Project Together

Dream World

The project with Ryeowook was actually simple, I had no trouble understanding what needed to be done and how we could do it. It was a simple science project about a ecological house, which we had to do a model of to present to the teacher, who would ask us random questions about some elements of the house, to me, then to Ryeowook, one after the other. The hardest thing about this was to be able to do the model in time for the presentation.


And to be able to work without looking like a love sick puppy, like Ama now liked to call me.


The project was simple for me, but I could see that Ryeowook had some troubles. Not that he didn't understand how to do it, he had troubles with the things we had to include, our research about ecological materials and all. It was not for nothing that the teacher put us together, apparently, he had troubles in class and could use some help. And sicne I was first in class, no wonder why the teacher paired up together. He could use all the help he could get, apparently.


That was what his last exam, which we just received told me.


-...67%, I said, a little surprised.

-You aced it, didn't you, said Ryeowook, looking a little sad.

-Yeah...If you need any help, you can ask me, if you want.

-Really? It won't bother you?


I shook my head. I would do anything, I really mean anything, to spend more time with him, so there was no way it would bother me. I would rather spend time with Ryeowook to get to know him better than doing anything else, even if I had to teach him things that I though was easy stuff. Plus, the smile I got from telling him I would help him get some better grade was already making me feel butterflies in my stomach. Why was he so cute, with his eyes half-closed, a warm and sweet smile on his face.


-Thank you, Kyuhyun!

-Pleasure, I said, trying to keep it cool.


He took his exam and stared at it, pouting. So...cute...


-My mom would be happy to see me with a good grade in science...

-You'll have them, I swear, it's really easy once you understand.

-If I ever understand...


He pouted even more. I wish I could hug him...


-Though you are the best one in class, so I guess it can happen if you help me.


It will. Just to see you smile more. I swear...Shisus, don't blush now, Kyuhyun...


-I'll do my best to help you out, I said, smiling.

-Thank you, Kyuhyun...


His shy smile almost made me fall on the ground. Why are you so cute, how do you do that?! How is it that everytime that you smile, I want to jump out of happiness? All that because I'm going to teach you things in science? Seriously, I'm not sure anymore if I will be able to hold on...Calm down, you can do it, you can...He smiled at me and showed me what he had found for our project. Such an innocent smile, all that for paper scraps...I still smiled, looking at the colourful papers.


-I found this at my house. I though it might be useful, to add some bits of colours, he said with a big smile.

-Yeah, that's awesome, I said, more enthusiastic about the fact of being with him than because of the papers.


We worked on our model of the ecological house, Ryeowook adding some colours with his papers, doing some kind of art work on the side of the house. It was cute...The artwork, which did add some colours to the whole thing and made it brighter, but also seeing him work so hard on it, with his tongue out when he had some troubles gluing some pieces. I would look up and stare at him for a little while, looking down when he would feel my eyes on him. I knew I probably looked like a idiot, but I would still smile because of him, and though it was one of the first times I actually talked to him, I still loved it. He was even nicer and sweeter than I though he was, and it was just making me fall all over again for him.


If that was even possible.


Our model was going on nicely, and at the end of class, it was almost finished. Well, the model was, but we still had a lot of work to do, a text each to do on some of the particularities of the model. The time in class was quite limited, and just being able to finish the model in time was a miracle. We were almost done, there was just some thing we needed to paint at the end of the class, so we had to take a lunch break to finish it up.


I won't complain, though, because it just gives me more time to be with Ryeowook. Maybe I'll be able to go in his friend category, and be able to see him outside of class instead of always having to count on projects to be able to meet with him. That was something those two evil girls were right about, I should have more courage...


I'll never tell them they were right.


The class ended.


-So, Kyuhyun, what about we meet outside of class to complete everything?

-Yeah, sure, I'll help you out with your text also, if you want to, I said, hoping he would say yes.

-It would be really nice, he answered, smiling widely.


He grabbed his things and stood up, like the other students were doing, and after we arranged a place and time to meet, he walked out of class, meeting up with that friend of his, the girl he was always with. Lucky girl...but still, I was going to meet with him! Outside of class! Inside the school still, but that was a great beginning! That was actually better than just staring at him from afar. In your face, Val! I'll show you I'm brave and courageous, I'll make you eat up your words! Mighty me will show you!


I know, she's not even there...


I walked out of class and went to my next class. Sometimes, I wished Ama didn't skip a year, I would have been able to talk to her whenever, and be able to share my joy. She was so curious about it, and was actually helpful, unlike someone else...Seriously, I still wonder how the hell the became friend in the first place. I can understand that their evil personnality goes well together, I kind of feel sorry for anyone they don't like, but I still wonder how they ended up being friends.


I'm too curious about too many things, I'm not sure if I really want to know all of this...


Since it was almost the end of the day, that I was going to my last class before going back home, I didn't had the chance to see Ama before having to meet with her at her locker, to go at her place like I promised I would do. It also meant that I would have to keep my happy smile for myself until the end of the day, or else I would look like a crazy fangirl that can't containt her feelings. I knew what that looked like, since some girls were like that when I was passing by, and I have to say, it is so obvious, I wonder how they can think I didn't realise they were doing it...


I still amazed that Ryeowook didn't say anything about my fangirling...






I just imagined Kyuhyun being like his fangirls.

It was hilarious.

I know this story is kind of weird............. :33

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Chapter 30: Ughh...I'm really really confused right now.
Do you mean you write this fic based on life of real people around you,your friends actually.Then that friend of yours started dating someone,So because your friends' life (aka base of this fic)changed you can't countinue this story anymore.
Did I get it right or am I wrong?
Chapter 29: Oh, Kyu. "It wasn't my fault I was so good." Model of modesty, I see xD
Chapter 28: I'm slower than you, so... xD
cchuboi #4
Chapter 27: Thank you for update!
Chapter 27: thank you for the update.
Chapter 19: why is that hyukjae hates kyuhyun?
Chapter 10: i'm getting more confused..
Chapter 6: now i'm confused about kira and hikio..
Chapter 5: yeah kyu...
what did you get yourself into...

Chapter 2: i don't know if the dream is a good one or a bad one...