Part 1~

Take me far, far away~

“All Aboard!” shouted the train-man. It was 1945 in London city. Ryeowook sat in the carriage with the snack kiosk. Why would they have a cafe in a train, if the train was moving fast wouldn’t everything just topple over? Ryeowook was silently eating his scone with blueberry jam. They’ve never had these in Korea. Ryeowook thought as he munched away at his treat. Ryeowook, being a ten year-old little boy, had quite the sweet tooth; he loves chocolates and cakes like every other little boy on the planet. (You’d be lying if you said didn’t like them) Since he moved away from Korea because of his new Father (who was born and raised in Britain) he missed his old friends and found it a bit hard to adapt to his new surroundings (They don’t even take their shoes off when they enter the house! What is this?). He wished he could have a friend who was from Korea. Someone who was easy to talk to.  He has a step-sister named Agnes; she’s kind but sometimes a hopeless case. “Nathan.” (This was his English name) called his Father.  Ryeowook looked up at him. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, he was also very tall. “Do you want another scone?” He asked. Ryeowook silently nodded. Father bent down to level his head with Ryeowook. “This is your first time in a train. No? Isn’t it exciting?” Father asked with a bright grin. Ryeowook smiled and nodded. “I still need to pack up in our cabin, don’t cause too much trouble for the chef, okay?” Ryeowook finally spoke and let out an almost inaudible “Yes Father.” Agnes came over from behind Father and sat down with Ryeowook. “Nate. Can I have a bit of your scone please?” Agnes pleaded and held out her hands. “Um... Okay.” Ryeowook proceeded to break off a piece and hand it to Agnes. “Father and I go everywhere on trains. You love it. I promise.” Agnes tried to comfort Ryeowook but he still gazed silently out the window. “The view is nice, I guess.” Ryeowook sighed. “Teehee, that’s the spirit.” Agnes giggled. “I’m going to talk to the boys over there. Will you be alright?” She asked. Being a fifteen year-old girl she’d obviously started to get interested in boys. Ryeowook rolled his eyes and smiled. “Go ahead.” He said.


Ryeowook walked into the cabin his family was staying in. “Umma? Where’s my wooden soldier?” Ryeowook asked. His umma looked back at him with deep brown eyes and smile at him with thin lips. “Are you sure you packed it?” She questioned. “Have you checked your bag?” Ryeowook walked over to his back and opened it. “It’s not here.” He sulked. “Check again” His umma hollered. Ryeowook dug at all his clothes.  “Here.” He smiled at himself triumphantly. “I told you~” His umma sang. Ryeowook ran around in the corridors pretending to be an aeroplane. Agnes was too busy being a hopeless case to play with him, so he had to make his own fun. After an hour he started to get hungry again and went back to the snack carriage. He tip-toed at the counter and looked over the bench top. “Hello there, Master Hughes. How may I help you?” beamed the chef. “I’d like to have the ham sandwich and orange juice.” Ryeowook whispered. “A very quiet boy, you are. Hard to find any of those in London. Good for you son.” The chef complimented and Ryeowook blushed. Ryeowook sat down at the table with his snack and placed the toy soldier beside his plate. The toy soldier was a gift to him from his Father when he first arrived in London. I wonder how things are in Korea now. “Excuse me, may I sit here?” asked a deep voice in perfect Korean. “Oh, yes...” Ryeowook answered. Well, he couldn’t refuse that would be rude. Ryeowook smiled. Someone who is really from Korea too! Now that’s exciting. “When did you move to London?” The boy asked. “Oh, a few years ago.” Ryeowook replied. Ryeowook felt happy but tired he couldn’t help but close his eyes a little. “I...” Ryeowook couldn’t see straight and his head fell gently on the table.


Ryeowook woke up sharply. “Nathan! It’s about time you woke up sleepy head.” Agnes teased. “The train stopped. We’re stepping out to have a break!” Ryeowook looked around his surroundings, he was still at the table, but the boy had gone. “Where is he” Ryeowook pouted. “Where’s who?” questioned Agnes and looked around. “Heheheh. No-one” Ryeowook tried to lie giving off an utter sheepish look. “Okay...” Agnes looked back sceptically. Might as well step out for some fresh air... Ryeowook thought to himself as he got off the train. He saw a lush field nearby. Hmmm, let’s go exploring.... Ryeowook began to run towards the field but was stopped by his mother.  “Now where do you think you’re going mister.” asked his umma. “Exploring.” Ryeowook replied innocently. “Okay, but don’t go too far.” His umma told him. Ryeowook ran off into the grass and trees. This is so nice... He thought. He ran around and mucked about in the soft, long grass. He looked and saw a small cave with stones around it. So small that you’d have to crawl to get in... Maybe there’s a rabbit in there! Ryeowook’s eyes glimmered at the thought of it. He continued to crawl into the hole. As he crawled, the hole seemed it would never end.  He crawled and crawled until he found an exit. He brushed the dirt off his little brown leather shoes and shorts and adjusted his suspenders. He observed the area around him.


 He had never seen anything as beautiful as the place he was currently in. It was a stunning seaside landscape he looked at the sparkling ocean near him and scuffled his feet at the soft sand beneath him. “Wow!” He whispered. He wasn’t really sure of how he got here via a rabbit hole, but he didn’t really care either. “It must be magic!” concluded Ryeowook.  He walked on the beach, a bit further but not too far, he saw an absolutely divine castle made of sand stone bricks. “This place is like, a dream. Like the stories that umma and Father reads to me.” Ryeowook said to himself.  He felt a little nudge at his feet. As he looked down he saw an adorable turtle at his shoe. “They have these in Britain?” He asked himself as he picked up the little creature for closer observation. He gazed into the little beady eyes and couldn’t help but kiss the little thing. He decided it was time to put it down and continue his exploration. He kept on walking and felt a hand touch his shoulder. Startled, he turned around and saw the most handsome boy in the whole, entire world with the most alluring dark brown eyes. He snapped out of his trance when the boy asked, “What is a human boy doing here?”  The handsome boy moved his hand to Ryeowook’s cheek. “You shouldn’t be here. But I can’t take you back yet.” The boy continued to speak. He grabbed Ryeowook’s little hand, “Come on, I’ll take you to my place and I’ll decide where we should go from here.” “I- Wait!” Ryeowook shouted. The boy looked quite surprised at the sudden loud voice. Ryeowook was surprised himself. He didn’t usually scream to people because he simply couldn’t get mad. “I have to go to my parents and sister, they’ll be worried.” Ryeowook explained while his eyes started to burn. He was so sensitive and cried so easily. The boy sighed and used his fingers to gently away his tears. “Shhh, I know but I can’t take you back, it’s not the right time yet. I’ll have to take you back later.”  Ryeowook nodded sharply. “What’s your name?” asked The boy. “Ry-Ryeowook.” He answered. “My name is Yesung.” The boy stated. “And how old are you Ryeowook?” Ryeowook looked back into Yesung’s  alluring eyes. “I’m ten.” He replied. “I’m not sure of how old I am, but I am thirteen physically.” Yesung said staring into the beautiful blue sea. He grabbed Ryeowook’s hand again and walked. “It will get dark soon. Come with me.”


Its kinda longer than I expected. Maybe it will be a two-shot after all... anyways, hope you like it and don’t forget to check out my other chaptered fics~

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