Part 2~

Take me far, far away~

The pair walked across the soft sand, each with their hand in the other. Yesung was running while Ryeowook scuffled behind him trying to keep up. “We’re nearly there.” Yesung assured. Ryeowook didn’t say anything and kept blushing at the hand which was still gripping his tight. It was a rocky path-way until they finally reached the top of a rocky cliff with a small village and further away a sandstone castle. Yesung looked back at Ryeowook and Ryeowook stared at the bridge before the two. “Do you see this bridge? You have to hold your breath. That way nobody will notice you're a human.” explained Yesung. Ryeowook nodded and looked at the wooden structure and prepared to hold his breath.   Yesung led the tiny boy across the bridge until they reached the other side with the village. “Yesung? Where are we going?” Ryeowook asked. “Shhhhh. I’m taking you to my place.” Yesung said. Ryeowook still keeping a grip at Yesung’s hand stayed quiet. The people bowed endlessly at Yesung. “Welcome back your majesty.” They greeted. Even the animals too. There were different magical creatures living here. Ryeowook was also really sure that he saw a unicorn somewhere. Your majesty? What is Yesung? “Yesung what-?” Ryeowook remembered to keep quiet and not ask too many questions. They kept walking through the colourful bunch of people and creatures. They reached the sandstone castle and Yesung kept on leading Ryeowook towards the entrance. “Yesung? Do you live here?” Ryeowook asked. Yesung smiled and nodded.


They entered the divine building. It was adorned with beautiful decorations, rugs and crystal chandeliers. “Its so pretty.” Ryeowook said as he looked all around him. A few girls (Who were assumedly his maids) walked up to Yesung and greeted him. “Welcome home Yesung.” They sung in harmony. “Who’s the human?” One of them asked curiously. “He’s my little secret. Promise not to tell my mother for now okay?” Yesung answered. One of the girls next to her eyed him with jealousy. “Why are you keeping him? Why not give him to Siwon-ssi?” questioned the girl. Yesung gritted his teeth angrily. “How dare you suggest a thing like that!” Yesung growled. “Whatever.” The girl scoffed and walked away. Ryeowook watched as the other girls followed on. “Yoona! Wait up!” They called and ran after her. “Yesung.... who’s Siwon?” Ryeowook asked. “You don’t need to know about him now. I’ll take you to my chambers okay?” Yesung cooed. Ryeowook nodded and followed. They walked up to a huge doorway and Yesung gestured him to enter. “Come on.” He said. Ryeowook walked in and gasped. “It’s beautiful.” He observed the probably really expensive pieces of furniture and wonderful view from the balcony and windows. “Sit down.” Yesung suggested. Ryeowook nodded and proceeded to sit down on a huge armchair situated near the middle of the huge room. “Ryeowook, that’s your name right?” Yesung asked. “Yes.” Ryeowook replied looking down at his feet. “What brought you here to Paralía?” Yesung asked. “The rabbit hole.” Ryeowook answered.  “I know.” Yesung said, “But why?” Ryeowook remembered how he thought there was a rabbit in the burrow and blushed at his stupidity. “I thought there would be a bunny rabbit in there. We have lots in Britain.” Ryeowook replied sheepishly. Yesung laughed at how adorable Ryeowook was when he blushed. Yesung ruffled Ryeowook’s soft locks of brown hair and smiled. “You're dirty from crawling through the burrow, you should take a bath.” Yesung suggested. “Mmm. Okay.” Ryeowook smiled and got off the couch. “Where do I go?” Ryeowook questioned. “The room is over there.” directed Yesung. “I’ll take you.” He grabbed Ryeowook’s hand and walked. Ryeowook tripped and fell onto Yesung. “Ahhhh!” Ryeowook screamed. He got up and looked for Yesung and saw under the bunch of clothes was a small turtle.


