Waking Onew oppa ~

SHINee Oneshot collection


Not a ~ But a y oneshot fic. Hahaha. Because of the damn Onew-guns which are making me frustrated since last night. ~ LOL



“Class dismissed.” You immediately stand up fixing your things into your bag as your professor concluded his lecture for that day. After three straight hours of sitting just listening to the lesson, you stretch for a bit to lessen the stiff your back suddenly feels.

You are surprised to hear Sherlock playing. It has been your cellphone’s ringtone ever since the song was released. You open your bag again to get your phone to found out it was Key calling you.

“Yes, oppa?” You say as you take his call.

“Can you go to the dorm right now and check if Onew hyung’s still alive I mean awake?” He says immediately. You are about to ask why when he quickly answers again. “We are out the whole night because of some hassles in the schedule and we were not able to go home today. We still have schedule to attend at 11:30 so Onew hyung’s need to be up anytime soon.”

You remember Onew called just last night telling you he’s still alone at 10:30 and the members weren’t going home yet. They were out for some schedules that you wonder why Onew, the leader, wasn’t even included. You look at your watch, it’s pass 10 am and you orally calculated about 15 minutes for you to reach SHINee’s dorm.

“Okay, I’ll wake him up and help him prepare.” Since Onew has become your boyfriend since 5 months ago so you have no problem into going in and out of the dorm. You know the password and the rooms and all the facilities inside. All you have to do is be sure that no one’s gonna caught you invading SHINee’s dorm because that will surely ignite a scandal.

You have classes at 12 pm so you have all the time to help him and make sure that he will send himself to their schedule properly. Wasting no time, you get yourself together and ride a cab to their dorm.

48356. You carefully press the code to the door and push it lightly as it opens. You survey the whole living area and confirm that Onew’s probably still sleeping in his room.

“Oppa…” You call out while approaching the closed door of Onew’s room. You knock two times. No answer. You knock again. Still no response. “Oppa… Key-oppa said I should wake you up for the schedule.” You understand why Key asked you to go there. Onew’s the type to wake up really late when no one’s around to wake him up. Calling him up is not enough, he puts his phone in silent mode and puts it away from him when sleeping.

You try revolving the knob to realize the door isn’t locked. You gently push the door to create minimal noise. “Oppa~” You enter just your head and look at the sleeping Jinki on the bed with the blanket covering his entire body – including his face. “Lee Jinki.” You call again this time louder. You don’t want to enter his room because it will be called invading. Yes you have the relationship but that doesn’t mean you can do just whatever you want without his permission. You still set limits to each other which make everything exciting and new to the both of you. “I am a sasaeng ~ I’m here to steal kisses from you so you should wake up~” You whisper loudly joking. He doesn’t even move an inch.

You have no choice but to enter his room and aim towards him on the bed. Inspecting for a while, you poke him under his blanket – turns out it’s his arm. “Hey, Oppa.” You lean down still poking his arm with your index finger. You look so awkward standing there and you suddenly get nervous that Onew is probably just wearing nothing on the inside. “It’s time to wake up now. You have schedule at 11:30.” You say.

“I don’t want…” Onew suddenly talks and flips his body over to the other side. You don’t know if he recognizes it is you but you are sure he probably thinks he is just hearing something from his dream.

“Can’t be. You need to be up.” You feel kind of irritated because he is starting to be stubborn and act like a child. You reach for his shoulder and shake it a little hard.

“Hey, oppa~ You need to wake up. Come on.” You say as you are shaking him. He pays no response so you pull the blanket on his head so you can see his face that is against you. He is still closing his eyes and you sigh because you find it really hard to wake him up. “OPPAAA….” You say rather with conviction. “Oppa Oppa Oppa Oppa Oppa Oppa Oppa Oppa Oppa…” You start calling him continuously hoping it will irritate him. “Oh oh oh oh-ppareul saranghae~” Now you start the other way of waking him up.

You don’t expect him to suddenly turn around pulling you over so you immediately throw yourself into the bed with him. “YAAHH!!!” You say rather loud because you are very surprised and in panic of being in the bed with him.

“You’re noisy.” He utters and you look up to find his eyes still close as he smells your hair. His arms are tightly around you and his legs are also on top of you – making you unable to move and detach yourself to him. “Sleep with me. I’m still sleepy.” He utters with a sleepy voice.

You stay looking up at him because you suddenly fall in amusement as how beautiful Onew is a living creation. His hair is prettily messed up but you always know it’s good to touch. “How about the schedule later?” You ease down and find comfort in his arms so you don’t need to fight back anymore. He shakes his head and plants a gentle kiss on your forehead.

“Later. Let me have you with me for a while. You’ve been very busy for school lately. I can’t even call you often because you’re leaving me for your homeworks.”

“You should understand.” You answer. “And you’re as busy as well.”

“But at least I find time to see you, while you’re not.” You see him pout as he opens his eyes and looks down at you. “I know you need to study but… please… a little more time for me, honey?”

You nod and smile. “Alright.”

“Hmm… dear. I love you to be my pillow.” You frown upon hearing that and there’s no way you’re taking that as a compliment.

“What?! Am I that fat?!” You hit his chest only to realize that you’re touching his bare skin. You flinch and immediately detach yourself with him with all your might but he’s still too strong enough to stop you.

“Why?” He asks innocently while looking at you. “Did I do something wrong?”

“YOU ARE TOPLESS HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FEEL COMFORTABLE BEING WITH YOU ON THE BED?!!!” You are hysterical and you push him to let you get off of him. He chuckles when you completely regain your composure up off the bed. “I’m going to make you a quick breakfast so you better take a bath right now.” Without any other word, you march your way out the room while you still hear Onew chuckling.

