Monochrome (Epilogue)



Four years passed quickly. Kyungsoo is done with his 4 year course and is now an educator, a teacher in simpler terms. He specialized in teaching preschool kids and after graduation, he had another year to study english and after that he is now with Junmyun in America, living together for the next 3 years of Junmyun's specialization in cardio. 
"Why the hearts? It's so complicated," Kyungsoo asked when Junmyun had finally decided he wants to be a cardiologist. 
"So that I can cure your heart if ever you choose to love another man. I will be very mad if that happens." Junmyun teased.
They are always like that. It became a routine that Junmyun will have 24 or 36 or even 48 hours of hospital shift and it for both parties. Kyungsoo managed to get hired in the hospital where Junmyun studies and works though. He is an in-house teacher for the children suffering from cancer and is staying at the hospital like it's their second home.
Lunch? Junmyun often sends a message to Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo will either just reply with Sure which happens 87% of the time, and sometimes he replies with Pass if he's stuck with the children at the ward.
"Sleep with me, Kyungsoo." Junmyun stated once he reached home after his exhausting 48 hours shift, followed by a day break. 
"Missed me?" Kyungsoo approached him with a grin, removing Junmyun's hospital coat for him.
"I do. Damn it I feel like I just want to tuck you in my bed for the next 24 hours. I miss you like hell, sunshine." Junmyun teased with a smile, but too tired and it's pretty much obvious with the bags under his eyes. Junmyun placed both his hands on Kyungsoo's waist and pulls him for a hug.
"We're too old for those pet names, hyung." Kyungsoo stated and wraps his arms around Junmyun's neck. Junmyun started walking, guiding Kyungsoo towards his room without breaking the contact, placing random kisses on Kyungsoo's shoulder and neck, and all the exposed skin to be exact.
"Do you not like it? Like we're back in high school, oh god speaking of high school, Chanyeol called me earlier and said they're coming back to Korea next year, the week before we go back home. Which means we will be able to meet them there. Sounds good?" Junmyun said and breaks the contact as he digs into his drawer to look for comfortable clothes to wear for the night.
"Good? You mean great? I missed them so much. I can't believe their small photography business will be a big hit. Now they're travelling around the world like what Chanyeol promised Baekhyun years ago. I'm glad Chanyeol kept his promise."
"Chanyeol might be a big , but he's really one great man. Anyway, Let's sleep honey. I really missed sleeping with you." Junmyun stated and jumped on the bed and rolls under the sheets.
"We sleep like this every night, hyung. You just had 2 days of work so stop pretending like we haven't slept together for 2 months." Kyungsoo said before joining Junmyun on the bed. Kyungsoo slips in between Junmyun's arms smoothly like how he normally do almost every night. A small peck on the lips and a tight hug assuring each other that at the end of the day, they have each other is enough to make them sleep with no worries with what tomorrow may bring.
Junmyun is standing at the lobby of his high school with a wide smile plastered on his face. 
"8 years," Junmyyun mumbles to himself. It has been 8 years since he last saw the campus. Not much major changes aside from the newly painted building, a few more trees at the gate were planted and a few more benches were placed across the area.
"Dr. Kim," a familiar voice echoes Junmyun's ears. He looks back to see common faces which played a huge part of his life. 
"Jongdae," Junmyun states. "And Jongin, of course." Junmyun added and flashes his warm smile at them.
"I'm glad we were able to see you here. Jongin and I were able to meet Baekhyun and Chanyeol earlier at the carpark but they have to go back to the car since Baekhyun left something and just like the old times, still that loud person." Jongdae states and Junmyun replies with a laugh.
"People change, but looks like we're all stuck in our high school selves forever." Junmyun replies.
"Where's Kyungsoo hyung?" Jongin asks.
"Comfort room," Junmyun replies and the three of them can hear voices echoing the entire floor.
"Looks like Kyungsoo and Baekhyun met already." Jongdae says and Junmyun gestures for the younger two to follow him as they search for their friends.
"Junmyun hyung!" Chanyeol shouts across the floor as the taller one hurriedly runs over Junmyun and wraps him in his arms.
It's a nice view. Old high school friends agreed to meet at the place where they all first met, where everything started, where all memories were planted. 
Kyungsoo smiles at Jongdae and gave him a hug. They were able to fix all the issues after graduation, as well as Jongin and Junmyun. It feels good, no hard feelings, no awkwardness happening in between.
