The Boss.

Fight for Love or for an old friend

Jaejoong PoV:

I walked down the street to the little hide out the BIGBANG lives in.  They knew i was here but they don't get up early anymore?  Maybe i have been away for to long and now i ned to make sure my son's do their jobs or their sister will be having some new toys.  Slowly i walked in adn saw them all passed out of either the couch or the floor, depeneding on how big they were.  I walked in front of them with my cane and i slammed it into the floor three times.  The head of GD rose up from a pillow.

GD: Boss!!! You're back!!

Everyone got up and saw me standing their and smiled.  They all stood in line and smiled at me, like they haven't seen me since they were born.  Well, it's alomost been that long.

Boss: How have you been boys?  Keeping up that good work?

BIGBANG: Yes sir!

Boss: Good, Good.  Do you remeber when _____ was young and we first brought her into our family she had this one male frined, Lee Minho?  He is in this company now and i might just pay him a visit, what do you think?

They looked at me.  They knew i would go even if they thought it was a bad idea so they didn't answer me.  Looks like they are still smart.  

Boss:Well, keep on doing work and i left you jobs to work on for now while i take care of somethings, understand me?

BIGBANG: Sir, yes sir!

Boss: Good, see  you later.

I walked out and headed to that company.  As i got in my car i saw ____ walking up the street to see BIGBANG again, but she wasn't since two men where next to her.  I remeber then, their names where Heechul and Siwon.  Both two annoying kids tha never left her alone.  I was shocked the others didn't come with her as well.  She was talking to them and laughing and they kept walking my way.

______: Siwon, i've been fine.  This nice man took very good care of me.

Siwon: Yeah, but did he touch you?

Heechul: No one touches my sister!

Boss: So i have more sons now?

___ looked at me and a smile came across her face faster then anything.  SHe ran over and gave me and hug.  I hadn't seen her in two weeks and i missed her as well, but i knew she could survive.

_____: WHy are you here?  Oh, giving out jobs?

Boss: Yes, these are your other brothes? Nice to meet you.  My name is Jaejoong, when i heard what was happening to _____ i took her in as my daughter and raised her in Japan.  I'm very sorry if you missed her very much, but she went through alot of pain and i couldn't let that happen anymore.

Siwon: No, we are glad that you helped her, but you never touched her, right?

Jaejoong: No, i thought of her as my daughter as i raised her.

SE7EN: Boss we need to get going since your appointment is in 40 minutes.

_____: SE7EN!! I missed you!

SE7EN: _____, you know i don't hug.  

_____ Looked at him and he looked around and gave her a smile and a quick hug and then acted cool.  He has always been that way with her.  SHe smiled and ran back to my side.

_____: Where are you going Boss?

Boss: To do a business appointment.  It has to do with TVXQ Company, Max is here and i want to make sure he is doing well.

____: Need me to help?

She looked like she wanted to rip his throat out for trying to her and i knew she did.

Boss; Not this time but maybe later.  I promise you can come with me the next time to meet him.  But will you be with them all day today?  I would love to meet the rest of my sons and tell them why you were gone.

Heechul: WHy do you call us and ____ your kids?

Boss: I can't have kids and the very few people that work for me, such as ______ and the members of BIGBANG, are my children.  Hopefuly you will be my kids as well so i can say i had many children when i die.

_____: You're not going to die anytime soon!

SE7EN: She's right, you have me as well.

Boss: Yes, yes.  These to make sure no one will hurt me anytime soon and make sure that i won't die.

Siwon: Yeah, you can come over.  Here is the address.  So see you later to day?

Boss: Yes, of course.  I will be there around oh, say 5 o'clock.  

____: I will see you later boss?

Boss: of course you will, now go with your brothers and be safe and if you run into trouble call me

______: I know, that's what you tell me all the time.

Boss: You're my only daughter, of coure i would tell you that all the time.

____: Okay, i pormise to becareful, but am i going to have a job soon?

Boss: BIGBANG are looking into a few for you to get more back round so you will be safe no matter what happens.

_____: Alright, see you later boos.

I watched _____ walk away and i got into the car.  SE7EN drove me to the company that ______ old friend Minho works at.  He was in a gnag but got out when ______ left for Japan with me.  While i was at home alone last night with no one around i got his file and started to read into it a little and thought i should pay him a visit today to make sure he is safe for ____ to be around.  I mean it is my job as a father to keep her safe and speaking of fathers, i wonder where that low life bio father of hers is.  I know that she hates him, but she can't bring herself to kill him even though i have given her many times where she was able to but she was to scared. It looked like i was going to have to take care of this my own way and make sure he couldn't hurt her again.  

Slowly we pulled up to the company and i got aout and looked around.  It looked like a nice place for a young man to be working and little did he know that his boss tried to have with his best friend.  As i walked up the stairs i found that everyone knew who i was and they wouldn't say a word to me.  In my line of work that can be good and bad at the same time.  It can be good so you don't have to explain anything, but bad because they could call and let him know that i'm here.  As i walked on the floor that both Max and Minho worked on i saw them talking to eachother.  My lucky day.

Max: Minho i know i gave you yesterday off because of your mom and i just wanted to make sure she is okay.  Is she?

Minho: Yes, she is doing well.  My little brother over reacted with her, but she is old and somehow it seems like she is getting more and more sick lately i would be doing the same if i was the little brother.

