Chapter 8

The Queen waiting upon Her Servent


“Master?” a meek voice, more submissive than usual, filled the room, black hair falling to cover the a fore mentioned person's eyes.”What should we do now that the queen is away?” the whispered voice continued.

“We prepare for an attack. We only have a month before she returns.” the man at the head of the table orders, his voice stern, leaving no room for argument. He slowly sweeps the hair out of his eyes which shine with deviousness in the candlelight.

“Michael!” the doors burst open and a man, bleeding and drained of life, entered. The crimson liquid gushed from the open laceration on his lower abdomen, never stopping. He would be dead in minutes because of the blood loss The gathering fell silent at the sight of their old leader, known to some as Dong Ji.

“Ah! Perfect! You have arrived! What do you think of my plan to attack?” Michael Shinzou laughed as the other man's face turned pale-white. He crossed his fingers and assumed a contemplating posture, seemingly curious.

“ You will lead this Order to its doom! They are too strong a-” but he was cut off by the one bullet shot by Michael. There was a short scream from the other members, yet none dared question the master. The young man at the end of the table smile and it sent a shiver up their backs. Dong Ji dropped to the floor like a bag of potatoes.

“Now … where were we before this interruption? Ah, yes, the attack... I hope you will all be here tomorrow for the strategy planning?” Michael kept smiling, oblivious to the discomfort of the rest, at the dead, bleeding body on the floor as well as himself.

“Master? What of his children and wife?” a bolder member asked, trembling, yet the display of bravery lifted him high up in the ranks of men. The rest just nodded in agreement, not daring say another word.

“They will be told that, while trying to rescue a pregnant woman from a robbery, he got shot and died on the spot. Joel, you were his friend, correct? Well, as condolences you will give the widow a certain amount of money that I will decide upon. Than you will not discus him any further with anyone.”

They members were in shock. The scenario he had created was beyong just credible, it was perfect. The neighborhood Dong Ji had lived in was known for the many robberies so much so that the police and press stopped giving them publicity a while ago. Also the man had been known to stand up to persecuted people, regardless of the consequences.

As they each nodded in unison and left, Michael decided to remain. None had had the courage to even get close to the body lying in a pool of its own blood, yet the 'master' could care less. He sat on his chair at the head of the table, an eerie smile on his face. The vampires were to be dealt with soon enough.


“VLADIMIR!!! Wait up!” yelled a green eyed brunette. If he hadn't been a vampire she would have definitely given him a heart attack, but thankfully he was such a creature. He sighed in annoyance. The damned woman had not left him in peace since he had raised the problem of releasing Moonsoo for the duration of the wedding.

“What?” he asked, hoping to escape her as fast as possible. She had followed him everywhere for the last days, trying to convince him, in vain, to help her with Moonsoo.

“I found a lair of demons up north! I need someone to help me. You have enough experience in fighting large creatures so I thought why not...” she beamed at him, her teeth too white and shiny for him.

“No! You were left in the Queen's place so assume your place! She left you in charge!” he exclaimed, a vein pulsing on his forehead. He looked just about to explode so she did the rational thing for once and left.

“Right... bye!” she squeaked and rushed out as his face got redder and redder. “Who else can I ask then” she thought as she sat down near the fountain. Bonie was deep in thought when a tall, blond man came up behind her.

Hello!” he chirped and she jumped. With a hand on her chest, trying to regulate her breathing, she turned to him.

What is wrong with you?! You scared the outta me!!!” she yelled as loud as she could, but he just smiled. He finally burst out laughing as she calmed down a little. That was when she took in his appearance and gasped in disbelief. He had long blond hair tied in a low ponytail with large green eyes that shone with joy and mischief. He also had a scar that spread from the middle of his right cheek down his jawline only to disappear under his shirt. That scar was unmistakeable, he was Sora Sylvestri, renowned hunter and friend of both Maiya and Myungsoo.

