Welcome To The Spirit World

I Want To Go To Heaven



It was raining heavy storms of rain as the clock slowly ticked its way to infinity. Everything was dull and gray as a heavy gush of wind rolled against the skies, the streets that was filled with crowds before was now long gone as it was now deserted to oblivion. It was empty. And so was I.


I’m sitting along the window pane, elbow propped against the cemented seal, my palm cradling my face. It’s such a sad day, and yet it’s my birthday. I glanced at my bed, seeing my parents and my sister. I tried to smile, but seeing that this is happening. I just can’t afford to do so. Why now?


I can hear them crying, soft whimpers of my name coming out of their mouths, bawling and sobbing for as long as I can remember or had it been just a few hours since they did?


Feeling my heart clench as if it was still there, when I know that it was long gone. I grabbed my shirt and tried to suppress the feeling of guilt and self-pity. It’s hard to see them suffering like this when all they did was gave their best and tried to do everything for my sake.


But life’s like that most of the time. The more you try to climb up high, the higher chance of you falling and crumbling into dust once you’ve take the fall. The more you try to run faster, the deeper the wound you’ll inflict to yourself once you stumbled and lost your balance. So what’s the use of it all?


I can see my Mom, her eyes bloodshot and tired. Dark circles surrounding her beautiful eyes. Why didn’t I notice how fast she is aging? She sat beside my bed carrying a picture of me, holding it against her chest, crying out his boys’ name; My name- Her one and only son. She tightened her hold on the frame as if in any second now, it would all shatter to pieces with all the pressure applied into it.


Shifting my gaze towards the picture in her hand, I felt the corner of my lips stretch to a smile, a smile that was permanently pasted on my face, well until something happened. Those days are one of the days I was so proud of myself. I’ve never been so happy to see myself in a black Toga, cheering and jumping in achievement. I was finally gonna make it. Maybe on that day, the day of my graduation as a biology student, that certain day when my smile was genuine of all the smiles I ever had. But you know, I never thought that picture would be used in this kind of occasion. Just three years had passed and it was now put in good use in such short notice. Now I’m kind of relieved I graduated, totally.


I then stood up and went beside her, I wanted to hug her and comfort her and make her stop crying, it hurts to see her like that. But I just can’t, not anymore.


And there was my sister. In the strong arms of the man I look up to ever since day one, my dad. He always believed in me, he believed that I would be a great doctor that everyone could look up to. But it seems like that belief was now left on hold, now that that dream is gone, for good. My dad; He, he was crying, for the first time, tears slowly cradling his rugged features. He tightened his hold on Jihye, telling my 12 year old sister that everything was gonna be okay, that I was okay, and that everything would return to normal like nothing happened. Pretending that everyone was happy, That I was there happily celebrating my birthday. But they know- I know it isn’t. Nothing was okay. Only because of one event.


I died today.


It was all too sudden when I found myself trying hard to breathe as my head starts to feels light, as if the air started to back away from me, stealing the oxygen that I needed to survive. Then I saw black spots, everything was blurring into shades of gray until I saw nothing, I felt nothing and in just a split second I became nothing. But what’s bothered me the most is that I actually didn’t hate the feeling, you know. It just so happened that my string of life was cut done and that ended me. Jung Yunho of age 26 was now nothing.


It’s kind of weird and awkward and ironic, to see yourself in a hospital bed, lying, helpless and lifeless. To see your body being covered with white cloth as doctors finally broke the news to your family that you’re as good as an empty shell.


What’s more ironic was I died in a place where I dreamt of building my life. But that’s life. I just have to go with the flow and accept the fact that I’m long gone.


I was just a simple college student before, 3rd year college into studying medicine. Just a few more months and I was about to reach my dream when it was all stolen away from me with just a few seconds of the cruel hands of time and life itself.


I hope my family would go on without me, they still have Jihye, I’m sure she’ll be a great daughter to them, she’s a very nice girl and I know she’ll make them happy. And I do hope they’ll forget about me soon enough to heal them so that they can move on and live the life I always wanted to give to them.


