
Fable Me This: 2012 [Writing] Contest || Judging

6. December. 2012

Three main annoucnements today! *throws being official out the window for being me*

First: Yay advertisement score~ ^^<3 I kept forgetting to place bids on dates that I wanted (I wanted an even number- it's a luck thing). then I won today! So, yay~ ^^<3


Second: Thank you to everyone who has subscribed and commented (and upvoted! <3). I tried to respond to all of the comments, I'm sorry if i missed you! ^;;


Third: I was asked a bunch of questions today, so I'm going to go through tomorrow morning and compile them all. If there are any that were asked multiple times, I will be posting the questions and answers up either tomorrow or Saturday as another chapter. (Just to give you a heads up~)


And feel free continue to asking me questions! ^^; I don't mind answering them if it makes things easier and less confusing for you. Besides, there's no stupid questions- only questions left unasked and answers that fail to actually answer anything.

Although I'm sorry if some of my responses earlier today were... confusing, I was half-asleep. >///< Heads up! It may take me some time to get back to you today, I have to leave for work soon(ish) and it's a (very) long shift! I'll be responding during my breaks though! ^-^<3

Love and peace!

Thank you for being you!


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Haha whatever happened to announcing the winners... ;;A;;
Chapter 12: ...Is this still on or no? O_O
just to let you know i was previously kim_kyuhyunELF13 :)
Chapter 3: Just to let you know, I was previously Incalscriptsian (:
Chapter 3: I'll message you my story info xD LOL
Chapter 12: Is there any update for this? Because I completed my entry ages ago and there still isn't an update on my entry on the list =3=
Chapter 10: My story is finally finished after a pulling an all-nighter to finish it. It's... not my best work, but it's DONE.

Story: 'Til Death Do Us Part
Prompt: Lost time cannot be recalled.
Author: GothicMermaid
ButterflyShida #8
Nice graphic above
I've finally finished my story :)
I'm so sorry for the lame ending, I'm really tired, I only got 4 hours of sleep last night and I came back from a holiday trip this afternoon.
/goes to sleep.
/shot. OTL
P.s Thanks for making this contest, I had so much fun writing XD And this is the first time that I actually finished a chaptered story. Heh.. =3=