Return of _________

Fight for Love or for an old friend

Lee Minho PoV-

It has been years since i saw her.  SHe left when i told her that she could sleep over.  Somehow she has changed, i mean i thought we were best friends.  She looked like an animal or someone who had gone crazy.  It wasn't like her and i was scared that she has changed more then i would have like to know.  I mean she is so different and she even looked like a killer.  Wait, could she be killing those gang members?  Why is she doing that?  What if her dad finds out that she's back in town?  My mind just went blank and all i could think about is if she was hurt.  ________, please be okay.  

There is no way i could live knowing she is hurt.


________ PoV-

I was walking down the street from Little Minnie's place.  It's been a long time since i've seen him.  He still has that picture of us by the little river that used to run through town.  As i walked down the street all i could think about is how much this town has changed.  But it's not like i'm going to stay here for ever, i mean once my job is done i'm leaving for Spain like planned.  But i couldn't come to this town and not see Minho again.  

There's no way i could ever tell him why i left or why i'm back.  He must know i've been killing some people, but i don't want him to worry about me.  I stared up at the street lights and i felt a light breeze catch my bare legs.  I wore my short black leather shorts and my jean jacket with just my bra on top.  I know i'm a bad person, but i hope that Minho will understand why i'm doing what i'm doing.  

I started to walk in my heels down the corner and a guy grabbed my arm.  I turned and looked at him.  He smirked at me and gave that erted eye that most people always gave me when i walked the streets like this.  Slowly he moved closer to me and pushed me against a wall. 

Guy: Where you going sweet thing?

_____: To see the BIGBANG, know them?

GUY: Sweetie, they are into killing people for money.  You should come with me

_____: Well, i'll see you in hell babe.

I gave him a smiled and threw my fist into that gross face of his.  He went flying to the growned.  Like i didn't know that BIGBANG killed people, and really the only reason i have to see them is to tell them the boss is back in town to see how they've been doing.  The guy went to get back up and someone else grabbed him and shoved him.  The ert ran off and the other guy looked at me.  It was Henry and Eunhyuk, from my old gang.

Henry: ______ Why are you back?  Why did you disappear?

Eunhyuk: Stop, _____ Just come with us right now.  We are alwys so worried that something happened to you and that you have been .  Have you?

______: Don't worry Oppa, i'm fine and i'll meet with you guys in 20 minutes.  I have to do something first, i promise.

Henry: You better get you to the house

______: Love you to.

I walked off and went down the street.  I had to pull out my cell phone and i called the boss.

Boss: What is it?

_____: My old gang knows i'm here.  I told them i would see them later tonight, so i won't be coming back tonight.

Boss: Don't sleep with any of them, and if you do you'll never want to be near me again.

_____: I know, you are the only one who really cares for me.

Boss: Now go tell BIGBANG i'm looking forward to seeing what they've been up to.

_____: Yes sir, tomorrow i promise to come by and see you.

With that the boss hung up.  To be honest i have been in big trouble for awhile.  The Boss is the only person that really cared for me and i met him through BIGBANG.  They helped me find someone who really cares about what happens to me.  I walked down the street and knocked on the door to their little hide out.  VI opened that door and smiled at me.

VI: SO the Boss is back in town with his favorite pet.

_____: I'm not a pet.  This is my last job and then i'm leaving.  The Boss wanted me to tell you that he is coming to see what you five have been up to. 

GD: Your job is to kill gang members?

_____: Not just any.  The ones who hurt me.

TOP: Does that old gang of yours know you back?

_____: Yes, i have to see them after this.  That's why i would like to hurry this up a little faster.

VI: Does that boy know your back?  Because if he doesn't i wouldn't mind being your little play thing for the night again.

I punched VI in the face and he looked at me.

_____: The only reason i slept with you in the first place was because i was having a bad day and i thought of someone that wasn't you.  DOn't think i'm ever going to sleep with you again and not be sober.  Got it?

VI: Come on, we can go to the back and have a quick private party.

VI was close to me, he whispered most of those words in my ear and i looked at him.  I threw my knee up in between his legs and he fell to the floor.

______: Minho does know i'm back and if i can help it he'll think i'm dead after this job is done.

TOP: Why don't you want to be with him anymore?

______: Because i can't let the poeple that i care deeply for get anymore hurt then they already are.

GD: You gonna go see your mom and dad?

