"i got you!"

MELODY of Punishment~



I kept silent for a few seconds cause I don't know what to say, I said with low voice, "I apologize for annoy you, but .." then I Raised my voice a little bit and I said, "Your way to talk is a bit rude..don't talk such please"
He looked at me jitter looks and said angrily, "Enough it! Does not dictate the commands .. you're began Stir my anger"
I kept my head down and I couldn't answer him
He Dislodge his looks from me! Then i Approached of him a bit And Narrow appeared on his face!
Raised my hand and pressed his face by my forefinger lightly and I was talking to myself at the same time saying, "What I do!!"
He shouted wearily, saying "Stop Annoying me ..." I Look at him with concern and didn't know what inside me! Raising his fist to beat me and I put my hands on my face quickly, then he stopped and kept his hands down , bit seconds later i Dislodge my hands from my face, I felt utter shame and confusion, I could not only do one thing, I lowered my head and tears started outpouring and I wipe it quickly
kiseop stood up, I began sob
He sighed cynically and said "stupid..why are you crying!"
I felt suffocated and I could not speak, I heard the door shut and i knew that Kiseop had gone, remained sitting there for a while, it was very cold, I was blame myself for my stupidity! And I was shudder
The door is opened suddenly and kiseop entered and sat down beside me,and covering me by coat and said, "it's very cold now"
I nodded my head positively, moments passed and I said I "I am worried about you.. What's wrong?!"
Kiseop said"This will not benefit you for anything and I am also"
I said"I want to know why you're tight, because everything has causes" then i completed "and I have my reason ... so I want to know"
Kiseop said "What's your reason?"
I said "some reason!"
Kiseop "what is it?!..I have to know"
I said "you .." I took a deep breath and said, "You interest me"
He looked in the delay then, I looked at him a little, and returned looked down and I said, "I do not want to see you such .. I'd be upset also!"
kiseop said "So you do not need to see me ..."
I said, "I will feel this"
Kiseop sighed and said, "No one deserves to be trusted!"
I said I, "Why?!"
Kiseop "I was like a girl from long ago..she was want me for the interests only" I looked to him then return my looks down for the lack of my ability to consider in the face
then he said, "I have seen her yesterday..she want to show that she regrets but it will not benefit her!"
I said "and why you feel upset?!"
Kiseop consideration to bottom and said, "You can understand me!!" 
I wondering what he said then he complete saying "I will not trust anyone after this never" he looked at me and he finished "These attitudes may be important for you to learn things in life"
Fell silent for a moment and then said, "There are people be trusted"
Kiseop "They are very few"
I said "Maybe you are right they scarcity"
Kiseop Putting his hands on my shoulders and said, "I did not tell anyone about this except you"
I Confused and said with a smile mixed with confusion "and I will not tell anyone"
Then Kiseop Keep away from me 
I asked, "You would not trust anyone and would not like anyone?!"
Kiseop said "yes! .. I mean this"
I said "really! Is this desperation?"
Kiseop "not desperate, but no one i can trust"
I said Questionably to myself "No one deserves!!"
Kiseop looked silently at me then said "i got you!"
He smiled and then i smiled too, he said, "jina .. How old are you?"
I said"i'm 18 years!"
Kiseop "nice"
I said"thank you!"
He smiled! Then he added, "You know .. I .." Suddenly the door of the house is opened   and we heard some voices then Kiseop said "they seem to have returned!..Do not tell anyone what I said to you"
We both entered to the room and Eli entered to the room at the same time! Then looked at us and said, "Why you didn't go?"
I said, "Sorry, my head was hurt me a little bit"
Eli "and are you okay now?"
I said"Yes..thank you"
Eli "you both didn't go so go to eat something!"
I said"I'm not hungry!"
Kiseop said "me too!"
Eli "Enough these childish acts"
Kevin Entered to the room abruptly and said, "Let's eat"
I looked with amazement and said, "No one eats at this time!"
Eli "Come on, I originally hungry. i did not eat well there"
Kevin "Me too"
Eli "Lets go!" He looked at us keeping one eye and said, "Come on,"
Kiseop went and I went behind him, when we got to the dining room i found everyone sitting at the dining table and I sat there and kiseop sat also, I felt some Wondering !
Kiseop said "Everyone sitting here!!!..You seem that you all never ate"
Soohyun Said with laughed tone and tension "We went to the restaurant really!"
I said"So what did you eat there?!"
Dongho said "fried rice and soup and then drank anything"
Eli screamed "Ya..get out of here a damn thing" All look at him and he said confusedly "sorry there was a fly"
Kiseop "Well, Are you done?" Look for all and said, "Now, tell me where did you go all"
AJ said "mm you were depressed before we went right?..What was wrong?"
Kiseop "You are conducting an interview or what? And don't trying to make me forget"
AJ whisper "Aishhh"
Eli "Come on, my abdominal bird's votes are embarrassing"
laughter votes have spread in the place then we started eating, after we finished everyone got up and went to his room except Kiseop, remained seated that and said, "Would you go to your room?"
I looked at him and kept silent, then he said"You do not have a room here?!"
I said"Yes, but .." afraid that something bad will happen and then completed with a smile and confusion, "I'll go off"
Kiseop Remained looks at me and I strode slowly steps that reached to one of the rooms, I did not know what the room and how many rooms there are, I saying to myself "I have to enter the room and never till him that I don't have a room!" 
Kiseop was at the beginning of the corridor and he said "Will take hoon's room?!"
I Looked at him and I said confusedly "Yes!"
Kiseop said "Where will he sleep?!"
I said, "in Jaeseop's room"
Kiseop Said "So Enter it"
I Opened the door of the room and light are off,i entered the room and closed the door, I felt that Hoon is toss on the bed and began strode cautious steps,suddenly something  made foundered then i drop, which led to make Noise
Hoon tossed again what made me I felt terrified of it
I walked over the bed and collided slightly, I took another route going to the other side of the bed and I sat there on the floor, I was waiting kiseop to sleep, i waited him to period then doze off there Unintentionally!

