The Date w/ Aaron

All of Me


Your POV

I had woken up and it was already 7:30, I hurried to get dressed. I looked out side to see if my parents had left, they had, but I notice that there was another car there, parked next to my car. I went outside to see who the car belong to, it looked familiar. That's when I knew that it was JaeJoong's car. He got out of his car and I went to hug him and started crying all over again.

"What’s the matter?" JaeJoong asked wiping my tears away.

" weren' friend...any...more," I cried between sobs.

"Who said that I won't be your friend anymore," JaeJoong asked, flashing me his amazing bright smile. Then he held out his hand and I looked at him confused.

"Come on if we make it in time we'll get some ice-cream," I took his hand and he squeezed it. I felt a warm tingly feeling in my stomach.

I smiled to myself "thank you JaeJoong for not leaving me. I wanted to ask JaeJoong about yesterday but I don't want to ruin the mood.

 "I'll ask him tommorrow" I thought, hoping I won't forget.

Aaron POV

After school I waited for _____________ to come out of the classroom.

"Hey beautiful,” I said putting my arms around her shoulder.

"I don't think so" ___________ said pushing my hand away from her shoulder "and don't call me that."

I ignored her, "So beautiful where do you want to go?"

"I told you not to call me that!" ____________ said sounding a little annoyed, walking ahead of me.

"Why can't I call you beautiful when you are beautiful," I exclaimed seeing __________ blush and turn away "By the way you look very cute when you blush"

"So where are we going I'm kind of hungry?" ____________ said trying to change the subject.

"Hummh I know a great place for us to eat. It’s a Taiwanese restaurant." I included.

"Hummh I never tried Taiwanese food before," I laughed at what I heard.

"Well, you’re going to love it, because I know I do," I said during short laughs.

"Well today well be my first day trying it then,” she replied.

"___________ you’re on weird girl. That's a  reason I like you. Once I found out that you and Kwon JiYong broke up I gather up all my courage and asked you out," I walked ahead and walked to open the door for ____________.

Your POV

When I heard that my heart skipped a couple of beats. I stood there frozen still rewinding what I had just heard in my head. Aaron walked ahead to his car and opens the door for me.

"Awe he is such a gentleman," I thought to myself as I got in his car "What are you saying remember this guy is just trying to make you fall for him. He is the same kind as Kwon JiYong," I thought arguing with myself "but maybe he's different...."

"Is something wrong ___________?" Aaron said cutting off my train of thought.

"Oh it's nothing, just lost in my own thought," I replied.

As we got to the Taiwanese restaurant a girl waitress came and took us to our table, handing us menus. I notice that she was staring at Aaron for a second too long.

"I'm Junsu, if you need anything just call me up okay," the waitress, said touching Aaron's arm before she left to go.

"Keep your hands to yourself, don't you see that he's here on a date with me," I almost blurted out but I stopped my self.

"___________, why are you getting mad for he’s not your boyfriend, this is only a one time thing, never going to happen again," I told myself feeling depressed.

"What would you like?" Aaron asked as he motioned the to the same waiter who had stared  and touch him earlier.

"What can I get you?" Jinsu asked giving him a smile that say, "Come on baby, ditch that loser girlfriend of yours and let go have some real fun."

"Can I get the Oamisuann with the Pearl Milk Tea and make Oamisuann extra hot" Aaron answered.

“Oh and by the way that’s slender noodles with oysters,” Aaron told me.

"I'm right here on this date with you but why are you flirt with this petite waitress," I shouted in my head, while my face turned bright red.

"Oh, I see you like it hot huh?" the petite Jinsu exclaimed sounding a little too happy.

Yep, super hot, I just can't get enough," Aaron laughed.

"Ahem!” I coughed stopping there conversation.

"What can I get you ma'm," Jinsu asked annoyed.

"I'll get the Oamisuann and pearl milk tea without the pearls," I blurted out angrily. As Jinsu left with our menus I gave Aaron the cold shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Aaron asked but I didn’t bother to reply. Aaron scooting his chair closer to me and put his hands on top of mine, which were on the table. I quickly moved my hands and put them on my lap.

"Did I do anything wrong?" Aaron confusingly asked. I ignored his question but I could feel his eyes on me. Which gave me shivers down my spine.

