They Meet Again

All of Me


JaeJoong POV

Before I had got to ___________'s house I had called her cell and told her that I was almost there. She told me that they both went to the food market to buy some groceries so that she could cook some lunch because she was having a guess over. __________ didn't want to tell me who this person was but, she told me to let myself in and that they would be there in fifteen minutes. As I got comfy on the couch I was looking at one of ___________'s photo album. ___________ loves to take pictures, she would randomly point her camera lenses at a scenery that she said hold its own story. Or else she would take shots of random people because she says that the camera can tell how someone really is.

But what surprised me the most when I was flipping through the photo album I saw a picture of myself. I didn't know when she took the photo but I'm pretty sure it was the day that we went to the beach with our friends. In the picture was just about to throw a frisbee. "What is this doing here?" I ruffle with my hair try to determine why my photo was in her album.

Ding Dong

"Oh, they are home already," I quickly put the photo album away. ___________ don't like it when I rummage through her belongings, but she tends to find her way looking through my stuff as well. Once  ___________ was looking through my backpack and she found a love letter that I had gotten from this one girl. She had confessed to me in the letter, I was planning to give the girl her letter back and tell her that I wasn't look for a relationship but the girl didn't show to school. Once __________ had read the letter she was on my case because I didn't say yes. I told her that the girl wasn't my type, I wanted to say "I rejected her because I love you, and only you," but I didn't have the courage and didn't want to ruin our friendship. Then she try to threaten me with her glare, but it don't work on me. She wanted me to reply back to the girl and say that I would just like to one date and will see how it goes after it. I said that I wasn't going to do as she say because she don't follow her own advice. With that she let it go but once in a while she would still bring the letter up.

Aaron POV

I had a huge smile, thinking about seeing __________ made me all jumpy inside. But as the door opened my smile slowly faded.

"JaeJoong long time no see, what are you doing here?" my smile was long gone by now.

"The question is what are you doing so far from home Ahya?" he replied, looking annoyed just by seeing my face.

"This is my girlfriend’s house, I just came for a visit," I smirked, and then a smile formed on my face, "by the way I don't go by that name anymore, it's too childish. Just call me Aaron."

"Awe yes, your that Aaron, ___________'s so called boyfriend," JaeJoong snarled, "she don't talk about you much, but I could see why she never mention you."

"Thank you, you were always a bad liar, now I know that my good looking charms brought me luck once again." I smiled I could see what I said hit him hard. For some reason I thrive on his anger. He stepped closer to me, we were inches away from each other.

"Well, well you're still as conceited and annoying as ever," JaeJoong said more calm now. He knew I was trying to hit a nerve.

"I see you could finally got your temper under control," I smirked, know I stepped closer to him.

Your POV

", this is not good," I murmured under my breath. As Sunmi and I arrive to my house I saw that JaeJoong and Aaron were face to face. JaeJoong looks really pissed of, while Aaron just had a smirk on his face. I could see that Aaron is trying to instigate JaeJoong.

"Ahya!" Sunmi yelled while getting out of the car, I think that she had sensed the tension between the two too, "what are you doing here?"

"Wait! What! You guys knew each other?" I exclaimed just as I got out of the car, "Kim JaeJoong how come you didn't tell me?"

"Well, back when we were little he used to be called Ahya, not Aaron," JaeJoong said ruffling his hair.

"Well since you guys already know each other already so no needs for introductions," I
walked towards my car and opened the trunk. I motioned Aaron over and gave him the groceries.

"Thanks," I whispered.

"No problem, beautiful," Aaron murmured back holding my hand for a second. I blushed and closed the trunk. As we walked to towards the door I noticed that Sunmi and JaeJoong had already went inside.

"Hold on a sec," I went inside to see Sunmi watching the TV, "where's JaeJoong?"

"Oh, he went to the bathroom," Sunmi replied not looking away from the TV.

"Well me and Aaron is going to go for a walk so that you guys can talk okay," I said grabbing my jacket from the couch.

"_____________, do you love Aaron?" Sunmi looked at me with her serious face.

"I might eventually fall in love with him," I answered her honestly. As I walked out the door I said, "talk to JaeJoong okay."

"Okay, I will," she answered with a worried look on her face. But I wasn't sure of why she made that look. As I got out side I put on my jacket because it had gotten kind of windy. I walked to Aaron and he held out his hand.

"Where are we going?" he asked swinging our linked  hands back in forth.

"Just for a walk, I wanted to give them some time to talk with each other, so they can work things out between them," I included with a smile on my face. This feeling when ever I'm with Aaron is warm and comfy, when was dating Jiyong I had always felt insecure and nervous but with Aaron it was different. Aaron makes me nervous because I never know what he's going to do next. As we were walking Aaron asked if I wanted to sit on the beach and talk in a bit and I said yes. As Aaron sat down I sat on the opposing side.

"What, are you scared I might try something?" he said as he motioned me over. I blushed and move to sit next to him, we were quit and the awkwardness grew filling in our silence. I turned my head about to say something because the quietness was making me nervous, but as I did that Aaron also turned to face me. Our lips brushed against each other. We froze a bit but then I move away. I was blushing really hard and I didn't feel that cold anymore. I was avoiding Aaron's gaze but then he turned my head and made me face him. Our eyes locked for a moment, Aaron cupped my checks leaned closer to me, closing his eyes. I closed my eyes and leaned forward. As our lips touch I my hands were now at his neck know. We shared a long and passionate kiss, as the kiss grew deeper I felt as if everything around me had disappeared. I just felt the warmth of Aaron's touch and nothing else. I wished that the time could freeze and stay like this. As we pulled away for air we were panting, I could see Aaron blushing. I could feel that our awkwardness we had earlier disappeared. After our kiss we talked with each other as if we had known each other our entire life. We talked about our futures, school, talked about things we like to eat, where he lived before he transferred to Shek, he asked me how I knew Jaejong, and with hat we lost track of time. We had so much fun talking to each other we didn't notice on how dark it had gotten. As we headed back to my house we just continued talking holding each others hand.

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Chapter 6: Nice story! Keep the update
kpop4u #2
Cool story! update
like it so far. keeping typing i want to read more.
DBSKAngel011 #4
poor jaejoong
DBSKAngel011 #5
luv jaejoong ^^ things are going to get interesting
DBSKAngel011 #6
like this so far, poor jaejoong
I think that it is promising and that you at least possess the ability to write in coherent english =.= The foreword sounds exactly like a blurb and it's done well. I like the way you left the question hanging there. However, I'm not a fan of writing the character's personality first, then it will be harder for you to continue the story later, you will have to 'fit' the character's personality in. Then there is no space for the character's growth throughout the fanfic.
darkchocolate #8
great chapters!!!<br />
Arron!!!<br />
Jaejoong!!<br />
love both of them :)
good start :)