After my today’s class, I went first to the mall and bought something for tonight Appa’s going to join me on dinner. I’m really excited because I have so many stories to tell him. Even Appa is always on the go; he makes sure he’ll listen to whatever I’m going to say. We are really close since it’s just the two of us that’s left. He gives me everything he thinks I need and want. Even if sometimes he tends to forget me, he makes it to the point that he’ll make up to me. Appa loves me that much. Actually, I’m scared if Appa’s not here with me. He dotingly calls me his princess.

I bought dessert; his favorite cheese cake. Omma used to bake cakes for us especially for him. I remember when I celebrated my 7th birthday, Omma made different cakes for me and oh, there were cupcakes too that were put around my three- layered cake. That’s why growing up, I kind of cheeky and round. My classmates would tease me “Ms. Piggy” and I would tell it to Omma then she eventually buy ice cream to make me feel better. I love “sweets” maybe that’s the reason why I’m sweet now. Keke~

After paying my purchased item, I hurriedly went to the car park where my loyal driver Mr. Eun is waiting. I sat on the passenger’s seat and turn on my iPod while thumping my fingers on my bag. I am not that excited, right? But TOO EXCITED! I was humming one of my favorite songs during the drive. It’s the song that my Omma used to sing to Appa then they would dance to it and kissed in front of me. I would scold them, telling them not to kiss in front of me since I’m still a BABY. And they will laugh then let me join in their sweet moments. My parents loved each other so much. They are very much in love. Sometimes, I ask myself, will I find a kind of love like that? Since most of the men that I know want me just because of my pretty face.

“Miss Dara, we’re already home” Mr. Eun woke me up. I felt asleep during the entire drive course.

“Neh, Mr. Eun. Thank you” I got up and went out of the car.

“Your Appa will be here in 30 minutes, Miss Dara” informed Mr. Eun.

“I can wait” I smiled at him “Ahhh, Mr. Eun, this is for you and for Joon-ie” Joon-ie is Mr. Eun’s youngest son who loves to eat cakes too.

“Thank you Miss Dara” he bowed “Bless your good heart! Joon-ie will be very happy again”

I smiled at him then I went upstairs to change. But when I saw how disordered my things are I forgot to do what’s my agenda there. I clean my messy room since Nanny Mina is busy preparing for the foods. I don’t want to disturb her or the other maids in tidying up my room. I don’t know for how long I did the “sanitizing” when I heard Appa’s car horn. I hurriedly moved and entered my bathroom and washed up. After some time, I picked out a nice dress from my walk- in closet and went down to greet Appa who’s sitting now on the dining table. He looked and smiled at me while extending his arms to give him a hug.

“Good evening, Appa” I hugged him tightly and kissed him on the cheeks.

“Good evening, my Princess” he let out a warm smile, “I missed you today”.

“I missed you too, Appa” I replied while taking the seat on his right side “You already left when I woke up”.

“I’m sorry, princess but I had an early appointment earlier” he apologized, “Oh, Mina, join us on the table”.

Nanny Mina and the rest of the household joined us in our sumptuous meal. We were exchanging stories and laughing on each joke. This is what I love about our home. We are a family. Even I am a bit mean and y in school, I really appreciate and love these people who at the beginning serve as our support system. Every day I thank God for giving me and my Appa such amazing persons in our lives. Nanny Mina, Boram and Ga Eul ahjummas, Yoo Jin unnie and Mr. Eun have been my guardian angels growing up so it wasn’t hard for me to accept the realities of life. I know that they have their own family and their family also is their reason why they took the responsibility of taking care of me and Appa. Nanny Mina has a daughter who lives with her cousin in Jeju. She just sends her daughter money for her allowance every weekend. Boram and Ga Eul ahjummas are sisters. They are old maids. They never got married because they promised to take good care of their late only brother’s daughter and son. Yoo Jin unnie is just 5 years older than me. Like the two ahjummas, she is helping her parents in supporting her younger siblings. Lastly, Mr.Eun, my loyal and supportive driver, has also a family of his own. He is a good husband to Min Kyung ahjumma and great father to Jenny, Shin and Joon.

I was really caught up in looking on their happy faces while we are sharing the good grace when suddenly Appa opened up about something for my birthday.

“So what do you want for your birthday, Princess?” inquired Appa who glanced at me at the same time.

“Appa, it’s too early to plan for my birthday. It’s almost two months away”. I answered

“I just want to make your 18th birthday memorable” he added “besides, when you’re Omma turned 18, she had this 18 roses and candles. She got the idea from the Philippine tradition that when a young lady turns 18, she will have this dance”.

‘Really?” my eyes were like coming out of my socket upon hearing what Appa told me.

“Really!” he exclaimed “I was her last dance, as a matter of fact so who will be your last dance in case you decide to have a grand birthday celebration?”

“No one” I whispered but clear enough for Appa and the rest to hear.

“So, there’s no one yet?” he eyed me like he is investigating about a crime I did not commit.

