Vampire Joon

MBLAQ Disorders Collection - Halloween special


“Doctor Kim said it’d be nice for us to make this.”, Joon said, finishing his vampire make up in front of the mirror. A small space that looked like a drama star’s room, with those lamps around and all.


Hyomin didn’t seem to be happy about it. “Doctor Kim is very creative, huh? A mind full of ideas.”, she said with a bitter voice.


Joon turned around to face his girlfriend. Was she actually jealous of doctor Kim?!

Yes, she was.                                  

“What?”, Hyomin asked when she noticed Joon’s gaze on her. “I just don’t think you should do everything she tells you to.”, she crossed her arms, looking away from Joon. He laughed.


“Hyominie…come on. She is just my doctor.”, he said, getting up from his chair and walking closer to her, giving her a back hug.

“She is too pretty to be just your doctor.” Hyomin thought to herself,  and when she was about to say it out loud Joon’s  alarm rang.

 “I better leave.”, Joon said, kissing Hyomin’s bare shoulder. She had just a towel around her body.

“Go safely and have fun.”, she said softly, turning to kiss him on the cheek.

“On the cheek?!”, the fake vampire asked, arching one of eyebrows.

“Hum.”, Hyomin just shrugged, walking to the washroom, ignoring Joon was still there, letting her towel fall before she reached the door, giving him a nice view of what she got.

“Go see your doctor Kim.”, she said and winked before entering the washroom, leaving Joon with his mouth open and a bit of doubt if he should actually go to doctor’s Kim Halloween party.  


He heard his alarm again and left, taking his keys and his black cape.

Joon went out of his apartment some seconds later, his mood starting to change. He liked doctor Kim but it wasn’t nice to make Hyomin feel less loved or insecure about his relationship with his therapist. Their interactions were only for his own health and Hyomin was the love of his life.


“There was no need for her to be jealous.”, Joon thought, going downstairs, fixing his Dracula cape on his neck. His mood starting to change.

Joon walked for some minutes and felt something heavy on his heart. He was feeling guilty for Hyomin. Thinking now, maybe he had given her some reasons to be jealous of his doctor.

For example, they had a close relationship, not using any formal manner while talking to each other; he had her personal phone’s number; he knew where she lived; he knew she had a puppy, that she didn’t like sushi, that her parents had gotten divorced when was a teen, and many other things.


Wow… why didn’t he feel that things like these could make his girlfriend jealous?


Joon felt bad. Like, really bad. What kind of man says “I love you” to a woman but doesn’t make her feel like he mean it?

He turned around and walked back, stopping only to buy some candies Hyomin liked.

When Joon arrived at the front door of Absolute Quality, he saw no light on. All the apartments were dark. It was rather a blackout or the brats from the building behind were playing tricks again.

He used his cell phone to illuminate his way upstairs and get to check on his girlfriend. He knew Hyomin didn’t like to be alone when it was that dark.


“AHHHHHHHH!!!”, he heard a female scream and recognized the nasal voice of his beloved one.

“Hyomin-ah!!”, he yelled, trying to get to wherever she was.

“I’m here…ouch…”, he heard her cry and ran a bit faster, finding her on the ground, close to more stair steps.

“Oh,my God…. Are you ok?”, he got closer, trying to help her to get up.

“Ouch!”, she was in pain. “I fell really hard…”, she said, getting up slowly, supporting her own body on Joon’s.

“Let’s go to a hospital.”, Joon was more than concerned, he was feeling guilty. If he hadn’t decided to go out instead of spending Halloween with Hyomin, he’d be there and he’d have supported Hyomin and she wouldn’t be like this right now.


“Please, Hyomin, I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.”, he said, helping her to walk the last steps until they get out of the building,

“It’s not your fault, Joon!”, Hyomin exclaimed. “I just fell.”, she completed.

“If I were there you wouldn’t have fallen.”, he said, getting nervous, his lips dried as his eyes got a bit teary. He was getting emotional.

“Joon… it was not your fault.”, Hyomin said again, her voice very soft. “Ok?”, she asked for a confirmation as if she were talking to a kid, trying to convince it there was no monster in it’s wardrobe.


Joon looked at her, his eyes still a bit teary. “Ok.”, he finally said, kissing her on the cheek.

“On the cheek?!”, Hyomin asked, just like he had asked before he went out earlier.

“Hahahaha!”, Joon laughed before giving her a peck on the lips.

He put her sit on the sidewalk while he called a taxi to take them to the hospital. He called doctor Kim before helping his girlfriend again.


Knowing Hyomin didn’t like hospitals at all, he’d distract her with the candies ha had just bought.



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NieyaOzil #1
Chapter 6: seungho-nana moment is so great ^^ thanks
skythunderShipper #2
Chapter 5: yah! reading thunderxcl kissed made me so giddy! waaah
Milielitre #3
Chapter 6: This is like the craziest thing I've read for a while !!! Thanks for making me laugh (I was sick today, so I was bored as hell since I couldn't leave my bed =/)