Sorry...” he said yet he didn't seem to genuinely mean it. Bonie almost immediately forgot about him scaring her, all she could think was 'Perfect!' She watched as he swayed back and fro on the soles of his feet, childishly.

Sora?” she honeyed her voice as she always seemed to do when she wanted something, or so had Moonsoo told her.

Yep!” he stuck out his tongue. “Don't wear it out!” she had the urge to slap him for being insolent, but she did need him so she refrained herself.

I need your help. I'm Bonie Lee.” she extended her hand and he took it and kissed the back. His smile faded, yet the gleam in his eyes did not.

Sure, no problem! Maiya's friend, right?” Bonie was surprised and humbled that Maiya had spoken about her. Pride swelled inside her heart. “Moonsoo's really your boyfriend?” he went on.

Yes...” a silly smile appeared on her face, yet that was not his plan.

Ditch him! I'm so much better” and he slapped her , no regards for personal space. The other slap that was heard echoed throughout the whole palace as well as her yell of 'ert!'


... and … and then the idiot, the ert, the , grabbed my ! Well he slappe dit, but it's not that big a difference! I hate him!” Bonie ranted to Moonsoo, her cheeks flushed in anger and embarrassment.

If I was out I'd eat off his hand!” growled the dark haired man. “But, alas I'm not and you need him to help you. You can't go north alone and he does seem the best choice.” he reasoned and tried to calm her as best as he could.

Oppa! I don't wanna go with him...” she whined, stretched out on his bed, his pillow over her face. He smirked seeing her spread out like that with her dress rolled up to her waist leaving her long, toned legs under his gaze. Still trailing his eyes over her form he bent down as she let the pillow fall next to her head. He then proceeded to kiss her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks, her nose and the corners of , yet he refused to properly kiss her. Her eternal emerald eyes opened as she grinned at him, lazily. He moved his face so his mouth was angled with her earlobe and he bit down hard enough to draw blood. He lapped at the red liquid, sweet as she was.

Moonsoo...” she moaned. “Either you stop or you kiss me. If not I'll do something you'll regret.” she whispered and he thought she never sounded so y. He took her challenge and her lobe clean of the blood.

Damn you!” she grounded as she flexed her muscles and pulled him underneath her, straddling his waist. Moonsoo started laughing, yet the sound faded fast as she trailed kissed and bites all over his neck. H e was soon reduced to groaning her name, but the sweet torture ended too quickly as she left his body and moved next to him instead, laying her head on his chest.

Didn't believe me, did you?” she smirked, copying him. That was the final straw and he snapped, kissing her. She melted in his arms and kissed him back just as passionately. “Saranghae.” she whispered in their mother language and stared him in the eye. “Saranghae.” he replied.

She stayed until the guards came to deliver his dinner. She had some persuading to do.


My queen!” yelped a servant at the hotel Maiya and Myungsoo were staying at. She was wearing a bikini that left little to none to imagination which left the servant aghast. Maiya could care less what he thought of her, all she wanted was to get her wedding night. Her and Myungsoo had arrived late at night, or maybe early in the morning depends how you look at it and went to sleep as soon as they got their room. The next few days were spent trying to understand one another and seeing is the have feelings for each other. In the lights of last night they discovered they both felt the same, they loved each other, yet neither had the courage to do something about it so she decided to take matter into her own hands. She was going to seduce him.

It's fine.” she proclaimed and, taking her large beach bag, she went in search for him She would get her wedding night, one way or another, by the end of this honey moon. 

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Chapter 27: hmm .. im speechless ..
Chapter 23: F***ING KIDDING ME?!
How can Myungsoo and MoonSoo both be each others older brothers?
Chapter 3: OH MY GOOOOD! Finally I read the first part: "MORNING"
It was great!
I admit that I didn't expect. But, I really really really liked it. It was GREAT! <3
I'm soooooooooooooo happy!~
Chapter 2: OH GOD! I'm so speechless!
I'm so happy that y=they sleep together!<3<3<3<3