In The Morning


I opened my eyes suddenly and said, "Do i slept!! But how?!!" I looked around and I stood up quickly and I said, "What brought me to the bed!!"
I arranged the bed then door is opened ,i looked to it and it was Hoon,he closed the door, raising fear inside me then he said "What are you doing here?!"
I said awkwardly, "I..Because i ..." I felt the weight of my tongue and I could not speak
then I looked to Hoon, who had looks with phlegm,I bow and said "sorry. I'm really sorry"
He said, " you didn't tell me why!"
I looked to him said, "I do not have the room and I could not tell kiseop so..when he asked me i entered random room..I was waiting him for sleep and i slept Unintentionally" I bowed and I said "I'm really sorry"
Hoon laughed out loud then approached the door and open it and came out and said, "Come"
I went with him and he entered one of the rooms and said "This is your room" looked at me and said, "Where is your bag?!"
I said spontaneously, "huh?! .. Oh bags..are in the lounge," Hoon went there and brought bags tp the room and then said, "Now, Put your clothes in the closet" looked at me and said, "Can I help you?!"
I said I "No. Just comfort yourself"
Hoon "good .." Laughed a light laugh and complete "It's your clothes"
He took out mattress from the bottom of the bed and put it on the bed and then took out the pillow and blanket and quilt, then i said "I will arrange it..you can go"
Hoon said, "Just arrange your clothes"
I kept silent then I said, "Yes .."
I took out my clothes and arranged it there, drove out the rest of the stuff and arranged in the room also, after I finished Hoon came and carrying large bag and put it on the top of closet
I bowed and said, "Thank you for helping me"
Hoon approached me, I stayed bowing and felt confusion somewhat
Hoon put his hand on my head and teased my hair nicely and then he moved away from me and went out of the room, I felt somewhat ashamed, I smiled and took my bag and put it on the sofa in the room


AH~ Hello
I Finished the 2nd chapter now , and sorry cause i was delayed. Actually, i didn't set the time :|
OK..It's the beginning to this time and I hope that it's good
And I'm sorry if there are any mistakes x)
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