They waited for some of their friends, including Sehun who is still running late from his university. He is graduating that year, he had additional classes so he graduates a year after Jongin. 
They went out, spent dinner together, telling stories of how life worked for them. 
"I still can't believe the popular campus couples are still going strong." Luhan teased and Kyungsoo insists he was never that popular student, but since his boyfriend is like the most popular one, he has no choice.
The day after that, Junmyun called Chanyeol and told him to get back on school. Just the four of them, and so Chanyeol said okay. They just spent the day checking all the rooms, reminiscing and making all the memories fresh again. 
Baekhyun still clings unto Kyungsoo, just like the old times. Still loud, still girly. Baekhyun still drags Kyungsoo into the rooms, into the gym and they even checked their old dorms.
"I have a confession to make." Baekhyun states and Kyungsoo starts laughing.
"Spill it," Chanyeol says.
"I use to drag Kyungsoo everywhere you go, Chanyeol. I mean, literally drag and literally everywhere."
"We know," Junmyun states.
"What?" Kyungsoo and Baekhyun exclaims.
"I often see you guys stalking us." Junmyun says.
"Well that's kinda embarrassing." Kyungsoo says and the four of them end up laughing their asses off.
"Let's travel Europe together." Chanyeol suggests before getting into the car. 
"Sure. Let's talk about this some other time. Besides, Kyungsoo and I are back for good. So we will meet more often." Junmyun says and Kyungsoo warmly returns the smile Chanyeol and Baekhyun is giving.
"We'll see you guys again some other time next week!" Chanyeol says before waving his arms and drives off the carpark.
Junmyun and Kyungsoo are sitting at the field just like how they do it before exams several years back. With the lights beautifully shining at the wide range of field, Kyungsoo still smiles at the view.
"Remember how much we spent time together on this place?" Junmyun says and grabs Kyungsoo's hand in his.
"Everyday during highschool I write in my planner what happens between us. I still have my old planners with me wanna check how mushy and crazy I was for you?" Kyungsoo replies and rests his head on Junmyun's shoulder.
"Was? You're still crazy over me until today." Junmyun teases.
Both of them spent the night there, just talking about how their last year in that school became memorable because they found each other. 
"You said we're forever right? But hyung, forever ends when one dies." Kyungsoo says.
"Then we'll see each other in after life. I'm too good looking for you to not notice me in case our memories fade in after life."
"How concieted."
"I'm telling the truth. But anyway kidding aside, we have forever to share, and in my next life, if given a chance whom I want to fall in love with, I will still choose you. I want to feel it again, that feeling of falling for someone, it feels good especially with you."
"I will never love anyone as much as I keep loving you everyday, Dr. Kim. I'm ready to spend this lifetime falling for you every single day."
"Let's get married."
"When and where? Now? Here? I do."
"You're cute."
"You're perfect."
"I love you, Kyungsoo. I love you so so much. Please, take care of me for the rest of my life."
"I will, and I promise to make your everyday worth living. I love you, Dr. Kim. I love you Junmyun hyung. I will love you forever."
Sometimes in life, people turns to be selfish wanting everyone's love, affection and attention. But when love hits you, you will realize that sometimes, you only need one person to be there for you, that one person who will silently make your life more beautiful than you're expecting it to be, that person who will bring color to your existence, and from billions of people around the world, you only need one to make you feel like the entire world is yours, because slowly that one person will start becoming your world. Your world that is full of beautiful past memories, meaningful present moments and a bright future ahead.
"Hey Kyungsoo."
"I think I want to read your planner."
"Are you sure?"
"Wanna hear something hilarious about my senior year planner?"
"Tell me."
"I named it Tiny Junmyun."
"Every page, you're on it. 286 days of that school year, I never skipped a day without writing your name."
"Well now you have the real thing. No need to settle for just my name."
"I know, and you know what? The real thing tastes really good."
"Excuse me what, Do Kyungsoo?"
"So when are we getting married?"
"Kyungsoo, I-"
"Quick and give me a ring before I change my mind, Mr. Delicious!"
"Oh really now, princess."
" you."
"No baby. Not me, but you. Later then."
"I hate you!"
"I love you too, baby Soo."
People grow, people learn, but sometimes, some things are not meant to change; especially when people are in love. Stuck in the wonderful memories because everything in life changes, except for memories. Maybe they fade, but they will never change.

