plates. The boys followed suit. I took out my phone and snapped a picture of the savagery unfolding in front of me. 

"Do you always take pictures?" Jay asked peering over my shoulder.

"I have to document these savages." He laughed. I switched the camera to the front one. 

"Come here. I have to document this savage." He slung his arm over my shoulder. He smelled clean and masculine. 

"Yahh, I'm not a savage." He said ruffling my hair along with my beanie.

"Yahh!" I said fixing the mess he made out of my hair. He then prompted to snatch my phone and take a picture of us with it. With me looking less than attractive. "Ew~ delete it." I said reaching for my phone. 

"Nope!" he said holding it further away from me. He fiddled with it and took another picture of my reaching for it and him smiling. He continued fiddling with it and handed it back to me. "Here you go." he said grabbing a plate and handing me my phone. I looked at it only to see that my wallpaper became us. The corners of my lips turned up but I quickly covered my face with a paper plate. He was clearly smirking. 

I piled my plate high with guacamole, meat, tortillas, rice, and macaroni salad and sat back down next to Jay. The meal was good but the company was even better. I thought it would be so awkward if Jay and I ever met up in real life, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Everything felt so natural, so chill, and most of all I felt so happy.

"So El, here tells me you guys are a bboy crew.." Stevie says nonchalantly. Oh gosh. This girl can't keep shut.

"Yeuup! Representing AOM!" Hep chimed. 

"Can we see what you got?" I cringed inwardly, gosh Steve, don't start. 

"Sure." Dialtone said as he went over to change the music into something with a good beat.

ChaCha got up first, shooting a look to Stevie with she more then reciprocated. He started off with some footwork to the music and then proceeded to do a move on his hands. His movement was fluid, almost natural. Whatever he did impressed Stevie, who's been in dance her whole life. DialTone stepped up next and he did a few windmills, they were clean and precise. That looked really good. 

Hep went next and he did flips and spins. They're all good. Next, both Junior and Jay went up. Their movements matched each other and they made whatever they were doing look easy. I was impressed to say the least. 

"Can I try?" Stevie said innocently. Oh Lord, here we go. She started doing some jazzy moves and then started with a windmill, lifting herself up with pure arm strength. ChaCha jumped in to sort of challenge her. We all sort of left them to their own devices.

"Beer anyone?" Junior offered. Everyone collectively agreed except for me.

"None for Elva, she's a lightweight." My cheeks pinked. Jay smiled at me. I shoved him lightly.

"Yahh, it was one time! But yeah better not.." I said, looking down as Jay laughed. 

"Wait, what happened?" Hep asked curiously.

"Um well, I get really loud, and well, daring and its just not fun for me."

"Does that mean its fun for everyone else?" 

"Um, yes." My face heated up.

Stevie sat back down along with ChaCha.

"Are guys talking about the time Elva got wasted over half a beer?" She chimed.

"One beer?!" I nodded.

They all burst out laughing and Jay ruffled my beanie yet again.

"Yahh!" they laughed even harder.

"How about we play beer pong?" ChaCha proposed.


"Only if my partner drinks all of my beers." I chimed. 

"Deal!" ChaCha said. "Okay, Stevie is my partner~" She smiled.

I looked up at Jay innocently. He blinked "Aishh, Elva's my partner."

I smiled and he just shook his head as if to say, "What did I get myself into?"

Junior set up the table and cups and Junior went inside to get ping pong balls. We were up first. 

"I really hope you ." I laughed. 

"You'll see~"

We won every single game. Which meant that Jay drank evey single one of my cups. We were down to our last cup and it was the other teams shot. It was Junior and DialTone, the two brothers against me and Jay. 

Now, Jay looked like he was going to be sick because we played five games already. and the guys were not playing games when they filled up the cups.Junior made it in a cup. and before I could think, and Jay could reach, I grabbed the cup and chugged. 

They all looked at me in shock. Before they said a word, I threw the ball into the lone cup on the otherside and we won. In Jay's tipsy state, he led me to the rock pathway by the fireplace so I could be around people. He knew better than anyone how mortified I was after my little "drunken mishap."

We took a seat on a bench and he forced me to drink some water while he nursed sips from his. 

"You're worse than I am." I said pouting. He gave me a look, which meant, 'drink.' Stevie came by with more water and bread. 

I laid down with my head on his lap.

"You know, I never thought I'd actually meet you. Now that you're here it feels to good to be real. I'm scared this will be the only time we'll spend together." I thought outloud. Yup, I drank. He smiled down at me and rubbed my face with his hand. 

"Don't worry." He smiled and I felt so much better. Its as if all of my anxiety melted away. 

"Gosh I wish you lived here." 

"Me too." I looked up at him questioningly "Everything would be so much easier if you were around. I mean you are around all the time when I call or text you, but having you here, next to me, its just so unreal and you make me feel at ease and at the same time, uneasy with just your presence." I sat up. My lips parted. His followed suit. We leaned in closer together and we kissed. It may just be the alcohol, but i could feel that kiss in my stomach. Our lips felt electric as they danced together. We heard a camera go off. When we parted we found Stevie and ChaCha take a picture. 

"Yahh!" Jay and I got up and ran after the two culprits.

I may have been intoxicated but I doubt I'll ever forget that kiss.










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Chapter 5: This is cute.
NeeCeeDee #2
Chapter 5: This is so cute! I love this!
molly38690 #3
Chapter 5: I LOVE it. I hope you update soon :)
Chapter 5: wohooooo new subscriber, i love it a lot! :D what is she gonna do when he goes back to Seattle? O:
4everus #5
Chapter 4: love this..
Chapter 3: CARNE ASADA!!!!!!!!! urgh im so mexican lol now i want some but its 2am and i cant make it ;A; im soooooo subscribing to this
Chapter 3: I. Love. This.
wooyoungie8 #8
over txt? XD
This sounds awesome! Elva sounds like me! I live my life on the internet and have long, wavy black hair! ~ Looking forward to the story ;3