Fable Me This: 2012 [Writing] Contest || Judging


As a child, you learn life lessons from simple tales like "The Tortoise and the Hare." These classic fables are constantly at the back of our minds as they help us grow into the people we become.



1, Subscribe to the contest story. (I like to start things in a simple way.)
2. There is a limit of two entries per person- so make them count.
3. , yuri, and het couples are accepted.
4. There is no genre or length standard- just write what feels right.
5. You must choose a prompt from the list in Chapter One.
6. Be creative! Try to get as far from the original fables as possible, but make sure the theme still stands out.
7. Co-authors are not recommended, but I won't forbid it. If you choose to take this path... we can discuss it via pm.
8. Your entry must be written for this contest. Although if you can be ingenious enough to tie it into a chaptered story that you're already working on, I will accept that.
9. In the foreword for your story please state that it is an entry for this contest. (And if you have the time/know how, please link it as well.)- if you're the exception from rule 8, just a little note at the chapter you've decided to enter into the contest from is fine- just comment the chapter number below.
10. To enter, please link your story in the comment section below. (How else would I know you're entering? ;P)
11. The Deadline. The Deadline is currently set for January 1st, 2013. That being said, if you will have an issue finishing by the deadline, send me a message and I will work with you on an extension.
12. The prizes will mainly consist of Karma, the amounts will be announced in early December. (I want to gain more to make the prizes larger than what I can currently afford. If you have other suggestions, send me a message! ^^) Prizes have been announced!
As of right now I am the only judge of this contest. Depending on how things turn out, I may search for an additional judge or two at a later date.



Table of Contents:
-. Winners
New main poster thanks tothe amazing Shawalrus!
(Although I plan to continue using my EXO banners because I'm lazy~ ;D <3)


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Haha whatever happened to announcing the winners... ;;A;;
Chapter 12: ...Is this still on or no? O_O
just to let you know i was previously kim_kyuhyunELF13 :)
Chapter 3: Just to let you know, I was previously Incalscriptsian (:
Chapter 3: I'll message you my story info xD LOL
Chapter 12: Is there any update for this? Because I completed my entry ages ago and there still isn't an update on my entry on the list =3=
Chapter 10: My story is finally finished after a pulling an all-nighter to finish it. It's... not my best work, but it's DONE.

Story: 'Til Death Do Us Part
Prompt: Lost time cannot be recalled.
Author: GothicMermaid

ButterflyShida #8
Nice graphic above
I've finally finished my story :)
I'm so sorry for the lame ending, I'm really tired, I only got 4 hours of sleep last night and I came back from a holiday trip this afternoon.
/goes to sleep.
/shot. OTL
P.s Thanks for making this contest, I had so much fun writing XD And this is the first time that I actually finished a chaptered story. Heh.. =3=