Sesto Episodio ~

Till the End


“Young master Myungsoo,” Sunggyu entered the room only to see a young teenager in the same position as he was yesterday.

Sunggyu picked up a document that had fallen on the carpeted floor. He placed it on the table that the teenager had piles of paper stacked.

“Young master, you should rest. You haven’t slept a wink since yesterday,” Sunggyu’s voice was full of concern. He was afraid that the young man would just collapse.

Myungsoo finally put the documents in his hand down and had a good look of his bodyguard.

“They’re finally making their moves,” Myungsoo commented.

Sunggyu’s expression darkened. “Did something happen in the elders’ meeting?”

“Nothing in particular. It’s fine anyways. I wasn’t expecting them to lay down quiet for so long. I have taken measures here too,” Myungsoo replied.

‘Finally, things were starting to heat up huh?’ Sunggyu thought to himself.

“Anyway, he’ll be arriving today right?” Myungsoo asked.

Sunggyu didn’t have to ask who he was referring to. He just smiled and nodded, “Yes.”


The shirtless figure lifted his boxing glove and started punching the heavy bag continuously. Sweat trickled down his face to his neck.

“Why practice with an unmoving object? I’ll practice with you,” A voice called out to him as the figure watched the familiar person in suit jumped up the boxing ring with ease.

The figure smiled when the person in suit loosened his tie.

“I won’t go easy on you, you know,” The suited man warned.

The figure said nothing and just signaled the suited man to come at him with his full strength.

The two engaged in a fierce fight, both parties equally matched in the sport. The two were so engrossed they didn’t notice two other figures joining them and watching the match from under the ring.

The suited man was starting to get pushed back by the figure whose punches were strong. However, his defense was weak and the suited man immediately found an opening. He aimed a punch at the opening and successfully struck the figure down.

Applause rang out as both fighters finally realized the two spectators.

“Nice one, Hoya. As expected from my bodyguard,” Myungsoo praised the suited man, who grinned.

“And I really found a talent, Woohyun. I can’t believe you’re almost on the same level as my bodyguard. Just a little refining and you can beat Hoya in no time,” Myungsoo then told the younger man who picked himself up from the ring.

“You think of me too highly, young master,” Woohyun bowed respectfully.

Myungsoo laughed and the two bodyguards couldn’t help but snicker a little.

“Already doing the job well, huh?” Myungsoo commented.


Sunggyu handed a towel and bottle of water to the sweating man.

“Got praised on your first day of work huh?” Sunggyu took a seat beside the man.

“I’m still training,” Woohyun replied as he hanged the towel on his head.

“Tomorrow, your real training starts,” Sunggyu winked at the younger man.

His hands went over to take Woohyun’s hands into his, entangling their fingers.

“Thanks for accepting Myungsoo’s offer,” Sunggyu told the younger man, who smiled.

“How can I decline personal training from such a hot and skillful bodyguard?” Woohyun had learnt to say such lines from Sunggyu.

Sunggyu chuckled a little. “Looks like somebody’s a fast learner,” Sunggyu commented.

The distance between the two was about to become closer when someone suddenly called out.

“Sunggyu, Myungsoo’s leaving,” Hoya had disrupted the two. The latter ignored Sunggyu’s deathly glare.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Sunggyu separated his hand from Woohyun’s and smiled at the younger one last time.

On his way, he glared at Hoya.

“Was it just me?” Hoya noticed the sudden glare and turned back to question Woohyun.

The younger one sniggered a little. “Master, let’s practice some more.”


The bodyguard followed close behind his master, careful not to let Myungsoo leave his sight.

Then, Myungsoo stopped and spun around to face his bodyguard.

“It’s that time of the month, huh?” Myungsoo smiled at his bodyguard.

That was when Sunggyu realized that he had been grinning widely the whole time for today.

“Yes,” Sunggyu sent a warm smile to Myungsoo.

Myungsoo loved that smile of Sunggyu’s. It was probably at rare times like this when Myungsoo could feel Sunggyu let his guard down a little and show his true feelings.

“So now, you show that face to Woohyun everyday huh?” Myungsoo mumbled.

“I’m sorry?” Sunggyu didn’t catch Myungsoo as he gave an apologetic expression.             

“Sunggyu-ah, you’re so unfair,” Myungsoo started with a pained expression.

Sunggyu’s eyes widened as he didn’t quite understand what Myungsoo meant by that.

“I’ve always been looking forward to that face, that I can only see every once a month. I’ve done that for 10 years, and now, you show that rare expression to somebody you just met a week ago every day. Is that fair?” Myungsoo explained.

Sunggyu lowered his head. Myungsoo smiled sadly.

‘You’ve done that for 10 years. Aren’t you tired of it?’ Myungsoo thought to himself.

“Can I come with you today?” Myungsoo changed his tone.

Surprised, Sunggyu raised his head and looked at Myungsoo.

“I hadn’t seen her for a while now. Please?” Myungsoo tried again.

Hesitantly, Sunggyu nodded.

Together, the two men walked down the corridor of the main house to a special room, where unauthorized personnel were unable to enter.

Sunggyu stepped in first, only to be greeted by a cheerful voice and an elated expression on the face that he had been looking forward to seeing for a month.


“Jieun!” Sunggyu smiled and went forward to embrace the girl on the bed which was two heads shorter than him.

Myungsoo watched the two embrace one another. Just seeing each other safe and sound was able to make both of them so happy. But, of course, the two had only each other to call family.

“Myungsoo-oppa’s also here!” Jieun waved at Myungsoo who was leaning against the door.

Myungsoo grinned back at the girl. She was such a bubbly and cheerful girl. Myungsoo felt bad leaving her in a small room like this, with only a bed, a desk and a television.

