My brother and his girlfriend?

That One Guy


“Whaaaa?” I opened one eye.

I woke up to the sound of the flight attendant speaking through the microphone.

“Thank you all passengers. We hope you enjoyed your flight to Seoul. Please take off your seat belts and head to the door.”

I yawned and took off my earphones.  I headed to the door and walked all the way to where the taxis were.


“ARGHHHH!” I grunted. All this luggage annoyed me. I knew I shouldn’t have brought it all.

Out of nowhere, a tall, manly figure pushed passed me. I dropped my duffel bag and fell waiting for the pain to overthrow my body. I squeezed my eyes shut.

I waited but I felt nothing. I opened one eye and saw the person that bumped into me right in front of my eyes with his arms around my waist.

“Ba-bump, ba-bump,” my heart fluttered.

I was completely amazed by his good looks. I stared into his soft, sparkly brown eyes but they seemed quite distant and cold. I snapped out of my trance and brushed down my skinny jeans.

“K-k-kamsahamnida.” I stuttered. Wait. What are you doing Lee Jiyoung? I never stutter in front of people. Why now? And why did my heart feel so weird? I’ve never felt this way before. Never.

“You should watch where you’re going next time.” He hissed and let me go. His voice was cold and he seemed uncomfortable.

“Yes.” I answered. I didn’t want to show him my weak side. Not to anybody.

He brushed passed me and walked off into a building. What was wrong with me. I nearly lost all of my confidence just because of some tall, handsome stranger.

What made me wonder was…..who was he?


The taxi drove me to where Donghae’s house was. I made my way to the second floor and knocked on the door.

To tell you the truth, I was nervous. Very nervous. My palms were all sweaty and I bit my lip. To my dismay, no one answered. I knocked again but there was no sign of anyone home.

I was annoyed and kicked down his door.

“HIYAH!” I yelled as the door toppled down and made a big, loud crash. Piece of cake.

MUAHAHAHA! I guess being a black belt comes in handy when you want to knock down your  brother’s door.

Suddenly, a tank figure smashed me out of the way and went straight to the door. A really pretty girl helped me up, but being the stubborn person I am, I shoved her arms off and brushed down my skinny jeans once again.

“WHO THE KKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!????????” He screamed. I’m guessing that’s my  brother Donghae but I have no clue who the girl next to him was.

I looked up and smirked.


“Tsk tsk tsk, now you remember who I am?” I scoffed.

Unexpectedly, he carried me up and spun me around.

“OMG OMG OMG my baby sister has grown up so well! IM SORRY FOR LEAVING YOU!!!! I DIDN’T KNOW ANY BETTER.” He cried in while I peeled his hands off my waist.

“It’s ing too late now bastard. You left us. All alone and now look what happened. They’re dead.” I whispered the last part. It was still too painful.

His expression softened and he lowered his head.

“I’m so sorry youngie. I wanted to take you with me so bad but I just thought it would be best for you to stay. I hated umma and appa for making me go to college and get a job. I regret it so much. Ever since I heard that they died, I regretted just leaving you guys like that……I’m so sorry…” He sniffled and broke down.

The girl standing there the whole time went to comfort him and he calmed down. She looked up at me and had pity written all over her face like she knew the whole story.

I was about to talk back to him but the girl cut me off.

“I don’t think I’ve introduced myself yet. Your brother’s a big cry baby.”

I chuckled at that comment. I have to admit. That was true. ( AN – HAHAHAHAS :L DONGHAE IS ACTUALLY A REALLY BIG CRY BABY :DDDD)

“I’m Hara. Goo Hara. Lee Donghae’s girlfriend.” She said to me with smiling eyes.

Donghae has a girlfriend? Tchhhhh, whatever. I still hate him for what he did, but after he said that, it felt like a whole chunk of just came out of me. LOOOOL I don’t know how to explain it but I do feel much more better now that he has said that.

“Okay. Whatever. Where’s my room?” I said emotionlessly.

“Youngie! You used to be so happy and cheerful. What happened to you?” He said.

“What happened to me? Well, since you left, I found out that I couldn’t trust anyone in this world. NO ONE AT ALL, so just back off will ya?” I hissed.

He didn't seem affected by this but he still lowered his head.

“I’m so sorry youngie. I’ll do anything to make it up to you. PLEASE! “ He begged.