“Yep!” I proudly declared “there’s no one yet and I’m sure of that!”

“So that means I’m still the number one man in your life?”

“Of course and you will always be, Appa” I winked at him and he winked at me too.

“But what about that guy you used to have a crush on” Nanny Mina butted in “Where is he now?”

“You are crushing on someone?” Appa asked in bewilderment.

“Anio!” I denied, shaking my head “That was years ago, Nanny Mina, aigoo~” retaliated at her on how she brought up the past “I don’t know where is he now. He seems a bit snub though”.

“Someone snubbed my princess?” Appa unbelievably solicited “Aaah, he must miss half percent of his life”.

“That would be his regret, Appa” I seconded “he just let a beauty like this passed by into his life” I added which made Appa and the rest laughed at my silliness.


We continued our dinner until we are all full. Appa stood up first and told us that he have some paper works to be done in his room so he gave me a goodnight kiss then bids everyone good night. The ahjummas and Yoo Jin unnie help in cleaning out the table and washing the dishes while Mr. Eun goes home to check on his family that’s two block away from our house. Nanny Mina and I went upstairs to tidy up my room but shocked when she found out that it was already clean so she just closed the windows and doors, making sure that the burglars will not enter. When she was done, she notified me that she’ll be going down to have her rest.

I laid my back on my soft bed. I was in deep thoughts when I suddenly remember Jiyong’s note. I have to copy Mr. Jang’s topic earlier so I will pass his subject. I stood up and got my bag then took out his notebook which has a black cover with a dragon drawing on it. I sat in my study table and browsed the contents of it when I saw some drawings and names on the next succeeding page particularly on the back page. I flipped in the pages and distinguished what were all his drawings about.

“This is ME!” I said to myself “Omo! My face is all over this page. My Angel, Sandara Park” I read one of the few phrases “Lonely Sandara Park, Sweet Sandara Park, Mad Sandara Park” I continued. He has so many drawings of my face and showing my different emotions. This guy is unbelievable. But I admit, I smiled in each description of me that he knows. I just can’t imagine someone who I don’t really know very well can see the real me.

“Kwon Jiyong, since when did you start doing this?” I asked in a murmuring manner while lying in my bed again. “Kwon Jiyong. Kwon Jiyong, you sneaky Kwon Jiyong” and I smirked upon mentioning his name when she remembered a certain event.



Dara climbed down on her Dad’s red BMW. She locked its door by using the remote control key. She was walking in the parking lot of his Dad’s Company. It was a not so tall building and it has been standing there way before she even born. She was admiring the structure of it when suddenly a bicycle showed up in between the parked SUV and van. The rider seems like made his shortcut that’s why she didn’t see it coming. It almost hit her if he wasn’t alert enough to use the brakes.

“Whaaaaat?!” she confronted the boy who was biking. He was wearing a denim jacket, white T-shirt, ragged jeans and sneakers. A sling bag was hanging on his shoulder.

“This is not a playground! Don’t play here because you’ll cause accident here!” she angrily told him “Show me your face, now!”

The boy stopped biking and turned to her. His brows arching while looking intently at her.

“Jiyong?” she voiced out. But she was still mad and really got madder when he didn’t even say sorry “What are you still doing there? Get your bike out of my way!” she waited for him to move but he didn’t obey “I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE!”

“Do you really have to shout, Miss Park? You can ask me properly” he finally uttered.

“What if I don’t want to?” she brushoff.

He crooked from left to right side. “Okay” he sighed and whispered. He looked at her again and glared on what she looked like, “Forgive me, your highness if I blocked your way”, he backed off his bicycle “You can pass now, princess” he sarcastically said.

“Tch!” she passed by him and gave him a deadly glare.

Since that day Jiyong never gets close to her. She, on the other hand, realized her mistake but everytime she remembered how Jiyong never said sorry to her, she ended up getting mad at him. She thinks that up to now, he is annoyed of her.

“But why did he draw all of these?” Dara tossed her blanket “Did this mean that he already forgives me? Are those smiles of him to mine mean that he already forgot that incident?”

She went to her study table again to copy his notes. After jotting down, she spent minutes of thinking if he already disremembered that day. She decided to sleep when she finally thought of talking to him tomorrow.

“That would be great since I don’t want to lose on our bet. Mine as well make the move” she smiled when she recall her and Jessica’s deal. She turned off the lights and she’s off to her dreamland.

crappy and boring update........

my first time, really :)

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Chapter 6: Oh Dara please stop the bet becoz your going 2 regret it too,please don't hurt Jiyong he's very good 2 be hurt.
Chapter 5: Kyyyyyaaaaaa!!! They go in a lunch date!!!
Chapter 4: Thank you soooooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ Authornim please please update moooooorrrrrrreeeeee (^-^)v I really really want 2 read the next chapter !!! Fighting \(^o^)/

Dara,Jiyong really like u so don't hurt him.