
One Way Out


HyoSung looked at the photo inside her phone. She smiled to herself. How she missed those times. It had already been around a week since they were trapped here. 9 students. Only 9 of them are left. Now, they had learnt to be smart. Everywhere they go, they will stay together as a group, not leaving anyone out.

Everyday, part of the group would rest while the others would keep watch, making sure nothing weird or suspicious would be going on outside. It's now HyoSung, YongHwa, ShinHye, MinHyuk and Min's turn to keep watch. The rest of them were all soundly asleep, or at least it seemed so. YongHwa walked over to his dongsaeng and gave him a light pat on his back.

MinHyuk looked up and smiled back in return. YongHwa sat down on the chair beside him and sighed, " What's wrong dongsaeng? You look troubled. "

He gave YongHwa a sad smile and sighed too, " Nothing in particular, just... frustrated. " He then looked down on the table before thinking to himself, *Everything... Everything is wrong... Nothing is right, nothing is going right in here... *  The stress and fear was just too much for him to bear. A silent tear rolled down his cheek as he looked out of the window.

That window, it used to be full of hope with bright light shining in. But now? It's just another old creaky wood in the school, so dusty, so dirty and dark. Looking out of the dusty window, the moon wasn't even anywhere in sight, the probably million years old tree stood tall and blocked the view. All they can see was trees, and more trees.

The million year old tree just reminded him of the table in the examination hall they found roughly 6 days ago. The table that belonged to Yesung.

He turned his head over and stared at him. The ever so suspicious one. He will, some way or another, find out the truth. The truth behind all these. He will never let the killer go. Not after he or she killed so many of his friends and made all of them suffer in here. Whoever trapped them in here are devils, cold-blooded devils, with no heart and no soul. *That person or whatever it is, will pay. For my friends and myself, I will be the devil this time round. Just once, to revenge.*



" Hey, you ok? " HyoSung asked the almost asleep Min.

She yawned and nodded, "Yeah, just a bit tired. " She stretched a little and smiled, " I am just glad there were no deaths for the past few days. " Min qouted the 'past few days' with her fingers, because there aren't exactly days in this world.

ShinHye nodded and agreed, " I hoped the killer don't strike again soon. It's just so cruel. "

" I agree. Maybe it's because we have been sticking close to each other now, so the killer could not find a chance to kill off his or her next victim. " HyoSung sighed, " I hope it stays this way though. "

" Come on, you girls will get through this, I got through it, I am sure you girls will too. " ShinHye held their hands and gave them a comforting smile. Min smiled back in return and pumped her free fist in the air, " Yeah, I am sure we would! Fighting! "

The three girls laughed and HyoSung winked, " Let's show the killer our girl power! We won't be defeated so easily! Our will to live and protect our friends won't be destroyed by this demon! "

Min nodded happily and grinned, " The demon can trap us in here and torture us, but can never cut our friendship off, we will show the demon what we can do to protect ourselves! "

" You guys are the first batch after mine, and all I can say is that you guys are a lot more bonded than my batch, so I am sure at least twice as much people will make it out than my batch! " ShinHye laughed, this is probably one of the most happy times she had since she was trapped in here.

Her new found friends, however, would soon be in the cold, dark and enclosed room too, unless the answer to the mystery came out fast. Real fast.

Back at the other side of the classroom, YongHwa smiled to himself, *If the girls could be so strong and still laugh happily and encourage each other, how can we guys lose to them? We must be even stronger and do a better job!* He turned back to his dongsaeng and smiled, from deep inside his heart, " MinHyuk ah, let's win this demon together, together as a group, with teamwork and perserverance. "


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marinette #1
Chapter 29: Wow, just read this today. What a great suspense, heartstopping, mindblowing, thriller horror story. Love this..what i think is that when after they woke up "again" it isn't the end, it will start again..haha cant wait to read the sequel after this comment of mine..
--tiamo #2
Chapter 6: Even tho im not a huge fan of horror and scary stuff I love the story so far ^^
mysteriously_unknown #3
Chapter 29: sequel? sounds interesting~
--doyouhearme #4
Chapter 29: subscribed to sequel! :D
Chapter 27: ... what? o.o
so there's no killer?
dianayp #6
Chapter 28: Sorry. I don't get it or maybe am too blur. Actually what is the ending. All die except yonghwa or all alive except yonghwa. Who is the killer. Shinhye or yesung?
zenn1_1 #7
Chapter 28: ... i dont get the ending ._.
--doyouhearme #8
Chapter 27: omg déjà vu? :o this is spooky! I can't believe it's already completed T^T
mysteriously_unknown #9
Chapter 24: is this the end already? :(