“Yesung is that you?” He picked up the small creature in his hands. “I’m so sorry.” Ryeowook cried (he's so sensitive) while wiping a tear from his face. “It’s okay.” Yesung squeaked peculiarly, “This only happens sometimes. I’ll change back soon.” Ryeowook looked at the turtle in his hands and smiled while stoking the shell on its back.  Ryeowook thought Yesung was cute like this and didn’t really mind anymore. “Oh, the bath!” Ryeowook walked into the bathroom and saw the tub in the room. Seeing it there he the faucets and watched as it filled with steaming water. He stripped out of his clothes forgetting that Yesung was there watching his every move. Yesung slowly crawled into the room behind the tub (he couldn’t move very fast because he was a turtle) Ryeowook stepped into the bath and relaxed himself. Yesung watched Ryeowook with his beady little eyes ( A/N: Cause he’s a creeper like that) and gaped at how beautiful and innocent Ryeowook was. Could this be? Yesung crawled a little too close to the edge of the tub and fell in, the water changing him back to his human form. Ryeowook shrieked and tried to hide away his pink cheeks and Yesung cursed himself for being stupid and got caught spying. What made it worse was that Yesung was already , his clothes being left behind in the other room. “I’m sorry.” Yesung stuttered. “It’s alright I guess” Ryeowook sighed, enjoying the feeling of the water on his milky white skin. For some odd reason he enjoyed Yesung’s company. And being the innocent and naive child he is, he didn’t see any problem sharing a bath with Yesung.  Yesung still stared at Ryeowook’s cute features. His face his jaw line and his prominent collarbones. He never felt this way about a person before, especially a boy. Ryeowook noticed Yesung staring and immediately felt shy. Yesung noticed the child’s shyness and looked away. “Yesungie?” Ryeowook whispered. Yesung felt his cheeks burn at the new nick-name. “I... I think we should get out now” Ryeowook said. “Okay...” Yesung replied.


They carefully stepped out of the tub and wiped themselves dry with a fluffy towel. Ryeowook suddenly hugged Yesung and surprised Yesung but then smiled and embraced the tiny body in his arms. “Thank you for keeping me here Yesungie.” Ryeowook buried his face in Yesung’s still bare chest. He smiled at the boy in his arms and replied, “No problem. I have to protect you so you go back home safely.”  Ryeowook felt sad as he remembered he still had his parents and sister to go back to in London.  “Yesungie... couldn’t you, maybe come with me to London?” Ryeowook suggested hoping the older would agree. Yesung buried his head in Ryeowook’s hair to take in the scent. “Ryeowook... I wish I could.... but I can’t, I don’t even know who I am anymore.” Yesung sighed. Ryeowook felt crushed, knowing that he couldn’t disagree. “I used to live in the human world. My real mother abandoned my beside that rabbit hole. I was eight years old that time. I wasn’t even sure what she was doing. Before I knew it, she left and it started to rain. I went into the hole for shelter but I somehow ended up here. The queen took me in and gave me the name Yesung but I used to have another name that I can’t even remember. It was my real name but I’m not even sure who I was...” Yesung stared out the window looking at the blue sea and the fractured moonlight on the surface. It was dark and the ocean rippled reflecting the stars that shone brightly on the sky. “I’ll help you. I’ll help you find yourself. If that means you can come with me.” Ryeowook cried onto Yesung’s shirt and held his face against the elder’s tightly. “I want you to come with me. I don’t know why but I really like you Yesung... when I saw you at the beach and I...” Ryeowook sobbed and found it hard to speak. “Ryeowook... you’re so naive. Even if I could, where would I start?” Yesung explained. “Ryeowook, don’t cry. I don’t like it.” Yesung his hair gently and pulled him onto the enormous mahogany bed “You’re tired. Go to sleep” He gently covered Ryeowook with the soft quilts. Yesung gazed into Ryeowook’s innocent eyes and run a finger on the soft skin of his arm. Yesung started to walk away startling Ryeowook. “Yesungie, where are you going?” Ryeowook squeaked. “I’m going sleep on the couch n the corner, so you have room.” Yesung stated. “No, please stay with me.” Ryeowook pouted. “Okay” Yesung slipped under the sheets next to Ryeowook. “Yesungie....” Ryeowook whispered so quietly that you could almost hear a pin drop. “I think I love you” Ryeowook yawned and slowly drifted off to sleep. “I think I love you too.” Yesung whispered back and kissed the younger’s forehead. Knowing that they we’re still too young and so quick to say, he knew that he loved Ryeowook and was willing to keep him a secret from the rest of Paralia. “I’ll miss you when you leave and I’ll always remember you.” Yesung cooed inside Ryeowook’s ear. “Promise you’ll never forget me, and you’ll come back soon.” Yesung sighed as he felt a tear fall down his cheek and fell asleep.


I still have another 2 or so parts to go ^^ I don't know why but I like Yewook's young love. They're so innocent and adorable. -squeals-

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