Chapter 11

The Queen waiting upon Her Servent


Hello! I'm back and with new ideas. Hope you like the new chapter, I appologize for the long pause, but you know how writers block works right? Enjoy and review if you like!


Previously on QWUS:


What is it, Hyun?” he spoke, his voice so powerful in the void they were currently residing in that it echoed for a few minutes. She didn't flinch, though, just took his hands in her own, opening a metal connection between the two.


I need you to come with me, next week. I can't meet with Michael on my own, Haru.” her voice shook slightly and the boy frowned. If she knew what the man was capable of while angered, why offer to help?! He couldn't understand her reasoning, but he reluctantly nodded. Hyun Ae relaxed her grip on his hands and smiled thankful.


Sister? How are we to convince omma to fight? Or appa for that matter?” Haru broke the telepathy and asked out loud. The deep concentration on his twin's face said it all, she had no idea!



Chapter 11



The morning came with little hustle, the entirety of the palace was in silence. Vladimir awoke to this, groggy and annoyed. The sun shone brightly in his eyes, but the world around was deafened. Bewildered, he rose from his bed and, after his morning ritual of washing, brushing and drinking a warm cup of blood, he exited the room intent on disturbing said quiet. His destination: The Throne Room!


The many corridors merged and all became one long labyrinth which led to an empty chamber. Disappointed, but without losing hope, Vladimir decides to check on the witch and her children. Her room is also empty, as is Silvestri's, however inside the hybrid's he hears noises. It would appear they had yet to leave. Just as he's about to open the mahogany door, a loud banging fills the air and his attention is disrupted. Looking outside, he sees first the many wounded warriors of the Blood Thorn, sweeping his eyes over the masses and further out back he recognizes the western outpost being bombarded by the mortal fighters and Moonsoo running at such a speed that it could be demonic in origin. No vampire had such fast a pace! The annoying Korean Leader must have gotten injured.


A loud sigh catches his ear and he returns to the wooden door, hand on the knob, a twist of his wrist and e steps inside. He finds himself unable to move or even breathe as before his very eyes the beds levitate and twirl and shift forwards and backwards. A flash of power, a shiver up his spine and a red light in the boys eyes and the entire room seems weightless. How powerful are these children?! Why have they not been sent to help?! They might be young, but they have already displayed far more maturity than most of the lower guards! They could become a great asset, he realizes and begins his short run to the queen's workplace. They need to have this talk soon if not right now!




“My Queen!” she hears a call, but refuses to turn as she recognizes Vladimir's voice through the never ending mass of wounded and dying. The patient she's working on moans in pain as she resets his shoulder and knee, and hisses as she disinfects the cut above his eye. He's one of the lucky ones she muses as she nods with a smile and moves to the next one. This one seems worse off, but only barely as he's missing a few fingers and can't seem to be able to feel his left leg. Vladimir stops next to her, breathing harshly through his nose, betraying no emotion in his face or voice. As he speaks, she listens intently.


“The two young hybrids, were you aware of their power?” he cuts to the chase. He was never one for pleasantries as proven by his many trips to the dungeons beneath the castle. She shakes her head answering, but otherwise remains fixed on her job and the smooth reconnecting of nerve endings in her patients leg.


“They can bring down a small battalion of even our best soldiers, you have to allow them on the battlefield!”


Ah! So that's what he is after. Should I? Do Sora and the witch, Irene I think her name was, agree or will they fight against this decision? Do the children want to join? I do think they could be a great ally, but am I right or wrong?


“I shall ask the parents for their opinion as well as the children themselves. We shall see. For now, I want you in the southern outpost. The humans are bringing in their “big guns” as the saying goes. You will be needed. You have fought in the previous war and thus you know what needs be done.” He bows and dashes off, no doubt in search for his armor and weapon.


“Maiya! Look out!” she barely has time to duck when a cannon ball smashed through the ceiling, catching her right side in the impact. She loses sight of her surroundings and before long all she sees is black.




Bonie is panting. She feels her chest constricting and tries to ignore the burn, but as her vision blurs and the grip on her hand tightens, she realizes the predicament she's in. The baby was dying and her last chance had been to give off all her remaining energy to him, or her, her mind supplies. Which is why she is now unable to remain awake. However, as much as she wishes to rest, she can't. The battle continues, the wounded keep piling up and she's needed. She desperately requires blood replenishing, but she can't find a single drop to spare. Her oppa is by her side, holing on and not letting go for even a second, but she can't risk taking his blood. Their child is already altered by his blood, drinking could only worsen the problem and become fatal to her body. She is needed here still, by her husband, by her people, by her child. It is not her time yet, she hopes.


“Here...” she hears a whisper, but only sees darkness, her eyes refuse opening and she is no longer able to move. She feels his hands parting her lips and slipping through some sweet, warm life fluid, but it is not enough by far. A liter would be better, but how can she possibly drink that much without even having the power to keep breathing? Moonsoo slips more blood between her lips and she greedily, like a starved babe, she latches on the bottle and swallows gulp after gulp until she can feel her strength retuning.


“Oh, thank Nyx!” he exclaims and hungrily kisses , savoring the taste of life inside her. She follows his example and the two make out until an arrow brushes past his ear and embeds itself in the ground by her hands.




As night falls, engulfing the bloodied and destryed battlefield, Vladimir discovers the wreakage that had been the infirmaty tent. His eyes widen in shock and his mouth tightens in raw, unadultered anger as screams fill the sky, agonised and loud, ringing in his ears . He watches as wounded crawl their way out from beneath the debris and as unharmed vampires begin helping those still trapped. He traces his eyes  over the many faces around, some familiar, others of people he'd never seen before in his whole, long life, yet none is the queens. He grows worried... where is she?!

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Chapter 27: hmm .. im speechless ..
Chapter 23: F***ING KIDDING ME?!
How can Myungsoo and MoonSoo both be each others older brothers?
Chapter 3: OH MY GOOOOD! Finally I read the first part: "MORNING"
It was great!
I admit that I didn't expect. But, I really really really liked it. It was GREAT! <3
I'm soooooooooooooo happy!~
Chapter 2: OH GOD! I'm so speechless!
I'm so happy that y=they sleep together!<3<3<3<3