I stared at myself one last time. I smiled. I guess this is goodbye, my dear human, empty shell body and hello shell-less Yunho.


Welcome to the spirit world.


After a few days, my body was now being lowered into my grave. It’s kind of Ironic to see yourself being buried wearing your favorite suite, your hair combed nicely, face paler than ever before. Well at least I still look good even though I’m being buried six feet under the ground with lipst--- wait, what the hell. Is that lipstick I’m wearing?


Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no! Damn it! I have, I mean my face has freaking make-up on it. Ooooh, if only I can touch something, anything! God! I totally look like some old gay lord retard freak!!


Umma! I totally know you’re behind all this! Your son is already handsome enough! Yet you use make-up on me! Only girls use that. Eeewww.


Why? Mom? WHY? It’s a good thing that food monster isn’t here, or else he’d be laughing at me instead of mourning for my dear body’s sake. Oh God. I just died and I’m still stressed! Stressed spirit HERE!


Just take me to heaven now! Or maybe I’ll go to hell? Well I’ve been good boy, well maybe a little erted but everybody is, right? Hahaha. Right? I’m sure St. Peter would be kind enough to open the doors to heaven for me.


Sigh, anyway. It’s time for me to unwind and shake my booty, before judgment day. Might as well enjoy my stay on earth till parting time comes.


And so, I left the cemetery and decided to maybe walk or fly? -Ooohh, I am floating like a bird! Weepeee~ -the streets of Seoul and maybe I can check out some y chicks wearing nothing but an undersized shirt and skirt. Lovely~



After flying my way to Seoul: Hey I live in Jeolado, okay?


“I wonder, where should I go first?” I asked myself as I floated across the streets, eyeing the stalls that were scattered everywhere.


A few minutes later.


“Oh godshiii- I can’t freaking touch anything! Still or anyone, Damnit! Lord take me now, before I die of boredom!” I screamed as I pulled on my hair. It was a good thing I’m good as a spirit or else everyone will think I’m some psychotic dude who just got out of the hospital. Well a part of it is true. Well except for the psychotic part.


“What am I supposed to do now?” I asked as I floated my way to somewhere, passing through things and some people, making some people shiver from the sudden cold presence. Kukuku. I is gewd.


I wonder what am I gonna do, till judgment day.


“It’s so bori-”


“Oh my, who’s that creepy kid?”

“He smells weird too, girl.”

“Gosh, such’a freak, let’s go ladies before I puke out all of my lunch.”

“Look mama, a creepy hyung.”

“Hyunjae! Stop pointing! You might get cursed!”

“Eww, is he holding a dead rat?!”



Well that was quite rude right. People these days. So since I was quite intrigued with all the eew-ing and Oh-my-gosh-ing thingy, I floated towards the source of it all and spotted a man squatting somewhere in a corner of the street while playing with a dead poisonous rat! Oh my god! That’s gonna kill him! So with me, with my killer doctoral skills I shouted, even though I know he won’t hear me-


“Hey, drop that rat! That’ll kill you!”


And honestly, I was shocked when he did.


Wow. Okay… Weird. I’m just gonna now. Adios amigo.


I was about to float away when I saw him standing up, stretching up, popping some bones in his neck and arms. And good he was so uuugly! He’s the epitome of ugliness and ugh! What kind of fashion is that! God! Hey, don’t get me the wrong way but he really is. He’s like wearing three layers of jacket, a creepy necklace with a skulls and a lizard tail? Baggy jeans and shoes which looked like it came from Stone Age. And not to forget that big circular glasses that covered half of his face, making him look like an old retarded, erted nerd and the messy hair that was tied up into a bun.


Fuuuu… no wonder the people’s reactions were like that.


I’m just wasting my time. Might as well hunt down chika-babies.


