The second chapter.

Speed Dating


Hey guys! Could you do me favor? Last update I mentioned a writing contest, right? Well, it hasn't been going well ):

Soooo.. if it isn't too much to ask, could you please join up?. It'd be really cool. ;D Just PM me or totalseobaby27 for more details! 

Enjoy this update c:


Yuri stared lovingly at the sleeping beauty beside her. The sunlight streaming through the curtains elegantly shone on the blonde’s face. She couldn’t help but notice all of the features that she fell in love with. She felt the latter snuggle closer, enjoying her warmth. Yuri tightened her wrap on the girl and felt Jessica bury her face in the crook of Yuri’s neck.

Seobang….” Jessica mumbled.


Yuri giggled as she felt Jessica’s breath on her neck. She Jessica’s hair softly and felt Jessica tangle their legs together.


“Seobang~~” Jessica cooed once more.


Yuri gently lifted Jessica’s face up by her chin. She saw that Jessica had slightly opened her eyes. With a smile, Yuri kissed Jessica on the lips. The kiss was short and simple; one that Jessica wanted to extend but Yuri ended it quickly. Jessica’s face formed a pout and roughly pulled Yuri’s face closer into a more heated kiss. Jessica became disappointed when she felt that Yuri’s lips were not responding as much as she expected. Knowing that Yuri was playing with her, Jessica pushed Yuri away. Yuri had a triumphant, yet playful look on her face.


“Yah!” Jessica said in an aggravated tone.


 Yuri raised her left eyebrow as if in confusion. She shrugged her shoulder, “What?”


Jessica grumbled slightly and hastily got up off the bed. She stomped out the bedroom and into the bathroom.


“Sica baby,” Jessica heard Yuri call out from the bedroom.


 Jessica turned the faucet on and began to wash her face. The sound of the rushing water made Yuri’s beckoning calls inaudible. The cool water against her warm face energized the blonde and cleared her mind. After wiping her face with, what would most likely have been Yuri’s towel, she exited the bathroom and headed for the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator door, she heard Yuri’s steps head towards her. A flutter of butterflies in her stomach appeared as the thought of Yuri popped in her head.


Just the thought of her makes me go crazy….AISH. >_<” Jessica thought, mentally punching herself for being so in love with that tanned girl that she couldn’t even be mad at Yuri for one second. Her face turned a light shade of pink as Yuri infested her thoughts.


“Stop thinking so much about me,” a husky voice interrupted Jessica’s thoughts. Yuri was there, standing so coolly, leaning slightly on the kitchen door frame. She had remained in her shorts but decided to wear a tight tank top that outlined her body. Jessica couldn’t help but ogle like an adolescent teenage boy.


She heard Yuri chuckle and walk slowly towards her, a grin spread across her face, “Like what you see?” Jessica cleared and turned to face away from Yuri, closing the refrigerator door. She felt a warm pair of hands envelope her waist. Yuri rested her head on Jessica’s shoulder, eliciting a slight sigh from the other girl. The dark haired girl began to place small kisses on Jessica’s exposed back and neck. Her hands grabbed Jessica’s waist, swiveling Jessica around to face her. Yuri bore her eyes into Jessica’s and smiled sheepishly, “ I love you, Sica.”


Just four simple words that made Jessica’s heart beat so fast that she felt like she couldn’t breathe. She smiled back, “I love you too, Yuri.”


The tanned girl pulled Jessica into a hug. Jessica gladly received the hug before muttering, “Happy anniversary, Seobang.”


Yuri tightened the hug, “Happy anniversary.”


They stayed like that for some time, reminiscing of the memorable experiences they had in their relationship. Yuri was the one who broke their sweet silence.


She said, “Sica. Can you believe it? We’ve been together for a year now!” She broke their hug to look into Jessica’s eyes.


“A year ago, I met you. I met you in a place where I thought that I would never find such a perfect person. A person who, despite my imperfections, loves me for who I am. A person who hadn’t realized how much influence she has on me.”


Jessica was left speechless, her heart beating more wildly than before. But Yuri still had more to say,


“A person who I fell in love with from across the room. The one who seduced me on the first freakin’ meet.”


Jessica giggled as she thought of their first time meeting came into mind. Yuri continued,


“A person who’s been there with me through it all. All of it; the ups and the downs. A person who cares for me more than I care for myself.”


