Every day, every night, I am missing you.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I put the stacks of cutleries down and grabbed my jacket off the shelf.

"Noona, where are you going?" Jongin asked.

"I'm going to see your Sehun hyung.."

"But it's raining, you might get sick!" Jongin whined. I kissed his forehead and assured him, "Noona will be fine. Go help umma with the dishes!"

At this moment, Kyungsoo stood up, "I could send you to the place if you don't mind!"

I was going to reject the offer, until a pair of hands cupped my shoulders, "Just accept it. I'll be less worried, knowing that you're safe with him.". And with that, I followed Kyungsoo out of the house to find a black car. I raised an eyebrow, "I thought you rode a motorcycle?"

Kyungsoo chuckled softly, "Yeah, that's only for work. This is my brother's car. C'mon, don't you have to visit someone?"


I walked slowly towards his room, fearing that the moment I open his door  he wouldn't be there. Also fearing that it might be the very last time that I would ever get to see him. I stood in front of the door and tried to shake away all the negative thoughts. Kyungsoo stood outside and decided to wait for me instead.

My hands gripped onto the door knob and finally gave it a twist.

He was still there. A smile crept up. I ran to his side holding his hands. Even if he didn't say a word, just his prescence was enough for me. I didn't want his parents to even take that away from me.

At this moment, two people came into the ward. It was Sehun's parents. His father rolled his eyes in disgust as he eyed me while his mother scowled. "What are you still doing here? Haven't I told you that we're bringing Sehun abroad?" his mother snarled. I wiped the tears from my eyes and sobbed, "Yes.. I heard.. I came to see him before he had to leave."

"Well, you've seen him. Now leave." his father ordered.

After two years, they still blame me... I thought to myself.

I grabbed onto Sehun's hands savouring every moment, memorising his features, the touch of his skin. Before I could even say goodbye, his parents grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me out of the room. Kyungsoo saw the two figures dragging me out and immediately came over. "Let go of her!" he shouted. The two of them released their force and threw me against the floor. Endless tears strolled down my cheeks as I choked on my breaths. Kyungsoo helped me up and brought me over to the deserted pavillion in the hospital.

I sat beside Kyungsoo on the bench. The rain kept on pouring. It was the perfect atmosphere for me to engulf in total sadness. I tried taking in deep breaths to control myself. But Sehun would eventually cloud up in my mind and the waterworks would continue.


Sehun and I walked hand in hand, giggling about mundane things. "Oh look!" I pointed out to the large banner which read: Great Toy Sale. (Up to 30% discount). Sehun flicked my head, "Aren't you a little too old for toys?"  I shook my head, "Of course not! Let's go there! Please?"

We walked towards the store when I heard a loud honk. There was a little boy in the middle of the zebra crossing. I didn't think much, so I just sprinted towards him trying to push him out of the way. But the car came closer and closer and it seemed like there was no other way to stop it. I tugged onto the child, wanting to get up and run. Before I could do it, I felt a strong force pushing the two of us away. The mysterious figure flew to the sidewalk, unconcious. I stood up and trembled.

That person was Sehun.

-Flashback ends-

Soon, I found myself buried onto Kyungsoo's shoulder, trying to seek comfort. He my back, trying his utmost to comfort me, but all I did was make his shirt wet.


"Noona! You're home! What took you so long?" Jongin shouted as he dashed towards me. I looked at my little brother and forced out a smile as I zombie-walked to my room.

My mother tugged Kyungsoo's arms and demanded to know what had happened. He only managed to voice about the incident with Sehun's parents. He didn't want to say anything about me crying nonstop for hours. That would only make my mother worry. Soon after, he left.

There was a light knock on my door. But I simply ignored it and pulled a blanket over my head. At this point of time, I didn't want to see anyone. Knowing that I might possibly never get to see Sehun again made my heart feel as though it was crushed by the Grand Canyon.

"Sweetheart.." my mother called softly and she sat on my bed, trying to pull the blanket away from me.

I shot up and embraced my mother.

"He's leaving.. He's really leaving... Umma..."


Kyungsoo's POV.

I walked out of Seohyun's house and looked up to her window. Seeing her this upset, I don't know why, but I feel worse. Not seeing that familiar smile made my heart ache. I know that Sehun guy must be someone really close to her heart. From what I've heart, she's been waiting for him to come to for about two years.

I admire her loyalty and undying faith in hope. I don't know what I'm feeling.

"When I was at the pavillion, all I ever wanted to do at that point of time was to hug you tight. But that wouldn't be right. I resisted. Sigh. I guess I'll just see you around.." I whispered as I walked away from her house.


A/N: Short update! Please subscribe and comment! I'm sorry if the first few chapters are abit boring! But I promise you, it'll get better! <3


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ItzJaeKay #1
Chapter 4: Why would his parents blame her, it wasnt her fault far
ItzJaeKay #2
Chapter 3: Awww seHun's gonna be transferred to Australia... Lol wonder if I'll see him then haha
Hahahah owlman haha
ItzJaeKay #4
Chapter 2: Aww Sehun wake up, no more sleeping
ItzJaeKay #6
Awww sounds sad