Part 3~

Take me far, far away~

Yesung’s eyes fluttered open as the sunlight shone through the crisp white curtains draping over the windows. His arms protectively wrapped around Ryeowook’s waist. He gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead and nuzzled his face in the crook of Ryeowook’s neck. “So it is true...” Yesung sat up sharply at the voice of his mother, The Queen. “Mother...” Yesung gasped with surprise, he looked at Ryeowook who was still sleeping peacefully in his arms unaware of the current event. “How did you find...” The Queen gracefully walked over closer to the bed where the two boys lay. “Yoona told me.” She stated with the smoothest voice. “He shouldn’t be here honey.” That snitch... Yesung made a note to never trust the girl again. “Don’t touch him; I can’t take him back yet!” Yesung cried. “The portal is already open. Why not?” The Queen asked. “Because...” Yesung trailed off trying to find the reason why he wanted Ryeowook to stay. That’s right, I love him... Yesung thought. “Please.” Yesung whispered, starting to feel tears forming in his eyes. The Queen giggled, her voice echoing through the large room. “My son, you’re so quick to fall in love. Alright one week, after seven days, he must leave for good.” Yesung light Ryeowook’s soft cheek. He looked up to his mother getting ready to leave the room. She opened the door and looked back at Yesung. “I understand...” Yesung replied as his Mother walked out of the room. “Seven days Ryeowook... Seven days for us to be together.


Ryeowook woke up and drew the sheets close to him. “Yesung?” He looked around to see his turtle boy was not here. “Yesung?” He called out again. Ryeowook walked up to the bathroom door. “Please let him be there.” He hoped, and took a deep breath. He opened the large door and sighed in relief when he saw the blonde boy sitting in the tub. “Yesung” Ryeowook smiled. Yesung sat up sharply and blushed when he saw Ryeowook standing at the doorway. Ryeowook innocently tilted his head to the side not knowing why Yesung’s face was all red. Still not knowing he walked up to Yesung and pecked him shyly on the lips. “Thank you for finding me.” Ryeowook said as he put his arms around Yesung. “I’m glad I found you.” Yesung cooed and kissed Ryeowook’s pink cheeks. Ryeowook leaned in too far and fell straight into the tub with a huge splash “Oh my gosh! Yesung?” He desperately looked around and giggled when he saw the turtle floating on the surface of the water.


The Queen sighed as she sat in the throne room. “The poor boy is probably missing his parents.” She thought.  There was a knock on the door. “Come in.” She said. One of the maids walked in. “Yoona, What are you doing here?” She asked. “Your highness, Is the meddlesome parasite of Yesung’s gone?” Yoona questioned with sourness in her voice. “Nope.” The Queen simply replied. “What! I mean, why?” Yoona squealed. “I want my son to be happy and no-one will object my decisions for that to happen.” The Queen stated firmly. Yoona gritted her teeth with anger and stormed out of the room. She knew just who to call. She walked through the hallways with a sinister smirk on her face Looks like Siwon needs a new servant... Maybe I should help him...


Ryeowook sat on the bed waiting for Yesung. Yesung said he’d take him out to the beach and he was so excited.”Ryeowook let’s go” Yesung called. Ryeowook jumped for joy and ran over to Yesung to give him a hug. He looked at Yesung from head to toe. Perfect... Ryeowook smiled and took Yesung’s hand into his own.  It has only been two days and the two have been head over heels for each other. The two boys skipping down the stairs giggling with each other just like Ryeowook’s sister Agnes. Ryeowook face instantly dropped “Agnes...Mum....Dad...” Ryeowook found himself trailing off. “Ryeowook?” Yesung lifted Ryeowook’s chin so he could look at his face. “Please stay with me a bit more, I love you” Yesung pulled him into his arms. “Okay.” Ryeowook replied, melting in the warm embrace. “I love you too.”


I know it’s too short... But I was a lazy ^__^  Plus I think I need to update my other 2 fics :D

Check them out

Yewook: Comedy &

Kyuwook: Sci-fi Fantasy

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