Big Blind Idiot

Dream World

So this is how people invited themselves to my place for the week-end. I still had four nights and three days to go through. Considering the last past days, I was wondering how I was going to survive it now. My world was even weirder than before.


-Say, Kira.


-How is it that Val acts that way? I mean, Ama can be mean, but she doesn't act that way all the time. Is it that she really don't like me?

-I don't know, ask her.

-Can you two stop it and get a move on, said Hikio, groaning. Enough with the chit-chat.


Another dream, and I didn't know what I had to expect from it. What else did I ignore of Ama? Did she have a boyfriend without me ever knowing about it? Probably not, that's not the kind of thing that she would have been able to hide long, considering how much we were seeing each other. Then again...Maybe I should wait to see what's going on before getting nervous for nothing.


Once again, we were at school, and I knew it happened this year since Val was with her. Ama looked my way for a moment, Kira pulling me backwards. I waited a moment before looking again. They were close enough for me to hear them.


-So...who's that Kyuhyun anyway? You kept talking about him.

-He's my childhood friend. I'm really close to him. He's also popular, for some reasons...

-Hmph...Didn't you say you had a crush on him?

-Yeah, but I won't tell him.


-Because he has a crush on someone.

-...Stupid as-

-Sorry, but aren't you Kyuhyun's best friend, asked a random girl.


That girl and her friend were exactly what Ama hated, I didn't need to know them to guess it. Just the way she had asked her question had made my old friend groan. She wanted to ignore them, I guess, since she was about to walk away, but Val put on her poker face and asked, politely :



-We were wondering if you could give this to him.


She gave Val two letters, probably from her and her friend.


I don't remember ever getting any letters...


-Ca you give it to him?

-Yeah, Val answered.


Ama stared at Val with a killer glare. Val only looked at her with a smirk, still holding those two letters in her hands. She gave them to my friend and said, with a tone similar to Kira :


-I don't know you much, but I'm sure this will help you out.

-How? I don't give a damn about those love letters...Why do I need to be a pigeon?

-I though you might want to rip them, or burn them, anything to make you feel better, but if you don't want to, I'll do it.


Ama looked at the letters and smiled. She quickly changed her mind and growled.


-I can't do that, this is Kyuhyun's...

-Give it to me then, I don't give a about that guy. If he can't even take care of his own affairs without you being involved...

-Kyuhyun is really awesome, she said, scandalised.

-Maybe, but I'll judge it myself. For now, I don't like him. Will you keep those letters or not?


Ama took them back and smirked.


-Burning them would be cool.


Val smirked.


-That's why she was so cold the first time we met, I muttered to myself.

-Well, you're kind of a jerk, Kira chuckled.

-Thanks...It's really appreciated.


I woke up the next morning with the feeling of being an ever bigger than the days before. I looked at my cellphone. I had five minutes before my alarm would go off. I closed it and stood up, groaning. Why did she never tell me about those letters? I would have been able to take care of them, make them understand that Ama was my friend, not someone they should reach out to make me a confession...Or maybe Ama didn't want to tell me that because I was, and still is, in love over my head.


I'm such an idiot...


A blind idiot.


I grabbed my things and made myself breakfast. I was still thinking about it, my mind was still filled with this whole thing. I wasn't mad at Ama for hiding those things, I was a little sad to think I hurt her that much without even realising. I couldn't do much, I knew that she wouldn't let me repay what she had decided to do. She would call me an idiot...She would be right, though I still wouldn't say it out loud. She knocked before coming in, not even caring if I was actually up or not.


-Baby K!

-What are you doing in my house?

-There is no more good food at my place. Can I steal some of yours?




-Yeah sure, I said.

-...That simple?

-My mom would kill me if I let you leave without giving you what you needed...


Not really true, but still...


She smirked. She took some food and sat in front of me, only staring. He big dark eyes almost looked innocent as she was killing a slice of bread covered with chocolate. I looked back at her and smirked back.


-What is it, I asked.

-What what? I can't eat?

-You look like you want something.

-I don't want anything, she said.

-Oh come on, I know you more than that. What do you want? What is it that is going through your mind?

-I was just thinking of what I might need for this week-end. Do you still have only one inflatable matress?

-Yeah...Do you have one? I won't have enough matress for everyone...Unless someone sleeps in my bed with me...


Ama smiled widely. I started to blush insanely before she said anything.


-What about Wookie? I'm sure you would like it...


-You have a erted mind, my dear Baby K!

-You don't help...

-What? It would be weirder to have a girl in your bed, don't you think?

-...But I...

-I know, but Wookie doesn't know that. Anyway, hurry up or we will be late.


I simply nodded, my mind going wild. Ryeowook in my bed...No, no, don't think about that! This is not good for my sanity.


Ama smiled evily.


She is not good for my sanity.

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Chapter 30: Ughh...I'm really really confused right now.
Do you mean you write this fic based on life of real people around you,your friends actually.Then that friend of yours started dating someone,So because your friends' life (aka base of this fic)changed you can't countinue this story anymore.
Did I get it right or am I wrong?
Chapter 29: Oh, Kyu. "It wasn't my fault I was so good." Model of modesty, I see xD
Chapter 28: I'm slower than you, so... xD
cchuboi #4
Chapter 27: Thank you for update!
Chapter 27: thank you for the update.
Chapter 19: why is that hyukjae hates kyuhyun?
Chapter 10: i'm getting more confused..
Chapter 6: now i'm confused about kira and hikio..
Chapter 5: yeah kyu...
what did you get yourself into...

Chapter 2: i don't know if the dream is a good one or a bad one...