Settimo Episodio ~

Till the End


The breeze blew past Woohyun and ruffled his hair a little. He had an unreadable expression on his face, but he was definitely deep in thoughts.

Suddenly, from behind, Woohyun felt a pair of arms encircling his neck from behind. However, Woohyun didn’t budge. He knew the strength of this pair of arms. He didn’t even have to turn back to know the identity of the intruder.

“What’s wrong with you? If I was a bad guy, you would have been dead by now,” The voice came from behind.

“You are a bad guy,” Woohyun simply replied.

“What’s wrong with our kiddy today? Having a bad day?” The voice continued asking, leaning his head on Woohyun’s shoulders.

Woohyun sent the person behind a glare. “Go away.”

The person got a shock at that and slowly released his back hug on Woohyun. He took Woohyun’s hand and spun the younger guy around, so that Woohyun was now facing him.

“Why? Are you mad at me?” The older guy said to Woohyun, who was still expressionless and unwilling to look the older guy straight in the eye.

“Have you done something that will make me mad?” Woohyun tried to avert his eyes from the older guy but the other didn’t allow him to.

“Woohyun-ah…” The person tried to appease Woohyun.

“Stop bothering me, Kim Sunggyu. Just go back to your master!” Woohyun broke free from the older guy’s grip and tried to move away from the strong bodyguard.

However, the experienced bodyguard was better than that. His grip on Woohyun immediately became tighter as he questioned, “Myungsoo? What has anything got to do with him?”

Then, from seeing the open balcony, did everything start piecing together inside Sunggyu’s head.

“Are you jealous?” Sunggyu attempted to act cute in front of Woohyun.

However, the other was really angry and didn’t even bother to reply Sunggyu. He just had an angry expression the whole time as he was unable to escape from the bodyguard’s strong grip.

Sunggyu pulled Woohyun into a tight embrace and said to him, “Myungsoo and I are not like that. And you know it.”

Upon seeing that the other was not convinced, Sungygu continued, “Myungsoo’s my master. I owe him a hell lot. I just want to protect him, as a bodyguard and an older brother. Myungsoo’s been through a lot. However, all this doesn’t suit him at all. Myungsoo’s a very kind and innocent kid, not suitable for all these violence. But, this is his fate, and I want to protect him.”

“Do you know? When he was still young, Myungsoo would wake up in the middle of the night and scream and shout. He was hysterical and would hallucinate. He would see bones and spirits and blood in the night in his nightmares. He was put through all this when he was young,” Sunggyu’s embrace on Woohyun tighten.

“Was it the same for you too?” Sunggyu heard Woohyun asked. His voice was so soft, like a whisper which could barely be heard.

Sunggyu looked at the younger man. His expression was no longer that of anger, but of concern and worry. Sunggyu smiled at that.

‘This man is really kind,’ Sunggyu thought to himself.

“Before, it was. When I was forced to do all sorts of weird training, it felt so terrible. And when I first stained my hands, it was horrible. I couldn’t sleep at night and when I did, it was only for a few minutes before I would awake to my screams,” Sunggyu’s voice became softer.

Woohyun touched Sunggyu’s hands and entangled his fingers through it. That was when Sunggyu noticed that his hand was trembling before as he spoke. Sunggyu smiled and held Woohyun’s hand tightly.

“But, I could cope, because I wasn’t alone. I was doing it for somebody,” Sunggyu continued.

Woohyun tilted his head slightly, as if waiting for Sunggyu to continue.

“My little sister,” Sunggyu revealed.

Woohyun’s eyes widened in shock, “You have a younger sister?”

Sunggyu nodded, and sniggered at Woohyun’s reaction.

“We survived the crossfire. However, my sister lost her legs. Myungsoo’s parents took us both in. They told me that if I stayed and helped them, they would save my sister. And they kept their promise,” Sunggyu elaborated.

“Where is she now?” Woohyun asked.

“She’s at the main house. I see her every once a month,” Sunggyu responded.

“Once a month?! Why can’t you see her for more than that?” Woohyun questioned, shock stark vivid in his eyes.

“It’s written in my contract,” Sunggyu simply said.

However, Woohyun didn’t need explanation. He should have known that big organizations require things like this to ensure that the people serving them are loyal. In other words, even though it seemed like they were helping Sunggyu, they were actually taking Sunggyu’s sister a s a hostage, ensuring that Sunggyu doesn’t betray them and remain loyal to them.

Woohyun’s hands started shaking. This was too cruel. And Sunggyu must have known this too so how was he able to stand all this?

‘It must have hurt…’ Woohyun thought in his head.

As if Sunggyu could read his mind, Sunggyu replied, “At first, it was unbearable. I didn’t understand why they did that and missed her every day. At times like this, Myungsoo would help me visit her and report her status to me.”