-- Finally doooooone omg you guys thank you for reading and staying with me. Also, I hope you were able to get something like a lesson or whatever from this. And btw I'm going to start writing one shots and maybe after a month I'll be starting again a new long fic like this. I'm only going to write kyungmyeon with side pairings so yeah, sticking to this otp 5ever! Again, thank youuuu everyone. :3

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WeAre1InAMillion #1
Chapter 38: I would like to speal my heart out *cries*.
First of all This story is the best among all KyungMyeon FF along with "Bottled Dreams".
For me both of your story is on top 1.

I merey cry not because of the angst part. Its because the time when the reminicin their memoried on that school. Because all in all their story started at that school, so it will play a very big part on their relationship right now*cries harder*.

It makes me cry cause ut was too carrying. I got carried away that the fact they all laughing all their memories.

Omg i cant restrain myself from tearing up for joy.... Its a great and amazing fic.... I got alot of lessons learned here..

Plese author nim make some moreeeeee

I love you
Chapter 38: your stories is beautiful!

pls make more kyungmyeon stories! ♡
iloveExo1 #3
Chapter 38: This is the best Sudo fanfic I have ever read to be honest. Very Sudo shipper should read this. Omo author-nim. Best story ever sgjdbdvsjks, I can't explain what I feel gullllllll. Props to you author-nim
jjjang_w #4
gonna read this again for the nth time. this is my fave kyungmyeon fic tbh. suho and kyungsoo's character was so accurate hahahahahahaha and chanbaek were so adorable. my OT4.... aaaaaaack i wanna have a love life like kyungmyeon as well as chanbaek hahaha :D this is jjang!!!! ^^ <33333
juntoki #5
Chapter 38: the sweetest and fluffiest kyungmyeon ever!! i love it so much!!! kyungsoo is so precious and adorable here. this is how sweet i always dreamed he would be to junmyun!!! can't get enough of them. i was hapy and sad at the same time that the story had to end!! pls write more kyungmyeon!!
butterflykissess #6
Chapter 38: kyungmyeon forever!! kyungsoo is so precious here! so afraid to say i love you at first but after he finally did he fell for him hard. they're so sweet here! i love it so much!
Chapter 38: ..... I can't describe any words for this story.. I really like it bc it's kyungmyeon!!! hahahha OTP FOREVER!! + there's baekyeol and Kyumin!!! thanks for make me laugh!! Im laughing like every minutes and shed tears.. this story indeed beautiful. I took me 2 days to finish to read this story.. and I feel like crazy if I didnt read the next chapter.. haha!! btw it's perfect no doubt ♡♡♡
woozyforevs #8
Chapter 1: finally i found a kyungmyeon fanfic.. kyaaaa~ my OTP <333 gonna read this later omgg *U*
Vonnerrs #9
Chapter 7: my heart isnt beating.
zorchidel #10
Chapter 39: I can't see your stories in your livejournal :(