Max: Of course, of course.  Well, i hope she gets well very soon.

Jaejoong: Of course, you already lost your best friend, oh wait ______ is back in town, but you already know that.

Minho looked at me and his eyes wided at her name.  So he did know she was back in town.  I should have known that she would go to him when she came here, but i think it was only because someone else saw her.  As for Max he looked a little scared to see me in his office. 

Max: What are you doing here?  The company split up and the three of you have a new company, so get out!

Jaejoong: Yes, but i want one of my clients back that you have no right to keep.  Kangta is my very old friend and he is no friend to you.  He was very shocked to hear two weeks ago that we had split up two years ago and he was still doing business with you.  I would just like his file.

Max: He never came to me about leaving and he has been getting along well with U-know so no need to take him back

Jaejoong: Would you like all of Korea and the world to know that you tried to sleep with my daughter while she was still in high school?

Max: She isn't your daughter!

Jaejoong: Even ask her your self, she will say i'm her father, but she just calls me boss all the time now.  

Minho: ______?  You took her?

Jaejoong: Yes, i felt that her home life wasn't safe for her and i thought that she would be safer with me.   Wait you didn't know what your boss tried to do to her, did you?

Minho just looked at Max and Max was scared of not only me, but Minho as well.  It made me wonder why he was so scared of him.  I mean i did watch him he was weak, there is no way he could take me or ________ down for that matter.  Both of us where to strong for him, even when we weren't together.  i walked away and grabbed the file i came for and left the building.  Looks like i'm going ot have to start watching Mr.Lee once more to make sure he stays out of trouble. 

The rest of the day i just did computer work and then i went over to the boys house where they were keeping my daughter.  As i walked in i saw the whole building and about 13 men where giving me this weird look like i was a bad person.  i started to look around from where i stood so i could find my daughter, but i didn't see her.

Boss: i'm looking for _______, is she here?

they all glared at me.  one stepped forward.  I knew him, they call him Sungmin. 

Sungmin; why do you want her?

Boss: she invited me here to meet everyone and have a good time. 

They all looked at me and smiled.  We had a nice evening and i saw how much ______ smiled around them.  

Lee Minho PoV-

I walked into my apartment thinking of what my boss had done to ______.  I mean he wouldn't since he's a good guy.  None of this makes any sence and then that guy that came in today was so weird.  He took her away from everyone and she's okay with that and he walks around like he owns here. 

I sat down at my desk and looked at the pictures that stared back at me.  Ever since she came back everything is so different and not like it should be.  It's not like i didn't think she was strong, I have always thought that, but she just seems so different then she did before.  It's like more anger and range run through her. 

Suddenly my phone started to ring while i was deep in thought.  I looked at the number and it was Siwon.

Lee MinHo: What do you want?

Siwon: Are you coming over to hang out with us?  ______ wants to see you

Lee MinHo: yeah, sure.  I'll be there in like 15 minutes.

I hung up the phone and thought of what she would say when i talked about the guy that took her.  As i got into my car and drove there i thought of what i should say to her.

Finally i got there and walked through the front door.  When i stepped in i saw ______ sitting there talking to the guys like she always would and then i saw that guy, Jaejoong, who took her and this man next to him.  _____ looked over and smiled at me.

______: Minho!! I'm so happy to see you!!

Lee MinHo: What do you mean?  you saw me yester......

Her hand covered my mouth and she looked over at Jaejoong.  Was she scared that if he found out she saw me?

Jaejoong:  You saw him yesterday?  Where you slacking?  Does SE7EN need to start back up your training?

SE7EN: It would be my pleasure to make the slave girl work.

_____: Who you calling slave girl, boy toy?

SE7EN: Oh really?

______: Really.

Jaejoong: Oh children stop it.  I can never take you two out in public at all.

______ and SE7EN started laughing at each other and i just looked at them.  Wasn't she scared of them?  I grabbed her hand and pulled her close to me so i would know she is a little safer then next to them.

_____: MinHo, whats wrong?  It's ookay they aren't going to hurt me, and no BOSS i wasn't slacking it was after my job.

Jaejoong: Speaking of jobs, you have one tomorrow.  Are you up for it?  It is part of the reason we are here in the first place.

_____ looked at him and nodded her head.  I looked at them and saw that they all had serious looks on them right now.  It was a little scary to think about what kind of job she had to do tomorrow.

Sungmin: Anyways, let's have fun one more night before ____ goes back to work.

Sungmin had a smile on his face.  Everyone had a good time and no one argued, which was a first.  With ______ around things where different, somethings where bad and others where good.  However it was getting hard to tell.

After everyone had gone up stairs and Jaejoong and SE7EN left i took my leave.  When i got home i just sat there at my desk again and this time i saw the file that i had been using to help me track down _____. 

Finally i have her back, but yet she is no where near me.  I picked up a picture of us.  Where did that little girl go?  The one that wanted to be around me all the time because i was the only one who understood her.  All i want is her back.

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llmelimell #1
<3<3<3<3<3<3 l
Nurhansuju #2
Chapter 5: Is this tha last chapter or what if it isn't then update soon plzzzzz it's the best story I had read so far
Chapter 1: Love your story. ^^ Please update soon.
Who is the girl that called LMH "babe"??
Is she Minho's gf??
ugghh~ dying to know.
Update soon author-nim~