You forget the possibility of him not wearing anything so you are really surprised when you accidentally touch his chest. You stand there at the counter catching for your breath as you fan yourself. You then look at your hand that just touched Onew’s chest just a while ago. You bitted your lower lip and shake your head. This is not the time for you to think about this stuff so stop.

You open the fridge to find anything to cook in there. There are eggs and some bacon on so you decide to take those and just fry them up for him. Quick enough so he can immediately eat after taking a bath. While frying, you take a mug to make him a cup of coffee – something that Onew always likes to have every morning.

Your mind flies to the future as you suddenly imagine him being your husband. You smile to yourself. A beautiful sight of a wife’s back who’s cooking something for her hubby.

You’re drawn into your imagination that you don’t even notice Onew walking towards you after a while. He just finishes taking a bath.

“How’s my baby doing over here?” You get immediate goosebumps over your back as you feel him hugging you from the back. He wraps his arms around your waist and rests his chin on your right shoulder. It’s a mixture of excitement and nervousness that you feel at the moment.

“I love you~” He softly whispers and you find it so weird that he’s acting like that suddenly.

“Oh the egg.” You say and go towards the stove completely leaving him. You hear Onew’s chuckle as you think he probably notices you avoiding him.

He walks over and steals the spatula away from you. “Let me do this.” He says and gathers the egg placing them on a plate. After gathering them, he turns off the stove and leaves the eggs just right there. He looks at you.

“What?” You say awkwardly as you unconsciously wonder on his body. He’s wearing a white tank top which obviously emphasizes his toned muscles and broad shoulders. You lurk around his body and found the curve forming as his chest bulks with his stomach being so flat right there. You unconsciously swallow.

“Babe.” Onew’s voice wakes you into the reality and you blink a lot of times while looking up at him. “Something wrong?”

“No.” You say and start walking the other way when Onew suddenly pulls you again into his arms wrapping you around him as you face him up.

“No, you’re not going away again. Why are you avoiding me?” He says as he looks deep into your eyes, as if targeting into your reading your mind, penetrating into your soul. “Why so stiff, ___-ah?”

“I’m not avoiding you.” You say and remove your gaze from him.

“Too late, I already read what’s on your mind.” He chuckles as he tilts your head up as he held your chin up. “I read every detail of what’s going in there.” He chuckles. You smell the toothpaste as he is talking to you real close. “And I want you to know I like what I just read.” He says.

“No.” That is the only word you can utter right now. You’re panicking, but you’re getting excited as well.

“No what?”

“I hate you.” You utter out of nowhere. “Stop teasing you and wear proper clothes now.”

“I don’t want. I honestly like the flustered look you have on your face. It’s turns me on.” Your eyes widen at the way Onew suddenly talks to you. He’s not like this. He is never like this until now.

“Stop it. You’re not helping.” You say almost whispering.

Instead of answering, Onew just looks at you and slowly approaches your lips. You suddenly feel so weak as your lips touch. It is tender – and very loving.

But it doesn’t end there. You automatically open your eyes when you feel his tongue your lips – as if trying to invade you inside. You don’t know what to do but you keep your mouth close.

It disappoints you when Onew breaks into the kiss. You follow his face but he just smiles. “Open up for me, please…” He says sweetly which melts you ultimately.

As he approaches you again, you start parting your lips a little and Onew’s tongue finally enters your mouth. You moan when your tongues meet in your mouth. He lurks inside you and you feel helpless, suddenly thankful that he’s holding you tight in his arms. You can’t help it so you just wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer to you.

You feel your stomach turning and your abdomen tightens abnormally. There’s a weird feeling on your body that you can’t describe, but one thing you’re sure about is that… you’re excited to have more from him.

The kiss is interrupted with a sudden noise. You are both shock that you both cut each other. It turns out that it’s an alarm coming from your phone.

“It’s 11 am already.” You utter and Onew flashes a very disappointed look.

You forget everything that happened a while ago because you suddenly feel that the both of you should be in a rush.

“Hey, _____-ah.” Onew calls as you suddenly start running around the house.

“You need to leave immediately, you should just each this while you’re driving. Come on, you’re going to be late, Key’s gonna kill me if you don’t arrive on the location on time.”

You push him out and he is at lost. “But we’re not done yet~” He utters with a naughty tone.

“Stop.” You say but he resists. He pulls you the same way again and looks into your eyes. “Hey, you are going to be late.” You say almost whispering.

“I’ll let you go now since I’ll be late and I think you’re not yet ready for this.” He utters. Voice hitting you on the spots that make you really weak. “If you want to guard yourself, then be sure we’ll never be alone together like this again.” He your hair rather seductively that you suddenly wish his schedule suddenly gets cancelled. “I promise I won’t let you slip off the next time.” He says as he whispers close to your ears – sending you bolts of electricity as you feel every hair on your body tensioning up.

A/N: Don't forget to leave me some comments. Love yah ~ *goes off to update safe and sound*

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eunteukonkeyxiumin #1
Chapter 4: How about a sequel for this? Sequel please author-nim!
TokkiLoveOnew #2
Chapter 2: THIS IS SO AYYYYYYYY <3 i love it!
Onew2HeaRa #3
Chapter 1: wow i love it seriously~
Chapter 2: Love it!!! :)
Chapter 1: Sooo cute! looking forward to more! :)
Chapter 4: Omg! Love this oneshot! Can you continue it? ><
Chapter 4: i thought this story will end beautifully. haha. poor Lee Jinki.
anyways, great story!!!