Chapter 1

I Want To Go To Heaven



Chapter 1



“Oh, I know. You cutie pie, you.” The ugly? Weirdo- well he’s not ugly anymore- I guess, said as he tried to pinch me which of course didn’t have any effect on me. I’m basically dead and a spirit floating, Du-uh!


“How?” I asked as I continue to eye him. What happened to the ugly weirdo, erto psycho frea- okay, I should stop insulting him- who looked like a thousand elephants stumped on him. Oh! Oh! I have a better one! The ugly dude who looked like the god’s frowned on him, inflicting ugliness on him as their gift to him on his existence here on earth! Or better! The ugly dude who looked like psycho that got out of some mental institution for ugly people! Now, that’s more like it Jung. Pat yourself on the back for being such a good student. I should have enrolled myself more on Changmin’s lesson. Now that would be much nicer. Still, I hate that about him, gets me every time. Douche.


“How?” He asked me like I’m some kind of hot guy, Ops! I am. Sorry, Jung the great passing by. “Oh, you mean how I can see you and hear you.” He nodded to himself.


“Well, yes.” What else? How were you so ugly before? Sorry for bringing emphasis on him being ugly, but I only speak the truth. That’s how ugly he is. The truth hurts and it’s fun when it’s not about you.


“Oh.” Wow. This guy is something. Ugly and dumb.


“Yes, so how?”


“Well, it’s because I do.” He blurted out, checking his nails in the process. Okaaay? “As a man of science, I believe you don’t believe in us psychics, don’t you, pretty boy of mine?” Pretty boy? Yours? Uuuuh. He said as he wiggled his eyebrows, eying me openly with a suggestive look in his eyes. Well, let me take back everything that I said, okay. He is not only ugly and dumb. This guy, is also one heck of a ert.


“I guess so…” Wait, did he just say a man of science a while ago? How- “W-wait!”


“Yes, my handsome yunnie?”


What did he just say- never mind! Yunho! ASK!!!


“How did you know that I was a-”


“Doctor? Oh, let me rephrase that, I mean supposed to be doctor, aren’t I right?” He smiled at me.


“Yes! That!” What is this guy! A witch from Hogwarts?! “How did you know that? I bet you were my stalker, right?!” I asked him, a stern look in my eyes. I hate stalkers, they stole everything you have and even your underwear! What would they do with that?! Use it as their scrub!? Sniff it!? Eeeeew… Who the hell is this guy?! Oh, maybe I shouldn’t use hell, since I’m preferably avoiding that place. Again, ehem. Who the heaven’s is this guys!!? See~ much better.


“Sigh,” He sighed as he propped his cheeks on his elbows, not even bothering to cover himself from the still pouring rain. Talk about hygiene, this dude doesn’t even care that he’s sleeves are all dirty now. Yuck. “, You weren’t listening to me are you, Yunnie?” He then moved, and lied on his stomach, now his chin propped on both his palms. “Just like what I said before, I’m a psychic.” He bathed his long eyelashes at me playfully as he wacked me uselessly, his move is futile as his hand passed through my arm to my chest. 


“If I could only touch this right now.” He pouted as he pulled his hand back, looking at my chest. Yah! Don’t stare at my man s! They’re precious treasures! They are seriously state of the art works of the one and only!


“Weehh? You’re lying aren’t you? Psychics don’t exist, ya know.”


“Oh, really? I pretty much believe I do and I am.” He smirked at me. “Do you want me  to prove this to you, huh, Yunnie?” he scooted closer, moving in all fours as if a predator moving in for the kill. O-Oh, this aint good.


“I-I don’t know.” I scooted back, floating my way to somewhere I can pass through. God, thank you I’m dead!


“Oh I know you know what you want.” He his lips.


“W-what?” Oh my god, please. Help me.


“You want to go there don’t you?” He said as he looked up.




“I told you didn’t I? I’m a psychic.” He continued on crawling and crawling. He’s so scaryyyyy~


“P-please stop this.” I sound so pathetic saying that. Damnit Jung! What’s wrong with you? Man up man!


“Why? I’m not doing anything am I? Or do you want me to do something?” He stared at me with a different glint in his eyes.




“Okay.” He stopped. Okay, that was fast.


“You know I can help you.”


“What kind of help?”


“Helping you into entering that heaven of yours.”




“Ohhh, That would be a secret for the mean time.” He chuchkled. Urgh! This dude is making me angry big time!


“But, do you want to know a secret?” Of course I do! Say it! Hurry!!!!


“Well, I guess so.” Tell Meeeeeeeeee!!!!


“I like you, Yunnie.”


So he is not a dude.


“Eh? You… A-what?” Please don’t tell me that I’m talking to some you know… Oh God. Please, please please please!


“I said I like you, Yunnie. And when I say like, I mean like, like. And a lot.” Okay, so he is.