____: Not really in the plan since they most likely know that i'm missing form the house.  That's all boys.

I left their little hide out and walked down the street.  As i walked down there i thought of the things that this city showed and reminded me of.  It was the past all over again, only this time i was going to be happy.  Suddenly i felt an arm grab me.  I turned to see Henry and EUnhyuk.

Henry: We didn;t think you would come to the house so we waited here.

Eunhyuk: You really should dress more warmly, it's getting cold out side.

_____: You always take care of me Oppa.

Eunhyuk: That's why i'm your Oppa!

Henry: Come on, i'll make you a warm meal so you don't freeze to death with your clothes.

I laugh and put both my arms around Eunhyuk and Henry.  We walked down the street to the house.  I suddenly saw all of us laughing and joking on the old broken porch that no one has ever fixed.  We walked up the stairs and Henry opened the door.  

When i first walked in i saw Heechul sitting by the piano and he looked like he wanted to play it but he didn't.  Siwon had a beer in his hand and he took a small sip what seemed to be every four seconds.  Then Donghae was reading a book in a chiar and Sungmin was on the floor next to him and he looked like he was trying to sleep.  Ryeowook was staring out the window as if he were waiting for something or someone to appear.  I saw Kyuhyun walked down the stairs looked down while his shirt wasn't button at all and his hands in his pockets.  I could hear Shindong in the kicthen making something and as i looked that way the fashion Queen, as i called him, Zhou Mi walked out with a bottle of water.  I looked up the stairs to see Leeteuk was drinking a huge bottle but only a few sips where gone since he hates to drink and he was at the top of the steps.  Yesung was leaning on the banister and humming a song to himself.  Kangin came out of the kitchen and sat next to Ryeowook.  Then i saw Kibum walk out of his room and he scratched his head and walked down the stairs.

_____: What the hell happened to all of you?

Leeteuk looked down at me and jumped up and ran down the stairs to hug me.

Leeteuk: I was so worried about you!  You didn't even leave a note, how rude!  DO you hate Dadday?  Is that why you left?

I remebered Leeteuk made us a family.  Leeteuk was Daddy when he talked to me. but Kangin hated it when he had to be called Mommy.  I smiled at him.

_____: It was a sper of the moment thing.  Kyuhyun knows that very well, right?

Kyuhyun: You little....... Do you know how much i've missed you?

Kyuhyun squeezed tightly around my waist and picked me up and swung me around the room.  I laughed out loud and smiled at him.  All the others came out and gave me a hug.  

Heechul: You know i've lost the thought of playing the Piano since you left.  It would always make you smile.

Siwon:  Plus Beer lost it's taste with out you and i think that it might get a little better now.

Kibum:  WHy did you leave?  Was someone hurtting you?  You should have told Mommy or Daddy.

______: Someone did hurt me, but i just left it alone.  I'm sorry i left without telling anyone anything, but i just had to leave for a while.  I'm back now and i'm happy to see you all.

Ryeowook: I knew if i waited long enough you would come back!

Ryeowook gave me another hug.  He was watching in the window waiting for me to come home and it made me want to cry a little because they wanted to see me so badly.

Shindong:  Here, i made you a big bowl of cuop to warm you up.  

I looked at Shindong and smiled, he would always feed me because he knew that i didn't eat unless i was about to pass out or i couldn't move anymore.  Plus he thought i was way to skinny for your normal girl.  


Donghae quickly wrapped a blank around me and glared at me.

Donghae: You could pass for a prostotute in thoughs clothes!  Why are you dressed like that?

Eunhyuk: Yeah, you need to dress more warmly as well.

_____: The both of you worry to much.   Why can't you two lovers just be happy i'm home and dressing like a girl?

Donghae: No girl i know dresses like she is begging to get in the street.  Not even those GG girls down the street.  

Sungmin: Did you hear they are starting a new gang called fx, those girls are scary because this one girl dresses like a boy and even looks like one but she isn't

_____: Sungmin, you could pass for a girl if you really tried.

Sungmin: YAH! That's why i have my tatt!

Zhou Mi: Anyways, you most be tired right?  Why don't we let hersleep in her old room.

_____: Fashtion Queen is looking out for me.

Zhou Mi: You are our little sister in this wierd all boy family.

Leeteuk: But you aren't mad at Daddy for not giving you lots of attention?

