Thunder - a werewolf in love

MBLAQ Disorders Collection - Halloween special


Thunder was preparing his hair. His sister got some stuff he could use to make his werewolf costume better but he was not sure he should actually wear those wigs around his body.


He was in his room, staring at his body on the mirror. He was quite average, he thought.

“How can I ever impress a girl with these looks?”, he asked as if there was someone else in the room.

“Looks are not better than brains.”, a female voice said from the door of his personal space. He jumped in surprise.


“CL!!”, she exclaimed, covering his body with his hands as if he was a young woman in her underwear.

“Hahahah! It’s fine.”, she laughed. “I was just passing by and saw your door open. You’ll be a werewolf?!”, she asked, entering the room without even asking if she could invade the place.

“Well. Yeah… y-yeah…”, was all he could say.

Thunder had been crushing on his sister’s best friend for a long while now. Having her in his room while being shirtless wasn’t exactly his idea of a good way to approach her.


“I like werewolves!”, they said in unison, laughing a bit at how they had had the same thought.

“If you need help with the details I can help you.”, Chaerin offered, her hands in the pockets of her jacket.

“Well, yeah..y-yeah…”, was all Thunder could say again.


“Awesome! She might think I’m retarded!”, he scolded himself, not facing her after his stutter attack.

“Ok… I’ll wait for you downstairs.”, CL pointed to the outside of the room in an awkward move before leaving  the place with a disappointed face.

Thunder looked at himself in the mirror. “Coward.”, she cursed himself, looking down at his body. “There is nothing for her to be impressed about anyway.”, he sighed.

Chaerin had her back on the wall and she had heard when Thunder spoke his feelings out to one of his action figures.

They were not so close. Their relationship was awkward, but he was her best friend’s brother. She must help him to be more confident. Besides, it’s quite hard to ignore his large back, his hot neck, broad shoulders, cute smile…


“Hey! I decided to help you out already.”, CL said, entering his room again, closing the door behind her.

Thunder got a cold fever. His crush was in his room and he was shirtless, the door was closed and it was SHE who had closed it.

“Turn around, I’ll check your back.”, she said, taking her jacket off, and sitting behind him on his bed.

 “Nice back!”, she said. Thunder froze.


CL rubbed her hands all over Thunder’s back, spreading milky cream for the fake fur not to irritate his sensitive skin. She touched his shoulders, massaging there a bit and slipped  her hands back down his body, heading thought his waist until she touched his abs.

“You’ve got a nice body...”, she stated, trying to sound as if she was not impressed with what he’s always hiding from the world.

“T-thanks.”, Thunder replied, blushing violently.

“Maybe you shouldn’t put the fur…”, CL suggested, still touching the male’s body. Through his giant mirror, Thunder saw her expression. Chaerin was biting her lower lip, while still running her hands on his body.

Thunder felt something weird. He started to see her as a woman, not as a crush anymore, but as a potential… woman.

“We better leave now or we may get late!”, he got up abruptly, taking the red squared shirt that completed his costume and wearing it right away.

“Yeah…y-yeah…”, Chaerin stuttered just like Thunder had stuttered a while ago.

They went downstairs, finding Bom and Minzy waiting for Dara to finish her talk on the phone. Once she was the one who’d drive, they had to wait. She would take Thunder to doctor Kim’s Halloween party and go to a club with her friends, but she seemed to be having an argument with her boyfriend on the phone.


“Damn it,Jiyoung!” , yelled. “The hell you’re thinking?! I’m not your concubine!!”, she yelled again, hanging up madly.

“Sorry for this.”, she sighed and look at Thunder. She had never liked to have fights or arguments in front of him. “Le’ts go.”, she walked outside and the others just followed, Thunder forgetting his moment with CL and worrying about his sister.

He waited in front of the house, waiting Dara with the car. Bom and Minzy went to take a box full of adornments somewhere else, but Chaerin was with him, silently planning something to say.


“Do you think Dara will be ok?”, she asked, getting closer to sit with him on the three steps stairs.

“I hope so.”, he seemed a bit sad. “She deserves nice things.”, he completed.

“And so do you.”, CL said, touching his face, making him to face her, getting closer and closer, aiming his lips.


Thunder saw everything in slow motion, like the first time he saw Chaerin running graciously from a starving dog that ran after her during a pic-nic at a natural park in Seul.

Their lips touched slowly, as if they were afraid or getting a shock from the contact.

The kiss lasted for exactly 3 minutes and 21 seconds. That was enough to make both of them speechless. Thunder didn’t expect  Chaerin to kiss him and she herself didn’t expect him to kiss her back.

They laughed, a silly smile on their faces.


“Come on, you two. You can’t be late, Thunder.”, Bom said when left the house, holding a box with some purple and orange stuff, Minzy coming right after her with a smaller box of similar Halloween candies.

“So… we should go…”, Thunder avoided to look at the blondish young woman beside him, he was visibly embarrassed.

CL got up and, when Thunder thought she’d just go to where Dara would park the car, she put up her hand for him.


He held her hand and she smiled, still looking at him. They walked hand in hand until they entered the car, Dara blowing the horn non-stop.

Thunder was texting CL all the time. Although they were in the same car, sitting close to each other, with only Minzy and her candies separating them, they had preferred to talk through texts messages.


“RUUUUUUUUURRRRR!!!”, they heard  car breaking, looking at the street with a same movement.

“OH,MY GOD!!!”, Dara yelled, truly concerned. “GD!!”, she yelled again, getting out from the car and running to see the human body she had just ran over.

“Dara killed her boyfriend?!!”, Thunder yelled, freaking out instantly. Everybody went out of the car.


“You killed him?!”, Thunder asked, looking at  Dara, his cell phone in hands, calling an ambulance.

“I didn’t do it on purpose!! He appeared from I don’t know where and…”, she started to explain in a very nervous manner.

“I’m alive…”, the man said with a dramatic voice. “I came to apologize… for being… a jerk but…”, he continued, faking  a faint and not finishing his sentence.


Thunder asked for an ambulance and only breathed again when he heard the hooters, he didn’t want to visit his sister in jail during Christmas.


 He took his cell phone again and called doctor Kim to tell her he couldn’t go to the Halloween party she had prepared due to his sister’s fail driving skills.



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NieyaOzil #1
Chapter 6: seungho-nana moment is so great ^^ thanks
skythunderShipper #2
Chapter 5: yah! reading thunderxcl kissed made me so giddy! waaah
Milielitre #3
Chapter 6: This is like the craziest thing I've read for a while !!! Thanks for making me laugh (I was sick today, so I was bored as hell since I couldn't leave my bed =/)