marry me


Marry me ch 6



It’s 3 in the morning. Junhyung is already went to the dreamland hours ago ,but not with his lovely wife. Hyunseung can’t sleep again as he sleep earlier today. He just keep on staring at junhyung sleeping face. He want to wake the latter up actually ,but he doesn’t has heart to do that. junhyung look tired today. He doesn’t want to disturb his husband peace slumber.


Junseung couple already move to their new home several days ago. it make hyunseung happy because he can have all the home with junhyung , but he scare at the same time because he just alone with junhyung ==”


Hyunseung turn his body to his husband to get a better view of his sleeping face. Looking upclose like that make him realize junhyung’s handsome feature even more. he unconsciously reach out his hand to trace the smooth skin of junhyung’s face. Start from junhyung’s forehead to his pointed nose ,to his cheeks ,before landing on junhyung’s heart-shape lips.


That lips. Junhyung’s lips feel warm and smooth under hyunseung’s finger ,make he want to kiss it ,and kiss junhyung he does. The doe eye guy close his eyes slowly as he lean closer to junhyung. He kiss junhyung’s lips softly.


“mmhh” hyunseung lean back when he feel junhyung start to wake up. Just then junhyung’s eyes slowly open. Blinking sleepily to hyunseung.

“seungie ? . why are you awake ?” junhyung say with hoarse voice.

“can’t sleep anymore junnie ~” hyunseung pouting cutely as he look up to junhyung.

“aww ~ . my poor baby” junhyung chuckling teasingly ,earn a loving smack from the doe eye guy. Junhyung just smile to him. He simply circle his arms around hyunseung’s soft body to pull him closer.


“junnie ?”

“hmm ?”

“can you please make me sleep again ?” hyunseung blinking innocently to junhyung.

“hmm . what if I make you tired so you can sleep ?” junhyung wriggle his eyebrows to hyunseung ,a playful smile on his face.

“huh ? . what do you –gyaa !” hyunseung yelp as junhyung suddenly turn their position over.


Hyunseung’s eyes widened due to the closeness they are now. Hyunseung’s face just inch away from junhyung’s. his body trap between the strong arms of his husband and junhyung’s leg between his. Hyunseung gulp nervously. The last time they are this intimate ,junhyung then stop in the middle of it. how about now ?


“junnie ~” hyunseung call his husband ,face already blush bright pink. He put his hands on junhyung shoulder ,waiting for junhyung to react.

“seungie” junhyung whisper softly before nudge hyunseung’s neck with his nose. A throaty moan let out from hyunseung when he start to trace kisses along the doe eye guy’s neck.

“jun –ummh ~” hyunseung’s word become unclear a he start to enjoy junhyung’s touch. His doe eyes close and his hands move to junhyung’s neck to drew him closer.


Hyunseung just softly when junhyung give marks here and there on his creamy skin. He doesn’t protest at all. Junhyung is his husband ,he has the right to do this to him. even more because they are married for almost two months but they did nothing beside kissing and hugging. Now junhyung thinks it’s the time for them to do ‘that’.


Junhyung pull back from hyunseung and look to the guy below him as hyunseung look back to him. he doesn’t see the shy hyunseung anymore this time. The doe eye guy look more .. y ?


“chagi-ah . can I –?” junhyung’s word is cut by a soft lips pressing on his.

“sshh . don’t ask . just do it junnie . I’m all yours . remember ?” hyunseung’s whisper between the kiss. He can feel junhyung’s lips move upward into a wide smile.

“thank you” junhyung shortly say before kissing hyunseung back with more passion in it.


That night it’s the first time junhyung and hyunseung become one. they pour their love to each other through the velvet touch to their partner. The whisper of each other name come out from their lips as they reach their high. Two person. One love.



Bird chirping sound reach hyunseung’s ears as he stir from his sleep the next morning. He doesn’t bother to wake up from his sleep but just snuggle to the warmth from his husband. He feel cold from the morning air as he doesn’t wear anything. Just a thick comforter covering his and junhyung’s bare body. Lucky because it’s weekend so they don’t have to go for their daily activity.


“seung ?” junhyung call hyunseung before open his eyes and look down to his wife.

“hmm ?” hyunseung answer come out as mumble because his face is burry on junhyung’s chest. Junhyung just smile to hyunseung’s kittenish act. He plant a kiss on the smaller guy’s head ,make he finally look up to him.


“morning chagi-ah ~” junhyung say with happy face. Wide smile appear on his face when he remember about their activity last night.

“junnie ~ . I’m still sleepy ~” hyunseung look to junhyung with pout on his lips.

“hey don’t pout like that ,or ..”

“or what ?”


*Chu ~* a kiss land on hyunseung’s pouty lips.

“jun –*chu*” again a kiss on his lips ,follow by lot of kisses after that. hyunseung can’t speak a word due to junhyung’s continued kiss.


“there . I will do it if you pout like that” junhyung grinning more when hyunseung sulking like a kid.

“I hate you” hyunseung say childishly ,hands crossing on his chest.

“really ?” junhyung hide an amuse smile on his face. He love to tease his wife anyway.

“yeah ~ . I bloody hate you junnie . humph” hyunseung turn his body away from junhyung so his back is facing the taller guy. Junhyung just laugh softly to his wife’s act. His hyunseung is never change. Keke.


Junhyung lean to hyunseung before hug him from behind. He buried his face to hyunseung’s bare shoulder ,make the doe eye boy squirming in discomfort.


“junnie ~ I still mad to you ~” hyunseung whine to junhyung while trying to move away from him.

“I’ll make up to you then”

“what ? . yah junnie –gyaa !”


And hyunseung doesn’t has time to be mad again.






I got major writer block . huwee TT_TT . sorry I can’t write about the boy on the previous chapter on this chapter due to lack of idea . maybe later . or not ? . I don’t know TT_TT . I hope this chapter satisfy you enough . huft .

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Chapter 9: So cute..pregnant Seungie ^^ vacation in Bali!!
kawaiiboo #2
Chapter 9: Soo cutee > w < junnie, take good care of seungie and the baby, okaii??
Kyahh, please, update soon~~~
Chapter 9: You mentioning bali! Iloveit:3
Chapter 9: Omo I am so happy seungie is pregnant. kyahhh <3 _ <3

So JunSeung so sweet.
kawaiiboo #5
Chapter 8: Woaah this is sooo cutee!! Update soon <3
Chapter 8: OMG OMG!!!! Hyunseung is pregnant!!!!!yeay!!!!^^^
b2utyAngel #7
Chapter 7: hyunseung pregnant?? I will wait for it!
Chapter 7: Cant wait for the baby!!
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Chapter 6: awwww... Junnie so sweet!