______: Leeteuk appa, i love you and i can never be mad at you since you protect me like your real daughter.

Leeteuk: Mommy! Did you hear that?  My baby loves me!

Kangin: Why do i have to be Mommy?  I'm more manly

Leeteuk: I'm older so my Daddy!

Kangin: Yeah but you play the mommy role when we......

Kyuhyun: There's a child in the room!

______: I'm not a child anymore. 

Yesung: Why don't you go to sleep since you will be here for a while, right?

_____: I'm here for a job and then i'm free.  I can go where iever i want and i kind of want to go to Spain.

Kibum: And forget about us?

Yesung: Kibum, don't

Kibum: Well?

_____: You don't know why i left.  It was something that if i stayed here i would have killed myself because of what happened.  I'm hunting them down one by one and i will make them pay.

Yesung: Maybe we should all go to sleep and talk about his in the morning,

Everyone agreed and we went up stairs to our rooms.  I walked into mine and saw it was still the same and nothing had changed.  A pictuer of all 15 member of the gang hung on the wall with the word family acrossed it.  I sta on my bed and put my head to the pillow and slowly fell alseep.


"Where do you think you're going?"  The guy pushed me up against the wall.  He pulled my skirt down and i screamed but he had one of the other guys make me keep my moth shut.  That's the moment when they started to me.  One by one they each took a turn, there was about seven of them and each one made sure they did an extra hard job on me.  I started to bleed and they left me there to die.  

I was still there for about an hour.  My phone kept going off and i knew it was someone from the gang worried about me, but i wanted to die right here in this black ally.  I used my streangth to grab a broken piece of glass and i put it to my throat.  

"Hey, what happened?"  A man asked, later i knew him as VI.  He helped me up and brought me to the BIGBANG hide out.  He helped claen me up and he took care of me.  He texted the person named Daddy, Leeteuk, in my conacts that i was at a friends and i would be for a few days and not to worry about me.  

For the next four hours i kept blacking out and waking up all the time.  I woke up for only three minutes and woke up 20 minutes later.  Finally when i woke up and didn't pass back out i saw five guys infront of me.  Then another one walked in front of them and looked at me.

"I can train you to get revenage on the people that did this to you.  Are you in?"  The man was nice and he helped me sit up.  I nodded my head and i knew i was going to find the men that gang me.  

At first i was allowed to stay here and still train and i could get my revenage and then my dad soled me to a comapny and that company made me work as a slave from when i was 13 all until i was 15.  Every day i would have to sleep with 5 to 13 guys.  I wanted to shoot my self, and all these guys in the company are in different gangs.  I wanted to kill them.  

I was coming back to BIGBANG and VI was there.  He comforted me and made me feel better, sure we had but he was really the only one there for me right now.  I turned 16 and the Boss found out i was a slave, he made me move to Japan, China, USA, England, and Russia so i could help him kill and bring down other men that had hurt him. 

The next thing i remeber was walking through Minho;s door and it shutting and then those men, all of them, even the one i killed, just standing threre waiting their turn to hurt me.  I started to scream and i wanted help.  Where was Minho and then i saw him walk out with a smile on his face.  I started to cry.


Leeteuk: _____, what's wrong?

I looked up and saw all of my old gang standing in the door way.  They looked so scared and i couldn't move.  I couldn't sleep alone and i didn't want to be alone.  Part of me wanted to go and find VI so he could be ther for me, but i stood up and looked at them.

_____: I dreamed about what happened again and i don;t want to be alone right now.

Sungmin: Alright, come sleep in my room.  Don't worry Donghae and Eunhyuk are in the bed across from us, ok?

______: Sungmin, can Daddy sleep with us to?

Sungmin: Leeteuk, she wants you to stay in there to.

Leetuek: Well, you three have the biggest room and i think all of us could fit in there, so lets all sleep together.

I felt happy they were doing this for me and i felt sad at the same time.  I couldn't sleep alone anymore, at least with out thinking that one of those men from before would try and kill me.  I clung to Leeteuk and to Sungmin as i slept.  I was to scared. 

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llmelimell #1
<3<3<3<3<3<3 l
Nurhansuju #2
Chapter 5: Is this tha last chapter or what if it isn't then update soon plzzzzz it's the best story I had read so far
Chapter 1: Love your story. ^^ Please update soon.
Who is the girl that called LMH "babe"??
Is she Minho's gf??
ugghh~ dying to know.
Update soon author-nim~