How it Started


" Warning residents! A Mental Asylum has advised all residents to be careful and be attentive. There had been an escaped mental hospital patient, a former insane killer, and she's still not been found. The police are now roaming the city to guard the houses from the possible appearance of the patient. The Mental Asylum's staff believed that today is the end of the 5 year amnesia effect of the drug they used to stop the escaped patient from being violent, which means she will be going back to her old killer self starting today. The poli-" *flash*

"YoonA! Why did you turn off the TV?? I was still watching!" Tiffany yawned.

"You weren't watching TV unnie. You're eyes have been closed for half an hour already!" YoonA replied.

"Oh, really?? Well, OK... Just tell Taeyeon that I'll be going to sleep for the day. The recent song recordings had made me very very... tired!" Tiffany turned over and buried her head into the pillow.

"Unnie~~! Here, I made a cupcake!! YAY~!" Seohyun excitedly sang to YoonA.

"Awww... Can I taste it?" YoonA pinched Seo's face.

"Sure sure! I made it just for my YoonA- Unnie!!" Seohyun did an aegyo. YoonA was about to take a bite when...

"Hey!! People! Stay put!" Taeyeon bursted the door open and headed to the window.

"What's the problem, unnie?" Seohyun and YoonA asked.

"There has been an escaped mental patient! Oh girls, you know how I'd die if one of you guys get hurt,right? I'm making this house super isolated so that the killer won'tbe able to penetrate within."

"Hahaha! You're being funny,unnie!"

"Wh-what are you girls doing? So noisy!" Tiffany buried her face deeper into the pillow.

"Sorry..." Taeyeon whispered.

"Oh, unnie. We know how to take care of ourselves! I've been learning alot of things lately by watching Keroro."

"Right... Oh anyways, lunch is on the table. If you girls get hungry, just go downstairs and make yourselves at home, okay?" Taeyeon smiled.

"Nae, unnie!" Seohyun and YoonA sighed.

The door slammed shut. "Who did that?!" Tiffany angrily pushed away a pillow which hit Seohyun. "Taeyeon did it!! Why are you hitting me! What a meanie!" Seohyun pouted as she threw the pillow to Tiffany. Tiffany then threw 3 more pillows to the maknae. "You want a pillow fight, huh?" Tiffany laughed as Seohyun accurately hit her nose with a Keroro pillow. The two wrestled on the sofa while trying to put pillows into each other's faces.

YoonA smiled and walked towards the seat near the window. As she was enjoying her cupcake, she saw someone put some letter inside the mailbox. "It's Taeyeon's house, so  it's probably her mail." YoonA thought to herself. But the woman who brought the mail looked at her angrily. She couldn't clearly see who it is because the woman was wearing a cap. "Why would she look at me like that?" YoonA wondered.

Suddenly, the door bursted open, again. It was Jessica. "Hey girls, having fun?" She smiled as she sashayed and threw a letter to YoonA. "It's for you, Yoonie. There's no address written on it, but it says "For Im YoonA" in the front." "Uh... thanks... Sica-unnie" "Well, you girls enjoy yourselves,huh?" Jessica rolled her eyes as she headed to the door. The door slammed shut.

Tiffany threw a pillow at the door. "I'm so sick of you making such slamming noises!" Tiffany scolded the door while Seohyun hit her with a pillow. 

YoonA carefully opened the letter. There was a small note inside the the envelope. She held it up towards her face, but what she read made her drop the note. "What does it say, unnie?" Seohyun asked while choking Tiffany with a pillow. "Mmmuff... MMsstuuuppp uhmmt Smmmeoohyummmm!!!" Tiffany muffled up.

YoonA pointed at the note as Seohyun and Tiffany read it... it said:

Dear Im YoonA,

"It's starting now... You all have to die!"

I'm coming for you!

-Patient 128




I know... It's not yet realted to deadly sins... But you'll see later

Anyways, making fanfics are so tiring!!

I'll try to update this ASAP. Please leave comments!

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