"Will I'm supposed to be your date and you’re like freaking flirting with that petite waiter. While I'm here looking like a total loser," I snarled out, before I could stop myself. I covered my mouth before anymore could come out.

"Oh, I see what's wrong you’re jealous." Aaron laughed out.

"____________ you don't have to be jealous your the most beautiful girl here," Aaron said as our food arrived.

I was blushing, not daring to gaze up to Aaron and just began eating my noodles slowly. As I took a sip from my drink I saw Aaron getting one of my oysters from my bowl. I tried to stop him but my reaction was just too slow.

"Eat your own oysters," I pouted.

"But yours look more delicious, beautiful," Aaron replied while I was hovering over my bowl with my hands.

"Don't call me that, and another thing we have the same Oamisuann. It’s  just that yours is super hot," I countered sticking out my tongue.

"Hey look they're fighting over there," I lied while I was pointing to the direction behind Aaron. As he turned around I stole one of his oysters. Aaron turned back to face me just right when I put his oyster in my mouth. I started choking because it was extremely spicy.

"Are you okay?" Aaron laughed while giving me my milk tea, "can I get water over here?” he asked one of the waiters walking by.

"How could you eat this?" I asked while the waiter brought me water.

"I could of have died from that." I said drinking a big gulp of water while Aaron just laughed at me.

"Hey, stop laughing it wasn't funny," I said turning pink from the spiciness. Aaron wouldn't stop laughing, the people in the restaurant starting stare, I tried to pinch his arm but he kept on scooting his chair away from me.  I scooted closer to Aaron and we were now about five inches from each other and then I gave him a peck on his cheek, he finally stopped laughing and just sat there in shock.

"My plan worked...yes!" I thought, but then I felt a weird feeling. I turned to look at Aaron to see him looking at me with such a serious look on his face.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked getting my mirror from my purse to see if I have anything on my face.

"Here let me help you," Aaron said grabbing a napkin and gently wiping off what ever that was on my face. I felt my face get very hot.

"Thank you," I said backing away way from but I could feel Aaron leaning closer to me and closing his eyes. I felt my eyes closing unconsciously. We were inches away from each other and I pushed my chair back.

"Sorry," Aaron said not looking at me. After that there was a very long uncomfortable silence.
When we finished and left to pay I took out some money but Aaron said no and paid instead. On the ride to my house the atmosphere between us was still awkward. We came to a stop, but I never noticed because I was lost in my own thoughts.

"___________," I heard Aaron say as turned to look at him.
"About earlier, can we try it one more time?" I didn't know what to say half of me is saying yes and the other half is saying no.

"Oh, it's okay beautiful we could kiss whenever you’re ready," Aaron said while getting out and opening the door for me just like a gentlemen.

"Let me walk you to your door," Aaron asked.

"It's okay it's getting dark so you better get going," I answered. But I guess Aaron didn't hear me. He grabbed my hand and started dragging me toward my house. As we got to my door I was about to go inside but Aaron stopped me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey!" I yelled as Aaron ran off to his car. I went inside and leaned on the door behind me touching my cheek, where he had kissed me.

"Dang that Aaron," I said with a small smile on my face.


*Finally finished with my third chapter hope you enjoy…CMMENT&SUBSCRIBE please…thank you. I would also like to thank DBSK_CASSIE for my poster…thanks I love it. (*_*)

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Chapter 6: Nice story! Keep the update
kpop4u #2
Cool story! update
like it so far. keeping typing i want to read more.
DBSKAngel011 #4
poor jaejoong
DBSKAngel011 #5
luv jaejoong ^^ things are going to get interesting
DBSKAngel011 #6
like this so far, poor jaejoong
I think that it is promising and that you at least possess the ability to write in coherent english =.= The foreword sounds exactly like a blurb and it's done well. I like the way you left the question hanging there. However, I'm not a fan of writing the character's personality first, then it will be harder for you to continue the story later, you will have to 'fit' the character's personality in. Then there is no space for the character's growth throughout the fanfic.
darkchocolate #8
great chapters!!!<br />
Arron!!!<br />
Jaejoong!!<br />
love both of them :)
good start :)