First Date

First Date

Taemin hadn’t slept for even a second the night before. His excitement for the next day had been so much that it was impossible for him to even catch a wink of sleep. All he did was rolling around on his bed and dreaming about scenarios that could happen the next day.

The not-sleeping-at-all bit might have not been a very good idea because the reflection that started back at him from the mirror was, in one word, horrifying. There were humongous dark bags, bigger than any he had ever seen, right under his lifeless, sleepy eyes. As if that wasn’t bad enough, a huge pink pimple protruded on the apple of his cheeks, God was not fair.

The boy had been dreaming about his first date with the guy of his dreams, his very own prince charming, who’ll sweep him off his feet, since the first day he realized that Onew was that guy. In his mind it had always been perfect. He had been in his best form, in every possible way. His twinkling eyes were perfect for the older to fall for their depth, his hair styled perfectly, waiting for his fingers to glide through them, his skin was smooth and supple for his touches and caresses, his lips full and pouty, ready to be kissed and the smile he sported was radiant and would light his whole face up. And Onew would fall for him instantly. But none of those were possible now, his date was doomed.

A small, hot tear slid down his cheek and he could do nothing but just hide his face behind his palms and sob. He let himself fall on the floor and propping up his knees against his chest, he hugged them, now hiding his face on his knees, his imperfect face with all its glory. He had dreamt so much about this day and it was all ruined now.

The thoughts of calling Onew to cancel the whole thing flitted across his mind and he was about to do so too but his inner voice stopped him.

‘Don’t lose this chance only because of these small obstacles, what if he thinks that you are trying to brush him off and then you won’t have your chance with him ever again.’

‘But what if he sees me like this and thinks that I’m not worthy of him? I’ll lose him anyway?’ He argued back. He didn’t realize that he had said it out loud; neither did he realize that there was a silhouette leaning against the door frame.


‘Who are you talking to TaeTae?’ The concerned voice of his brother and best friend made his head snap back up and it was too late before he tried to hide his face once again, trying to block the other’s view off his tear-stained face.

Key saw the other’s face and it broke his heart. He had always been a bit protective of this brother of his; after all after their parents left for the States without them, he had been the only guardian figure of the boy. More than brothers, they were best friends and shared every bit of each other’s lives. So, Key could imagine exactly why his brother had broken down. It definitely had to with his date with the Onew guy. But what was there to cry about? Just the night before he had been b with excitement and happiness and would not stop skipping around the house with a silly0old grin on his face.

Key sat down next to the younger and pulled him into his arms, ignoring the resistance the other was putting up. Though he looked skinny and feminine, Key was not frail. Rocking the sobbing figure back and forth he whispered,  

‘What’s wrong? Tell me and I’ll make it all better. Ne~’

The sobbing got louder.

‘No one can make it better Bummie. I have messed everything up and everything’s ruined now.’ The younger tried to pull himself away and hid his face under his palms. Key pried his hands off of his face and looked at him; he started to have inklings of the source of this sudden outburst. If the dark circles and the pimple were not enough evidence, the way the younger had tried to hide them was proof enough.

‘Pabo, are you crying because of this small matter?’

He smiled as Taemin stilled, with widened eyes he looked up, suddenly interested.

‘Y..You c..can fix th..this?’ He mumbled, hiccupping a little.

Key patted the younger’s head and got up.

‘Go get yourself cleaned up and wash your face. I’ll be back with my secret weapon, okay?’


Taemin was a bit lost but he believed in his hyung and stood up and went on to do what he was told to do. Although he had a doubt that how could this horrific state be reverse without magic, which isn’t supposed to be real, and Key was no wizard even if it was. But still anticipating Key’s so called secret weapon and hoped that it would work, he quietly washed up.

When he got out, Key still hadn’t come back so he just went and flopped down on his bed, spreading his arms on either side. He looked up at the roof and started to count the glow-in-the-dark stickers Key had bought for him. They were plastics, cut out in different alien shapes; it was actually quite cool and had taken his mind off of countless things, in countless nights. But it did nothing to calm him down today. He was just too worried about his date. It just had to be perfect.

‘Ta-dah, here we are.’ Key dramatically announced himself as he ran into the room, a not-so-small pencil bag held in his hand.

‘That’s your secret weapon? A pencil bag? What are you gonna do? Make tattoos with a sharpie or something?’ Taemin scoffed but then a sudden fear stiffened him. ‘You wouldn’t!’

Key just shook his head and went to sit down next to the younger boy and as soon as he sat down Taemin crawled away from him. He was still scared that his crazy hyung was really going to start drawing on his face. He was stopped by slender fingers wrapping around his albow and dragging him back.

‘Aish! Stay still and let me create a master piece.’ Key opened the zipper of the bag and carefully emptied it on the bed, in between them. Taemin could do nothing but gape at the content that cascaded out of the bag, They were all so…so colourful!

‘Makeup, hyung, you’re going to put makeup on me?’ He asked in a disbelieving tone. ‘Why do you even have these with you? We are men remember?’

Key chuckled and Taemin felt stupid, was he missing something here?

‘Pabo even men need to look good for their dates. Now don’t question me and let me make you look more beautiful…not that it’s even possible but for your sanity’s sake, I’ll try. Now stay still.’ He glared at the squirming figure, an opened bottle with a gooey liquid inside, ready in his hand.


Onew was standing outside his recently-confessed boyfriend’s apartment and to say that he was nervous would be the understatement of the millennium. He was literally shaking on the spot and his mouth was dry, even though he had gulped down a whole bottle of banana milk minutes before. He knew that the younger loved the drink, that’s why he’s training himself to like it too.

He patted down the shirt he was wearing for one last time and raised his fist to knock on the door, other hand holding onto a box of chocolates he had bought for his love, he hoped the other would like them. But before his hand reached the door, it suddenly flew opened and Onew stilled.

The opened door revealed a heaven-sent angle. Actually, from his point of view Taemin could easily compete with and win against any angle, any day, he looked gorgeous. From his silky hair to the gleaming shoes he was wearing, he was perfect.

‘Hyung, you look perfect.’ Taemin’s squeal brought him back to reality from his Taemin land and he smiled at the younger. ing the box of chocolates in front of him he mumbled,

‘Not as perfect as you though.’

‘Thanks hyung.’ The younger ignored the box instead leapt forward to wrap the older into a bear-hug.

‘You didn’t have to bring that, because I’m happy with having you. I want nothing else.’ And he planted a soft kiss on his lover’s face, which had turned red by now.

Maybe, just maybe, he would have his perfect first date after all. Thanks to Key hyung and his secret weapon.

‘I’m happy with just you too Taemin, even without all this, I love you just the way you are.’ His whisper was soft and maybe Taemin wasn’t meant to hear it but he did and his insides were filled with butterflies dancing around. Onew had noticed and he didn’t care. The thought made him grin like an idiot.

He was going to have the best date, not because of any makeup or anything but because it was with someone like Onew. He smiled and nuzzled his shy lover’s neck and traced a ‘Thank you’ with his nose. Yes, it indeed would be the best date.


So..umm..yeah, that's it :)

I'll add some y gifs to make up for the random one-shot LOL

Yes Onew we know that your hair makes y s.....

Taemin has the right role model it seems.....(good job dubu :P)

Once again..Jinki's hair..making ovaries burst since 1989....

They look so Y O.O gah~

That's al..bye now :)


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Chapter 1: OMO that was just so so adorable, I love it fantastic job, these two are just so perfect together, and so cute; and love the gifs. <3 <3
Chapter 1: lol here i am stalking ur fics heheheh good job..! :D
Chapter 1: cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 love the gifs and the drabble was adorable