Angels in Heaven

Angels in Heaven



I opened my eyes but unable to see anything because of too much light. But I tried to stand up and what can I do was only stared everything around me. I can feel strong wind blew my body. I saw the bright sun was shining from the cloudless sky and the heat was stifling but not even a bead of sweat gathered on my forehead. I can see the most beautiful rainbow with seven colours which I’d never seen before. I’m not having any ideas about where am I. I’m wearing a white t-shirt that was given by GD during my birthday. I’m also wearing a silver ring written Teayang’s name on it. As I remembered, Taeyang gave it to me when I’m doing my solo promotion. Then, I found a panda bear beside me which Daesung and TOP gave to me as my birthday present. Huh! Where am I? I can’t see anything in front of me. I’m very scared.

 Hyungggg………… where are you guys…….. I’m lonely. I burst into tears. Now, I realized I’d never felt so alone in my whole life. Even when I was left abandoned and forgotten by Taeyang hyung, GD, TOP and Daesung were always beside me, always supporting me no matter what.

“JI YOUNG HYUNGGG!!! TOP HYUNGGG!!! DAESUNG HYUNGGG!!!” I shouted as loud as I can.

“You’re not alone, my love!”  The voice was familiar to me! I turned back and saw Taeyang. He was looking straight into my eyes.

“Taeyang hyung!” I shouted. I ran towards him and gave him a hug.

“Hyung, I’m sorry for everything. Sorry for what you’ve been through. Sorry for things haven’t worked out. We can try again!” I said between tears, suddenly wanting more than anything to be back with my beloved hyung.

“No, we can’t! It’s too late for that. But I do want to start liking you again, Seungri. I want to start knowing you properly-the real Lee Seung-hyun.”

“I want that too,” I told him

Then he pulled my hand. Without knowing anything, I just followed him. To my amazement, I saw beautiful sea looked like a carpet strewn with sparkling gems. The bright sunlight reflected on the choppy waters. Without speaking, he lowered me down onto the sand and asked me a question "May I print a kiss on your lips?"

 I nodded so we went to press and I rather guess we printed a full edition. I gasped with shock. I’d never felt anything so powerful, so overwhelming in my whole life. Now Taeyang was lying on top of me, the weight of his body crushing mine. My arms twined round his neck, wanting him closer and closer, wanting more than anything to belong to him utterly.

   “Seungri!” he murmured “You’re-You’re so fantastic! And I want you so much…”

He tore off his shirt and his skin pressing against mine.

“You’re sensational, panda,” he whispered. “You’re dynamite.”

“Hyung, that’s too much! But I’m still worried if we’ll be separated again.”

“Don’t worry; from now on, we’ll be together till the end because only two of us will stay here……….. forever! Together in this heaven! Together in this new world!” he said.

WHAT??????????  HEAVEN……………………






29/12/2012. Date that I remember the most. The doctor came out from the theatre room and say sorry to us. My tears were flowing with no limit. Taeyang was in coma whereas Seungri can’t be saved because he got bacterial infection during the blood transfusion. I can’t accept the fact he’d gone. Bacterial infection during blood transfusion is rarely happen. But why must it happen to Seungri? Why? He was so innocent. Two days later, Taeyang followed Seungri. Doctor said his antibody was not strong enough to protect himself from severe diseases.

Oh God! How can I accept this at the same time? TOP said when we lose someone we love, we change in one of two ways: either become bitter or better. But day by day, I’m getting weak and feeling so down without both of them. Taeyang, you are my only best friend. I still cry every night, I still walk in the door calling for you, and I still call your phone. I’m staying strong not because I want to, but because it’s all I have now. If tears could bring you back, I’d enough to bring you back a thousand times. You’re someone I miss dearly… you’re my best friend.

Seungri, everyday I wrote our names on a foggy window and watched them fade away…. It hurts to know you’re gone. You are my inspiration, my best maknae ever. I looked up in the sky to tell you the bond of ours will never end!  I’d gone through a hard life without both of you but soon everything will change. I’m going to marry Sandara Park. She’ll be replacing both of you in my heart. I have to forget you in order to carry on with my real life.


                      THE MEMORY WILL NEVER DIE………………….




p/s- im not a good writer but i'd try to do my best... (^_^)

       finally seungri n taeyang live happily in the heaven


       yup! they are the angels in the heavennnnnnn!!!!!!




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Chapter 6: Stupid doctors!! Although the story was short, everything is in perfect place. Congrats. Ne, author-nim, can i post some of your last lines on my fb status? 'cuz I too miss my brother so badly :(
Chapter 5: bae you must awake soon!!!! >,<
Chapter 5: *dont let him die!
Chapter 5: Dont let he die!!!
Chapter 5: *sniff sniff* It's beautifully written. Thank you for posting.
littlejjampong #6
Chapter 4: what the..i'm confused >.<
Chapter 3: im really confused....
Chapter 3: Sapppp! The slap, hahaha
Oh mehh god Seungri..
bloodymoon #9
Chapter 2: Pooor baby
Ahahahaha oookayyy getting hot XD