Myungsoo watched the two interact excitedly with one another, both not stopping to even take a breather. They went on and on about everything under the sun, telling each other interesting events and made jokes with one another.

 In front of Jieun, Sunggyu was like a totally different guy. Sunggyu was full of smiles, so kind and warm and cheerful. Myungsoo remembered seeing a Sunggyu like that in front of somebody else other than Jieun. That look he had never seen before.

Myungsoo wondered if Sunggyu will forever be like that if he hadn’t become Myungsoo’s bodyguard. Would he have been all smiles, laughter and warmth? If only, Sunggyu didn’t get involve with Myungsoo, his life would have been much more colorful.

“Myungsoo-oppa?” Myungsoo heard Jieun call his name. Myungsoo raised his head to see Jieun looking very concerned about him. That was when he realized that he must have had a weird expression before.

Myungsoo watched sadly as the girl signaled for Sunggyu to carry her down the bed to her wheelchair. The girl then wheeled over to Myungsoo. “Oppa, what’s wrong?” She had asked.

Myungsoo’s hand went to his mouth as he started crying. He didn’t know why but the tears just trickled down his face. Both hands went to cover his face as he kneeled in front of the girl on the wheelchair. He felt so apologetic towards them. If only they hadn’t meet Myungsoo, then they would have been living a totally different life.

Jieun would be able to run and jump around and be free to go wherever she wants and Sunggyu will be able to smile without restrain and avoid bloodshed.

They were in this mess because of him.

Myungsoo felt a pair of warm hands embracing him as he realized that Jieun was hugging him. She was his hair and whispering softly into his ear, “It’ll be alright…” Hearing that, Myungsoo burst further into tears.

Sunggyu stood silently at a corner, unaware of what caused his master’s sudden breakdown.


Myungsoo and Sunggyu bade farewell to Jieun who said goodbye with a gentle and warm smile.

As soon as the doors to the special room closed, Myungsoo spun around and walked quickly across the corridor.

They remained silent throughout the whole car ride back.

Myungsoo didn’t mention a single thing and just kept handling his work, while Sunggyu didn’t know what to say and how to say it. The two remained in awkward silence.

When they arrived back to the residence, Myungsoo didn’t even bother waiting for Sunggyu to open his door for him. He had taken off and went full-speed forward into the residence.

“soo… Young master Myungsoo…” Sunggyu called after Myungsoo.

Myungsoo stopped after hearing Sunggyu call his name for a couple of times.

Sunggyu caught up to the teenager and the two stood in the pathway right in front of the huge and grand mansion. Nobody said anything.

“I’m sorry,” Sunggyu finally said.

Myungsoo turned around to face his bodyguard. Sunggyu had his head lowered and was in a 180 degree bow position.

“And ‘thank you’” Sunggyu raised his head and came face to face with Myungsoo’s shocked expression.

“You have no idea how my sister and I are indebted to you. We owe you so much. It’s thanks to you that my sister and I are still alive till now. So, you don’t have to feel guilty…” Sunggyu continued.

Before he was able to complete his sentence, Sunggyu felt a pair of trembling arms embracing him.

“Thank you, Sunggyu. Thank you…” Myungsoo whispered, leaning his head on Sunggyu’s sturdy shoulder.

That was why Myungsoo had taken a liking to Sunggyu in the first place. Sunggyu was somehow, always able to understand Myungsoo and comfort him. Sunggyu’s words, although simple, were able to bring Myungsoo so much courage and happiness.

‘How am I going to stop loving you?’ Myungsoo thought to himself.

In this world of betrayal and pain, Myungsoo was able to find somebody who understands him and that person was his only solace. Myungsoo was sure Sunggyu will never betray him. And knowing that, made Myungsoo glad and beyond happy.

As the two stood in silent embrace, somebody watching them on the balcony frowned.


The two entered the mansion as if nothing went wrong. They behaved as per normal and everything was smooth and good once again.

“You’re back!” Hoya had greeted the two. “I was so bored waiting for you guys!”

Myungsoo sent Sunggyu a look, “I’ll be in the study room.” He bypassed Hoya and went ahead to the study room.

Sunggyu was about to follow Myungsoo into the room when he was stopped by Hoya.

“What’s wrong with him? He looked so much happier,” A curious Hoya bombarded Sunggyu with questions.

Sunggyu ignored him totally, “Where’s Woohyun?”

Hoya got pulled into Sunggyu’s pace and started scanning the residence for Woohyun but to no avail.

“That’s weird. I didn’t see him leaving the residence,” Hoya scratched his head.

“I’ll go look for him,” Sunggyu smiled at the puzzled Hoya.

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Chapter 7: It would be nice of you if you update this story..
Chapter 5: i love woogyu moment here...
i hope namu will accept the offer from myung.. it would be cool when both woogyu are bodyguard >///<
Chapter 5: New reader here. This is interesting. I'm looking forward to more :D
shedding-dream #4
Chapter 4: woohyun is the child of Myungsoo's father bestfriend?
i sense some of jealousy here xD
Chapter 4: this is interesting. subscribed~
i can't wait for more woogyu moments :3 they're just too cute.
it's a relief that myung did not see a sweet woogyu scene. LOL.
anyway, will be anticipating for more. hwaiting! ^^
shedding-dream #6
Chapter 2: waaaaaaaa.....
sobs. you dedicated this for me ;A;
lemme hug you and showering you with kisses :* :* :*

gyagyagyaaaa~ i can't help but fangirling over Sunggyu was Myungsoo's bodyguard <3 <3
Myunggyu just kljhaljdaslk <3 <3 *sorry, i'm myunggyu stan*

huahahha... woohyun's dream to become a bodyguard. you are 1000 years early to beat Sunggyu xD

update soon okay? fighting~