Chapter 3

When the fate plays with us

So, in the end, Jongin and I ended up together and went to the SP Mall. On the way there, we shared a lot of things together. I also found that Jongin was easy fascinated towards a new thing. How he went “Look at that!” and “Wow” and get excited when he saw things and showed it to me are too cute and amusing. He was like a little child, really. I can’t believe he was the same age as me! Well, back to Jongin. He said this was his first time being in this country and I shouldn’t laugh my of how he got too excited about thing. Yeah, I laughed at him. Loudly until people started to look at us and showed a look that think why-teenagers-nowadays-are-so rude look. Okay, that’s definitely my fault.

“Yah, Hana!” Jongin started

“What?” I was still laughing at him

“Forget it. Leave me alone!” he pouted. This guy, he was too cute!

“ehem” I coughed “Okay, I’ll stop. Would you stop sulking and be a man about it?”

“Whatever” he rolled his eyes. Obviously still a little mad about earlier.

“Awww, come on! We just met an hour ago and now you are all grumpy! Forgive me huh?” I said smiling like an idiot

He seemed contemplate for a while then broke a grin “Fine but on one condition” he spoke.

“and what is it?” I replied, totally curious about it.

“I’ll tell you when the time comes” he answered back.

“Cool. Now, Mr. Grumpy is all excited about his secret!”


“Hey Mr. Grumpy, look at that! We are here!”


“Come on!” I said and dragged him out of the train quickly.

At once, we were already in the mall.

“Hana, we are here! This is totally the right place the manager told me last time!” Jongin said jumping up and down at the same time.

“It’s great then!” I said jumping up and down too. “Wait, the manager?” I repeated, dumbfound.

Suddenly, he stopped. Completely shocked about what he had said to me earlier.

“I-I mean m-my friends! Yeah, f-friends! They made me remember this place or in other word forcing me to since I tended to get lost wherever we go. I guess they are right about it” he told me. The atmosphere abruptly turned into a heavy one.

“Hey” I said softly “Let’s forget about it for a while, shall we? I beamed.

He grinned and nodded his head.

So, for the next two hours we practically tour each part of the mall and make a fool of ourselves. People kept gave us an odd glance but we decided to shrug it off and do whatever we want.

After a while, I met my friends and told them everything about Jongin and I can’t be with them until his friends are back. I know the reason was lame to them. The real reason was Jongin didn’t feel comfortable under their scrutinizing eyes. I can’t actually act I don’t give a and pretend everything was right. Why this guy has such an effect on me? I let out a breath heavily.

“Hana, are you really alright not joining your friends back there?” he asked me and his ice-cream.

“I’m fine” I shrugged it off “Really”

“If you said so” he trailed and continued “Remember you own me a promise?”

“Hmmm” I said while focusing on eating my own ice-cream. It was really sweet.

“You know, there will be a showcase here, tonight” he started slowly

“I never know about it” I looked at him “How it relates to us?”

“I want you to attend the showcase as my thank you for you” he said sincerely and carry on with his words “Once my friends are here, I’ll give the tickets to you. Make sure you attend it!”

“Doesn’t it cost too much? You don’t have to do this actually. It’s my pleasure to help you out. I don’t want anything in return!”

“But I want to! Please, just accept it. As a gift from a friend” he pleaded.

“Alright, alright” I surrendered “Do whatever you want but don’t come at me later and complaining that I-“

“Hyung!” Jongin shouted at a group of people that just entered the mall and ran towards them. I guess that was his friends. He looked so happy.

After a while, I approached them slowly.

“Hey” I said softly. Now, all heads were turned to me and confused expression was on their face, except for Jongin of course.

“Hey guys” Jongin started “This is Hana. She is the one that help me to get here safely in one piece” he grinned widely.

“Hello. My name is Hana, nice to meet you!” I said rather loudly. What was I doing exactly?

“Hello, my name is Suho” the one with red hair and blinding smile that make him looks like an angel said “Thank you for bringing Jongin all the way here. We were so worried about him. Thank you again”

“It’s nothing really. Its kinda fate you know? I am on my way here and then Jongin came to me and ask for help. It’s a good thing that he didn’t ask for a bad guy help” I smiled while Jongin blushed furiously.

“Ehem” he coughed “Well, thank you again. I am very grateful for your help” his eyes were twinkling, I swear then he continued “Here are the tickets for showcase tonight. You can go with your friends. I hope you can make it”

“Why don’t we go together? I am sure my friends won’t mind”

“The thing is, I can’t” he avoided my eyes “You will know why, tonight. I promise”

“Fine. Make sure you explain it to me later”


“Alright then, I need to do some errands and I’ll make sure to reach it before 8”

“Okay. See you later. Well, may I have your number?”


“Nothing” he said and started to walk away.

“Wait! Why not? Give me your phone” I said

Almost immediately he gave it to me and I typed in my number and made a call to my cellphone

“There, now, I have your phone number. Be sure to ready for my non-stop blabbering” I said playfully and we burst into laughter.





I am such a bad writer

Actually,  I planned to finish this in one go but...*scratch head* It didn't go well

So, see you in the next chapter. Hopefully it will be the last


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