Two (point) One

Bliss: Perfect Happiness

{ Kai }

My eyes widened in shock when I realized who he was. He smiled at me and said...


"Jongin is that you?" I asked. 

"Yeah! It's me! What are you doing here?" Jongin seemed very excited. He grabbed my shoulders, shaking me slightly. 

I didn't know what to say to him because I wasn't feeling very well. I just faked a smile and giggled a bit. To be honest, I really wanted to hug him because I just missed him so much. 

"You look very pale. Are you okay?"

I was trying to stop myself from puking but I could already feel the vomit going up my throat. My vision was going fuzzy and i was losing balance. I held onto both of his shoulders. 

"Are you going to puke?! Hey hey listen to---" He got cut off when i puked on his shoes. I didn't mean to do it though. 

Everyone kept looking at us. Some even gave me the "what the fudge" face. They all gathered around us just to check if i was doing okay. I just smiled at everyone and told them that i'm doing fine. 

"Oh my goodness! Jongin i'm so sorry come on let me clean it for you."

"Ah yeah. You get nauseous when you ride the plane. I forgot about that. It's okay." He said as he removed both of his shoes. "Hey let's sit down." 

We headed over to the bench and sat there.

"Can i get you anything? Water? Juice? Food?" Jongin asked.

"No no it's okay! You don't have to. I'm really sorry for puking on your shoes. And... it's really nice to see you again." I said as i flashed a bright smile at Jongin. 

He chuckled and slapped the back of my head.

"Ouch! What did you do that for?!" I exclaimed.

"I just missed making fun of you. How've you been Nami? What are you doing here, by the way?"

"Heh. I'm okay. And well.... I'm actually the new Assistant Editor-in-Chief of High-Cut magazine."

"Oh my God are you serious?! I'm gonna model for the magazine along side with my girlfriend for our wedding next week."

My heart shattered into pieces when he said the word 'girlfriend'. I mean what?! My bestfriend aka The love of my life has a girlfriend?! How, who, why, when and... ugh. I feel really sick again. I think i want to puke. Oh god. This is too much for me to handle. I'm... i'm...

"Girlfriend? Oh.. wow. G-great! I'm happy for you!" I said sarcastically. Deep inside, I really wanted to punch his face and just kick his balls. How could this happen? What. The. HELL.

"You're starting to look pale again. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah! Yeah! Don't worry about me. I'm alright!" I said cheerfully. "I'm.. i'm gonna be alright." 

Breathe in.. breathe out. This is just another test.. this is just another---


Kai? Who in the world is Kai? Why is she calling him 'Kai'? Kai is such weird name. Oh dear lord, here comes the evil witch who's gonna ruin my life. I must calm down. My head hurts.  

The girl ran to Jongin and hugged him so tight. She looked very happy when she saw Jongin. I must say, this girl is really pretty. 

"Sweetie, i'd like you to meet my childhood best friend, Nami. Nami this is Krystal, Krystal this is Nami. Nami is the new Assistant Editor-in-Chief of High-Cut magazine." Jongin said.

Krystal squealed and hugged me so tight as if we were best friends. "I'm so happy right you don't even know. Kai has been saying good things about you. I have an idea! You should my maid of honor!"

"Haha. Lovely. I'd love to but..."

"Come on Nam. Say yes! It's your best friend's wedding. Come on pleaaaaase?" 

"Well, fine fine. Okay then. I'll be your maid of honor." Oh geez, what have I gotten myself into. 

"Baby, how was your flight?" Jongin asked.

"Oh it was okay. I'm still exhausted. I wanna go back to California after our wedding. Actually, I already asked the woman from the front desk to reserve a hotel room for us.. you know, just in case." Krystal said as she clung onto Jongin's arms. 

Jongin kissed both of her cheeks and cupped her face in his hands. 

"Uhhh, I should just go..." I said as i walked away but Jongin tried to stop me by grabbing onto my arm.

"Can i have your phone?" He asked.

"What for?"

"Just give it to me please."

I handed over the phone to Jongin. I noticed that he was typing something. He handed it back to me in a matter of seconds.

"I already saved my number. Just text me if you want to hangout. I missed you NamNam. I'll talk to you soon alright?" He said. He flashed a bright smile before going back to the place where he left Krystal.

I waved goodbye to the both of them. I just can't believe this. My JONGINNIE finally met his star. But wait, their wedding is a few weeks away right? They wouldn't mind calling it off for a bit right... *evil smirk* Oh Kim Jongin, I'm gonna get you back. And this time.. i'm not gonna let go. 

Krystal, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Prepare for the worst, dear. 


Author's Note: Double update! <3 Leave comments please!

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Update please~~~
Chapter 4: Beautiful poster... I hope you'll update beautiful chapter too. ><
Chapter 3: It Kai!! But he already have a girlfriend.. T-T...
@viddalocca Guess who! <3
Chapter 2: who is it? update soon~!!!
Chapter 1: Update soon~ I‘m hooked by your first chappie!~:D
Chapter 1: omg update! ^-^
blastoise #8
Update soon!
Chapter 1: update soon
Chapter 1: update soon!!!