“No… No. NoNoNoNononononoooo!!!!” The guy I’ve been talking to is actually saying that he is an ugly erted dumb dud- person, sorry, who has a freaking crush/like thingy on your one and only.


“Yes, I do. And Yunnie, please stop with the insults, I’ve been trying not to strangle you since the first time I saw you here. I’m not ugly okay, just magnificently gorgeous.” And he knows how to read minds.


“You can also read minds?!” Okay, so this dude is a real freak show.


“Well, yeah, a bit, no not really. It’s just that your face tells everything on what you’re thinking. everything”


“How?” Yeah, how? Tell me?


“Well, for instance, when you insult someone, your face scrunches up and you roll your eyes. And you probably do that every time you think of me.”




“Yes. And Yunnie for a doctor, not to offend but you’re quite stupid.” He shrugged his shoulders at me as he raised a brow with a very amused smile on his lips.


Okay, did this psychopath dude just call me stupid?


“Did you just call me stupid?”


“Yes, I did.” Okay, you’re totally getting on my nerves now. The Jung is totally angry now.


 “Oh, really?” He smiled at me. And I bet I was making an angry expression. Damn it, Jung. Why can’t your face coordinate with your mind for once! And maybe I should just stop talking to myself since it’s effin useless.


“I am not stupid.” This guy is totally irritating.


“If you say so, Yunnie, if you say so” He sung out in a childish tone. “But, really I’m serious, I like you a lot. As in a lot, lot, lot.”


Again, with the liking thing! Please, don’t let him be a----you know? I don’t want someone like him to help me in my quest. That would be like totally disgusting and awkward and weird and so out of my league. I is totally not-


“Gay. Well, I would like to inform you that I am.” -Gay. Okay  I’m totally done for.


“Well I’m out of here.” Might as well fly off to somewhere, where I won’t see him or any of his kind.


“Yah! Yunnie-yah! Where are you going?!” The ugly, erted, psycho gay freak yelled as I flew away. Oh, now I have something new to call him.


“How about you read my thoughts now, freak?” I hope to never see him again.


“You’ll never escape me, Yunnie!!!” and those were the last words I heard from him before I disappeared somewhere he can’t see me. I wonder what the guy’s name really is.


A few hours later...


So while I was floating around the park, trying to find something good to do I found a good spot to sit on. Well that is if I can. Sigh, it’s very tiring to float about anywhere, since I can’t really do much now, can’t I? I can’t scare people, because they can’t see me. I can’t touch anything, because I’m obviously dead and a spirit. I kind of miss the guy, you know. At least I have someone to talk to, even though he is irritating and erted and gay. I shivered just by thinking of him being gay. Not to be rude by gays, scares me and I hate them.


Well maybe, with me growing in a homophobic country and a family that are made up of completely heteroual persons, there is a good reason for me to be homophobic right?


I sat myself on the fountain, if I actually can and decided to stare at everything that’s living. It’s kind of boring when you have nothing to do. And judgment day is probably 39 days away, so what should I do.


Suddenly I heard loud screams coming from somewhere behind me.


“Run! A crazy man is on the loose!”

“He’s so scary!”

“He smells bad too!”


“Hyunjae! Hurry!”


Hmm, seems familiar?


And when I looked at the direction where the riot is ongoing. I felt like dying once again. It was him… again.


Found you, Yunnie.”




Chapter 1 is out! Yey! Subsribe and Comment people! Sorry for the late update! I now I said I'll update on weekends, but It's a weekend today, still I'm sorry for being a week late. Tee-Hee. Sorry!


Beta'ed: JessaAndHerAddiction


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nunmuri08 #1
Chapter 2: jae being the _______ed one ahahaha and yunho you cant run away from jae.
mar1adyve5sa #2
Chapter 2: hahaha I can't imagine how their going to cope with each other..
update soon..
Chapter 2: ROFL XD love love this update oh Yun your so cute, and Jae's a y physic? hehehehe and omo he found Yun, wonder what'll happen next, love love this it made my day ^-^ please update soon...
Chapter 2: i like this! update soon~ please...
justwanttoread #5
Chapter 1: new reader~~~yeayy~~~


but, owhmaigawd!!jae's _______ here?
n yunho is the spirit?
mmmm, usually, the other way round..
me like!

update soon~~~pweaseee~~~
Chapter 1: hahax... i know it's suppose to be tragedy that yun died young, but i can't help it if i find it quite amusing to laugh at... especially yun's pov... lolx...

i thought yun said jae was ugly?? hmm... now that jae took off his specs, one word, beautiful eh??
Chapter 1: ROFL XD gosh YunHo, your so funny and cute and omo Jae can't wait for the next one, please update soon, hwaiitng!!! ^-^ and thank you so much for this ^-^
mar1adyve5sa #8
oh my..this sound so good..update soon..I can't wait it..XD