As I was about to turn away I felt a sudden chill going up my translucent body. Never knew spirits can shiver too.



After a day.


I found myself lying beside my grave stone, cheeks propped on my hands, body floating parallel to the ground. In the end, I did nothing. Well I got to spy on a pretty girl wearing a nice mini, mini-skirt and a tight fitting leather corset. Yum, Ahohoho. Okay, okay, so I followed her and followed her until I realized that she wasn’t a she at all. Damn it! A freaking cross-dressed dude with great white legs and fake super-G s! Damn it! And I almost jerked off too when s-he started to strip off only realizing that he had a freaking too. Bummer.


So in the end, here I am, doing nothing waiting for judgment day. Which was 39 days away. Sigh…


“What am I supposed to do now?” I asked myself.


I stared at my grave stone for a while, chuckling at what I saw


Jung, Yunho

Birth: Febuary 6, 1986

Death: Febuary 6, 2012


How lovely. Happy belated birthday to me.


Suddenly a strong gush of wind plagued the cemetery as rain started to fall once again, and it was still weird watching the rain pass through my body. But still, it’s quite convenient that I don’t get soak, or cold, or sick or hungry.  Maybe I’ll enjoy this kind of life-err. Can I call this life?


“Yunho, Yunho, Yunho… You’re such a handsome guy.” I blurted out all the sudden.


“Jung Yunho.”  A sudden voice made me jump out of my err-skin? I hurriedly look at the source and found the guy that I saw yesterday. He was crouching down as he brushed along the rain that was covering my grave stone.


“Okaaay.” I said as I raised a brow, watching every move the ugly dude made.

“Poor, Yunho-ah~” He cooed as he rubbed at the nameplate, not even flinching from the horrid rain falling harshly on him.


“What?” I asked.


“You died at such a young age, didn’t you?” The guy spoke as he suddenly looked my way as if he sees me.


“Ummm?” He can hear me?


“You’re so poor and pitiful.” He said as he stared more, digging into my eyes even with the big glasses covering his eyes.

“Y-you can see me?”


“Such a poor soul. Of course I do.” He said as he lifted his hand towards his glasses, removing it from his face.


“You ca- what?”


“Yes, I do. Yunnie.” Oh god.


“Handsome poor Yunnie.” He said as he his lips, winking at me with the most beautiful, most fullest and biggest (not including Jihyes’) eyes in the whole world.


“Beautiful.” I blurted out all of the sudden.




Okay, so here is the first chapter! Whew! Finally, I hope I get good review from you guys. Please don't forget to comment and subscribe (If you haven't, that is)

Also, maybe I'll be updating once every week? Mostly the weekends. Enjoy, everybody!

Beta-ed by: JessaAndHerAddiction




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nunmuri08 #1
Chapter 2: jae being the _______ed one ahahaha and yunho you cant run away from jae.
mar1adyve5sa #2
Chapter 2: hahaha I can't imagine how their going to cope with each other..
update soon..
Chapter 2: ROFL XD love love this update oh Yun your so cute, and Jae's a y physic? hehehehe and omo he found Yun, wonder what'll happen next, love love this it made my day ^-^ please update soon...
Chapter 2: i like this! update soon~ please...
justwanttoread #5
Chapter 1: new reader~~~yeayy~~~


but, owhmaigawd!!jae's _______ here?
n yunho is the spirit?
mmmm, usually, the other way round..
me like!

update soon~~~pweaseee~~~
Chapter 1: hahax... i know it's suppose to be tragedy that yun died young, but i can't help it if i find it quite amusing to laugh at... especially yun's pov... lolx...

i thought yun said jae was ugly?? hmm... now that jae took off his specs, one word, beautiful eh??
Chapter 1: ROFL XD gosh YunHo, your so funny and cute and omo Jae can't wait for the next one, please update soon, hwaiitng!!! ^-^ and thank you so much for this ^-^
mar1adyve5sa #8
oh my..this sound so good..update soon..I can't wait it..XD