Jessica’s mind recalled all of the arguments, disagreements, and fights that happened in the past. She could also clearly remember all the hot make-up that came afterward. Apparently, Yuri had remembered them too and a blush spread on her face. They smiled and let their foreheads touch. Yuri softly kissed Jessica on her nose. She reached for something in her back pocket.


“I’ve got more to say, but there won’t be enough time in the world for me to tell you. I think it’ll be better if I show it to you in actions.”


Jessica felt Yuri slowly bend down on her knee, placing a small box in the palm of her hand. Jessica gasped and covered with her hands. Jessica knew what was happening and she was overjoyed. Tears brimmed her eyes and threatened to spill as she watched Yuri open the lid and show her the beautiful ring inside.


Yuri looked up and smiled, “I know it’s only been a year and we might be moving fast. But hey, we’ve been moving pretty fast since day one.”


Jessica smiled from ear to ear as tears of joy finally fell from her eyes. Yuri continued once more, “So if it’s not much to ask, Jessica Sooyeon Jung, will you marry me?”


Jessica wiped the tears from her eyes, “Yes! Yes!”


She pulled Yuri up and placed her lips on Yuri’s. Smiling into the kiss, Yuri kissed back. The kiss was filled with passion and love from both girls. Jessica’s mind was in shambles as the event played again and again in her mind. She locked each of Yuri’s proposal words in her mind and planned to treasure them forever. Once they broke the kiss, the newly engaged couple shared a heartwarming gaze. Yuri carefully slipped the ring into Jessica delicate finger. She watched as the blonde turned her hand over and over again, amazed at the small ring on her finger.


“Yuri!!!It’s so perfect! Where’d you get it?!” she squealed in joy, slightly bouncing on her feet.


Yuri laughed at the girl’s reaction, “Tiffany-ah helped me pick it out. We both agreed that you would love it and I’m glad you did.. I kinda lost the receipt for it.”


Jessica knocked Yuri’s head playfully, “Pabo!”


Yuri nodded her head and stuck out her tongue.


Suddenly she heard the phone ring. They looked at each other. Jessica shrugged her shoulder and reached for the phone.


“Yoboseo? Oh! Fany!”


Yuri tried to unwrap her arms around the blonde but felt Jessica tug her back with a cute pout. She placed her head on Jessica’s shoulder and drowned herself in Jessica’s scent. After a few minutes of what seemed like an endless English conversation with Tiffany, Jessica rested the phone back in its proper place.


“What’s up with Ti-“ Yuri questioned only to be interrupted as Jessica placed her finger on her lips, a smile on her face and her eyes shining with excitement.


“The wedding preparations have started, my Seobang,” she said, an undeniable hint of pure excitement in her voice.


Hey, what's up guys? CaptainCasey's back with another update!
I know it's been forever, right? JK no. ;D 

Well, I hope you enjoyed this update. Please don't hesitate to comment with your opinions and stuff. Also, if you haven't subscribed, please do so! That would be really awesome.

So, until next time, Captain's out! (:

P.S. Check out my other story: "Mysteries of Love"

*More updates this week!


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Chapter 6: Me encanto
changethegame #2
Chapter 1: Hey , My name is casey too Lol . Im a new reader obviously and This fic is Interesting .. Considering im still only at the beginning lol
11 streak #3
Chapter 6: nose bleed. so hot!
Chapter 6: homygod..homygod..*fanningMyselfFranticaly*
this.. is..

kyaaaaaaaaaah xD

that was so hot but sweet Yulsic at the same time author-sshi.. ;D
but i bet it will be more daebak if you add some lovey dovey more in the end of their love making.. kekekekeke *yEvilSmile*
just saying author-sshi.. ;P

your story is beyond great!
thx for the update author-sshi.. i LOVE IT! :)
keep making another great yulsic story author-sshi! ;)
as a royal shipper, im very gratefull to you for made this story.. kekekeke
you are jjang! \^o^/
kmshmnida.. *bow90degree* :)
Chapter 5: update soooonnnn...don't cliffhanger this T___T
annyeong author-sshi.. :)
new Subcriber here!
wow you have a great royal family story here .. i love it!
Chapter 3: !! lol and happy early birthday!
Chapter 3: happy birthday author!