Chapter 2

When the fate plays with us



Why am I behaving like this? This feeling is new to me.

 What am I doing again? Checking out a totally stranger, it’s not me. I sighed.

Suddenly, I felt an intense starring from someone.


It’s him. Yes, it was he. A man. A good looking one, or should I rephrase it? A gorgeous man was right in front of me. His slightly tanned skin and firm body. I am sure there’s lies handsome face behind those mask. He was wearing a V-neck cut t-shirt and it fits well with his body. I wonder if he has abs? If he applied to become a model, he surely grab the spot as he have those long legs.


Tell me again what am I blabbering about?


“Miss, are you alright?”  He said with full of concerned in his voice.


“Yeah. I am very sorry” I replied, ashamed of myself. “Can I help you?” I continued, anticipating his reply.


“Well…” he started “I am not familiar with the place arround here.”


“and so you would like me to…” I trailed and he cut my words again


 “Can you show me a way so that I can return to my friend? I am sure they will worry about me if I go around for too long.”


I can sense he was nervous about it. His eyes are frantically look around, like a lost puppy looking for his master.


“I can you bring you to the information counter if you want so that….”


“No!” was his replied. “I-I….” he sighed.


“I just can’t. It’s ok if you can’t help me though. I just need to find someone else. Sorry to take your time” then he scurried off.


It took me a second to realize he had walked away from me. I sighed.


“Wait up!” I called and ran towards him. “I will help you”


His eyes shine almost instantly and thousands of thank you and gratefulness showed through his eyes. His mesmerizing eyes.


“But first, you owe me a lunch. Is that alright with you?” I questioned


He nodded eagerly, almost agreeing in whatever I had said just now and cracked a smile.


“Let’s start over” I held out my hand and smiled “ Hi, my name is Hana and I’m 19 years old.”


He gladly accept mine and introduce himself “ Hi, I’m JongIn and I’m your age. Sorry to take your time” and he smiled too through his eyes.


“Mine if I ask you a question?” I started to avoid the awkward atmosphere around us that slowly to build.


He shrugged and said “ Shoot” as we walked towards the machine to get our tickets. Actually, he was following me so that he won’t get lost in the sea of people.


“Why are you wearing mask and hat? It’s weird you know. I may take you as kidnapper as you act so strangely with those mask and stuff”


He seemed to taken aback my question and whisper “People will know it’s me”


I stared at him questioningly before continued “Well, I don’t think they will take notice of you. You are gaining the attention more by wearing that mask. You should get rid of that”


He stared at me as if I’m crazy at first but then taking off his face mask slowly and shut his eyes tightly, expecting a scream but he heard nothing.


I was looking straight at him in the eye. The first I thought that crossed my mind, I was right. I was right that a handsome face was beneath the mask. His nose was sharp and his luscious lips looks so sweet and I have the urge to kiss him right that instant. Damn.


“Hana?” He said cautiously.


“Huh? Ohh. Sorry, what was it you were trying to say?” I was completely stunned by his look.


“Umm…you will keep this as a secret right?” pleadingly look at me.


What was he trying to tell me? I was completely clueless.


He carefully eyed me and said “Aren’t we going?”


“We are going?”


“Yeah. You said that you will bring me to my friend.” He completely ignores my clueless state.


“What?” I said and then he nodded to the machine that was right in front of us.




I was so stupid! I was face-palming my face non-stop completely forgetting that he was right there and laughing at me loudly.

I maintain my composure before asking

“Where are your friends waiting for you? Since, I guess you are a foreign.”


“SP Mall. You can bring me there. My hotel was nearby and they told me to get there if anything happens”


I think my jaw was literally dropped. No freaking way! He is going with me to the mall.


“I was about to go there too! I was supposed to meet my friends there to have a little party before our final examination. If your friends are not there yet, you can join us!”


“Awesome! I wouldn’t mind.” He genuinely smiled that showed he totally excited about it too.


I guess, our meeting was a fate after all.



Author note:

Hey there!

Please comment and tell me what am I lacking in so that I can actually improve my writing.

Thanks alot! :)





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