
Fable Me This: 2012 [Writing] Contest || Judging



Alright~ Seeing as it is as late as it is for me (EST) I'm going to declare that I will no longer be accepting submissions (unless your time zone hits midnight after this point in which case you still have another hour or so...).

Now! Do us both a favor and check either the entries list and make sure your entry is there- right story, prompt, status.

Some may not have been moved to the "completed" status yet, and that's probably because I'm a ditz.


ERROR: This section has been deleted.


Finally, the winners will be announced in early February. The specific date dependent solely on how my work schedule goes from today on. My current goal is to announce the winners on the Fifth, but it may have to be pushed back- once again, it depends on my work schedule. (Just to give you a rough estimation.)

Until next time- Good luck to all!


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Haha whatever happened to announcing the winners... ;;A;;
Chapter 12: ...Is this still on or no? O_O
just to let you know i was previously kim_kyuhyunELF13 :)
Chapter 3: Just to let you know, I was previously Incalscriptsian (:
Chapter 3: I'll message you my story info xD LOL
Chapter 12: Is there any update for this? Because I completed my entry ages ago and there still isn't an update on my entry on the list =3=
Chapter 10: My story is finally finished after a pulling an all-nighter to finish it. It's... not my best work, but it's DONE.

Story: 'Til Death Do Us Part
Prompt: Lost time cannot be recalled.
Author: GothicMermaid
ButterflyShida #8
Nice graphic above
I've finally finished my story :)
I'm so sorry for the lame ending, I'm really tired, I only got 4 hours of sleep last night and I came back from a holiday trip this afternoon.
/goes to sleep.
/shot. OTL
P.s Thanks for making this contest, I had so much fun writing XD And this is the first time that I actually finished a chaptered story. Heh.. =3=