
Fable Me This: 2012 [Writing] Contest || Judging

8. December. 2012

I promised it was coming, so here it is~


1. How long does my entry have to be? How long is too long? One-shot or chaptered?

There is no length requirement or limit. The only length standard or limit is the one you place on it yourself. Both one-shots and chaptered fics are accepted and encouraged.


2. Since it's fables do I have to use animals?

No, you do not have to use animals- unless you want to. It's up to your imagination!


3. I have an idea that involves more than one prompt, can I use more than one prompt?

Most definitely! Just make sure I'm aware of all of the prompts being used so that I can judge your entry accordingly.


4. I'm from another country and our spelling varies slightly, will this affect my entry? English is not my first language, will my grammar affect my entry?

No, I have taken this into account (and beaten the English nerd inside of me down) and entries will be judged accordingly. As long as it's not blaringly constant spelling errors and text jargon isn't used during the narrative portion because let's be honest, "bc it isnt fun  2 rd smthg written l1k3 ThIs.(~^-^)~" Or any other variation of that unless it's about a message a character sent someone.


5. I have upcoming engagements and I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish by the deadline, can you help me?

My first suggestions is write what you can- see how far you can get in the time you do have, and then send me a message. I understand that people have things to do at this time of the year, so I am more than willing to work with you on an extension. Once i receive your message I'll work with you on an extension date.


6. I've already posted my story, but can I still edit it?

Yes, in fact, I encourage it. Even if your story has been completed and is written as such on chapter 3 of the contest, I won't consider it official until January 1st (unless you've received an extension).


7.Link what where and how do I make a click-through link [on AFF]?

Please link the contest in your foreword* of your story. Once you have your foreword set up, you can comment on here with the link to your story. I doubt Im exactly "qualified" to tell you how to set-up a click-through link- but I'll try.

1. Highlight the word or phrase that you want to have the link attached to.

2. Click the little globe with the chain-link on the top gray bar (it should be next to the font selections). A pop-up should appear.

3. Paste the destination link in the box next to the "http://" section and hit the green "okay" button.

I hope that helps!

Alright, I believe that's it for the most frequently asked questions. I hope this helps anyone who had the same or similar questions! If there's any other questions you have, I'm more than willing to answer them!

Good luck to everyone, and have fun!

Love and peace!


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Haha whatever happened to announcing the winners... ;;A;;
Chapter 12: ...Is this still on or no? O_O
just to let you know i was previously kim_kyuhyunELF13 :)
Chapter 3: Just to let you know, I was previously Incalscriptsian (:
Chapter 3: I'll message you my story info xD LOL
Chapter 12: Is there any update for this? Because I completed my entry ages ago and there still isn't an update on my entry on the list =3=
Chapter 10: My story is finally finished after a pulling an all-nighter to finish it. It's... not my best work, but it's DONE.

Story: 'Til Death Do Us Part
Prompt: Lost time cannot be recalled.
Author: GothicMermaid
ButterflyShida #8
Nice graphic above
I've finally finished my story :)
I'm so sorry for the lame ending, I'm really tired, I only got 4 hours of sleep last night and I came back from a holiday trip this afternoon.
/goes to sleep.
/shot. OTL
P.s Thanks for making this contest, I had so much fun writing XD And this is the first time that I actually finished a chaptered story. Heh.. =3=