Beautiful life!


When the university's gate open,the whole new world open up too: new school,new teacher,new dorm,new friends,new love, life! And that also mean i have to leave my family, take care of myself, resolved my own problem. Alone! Maybe everything won't be like what i expected, but i will not gonna give up! My beautifull life is waiting forward!


Ah,this is the first time i write a fanfic and English aren't my mother tongue 

I really have no experience in writing fic so please ignore my mistakes

i'll try my best to make a good story

Thank you! =]


80 subscribers?!?! OH MY GAH!!! *le faint*


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T.h.a.n.k.s, y.o.u d-i-s-r-e-s-p-e-c-t t.r.a.n.s.l.a.t.o.r :)))))))
GauXingg #2
Chapter 2: I r.e.a.l.l.y l-i-k-e y.o.u.r fic =)))))))))
Don't worry, i will stick to the plot, just change some details :>
Thank you so much for reading my fic <3
Chapter 9: I think the story is good and you dont have to change things.
If you change something, please not too much. :D
Chapter 9: Oh I like it the way it is but if you want to I won't ask you not to but please don't change it too much. :)
SaRixoxo2PM #6
Chapter 9: It's already really really good in my opinion....♡♥♡
K-pop1017 #7
Chapter 9: Come on can you please continue?
Chapter 8: Wufan dumbfounded!! Gyaaaaaaa!!! Taoris!! And gyaaaaaaaa KaiSoo!!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 7: AAAAAAA!! Cute ChenMin!!! And a little hope at Jongin and Kyungsoo's mention
And cute Jongin is cute!!
Chapter 7: So cute chenmin i love that cute otp and omg what's going to happend between baekyeol and omg taoris