Chapter 9

The Queen waiting upon Her Servent


Previously on QWUS:


I did die there, Maiya.” he closed his eyes and shuddered at the remembrance of death engulfing him as he traced her runic name tattoo. “The world made of cut stone cannot be burned by a torch that has been broken” The statement was still fitting, despite the change they'd been put through. She was still fragile to the aches and pains of the world, but not a weak against it now. No, her name in runic language held a different meaning, it referred not to power, but to strength for the two were as opposite as could be. Power corrupted, it tainted and deformed, but strength, it was pure, it held promise for the future and the present, hope for them. It comforted him and gave her the incisive to continue despite the losses she'd faced in her long life, the most recent being her mother and himself, even if just briefly. Yes, Maiya was strong, stronger than him, far stronger.



But Maiya remained unaware of this last sentence and of his unspoken thoughts, lost inside a world of joy and of peace, she drifted away into dreams, leaving behind all the aches she'd faced today. Myungsoo sighed, shook his head and kissed her red crown of hair, closing his eyes, following his beloved. Morning came too soon though as screams filled the crisp air, a child's voice . Maiya jumped to her feet as fast as she possibly could, thus arousing Myungsoo as well. She shot him a look of uncertainty. What was happening? The couldn't be an attack for they were still inside the palace!


“What on Nyx's Children is going on here, she heard Slez boom from her chambers, below. Smiling at the obvious outdated saying, the ginger took a robe from her closet and ran out the door and towards the still shrieking child. She bemoaned the sight that greeted her as she recognized Sora's children, Haru and … (Hyun Ae was it? Yes, Hyun Ae.) Hyun Ae, the former letting out a sound that would put banshees to shame. Good Lord! What the hell was the matter?!


Thankfully, out of the corner of her eye she sees the brown haired witch, Irene, come and kneel next to the child, soothing the 5 year old. Haru has tears in his eyes and a worried glance sent to his twin alerts Maiya of a problem waiting to arise. Perhaps the child had other reasons to yell, not the nightmare that both Sora and the witch were insisting upon? The peace was short lived, however, as Bonie, now visibly pregnant, and Moonsoo made their appearance. Hyun Ae didn't resume the screaming, though she did cast a rather venomous glare toward the queen's best friend. Maiya almost mused upon the saying “if looks could kill” before she remembered that the children were both vampires as well as witches, while the latter could not fit the description of said rule, the former element could most certainly cause death by mere eye to eye contact, so she dared not defy fate, thus banishing the thought away.


“The if wrong with this kid?!” astonished the brunette, rather sleepily, clutching to Moonsoo as one would a cane, to hold herself up. Bonie had taken notice of Sora's possessiveness and protectiveness as she refrained from using brat or any other insulting synonym for child.


“She's just had a nightmare, Bon-fire” chuckled Sora as Irene chastised the brunette for language. Maiya's earlier headache seemed to return with a vengeance at the bickering that followed this exchange. Apparently, Bonie disliked any and all nicknames made up by her brother.


“Enough!” Moonsoo raised his voice, the undertone becoming dangerously murderous. All of them shivered at the tone, save for the man himself, though Myungsoo had tried to hide it better. Bonie slapped his shoulder playfully, bowed to the other six people in the hallway and her heel, grumbling about “screeching imps” and “annoying brothers” , dragging the poor man with her as she went. Maiya shook her head at her friend antics, already being used to Bonie's behavior. Myungsoo smirked briefly at his brothers misfortune, but otherwise remained impassive.


“Sora? Is everything alright now? Irene?” the ginger asked politely, but yawning. She had lost too many night inside the emergency ward of the infirmary. Her husband seemed to share her thoughts and tiredness as he stifled a yawn of his own, not quite managing the task. Soar smiled at her, shaking his head.


“No, I think it's fine now.”


The brown haired witch nodded her assessment and guided her children inside their designated bedroom, returning shortly after. She bowed to Maiya, like the woman had seen Bonie do previously, in a sign of respect.


“Your majesty, I am very pleased to make your acquaintance.” she then said, the formality oozing from her honeyed voice. Maiya scoffed as Myungsoo snorted amused, probably thinking back to when he disobeyed me! Thought the ginger.


“No need for that. Sora trusts you...” “for no reason of my understanding” she added mentally.and that is enough for me. I hope I'm not to be disappointed.” and Maiya rotated, swishing the robe's hem across the floors, bound on retiring to her bedroom. She didn't heed the chocked gasp Irene made afterward as a sign of bad things to come as she was too sleepy to think anymore.


Myungsoo remained behind for several more minutes though, watching as Maiya disappeared from around a corner.


“Witch! Careful with your audacity! That is the Queen and you will be sure to show the respect appropriate for her standing! Nevertheless, that is your business, however the fact that you just belittled my wife by your earlier reaction is mine. Pay attention for not even your Goddess can not save you if any harm comes to Maiya of your doing! I won't lose my heart as such!” he kept a slightly raised voice throughout the warning, but made sure not to yell for Sora could hear, as well as an imposing aura. Irene gulped, ashamed and apologetic, but Myungsoo was already gone.


As another hour ticked by, the six adults fell asleep once again, Haru and Hyun Ae remaining the only ones awake. Haru looked at his sister questioningly and became concerned as he saw the fire of hate fill her eyes as the same smile from earlier stretched onto her face. She her side, facing away from him and promptly falling asleep. The boy could not though as his mind was overrun by the telepathic conversation between his sister and Micheal.



Micheal? Can you hear me?”


Hyun Ae? What are you doing? Is your mother there? Has she changed her mind about these termites?” Micheal had asked, hope in his voice.


No, but I want to help you! I can convince Haru as well, just tell me what to do! I promise they will not win this war!” Hyun Ae had desperately begged. Haru kept quiet, it wouldn't do to get caught listening in. He knew his sister well enough to know she'd try to silence him somehow. A spell or whatnot.


Very well, Hyun Ae. By next week I want to meet you on the battlefield, the northern exit. I'll await for you and, if you manage to do it, your brother too at around 3 pm.”


We'll be there.” she stated and closed the connection, however Haru had not been able to hide his sharp intake of breath and she'd heard him. She tried to mutter a spell but he sent another at her faster, a silencing one as well, but for a very short period of time. So when she'd gotten out of bed and jumped on him, he dashed at vampire speed outside the room. She followed and, regaining part of her voice began screaming. And the rest is history as they say.



Banishing away the memory, Haru too the other side of the bed and went to sleep, despite her hateful attitude, Hyun Ae wouldn't hurt her twin, right?

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Chapter 27: hmm .. im speechless ..
Chapter 23: F***ING KIDDING ME?!
How can Myungsoo and MoonSoo both be each others older brothers?
Chapter 3: OH MY GOOOOD! Finally I read the first part: "MORNING"
It was great!
I admit that I didn't expect. But, I really really really liked it. It was GREAT! <3
I'm soooooooooooooo happy!~
Chapter 2: OH GOD! I'm so speechless!
I'm so happy that y=they sleep together!<3<3<3<3