“Then, slowly, after I realized she was getting enough care and was happy, I started to ease down a little. Sure, there were times when I missed her, but being able to see her during that short time in a month was enough to motivate me and keep me strong,” Sunggyu continued.

Woohyun pondered for a while as he looked into Sunggyu’s eyes.

“Did you…” Woohyun started, but couldn’t finish. He didn’t know how to continue.

Sunggyu raised an eyebrow. He felt the younger’s hesitation in asking the question, but still, he wanted to know everything that the younger was thinking. He squeezed Woohyun’s hand and signaled for him to continue.

“Did you ever regret it?” Woohyun finally said after much consideration.
“if you weren’t a bodyguard, you would have lived a normal life with your sister,” Woohyun elaborated.

Sunggyu smiled with sadness. “If it weren’t for Myungsoo, I would have died. I owe my life to him. I would go to hell for him,” Sunggyu replied.

Woohyun appeared shocked at Sunggyu’s answer.  However as he looked into Sunggyu’s serious orbs, he realized that Sunggyu was indeed willing to risk his life for Myungsoo. Woohyun turned away.

‘Was this jealousy?’ Woohyun thought as he felt a tug on his heart and his left chest aching.

Woohyun wondered what he would do if Sunggyu died for Myungsoo and he wondered if Sunggyu thought about him at all when he said he would die for Myungsoo.

It was as if Sunggyu sensed the younger man’s insecurities as he tried another warm back-hug.

“I would go to hell for Myungsoo because I’m willing to take a bullet for him. But, I’ll go to hell with you because I can’t imagine life without you,” Sunggyu whispered into Woohyun’s ears.

A blush crept up to Woohyun’s face and dyed it pink. Sunggyu’s words had erased all thoughts that Woohyun had previously and assured him.

“That hell must be paradise huh?” Woohyun answered, with a smile.

Sunggyu sniggered after hearing Woohyun’s conclusion.
“Paradise… huh?” Sunggyu repeated.
The two looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.

A figure had stood by the side of the door and overheard their conversation.

The figure smiled sadly to himself.

Then, he started walking down the long corridor away from the couple.

‘Kim Sunggyu, I’ve been by your side for 10 years. But you never, not even once, showed your feelings to me, or tell me anything about yourself. Do you really not see me as anything?’ The figure thought to himself.

“Myungsoo?” The figure looked up to see his other bodyguard approaching him.

“Are you crying?” Hoya asked his master.

This was when Myungsoo realized a lone tear had trickled down his hot cheeks.

Myungsoo hurriedly wiped it away before another fell. He put on his fake smile as he started laughing to himself.

“Myungsoo?” Hoya watched his master as if the young teen had went crazy.

“Fine, if you want to do it this way, I’ll do it my way,” Myungsoo started speaking to no one in particular.
“I’ll show you how different you two are.”

Then, Myungsoo finally turned to his bodyguard and said to him, “Hoya, I need you to help me call my forth uncle out. It’s time to kill two birds with one stone.”

A smile spread on Myungsoo’s face.


Author's note~

I'm always updating this fic in twos! ^^ hehee but ehh this fic will b rather slow. Hmmm plot's really hard to grasp huh... Well for me, I'm confused. I really want to wrap up this fic quick! >< dun wanna leave it hanging. n i know ppl r looking forward to the other fic too but blehh im like stucked for both. >< Well, please continue supporting this fic. THough i can't assure it's gonna get better >< Ehhh still, im really really thankful for the support ^^  Please leave some comments or u can PM me ^^ I'll be really motivated after receiving such nice comments ^^ hehehe ohhh n im in love with Ailee's evening sky~ ! Great song! ^^ hehehe mayb i might do a song fic in the near future. Well, please continue supporting me! give me some of ur love ^^ 

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Chapter 7: It would be nice of you if you update this story..
Chapter 5: i love woogyu moment here...
i hope namu will accept the offer from myung.. it would be cool when both woogyu are bodyguard >///<
Chapter 5: New reader here. This is interesting. I'm looking forward to more :D
shedding-dream #4
Chapter 4: woohyun is the child of Myungsoo's father bestfriend?
i sense some of jealousy here xD
Chapter 4: this is interesting. subscribed~
i can't wait for more woogyu moments :3 they're just too cute.
it's a relief that myung did not see a sweet woogyu scene. LOL.
anyway, will be anticipating for more. hwaiting! ^^
shedding-dream #6
Chapter 2: waaaaaaaa.....
sobs. you dedicated this for me ;A;
lemme hug you and showering you with kisses :* :* :*

gyagyagyaaaa~ i can't help but fangirling over Sunggyu was Myungsoo's bodyguard <3 <3
Myunggyu just kljhaljdaslk <3 <3 *sorry, i'm myunggyu stan*

huahahha... woohyun's dream to become a bodyguard. you are 1000 years early to beat Sunggyu xD

update soon okay? fighting~