First Dream

Dream World

I was dreaming of a forest. The little trail was going over an hill and to a cemetary. I didn't ask myself why is was like that, it was a dream after all, but it felt kind of real. More than it usually was. I walked down the hill and saw a woman sitting next to a grave, her fingers touching the stone softly, like if it would break otherwise. I walked towards her, because that was how the dream was working, and cought to get her attention. She didn't turn around.


That was going to be a scary dream, she'll turn up and be some kind of creep...


-Euhm...I started to say.

-Cho Kyuhyun, sixteen years old. Good at school, sweet with people, unless they are his friends, with which he can let himself be more ''evil''. Though his though apparence, he is still pure at heart.



She turned around. I jumped, certain she would have a freaky face, like those pop ups in flash horror games, but she didn't. Her long purple black hair were hiding one of her blue eyes. She smiled, just the corner of , and bow lightly.


-My name is Hikio. I will be your guide through this journey.

-What journey...

-Didn't you want an easier way to know?


My face, at that moment, could be compared to a scandalised owl.


-My dreams are getting ed up...I said, shaking my head.

-Who's ed up!


A ghostly figure with long silver hair and bright red eyes appeared behind the woman named Hikio and smiled widely. I knew that smile too much...Valerie, why do you haunt my dreams now...


-You are, I said.

-Well, thank you, Kyukyu, I'll take it as a ing compliment, she answered sarcastically.

-Please, watch your language, Kira...

-Why? I can't say ? I am not allowed to say ? I want to say ! FAWK!


Kira started to laugh, doing backflips in the air with an hysterical laughter. I think I would like the freaky face now... She was grabbed by the end of her gostly figure, since she didn't have any legs, by the other woman and was pulled down. She grunt before looking at me with a blank expression, unlike Kira who was still smiling like a demonic being.


-We will be your guides, she finally said.

-My guides for what, exactly? What the hell is going on?

-You wished for an easier way to know that Wookie guy feeling's for you, didn't you, said Kira.


-Well, we have a proposition for you, she continued, smirking.


She crossed her arms and placed herself on the top of Hikio's head, giggling. The other one didn't seem that pleased, but she look like she cared that much.


-Am I...dreaming, I asked.

-Yes, you are, answered Hikio. This is one of your dreams, probably one you didn't remember when you woke up the day you had it. This place is the safest I could found so quickly.


Kira started to laugh at my what-the-? expression. Hikio smacked her, making her fall from her spot, before continuing.


-With us, you can travel through dreams to learn things about the one you want. Though, there is a some things you have to respect to go throught the whole thing without...losing your mind.

-That's...that's just insane.

-Maybe, but you could learn if that Ryeowook loves you or not.

-But you just said...

-Of course it won't be easy, and at any time, you can give up, like you can right now, and forget everything about this ''nightmare'', but please consider that this whole experience isn't given to anyone.

-Exactly, shooted Kira, flying to me and hugging me from behind.


She smirked and avoided my fist, flying a little higher.


-Only those with pure intentions can have this choice. It's a one time only, darling!

-As you travel throught the dreams, you will learn things about those you know and surrounds you, starting by the one who you like the least.


Oh no...


-Why, I asked, bothered. Why can't I just have the answer now?

-Because you are looking into people's dreams, tard, Kira shooted right next to my ear.

-I haven't check ANY dreams now, I didn't, you two didn't make me do anything!

-Yet, added Kira with a big smile. Come on, don't tell me you don't have the balls to try?


Hell no. Hell. To. The. No. I frowned. No way that someone would say that in MY dreams! I am courageous, and I'll prove it.


-I'll prove you wrong, !

-Oh emm to the gee, I think I pissed him off, Kira said playfully, giggling.




-Anyway, it's just a dream, so it's not even real, I muttered.

-So you agree to this, asked Hikio.


-Yay, shooted Kira, happy.


Kira started to fly around like an happy five years old, making me and Hikio sigh.


-Your journey will start tomorrow night.

-Why not now?

-...Tomorrow, she continued, ignoring me, you'll go through the dreams of one of your friends. Before you ask, she said as I was opening my mouth, this is part of the whole thing. You'll have to go through many dreams before reaching the answer you are seeking for. Now, you have to remember this : if you die in a dream, you will die in reality.




-Yup, Kyukyu! This ain't easy! Travelers aren't welcome in other people's dream. You can change the course of a dream to the point that it might try to kill you. And no, it's not like Inception, they won't start to shoot you, the dream will swallow you, like a black hole. If you die in a dream that isn't yours, you will simply never wake up.

-Not many have been able to finish this journey, most abandonned midway because of the dangers. As long as nobody knows what's going on, you'll be fine, state blankly Hikio. Just make sure they don't get suspicious.


-You can always give up, Kyuhyun, continued Hikio.

-Because, of course, you might not have enough b...

-I'll do it.


I glared at Kira. She smiled, a satified smile that printed itself in my head before I woke up suddenly, woken up by my alarm. I breathe deeply, panting for some reason. I looked around. I was in my room, my alarm playing some song from the radio, my clothes stashed on my chair...I still had her smile in my head, and every single word they had told me.


Was I going insane or did I just had the most ed dream ever?


It was just a dream...though it was weird that I could recall every detail, crystal clear, like if it was a fresh memory, something that had happened...That was ridiculous. Like if I could learn something as important as Ryeowook's feelings through dreams...I don't remember what I ate last night, but it will be the last time...Ever! I stood up and grab some clothes, since I didn't like wearing any while sleeping, unless I had to, got dressed quickly and went downstairs to get some breakfast.


The dream was still hunting me, somehow. I couldn't get it out of my mind, especially Kira's smile. It followed me throughout the day, so much that I almost missed Ryeowook's smile when we sat together to work on the protect. Almost. That cute smile he made pushed that dream far away in my mind as I concentrated myself to work, and try not to blush to much.







Action starts NOW! Niahahahaha

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Chapter 30: Ughh...I'm really really confused right now.
Do you mean you write this fic based on life of real people around you,your friends actually.Then that friend of yours started dating someone,So because your friends' life (aka base of this fic)changed you can't countinue this story anymore.
Did I get it right or am I wrong?
Chapter 29: Oh, Kyu. "It wasn't my fault I was so good." Model of modesty, I see xD
Chapter 28: I'm slower than you, so... xD
cchuboi #4
Chapter 27: Thank you for update!
Chapter 27: thank you for the update.
Chapter 19: why is that hyukjae hates kyuhyun?
Chapter 10: i'm getting more confused..
Chapter 6: now i'm confused about kira and hikio..
Chapter 5: yeah kyu...
what did you get yourself into...

Chapter 2: i don't know if the dream is a good one or a bad one...