Who's In Charge Again?


                                                                  >>>>>>>>>  [Story One] <<<<<<<<



Hoon yawned as he got of the bed. 8am, perfect. He was late.

Not for an interview, photo shoot or anything though. He was late making breakfast for the hungry kids. And one grumpy father. Hoon sighed. It was he who cleaned the house, wash the dishes, cook food, do the laundry and blah blah. The list just go on. He sat up, and wasn't surprised to hear shouts from the living room.

He lazily got off the bed and went to the bathroom. Taking his sweet time to wash up. 'Like they'll be angry for me for oversleeping,' he thought. He wiped his handsome face in a towel and stepped into the living room. 

It was in upmost chaos. 

The pillows were scattered on the floor,the plasma television was splattered with coke and all the sofas were flipped. Hoon yawned. He saw Dongho wailing about a lost video game, kiseop was snoring on AJ who was surprisingly studying, Eli was teasing the poor almost crying Kevin and Soohyun was trying his best to ignore the noise and continued reading his newspaper, his face turning into the most deepest frown ever.

"You are late." He stated when Hoon sat next to him. 

"So? I slept late, since you guys were smart enough to start a balloon fight that has leftovers from spaghetti night instead of water." He retorted. Soohyun rolled his eyes. 

"Whatever," was his reply. "Just make me breakfast already." He grumbled. 

"Hoon! Make me breakfast pleaseeee~" Dongho said and placed his chin on Hoon's knees. "I can't find my video game, and I'm hungryyy. So pleaseee!!" Dongho begged. Hoon sighed. For the cute maknae, he'll do it. Hoon got up and went to the kitchen.

"Frying pan..." Hoon mumbled. After he got what he needed, Hoon started to make fried rice. The sweet aroma went through the living room. Eli stopped teasing Kevin about his pink underwear as his nose twitched. He found himself walking towards the kitchen and watching Hoon cook. The sight was mouth watering, since he didn't ate last night. 

"Mmmm," he mumbled in aproval when he sneaked a few into his mouth when Hoon was chopping carrots. He was about to sneak  in again when someone slapped his . He looked back, and saw an annoyed Soohyun. 

"What are you doing, Eli? You know you shouldn't eat stuff that is still cooking." Soohyun scolded. Eli covered his ears. 

"BLAH BLAH I DIDN'T HEAR YOU!" he said and ran back towards the living room. Hoon, who heard everything, smiled. At least Soohyun was useful to shoo the kids out.

"You, go ask them to clean the living room," Hoon said as he dropped the carrots in the pan and started to stir it. Soohyun's eyes widened. 

"You serious? It is impossible to ask them to do anything. They'll just tease me and make fun of me." Soohyun argued. Hoon rolled his eyes and pushed Soohyun towards the living room with his feet. 

"Goooo! If it is not cleaned, you guys can't have breakfast." Hoon threatened. 

"OKAY GUYS LISTEN UP!" Soohyun said. AJ shook the sleeping Kiseop awake. "Go and clean this mess." Soohyun said and pointed to the floors. The boys blinked, and then they bursts into fits of laughter. Dongho was literally rolling on the floor laughing while clutching his stomach. Kevin fell from the sofa, still laughing while Eli was already wiping his tears. AJ laughed his head off, while the kind hearted Kiseop just tried to supress the laugh from escaping his throat. 

"Oh hyung, you, are funny." AJ said when he was done laughing. Soohyun's face formed a frown. 

"Clean it now!" Soohyun instructed. 

"NO~" The boys sang back. 

"No breakfast then~" Hoon screamed from the kitchen. In a flash, the boys sprang up and dashed to get the brooms out to sweep the floor and rags out to wipe the television. Dongho helped Eli to lift back all the flipped sofas and arranging the pillows neatly. 

In 10 minutes flat, the place was spottless. 

Hoon came out, a satisfied grin from his face. 