“Firstly, nothing could make up for what you did to me and secondly, don’t call me youngie!” I spitted.

He lowered his head in shame but still acted like a baby. A tank, strong baby. HAHAHAHAS.

Hara showed me to my room and she helped me unpack. I didn’t like people touching my things but somehow, I felt safe around her. I was alright. She had the kind, caring, big sister aura not the y-imma-only-treat-you-nice-cos-of-your-brother aura. I didn’t mind him having a girlfriend, especially because she seemed so nice and caring. She was pretty funny too.

“Your brother told me a lot of things about you. You seem reall….. awesome? Is that the word you teenagers use these days?” She cracked a joke.

I laughed but went back to silence after that.

It didn’t mean that I was going to open up to her or anything. She must be crazy to think that. Donghae must be crazy to think that I’ll ever trust him again. Tchhh……


I lied on my new bed and drifted off to sleep when suddenly, Donghae called me down.

“YOUNGIE! Come down and eat.” He said in a whiny-baby-ish tone.

Aishhhhh….he is so freaking annoying. Has anyone ever told him that? Geeez….I don’t know how Hara puts up with him every single hour of the day.

I walked down and into the kitchen. It smelt really good. I guess Hara is a good cook. She set out three plates and put the kimchi fried rice onto the plates.

I ate it and it was ing delicious.

“WOAHHHH!” I said, as it slipped out of my mouth. Whooopsies. Wasn’t supposed to say that. I went back to emotionless mode.

“It’s good isn’t it youngie?” Donghae asked.

“Hmm.” I answered back. I didn’t want to forgive Donghae so easily but I didn’t want to be disrespectful to Hara either. So far, this girl had earned my respect.

“Of course, I cook better though.”  Donghae diva-shly flicked his hair across his shoulder. If he even had that much hair. LOOOOOL :D

“BAHAHAHAHAHA!” Hara cracked up laughing.

“Don’t believe him Jiyoung. He even burns water! He can’t cook for !” Hara said while trying to catch her breath.

LOOOOOOOOOOL this girl is ing funny :DDDD Donghae chose a good girl. I feel like she’s going to be quite close to me. But still, I don’t trust anyone. I won't trust anyone. Even if I tried, from past experiences, they always end up hurting me. I’m scared it will happen to me again so I won’t take any chances.

Maybe one day I’ll learn to forgive and open up to everyone again. Maybe one day.                                                                                                     Just not now. He has a lot of explaining to do tomorrow.


I closed my eyes and went to sleep, so moving into dream-mode.

I was walking home from the grocery store at night next to a tall figure. I couldn’t see his face but I felt so safe around him. We walked and walked then suddenly, he faced me and kissed me passionately. I widened my eyes, shocked about what just happened, but then he pulled back and said,

“Goodbye Jiyoung-ah. Remember that I have always loved you.”

A black, mysterious figure came and stabbed from behind, in the back.

I cried and sobbed. The figure headed towards me. I ran into the dark alley away from the black, mysterious figure.

“WHO ARE YOU?!” I screamed.

“It was me. I'm the man who killed your parents. Now you will also join them. MUAHAHAHAHA!” He laughed evilly. As he was about to stab me, I woke up.

My face was all sweaty and I noticed that I had actually been crying while sleeping. I thought about the nightmare. Who was the guy who murdered my parents? Was it even him? I clenched my fist as those thoughts ran through my head. Whoever it was, I, Lee Jiyoung, will get revenge on them.

But then, I thought again. Who was the tall, assumedly handsome figure in my dream?  I felt so safe around him but then again, it could have just been a dream right? But why does something not feel right?

I dropped my thoughts and went back to sleep. 

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-taemin #1
This is super embarrassing and u r horrible xx
Jinwoon_forever #2
Update pleasee!!
14 streak #3
Update soon~~~ i was thinking on who is the ysterious guy but i just remembered all of the guys have lee as their surname O.O
BUT..... i am guessing that the mysterious guy is taemin....
Anyways ....... Update soon ^^
SaranghaeMuffin #4
Update soon! ^^
bella_ #5
Update soon!
OMG! I LOVE YOUR STORY! $.$ Update soon! it's sooo frikin awesome!!!!!
StrawberryLove #7
-kimxxbel #8
@shawolminah <br />
we'll try :) <3333
shawolminah #9
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~ pls update!! <333