"Alright, go and eat." He said. The kids yelped in joy as they dashed towards the table that was nicely set with breakfast. Hoon patted Soohyun;s shoulders. 

"At least you tried." He said. 


"HOON!!!" Dongho screamed and lunged towards the sleeping Hoon. Hoon jerked as Dongho hugged him and wailed. 

"WHAT THE-" his voice softened when he saw the boy. "What is it now??"

"AJ hyung!!" He sobbed. Hoon groaned. He then heard a yelp. He saw Kevin running to me. 

"Hoon!! AJ!!" Kevin also said. 

"UGH! Can't you guys give me a day to rest?" He groaned. "Seriously, someday I'm going to run away from this hectic place." He peeled  Dongho off his body and sat up, and walked in a rather serious way towards AJ's room. "KIM JAESEOP WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!?!?!?" Hoon said as he barged into AJ's room. 

"Me? What?" AJ said as his eyes tore of the laptop screen. 

"Kevin and Dongho came into me, wailing about something you did. Now what was it?" Hoon demanded. AJ looked down, afraid to tell. 

"He hacked our IM account..." Dongho said when he slowly made his way to AJ's room. AJ made a face.

"You guys should have better passwords then," he stated, matter of factly. 

"HOON!!" it was Kiseop's voice now, he came running into AJ;s room, his face smudged in cream. 

'What the..?" Hoon said as he flicked his finger on kiseop's face and tasted it. Why does it taste like a familiar pie...? A familiar pie that someone very likes. Hoon tried to control his anger. 

"KYOUNGJAE YOU ARE SO DEAD!" Hoon shrieked. He heard Eli laugh maniacly. Hoon fell down on his knees and rubbed his temples. "My head..." he mumbled. He stood back up and stormed into Eli's room, a messy one. There was pie splattered all over the place. The walls, the windows, the bed and even the closet. 

"Hoon, what is all then-" Soohyun, who just came into the room, stopped as he saw the messy room. 


That night, Eli and AJ were forced to do all the chores as Hoon took the kids and Soohyun out for a walk. 


"So uh, what should we do for dinner?" AJ said as he flopped on a sofa, tired after he was forced with Eli to clean the pie-smeared room. 

"I don;t know. I was thinking ramen..." Eli said. AJ turned to him, one of his brows lifted. 

"Yeah me too. But I think we should make something a bit special, you know? Since we made Hoon angry and the others suffer." AJ said. 

"True, true.." Eli said he thinked. "What about making a cake?" He suggested. "Should be easy."

"Okay, cake it is." AJ agreed as they both went to the kitchen. They tried to strap on the apron, but didn;t know where to put their heads into. 

"Is it here? Oh no, it's the pocket..." Eli mumbled as they tried different kinds of angles. Finally, after 5 minutes working with the apron, they were ready. 

"Flour.." AJ mumbled as he tip toed to get the flour on the top shelf. "Hey Eli, get the eggs." 

"Gotcha!" Eli made an okay sign with his fingers and opened the fridge. His eyes gleamed mischeviously as he saw AJ, pouring the flour into a bowl. He grabbed an egg, and threw it at AJ's direction.  

'What the hell??" was AJ's response. AJ turned back, and saw Eli smirking at him. AJ had an idea. He grabbed a fistful of flour and flung it to Eli, who was now white. 

The fight went on. 

Soon, the kitchen was trashed. Flour covered the floor while the eggs made a fascinating deco on the walls. The rowdy boys managed to find some coffee beans and flung it at eachother. AJ opened the tap and filled a jug with water as he mixed it with some milk. He splashed it on Eli, who took revenge by pelting him with bananas and apples. 




"Okay, we're home!" Soohyun chorused as he led the boys in. No one answered. Hoon felt his sixth sense tingling, and went to check on the kitchen.

"!*#%@$!(@*#&()@" was his last words before passing out. 

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UkissistheB2st #1
Chapter 4: Update soon please! I'm a KissMe and an EXOtic!!